Journal of Borneo Social Transformation Studies
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Published By Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)


2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 289-308
Andreas Pingking ◽  
Rosazman Hussin

Penglibatan masyarakat dalam kawasan perlindungan merupakan isu kritikal terutama dalam konteks kawasan pemuliharaan alam semulajadi. Kejayaan pembangunan di kawasan perlindungan dan pemuliharaan alam semulajadi adalah sangat penting terutamanya untuk melibatkan penyertaan masyarakat setempat dalam proses membuat keputusan atau komuniti setempat mendapat keuntungan daripada kawasan perlindungan atau pemuliharaan alam semulajadi tersebut. Ini kerana penubuhan Imbak Canyon Conservation Area (ICCA) memberi kesan positif dan negatif kepada masyarakat setempat. Masyarakat setempat di kampung Imbak telah lama tinggal berhampiran di kawasan ICCA sejak dulu lagi. Bagaimanapun, pihak kerajaan Negeri Sabah telah mewartakan Kawasan Imbak Canyon sebagai Hutan Simpan Kelas 1 (Perlindungan) pada tahun 2009. Oleh itu, terdapat beberapa cabaran yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat setempat demi meneruskan amalan dan aktiviti penghidupan harian mereka selama ini yang berasaskan sumber hutan sebelum ICCA ditubuhkan. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Kaedah temu bual mendalam adalah kaedah pengumpulan data yang digunakan; enam orang informan yang terdiri daripada ketua kampung Imbak, penduduk Kampung Imbak dan tiga orang penduduk kampung yang bekerja sebagai kakitangan di kawasan Pemuliharaan Imbak Canyon telah ditemu bual.  Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa terdapat kesan positif penubuhan ICCA ke atas ahli komuniti setempat sebagai hasil daripada penglibatan mereka dalam aktiviti ekopelancongan seperti menjadi penyedia inap desa di ICCA. Oleh itu, hasil kajian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan sumber data lapangan kepada pihak berkepentingan untuk mempertimbangkan kebijakan pembangunan alam semulajadi yang disebut sebagai pendekatan pemuliharaan berasaskan komuniti di ICCA. Community involvement in a conservation area has become a critical issue especially in the context of a nature conservation area. The success of the development in the conservation area is essential to involve local community participation either in the process of decision-making or the local community is gains advantages benefits brought about by the conservation area. This is because the establishment of the Imbak Canyon Conservation Area (ICCA) has a positive and negative impact on the local community. The local community of Imbak village has been stayed in nearby areas for a long time ago. The Sabah State government, however, gazette Imbak Canyon as a Class 1 (Protection) Forest Reserve in 2009. Thus, there are some challenges faced by the local community to sustain their daily livelihoods practices and activities of which were based on forest resources used before the ICCA was established. This study applied a qualitative approach. An in-depth interview of the data collection method was used; six informants comprising the village chief of Imbak, residents of Kampung Imbak, and three other villagers are working for staff at the Imbak Canyon Conservation Area were interviewed.  The research findings show that there is also a positive impact attained by the local community as a result of their involvement in ecotourism activities such as become as homestay providers in the ICCA. Therefore, the results of this study will hopefully provide some grounded data for the stakeholder to consider the policy of so-called the community-based conservation approach in the ICCA.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-203
Md Fadzil Masri ◽  
Zamri Mahamod

Kajian ini dilaksanakan bagi mengkaji keberkesanan kaedah Flipped Classroom dalam meningkatkan kemahiran mengolah isi karangan Bahasa Melayu tahun 6. Kajian kuasi-eksperimen ini adalah berbentuk kuantitatif. Kajian ini dijalankan kepada 31 responden bagi kumpulan eksperimen yang diajar menggunakan kaedah Flipped Classroom dan 28 responden bagi kumpulan kawalan. Instrumen yang digunakan merangkumi ujian pra, ujian pasca, dan senarai semak. Instrumen ujian pra dan pasca dilaksanakan bagi melihat hasil dalam perbezaan prestasi penulisan isi karangan bagi kumpulan eksperimen dan kawalan. Instrumen senarai semak digunakan bagi melihat aspek pengolahan isi karangan murid. Data yang diperoleh telah dianalisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 23.0. Hasil kajian juga dianalisis menggunakan ujian-t. Skor min bagi kumpulan eksperimen ialah 20.64 dengan sisihan piawai 2.244 menunjukkan dapatan yang lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan skor min bagi kumpulan kawalan 14.00 dan sisihan piawai 3.620. Hasil kajian ini boleh digunakan para guru untuk menggunakan kaedah Flipped Classroom dalam topik atau mata muridan lain dengan lebih berkesan dan bersistematik. This study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of Flipped Classroom in improving writing skills in converting the Malay 6. In this quasi-experimental study was quantitative. This study was conducted on 31 respondents for the experimental group taught using the Flipped Classroom method and 28 respondents for the control group. The instruments used include pre-test, post-test, and checklist. Pre- and post-test instruments were implemented to see the results in the differences in essay writing performance for the experimental and control groups. The checklist instrument is used to look at the processing aspects of student essay content. The data obtained were analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 23.0 software. The results of the study were also analyzed using t-test. The mean score for the experimental group was 20.64 with a standard deviation of 2.244 showing higher findings when compared to the mean score for the control group 14.00 and a standard deviation of 3.620. The results of this study can be used by teachers to use the Flipped Classroom method in other students' topics or points more effectively and systematically.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 238-257
Nur Adira Aratin ◽  
Maureen De Silva

Artikel ini membincangkan penentangan masyarakat Murut dalam Perang Rundum semasa era pentadbiran British North Borneo Company (BNBC) pada tahun 1909 sehingga tahun 1915. Secara khususnya kajian ini cuba menganalisis faktor penentangan masyarakat Murut dalam Perang Rundum di samping menjelaskan bentuk penentangan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Murut bagi menentang penjajahan kuasa asing di kawasan Pedalaman Rundum. Kajian ini banyak bergantung kepada penggunaan sumber primer terutamanya dokumen BNBC seperti akhbar British North Borneo Herald (BNBH) dan dokumen kolonial di bawah koleksi Colonial Office (CO) dan North Borneo Central Archives (NBCA). Selain itu, sumber sekunder seperti buku dan artikel juga turut digunakan dalam kajian ini. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa faktor penentangan Murut berbeza mengikut persepsi masyarakat Murut itu sendiri dan dari perspektif pihak penjajah. Bagi masyarakat Murut, faktor utama penentangan mereka adalah disebabkan berlakunya pertembungan budaya antara masyarakat Murut dengan pihak BNBC, dan mereka menentang tindakan pihak BNBC yang mengganggu kehidupan sosial, ekonomi dan politik mereka. Bagi pihak BNBC, penentangan Murut dianggap sebagai suatu usaha menentang perubahan dan arus permodenan, dan ingin mengekalkan kehidupan asal yang primitif dan ketiadaan undang-undang. Bentuk penentangan masyarakat Murut dalam Perang Rundum pula telah melalui perubahan yakni dari penentangan tidak bersenjata (1909 hingga tahun 1914) kepada penentangan yang lebih radikal (Februari-April 1915) dengan mengangkat senjata untuk membentuk satu nasion Murut yang bebas dari cengkaman penjajah. This article discusses the resistance of the Murut community in the Rundum War during the administration of the British North Borneo Company (BNBC) from 1909 to 1915. Specifically, this study attempts to analyze the factors of resistance, and the form of resistance used by the Murut community in the Rundum War to oppose foreign colonialism in the Rundum Interior. This study relies heavily on the use of primary sources, especially the BNBC documents such as the British North Borneo Herald (BNBH) newspapers and colonial papers under the Colonial Office (CO) records and the North Borneo Central Archives (NBCA) collection. In addition, secondary sources such as books and articles were also utilised. The paper reveals that the factors of Murut resistance differ according to the perception of the Murut community itself and from the perspective of the colonialists. For the Murut community, the main factor was due to the cultural clash between the Murut community and the BNBC, and they opposed the actions of the BNBC which disrupted their social, economic and political life. For the BNBC, the Murut resistance was seen as an attempt to oppose change and modernization, and to maintain a primitive lifestyle and the absence of law. The form of resistance of the Murut community in the Rundum War has undergone changes from unarmed resistance (1909 to 1914) to a more radical resistance (February-April 1915) by taking up arms to form a Murut nation, free from colonial grasp.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 219-237
Antonio Asik ◽  
Abdul Munir Hafizy Ladoni

Penampang merupakan sebuah daerah yang terletak di bahagian Pantai Barat Negeri Sabah, berkeluasan 466 198 km2 dan telah mengalami proses pembangunan yang aktif semenjak beberapa tahun yang lalu. Kajian dilaksanakan bertujuan mengenalpasti pola perubahan guna tanah di daerah Penampang bagi tahun 2008 dan 2014 serta menentukan jenis guna tanah yang terdapat di kawasan kajian. Di samping itu, Kajian ini turut mengenalpasti implikasi dan faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan guna tanah di kawasan kajian. Hal ini penting kerana perubahan guna tanah yang drastik memerlukan kajian dari semasa ke semasa bagi melihat sektor yang berperanan dalam meningkatkan perubahan struktur ekonomi dan telah melibatkan perubahan guna tanah secara keseluruhannya. Kajian ini mengaplikasikan kaedah Klasifikasi Terselia dan diproses dalam perisian Erdas Imagine 2014 untuk tujuan analisis. Hasil kajian mendapati guna tanah di daerah Penampang telah mengalami perubahan yang amat besar sepanjang tempoh kajian. Guna tanah yang telah mengalami perubahan ketara adalah hutan, tepu bina, kawasan lapang dan badan air. Penemuan kajian turut menunjukkan bahawa terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan guna tanah serta wujud implikasi ke atas perubahan tersebut. Kajian ini juga mendapati pendekatan penderiaan jauh sesuai untuk diaplikasikan dalam kajian berkaitan perubahan guna tanah. Justeru itu, perancangan dan pengurusan yang sistematik dan efektif perlu dilaksanakan bagi mengawal pembangunan guna tanah di daerah Penampang. Ini penting kerana ia bukan sahaja sebagai petunjuk pembangunan dari perspektif fizikal, tetapi juga petunjuk kepada kesejahteraan awam terutamanya masyarakat setempat agar proses pembangunan berjalan secara terancang dan tidak mendatangkan kesan sampingan kepada persekitaran fizikal untuk generasi akan datang. enampang is a district located at the West Coast of the State of Sabah, with area of ​​466 198 km2 and has undergone an active development process for the past few years. This study was conducted to identify patterns of land use change in the Penampang for 2008 and 2014 and to determine the type of land use in the study area. In addition, to identify the implications and factors affecting land use change. This is important because drastic land use changes were needed from time to time to look at sectors that play a role in enhancing economic structure changes and involved land use changes as a whole. This study applies the Supervised Classification method and process in the Erdas Imagine 2014 software for analysis. The results show that land use in the Penampang area has undergone significant changes over the years. Land uses that have undergone significant changes are forests, wetlands, open spaces and water bodies. The findings of the study also show that there several factors that influence land use change and its implications. Besides, the sensing approach is well suited for application in land use changes studies. Therefore, systematic planning and management must implement to control land use development in Penampang district. This is important, not only a guide to development from a physical perspective, but also a guide to the well-being of the public and local community so that development process goes smoothly and has no adverse effect on physical environment for future generations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 204-218
Nur Izzah Nabilah Haron

Penilaian harta tanah yang dibuat adalah bertujuan untuk jualbeli, sewa, percukaian, dan sebagainya. Harta tanah merangkumi empat sektor, salah satu daripadanya adalah sektor kediaman. Rumah merupakan keperluan asas manusia dan menjadi petunjuk utama dalam menilai kualiti hidup penduduk. Walau bagaimanapun, memiliki rumah pada masa kini bukanlah suatu yang mudah disebabkan peningkatan harganya. Walaupun peningkatan harga rumah berlaku hampir di setiap negeri, akan tetapi faktor-faktor yang boleh mempengaruhi nilai kediaman tersebut adalah berlainan. Terdapat pelbagai faktor yang menjadi penentu ke atas nilai harta tanah. Oleh itu, kajian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk membangunkan model faktor penentu nilai harta tanah perumahan teres satu tingkat di Bandar Baru Samariang melalui kaedah statistik ruangan. Penyelidikan ini diperincikan kepada tiga objektif iaitu, mengenalpasti faktor-faktor penentu nilai harta tanah, membangunkan model faktor penentu nilai harta tanah menggunakan kaedah statistik ruangan dan menentukan kekuatan pengaruh faktor terhadap nilai harta tanah berdasarkan model yang dipilih. Penilaian ini memberikan tumpuan kepada responden yang tinggal di perumahan yang terletak di Bandar Baru Samariang termasuklah Taman Putri, Samariang Aman dan Bandar Baru Samariang. Seramai 49 orang responden dipilih berdasarkan lokasi rumah (tepi, tengah dan hujung) menggunakan persampelan rawak berlapis. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat tujuh faktor penentu nilai harta tanah di Bandar Baru Samariang. Model yang dibangunkan adalah OLS dan GWR, didapati model GWR adalah lebih baik. Hasil daripada analisis statistik ruangan terdapat tiga faktor signifikan, antaranya ialah black area, kedudukan lot rumah dan jalan raya utama. Ketiga-tiga faktor tersebut banyak memberikan kekuatan pengaruh faktor nilai harta tanah di Taman Putri. The valuation of real estate is for sale, rent, taxation, and so on. Real estate comprises four sectors, one of which is the residential sector. Home is a basic human need and is a key indicator of the quality of life of the people. However, owning a home today is not an easy task given the high price. Although home prices increase almost every state, the factors that may affect the value of a home are different. There are many factors that determine the value of a property. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a factor model for determining the value of single-storey terraced housing in New Samariang Town through the statistical method. The research is focused on three objectives namely, identifying factors determining property values, developing a model of property valuation factors using spatial statistics method and determining the influence of factors on property values ​​based on the selected model. This assessment focuses on the respondents living in housing located in the new town of Samariang including the Princess Park, Samariang Aman and the new town of Samariang. A total of 49 respondents were selected based on home location (edge, middle and end) using random sampling. The results show that there are seven factors determining the value of real estate in Bandar Baru Samariang. The models developed are OLS and GWR, it is found that the GWR model is better. As a result of the statistical analysis of the room there are three significant factors, including black area, home lot position and main road. These three factors greatly influence the value of property values ​​in Princess Park.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 174-188
Intan Kurnia Ahmad

Dalam era ledakan teknologi kini, Youtube telah menjadi alternatif baru bagi masyarakat untuk mendapatkan maklumat agama Islam dengan lebih mudah dan pantas. Youtube merupakan antara medium dakwah popular dalam internet, kerana dilihat sebagai medium yang boleh menarik minat masyarakat kerana sifatnya yang menggabungkan elemen audio dan visual. Sehubungan dengan itu, masyarakat mula memanfaatkannya sebagai platform untuk pembelajaran dan pemahaman mengenai agama Islam. Namun, ruang lingkup penggunaan Youtube yang terbuka menyebabkan berlakunya kebanjiran maklumat agama Islam. Limpahan maklumat tersebut secara tidak langsung telah menimbulkan isu kredibiliti kandungan maklumat yang diterima oleh pengguna. Kajian empirikal terhadap kajian lepas mendapati maklumat agama Islam diterima atas faktor Youtube mudah diguna dan berguna. Namun, dari perspektif model yang digunakan dilihat tidak mendalam dan kurang memfokuskan terhadap faktor penerimaan terhadap kandungannya. Ini kerana, adalah amat penting satu pemahaman dibina untuk mengetahui bagaimana kredbiliti maklumat agama Islam dari Youtube ditentukan. Justeru, wujudnya keperluan untuk membuat penelitian bagi mengetahui faktor kepercayaan terhadap maklumat agama Islam dari Youtube yang mendorong kepada penerimaan Youtube sebagai sumber maklumat agama Islam. Penerimaan adalah sesuatu yang perlu dikaji untuk menjangkakan implikasi yang mungkin wujud dalam kehidupan.   In this current era of technology boom, YouTube has become a new alternative for the community to get information about Islam more easily and quickly. YouTube is one of the popular Da'wah medium in the internet, because it is seen as a medium that can attract the interest of the community because of its nature that combines audio and visual elements. In this regard, the community began to use it as a platform for learning and understanding of Islam. However, the scope of open use of YouTube has led to an influx of Islamic religious information. The overflow of such information has indirectly raised the issue of the credibility of the information content received by users. An empirical study of previous studies found that Islamic religious information was accepted due to the fact that YouTube is easy to use and useful. However, from the perspective of the model used is seen as not deep and less focused on the acceptance factor of its content. This is because, it is very important an understanding is built to know how the credibility of Islamic religious information from YouTube is determined. Thus, there is a need to do research to find out the factors of belief in Islamic religious information from YouTube that lead to the acceptance of YouTube as a source of Islamic religious information. Acceptance is something that needs to be studied to anticipate the implications that may exist in life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 278-288
Mohamad Pirdaus Yusoh ◽  
Jabil Mapjabil ◽  
Nurhazliyana Hanafi

Had perubahan boleh diterima (Limits of acceptable change - LAC) dalam pelancongan adalah satu metod dalam menentukan tahap perubahan yang mampu ditampung di sesebuah destinasi pelancongan. Pada Januari 1985, LAC diterbitkan oleh Forest Service dan dilaksanakan buat kali pertama pada 1 April 1987 terhadap kompleks hutan belantara Bob Marshall. Pada mulanya, konsep ini direka untuk diaplikasikan dalam sistem hutan belantara Amerika Syarikat bagi pengurusan yang lebih baik berikutan peningkatan permintaan serta kesan daripada pendaki dan backpacker. Proses ini menilai kesan yang berlaku semasa aktiviti, mengukur perubahan yang akan diterima, memantau apa yang berlaku secara sistematik dan teratur dan menentukan  tindakan yang sesuai dan dipersetujui oleh beberapa pihak berkepentingan selepas perbincangan. LAC berbeza dengan kapasiti daya tampung (caryying capacity) kerana konsep kapasiti daya tampung itu sendiri hanya memfokuskan kepada perspektif biofizikal manakala LAC lebih menggalakkan perbincangan, menimbulkan pendapat dan cadangan daripada orang awam dan pihak pengurusan. Ia dianggap sistem yang terbaik dalam menyelesaikan sesuatu isu di lokasi pelancongan. Justeru, artikel ini akan meneliti konsep dan langkah-langkah dalam menyelesaikan isu berdasarkan sistem LAC ini.   Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) in tourism is a method in determining the level of change that can be accommodated in a tourist destination. In January 1985, the LAC was issued by the Forest Service and was first implemented on April 1, 1987 on the Bob Marshall wilderness complex. Initially, it was designed to be applied in the United States wilderness system for better management following increased demand and impact from climbers and backpackers. This process assesses the impact that occurs during the activity, measures the changes that will be received, monitors what is happening systematically and determines the appropriate action and agreed by several stakeholders after discussion. LAC differs from caryying capacity because the concept of carrying capacity itself only focuses on biophysical perspectives while LAC is more encouraging discussion, raising opinions and suggestions from the public and management. It is considered the best system in resolving an issue at a tourist location. Thus, this paper will examine the concepts and steps in resolving issues based on this LAC system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 258-277
Abdul Rahman Mad Ali@Abang ◽  
Bilcher Bala ◽  
Ramli Dollah

Tugas mempertahankan kedaulatan negara bukanlah mudah. Menyedari akan hakikat itu, usaha menjejaki pejuang yang berbakti kepada negara perlu diusahakan untuk menghormati dan menghargai perjuangan mereka bagi tatapan generasi masa hadapan. Pengalaman bersama pasukan polis pada dua zaman yang berbeza, iaitu penjajahan British dan kemerdekaan Sabah dalam Malaysia merupakan suatu keistimewaan bagi seorang veteran polis bernama Sarjan (B) Jeffri Mohd Asi. Beliau telah menerima pelbagai pingat kerana jasa bakti yang tidak ternilai kepada pasukan keselamatan, negeri Sabah dan negara Malaysia amnya. Dalam penelitian kertas kerja ini, kaedah yang digunakan ialah kajian kepustakaan, kajian arkib dan temu bual terpilih dalam kalangan veteran polis. Tuntasnya, kertas kerja ini akan mengimbau pengalaman dan menjelaskan penglibatan beliau dalam peristiwa penting pada sebelum dan selepas pembentukkan Malaysia. he task of defending the sovereignty of the country is not easy. Recognizing this fact, efforts to track down the warriors who serve the nation need to be worked out to honor and appreciate their struggle for future generations. The experience with the police force in two different periods, namely the British occupation, and Sabah's independence in Malaysia was a privilege for a police veteran named Sergeant (B) Jeffri Mohd Asi. He has received many medals for his invaluable service to the security forces, state of Sabah, and Malaysia in general. In the study of this paper, the methods used are library studies, archival studies and selected interviews among police veterans. In conclusion, this paper will reflect on his experiences and explain his involvement in important events before and after the establishment of Malaysia.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-76
Ricky Anak Kemarau ◽  
Oliver Valentine Eboy

Transformation of land cover vegetation toward urban areas causes the temperature at urban higher to compare to suburban and rural areas, namely urban heat island (UHI) effect. The UHI has a negative impact, such a stroke heat, air pollution, green gasses emission, and electric consumption. UHI studies at a tropical country still limited due to the containment of cloud cover. Besides that, studies only focus on big cities which have residents above than 2 million. The outcome this studied important to enhance our knowledge of urban heat effect at small-medium cities and guidelines to policymaker and urban planner to discover there has effectively taken to decrease the effect of urban heat at the hot spot area. The main goal of this research about to discovered influence of urban growth and selected urban index, namely the Normalized Difference Built Index (NDBI) to LST. NDBI is an index which denotes intensity of urban built up. In the first step, we generate the LST and NDBI from Landsat 8 OLI at year 2018 and Landsat 5 TM for the year 2011 and 1991. Second, we applied the unsupervised classification of Landsat 8 OLI and Landsat 5 TM to generate the land cover maps for the years 1991, 2011, and 2018. Third of our method to examine the relationship between Land surface temperature (LST) and NDBI.  The higher value NDBI is a hot spot, and the low value is a cold spot. In the last step, we applied for Change Detection analysis using GIS to examine the land cover change between 1991 and 2018.  Our results show the higher the value of NDBI and LST at the centre of the city and the lowest value at vegetation land cover. The transformation of land cover vegetation to urban increase at countryside area and out-of-town and significantly increase of distribution of UHI. On another hand, the shows positive relationships between LST and NDBI. The output of the study provides a guideline for policymakers and town designers to develop to toward city zero carbon, sustainable and health.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-86
Sonny Anak Jumpo ◽  
Mohammad Puad Bebit

Bunga terung is a symbol synonymous with the Iban ethnic group in Borneo. This study is aimed to deconstruct the bunga terung based on Ferdinand de Saussure’s Linguistic Unit comprising of Sign, Signified and Signifier. In Sarawak, the bunga terung is worn by Iban men who have attained puberty to signify entry into adulthood. There are varying practices on the sequence of application of the bunga terung between the Iban of Sarawak and Kalimantan. An interesting observation regarding the sequence is the time the bunga terung is worn. In Sarawak, the isi ginti (fish hook) tattoo is worn first – pre-puberty, followed by the bunga terung, and the pantang rekung leher (neck tattoo) before other tattoos for the back and the legs. In Kalimantan, the bunga terung is not worn if the Iban male has not gone berjalai. This study discusses two findings; the significance of the bunga terung; and the sequence of its application on the Iban men from Sarawak.

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