Paradigma: Jurnal Masalah Sosial, Politik, dan Kebijakan
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Published By Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta


Harmiyati Harmiyati1

Lebanon, a country with a confessional political system, fragmented its political power based on the composition of religions. The political system is fragile and become an obstacle in creating national integrity. The fragility of the political system has always been the source of unstable politics and economics, however, the system remains until now. These problems are worsened by the fact that Lebanese community are exclusive in certain areas based on their religion, thus it triggers the imbalance of social and economic. On the other hand, the number of corruptions in the country has increased among the political elites hence social, political, and economical chaos are undeniable.

Suripto Suripto ◽  
Supriyanto Supriyanto2

The purpose of this study is to test positive accounting theory by analyzing the effect of audit committees, independent commissioners on earnings management through debt hyphothesis testing, bonus motivation on earnings management, by adding the firm size variable as a control variable on earnings management in banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2015-2020. The results of the study confirm that the independent commissioners partially have a significant influence on earnings management. The audit committee has a significant effect on earnings management and bonus motivation has no effect on earnings management and debt motivation has no effect on earnings management. While the firm size variable has no effect on earnings management. Simultaneously independent commissioners, audit committee, bonus motivation, and firm size have a significant effect on earnings management. This findings indicates that the motivation developed in positive accounting theory in earnings management.

Khayrina Nurul Fajritami ◽  
Hastho Joko Nur Utomo

Samyang instant noodles were once a highly sought after product and had reaped the pros and cons of being halal in Indonesia. This study is to analyze the effect of product quality and halal label on purchasing decisions through brand image variables. Students majoring in Business Administration who have consumed Samyang instant noodles are the population of this study. The research sample consisted of 67 respondents, collecting data using a questionnaire. Data analysis with descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistics (in this case Structural Equation Modeling using Smart PLS 3.0). The results of the study state that the halal label has a significant effect on brand image, has no significant effect on purchasing decisions, while product quality has a significant effect on brand image, has a significant effect on purchasing decisions and brand image has a significant effect on purchasing decisions. This study provides managerial implications in the form of the need for an integrated product planning policy that includes product quality, brand image and halal labeling.

Halim Dwi Putra ◽  
Syahran Firdaus ◽  
Catur Susanto

Ariesani Hermawanto

The development of socio-biology science brings changes to the security of humansocial life. The biological theory about evolution made discussion that was identified as Social Darwinism. This thought was based on assumptions that human life through natural selection and always in conflict by competition to fight for life, keep the existence, and also survival of the fittest. Social Darwinism in its history produced ideology like Fascism and has made tragedies in the eras of World Wars I and II. As a thought, Social Darwinism still continues today.The competition between countries in the new Millennium era, both in the arms race and economic competition, are reflection of Darwinist thougt.

Nur Hakim Arifianto ◽  
Sauptika Kancana ◽  
Adi Soeprapto

The purpose of the research is (1) analyzing the level of conformity betweenexpectations (importance) customer and performance (performance) of the company against the quality of services provided by Yamaha Motorcycle repair shop (2) Determine the priority Quality improvement based on the level of conformity and index of Potential Gain Customer Value (PGCV) to improve the quality of services provided by Yamaha Motorcycle repair shop. The population in this research is a customer Yamaha Motorcycle repair shop Demangan Yogyakarta for approximately arround 2 months April 2019 till June 2019.Determination of the number of samples will be determined by the level of Confidance 95% and margin of error is 10% then obtained the number of samples as many as 98 people. The sampling techniques used in this study were based on Non Probabiliy Sampling methods using the Accidental Sampling approach.The results showed that (1) the level of conformity between expectations (importance) of the customer and performance (performance) of the company against the quality of services provided by the Yamaha Motorcycle repair shop Demangan Yogyakarta has an average level of conformity Below 100% of which is 88.30%. 88.30% means the company lacks or does not fulfill what is considered important by the customer and the service has not beensatisfactory; (2) Priority of improvement of service quality (top priority in the Quadrant A IPA diagram with index PGCV) namely: 1) Workshop Yamaha new source Motor Demangan has a complete spare parts, 2) equipment used Yamaha Workshop new source Demangan complete, 3) Employees Yamaha Motorcycle repairshop Demangan tell the customers when the service is certainly motorbike will be delivered, 4) Employees Yamaha Motorcycle repair shop Demangan always ready in responding to customer demand, 5) Mechanics workshop Yamaha Motorcycle repair shop Demangan fast In servicing motorcycles, 6) Employees Yamaha Motorcycle repair shop Demangan always able to answer questions related to Yamaha motorcycles, 7) Employees Yamaha Motorcycle repair shop Demangan always prioritize the expectations of customers.

Micaella Dani ◽  
Muharjono Muharjono

This journal discussing about the efforts of the Australian Human RightsCommission (AHRC) to reduce racial discrimination cases in Australia 2015-2018. The AHRC efforts was defined into five rules and procedures for resolving racial discrimination complaints. They are socialization or early warning, collecting complaints and investigation, fulfillment, continuation of legal actions, and public hearings. The Australia’s moment ratified the rules of the United Nations of Human Rights Commissioner (UNHRC), namely the CERD rules concerning the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination which sparked the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act could construct the formation of the AHRC in 1986. The principle of UNHRC is an organization known as regime which adopted in Australia in the form of AHRC. This journal aims to discuss, describe and find out the efforts of the Australian Human Rights Commission in reducing cases of racial discrimination in Australia 2015-2018. Explain the rules and procedures for resolving racial discrimination complaints received by the AHRC through five stages of resolution. Afterwards analyze whether the five rules and procedures implemented by the AHRC implemented optimally to reduce racial discrimination cases which happened in Australia in 2015-2018.

Winda Zanuanita Dhewi ◽  
Christina Rochayanti ◽  
Sigit Tri Pambudi

The movement to popularize eating fish (Gemarikan) national program is a government program to build awareness of individual nutrition and the collective community

Aldo Robbyansyah ◽  
Panji Dwi Ashrianto ◽  
Senja Yustisia

The background of the problem in this study discusses the case of leader who abuse their positions by doing corruption

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