Volume 12: Systems and Design
Latest Publications





Published By American Society Of Mechanical Engineers


Ramses Vega ◽  
Hector E. Campbell ◽  
Juan de Dios Ocampo ◽  
Diego R. Bonilla G.

This paper shows the simulation and design of a flat plate solar collector system, used to feed hot water to a typical home located in the city of Mexicali, Baja California, México. The system consists of a solar collector, a storage tank, a water pump and accessories and special tools that allow its proper operation. Analyzing the consumption and end use of water in a typical House, a demand profile is established, which combined with the weather information of the region, constitutes the input parameters required for the simulation of the system, which is performed with the software package TRNSYS. Mexicali, due to its location (latitude 32 °, longitude 114 °) and semi-desert condition presents high temperatures in the summer and low in winter, so the design and operation of such systems require special features, not always considered in the conventional ratings. This paper presents methods for simulation and design oriented to optimize the dimensioning and operation of this type of solar heaters in regions with extreme temperature conditions.

Carlos A. Duchanoy ◽  
Marco A. Moreno-Armendáriz ◽  
Carlos A. Cruz-Villar

In this paper a dynamic optimization methodology for designing a passive automotive damper is proposed. The methodology proposes to state the design problem as a dynamic optimization one by considering the nonlinear dynamic interactions between the damper and the other elements of the suspension system, emphasizing geometry, dimensional and movement constraints. In order to obtain realistic simulations of the suspension, a link between a Computer-Aided Engineering Model (CAEM) and a multi-objective dynamic optimization algorithm is developed. As design objectives we consider the vehicle safety and the passenger comfort which are represented by the contact area of the tire and the vibrations of the cockpit respectively. The damper is optimized by stating a set of physical variables that determine the stiffness and damping coefficients as independent variables for the dynamic optimization problem, they include the spring helix diameter, the spring wire diameter, the oil physical characteristics and the bleed orifice diameters among others. The optimization algorithm that we use to solve the problem at hand is a multi-objective evolutive optimization algorithm. For this purpose we developed a parameterized model of the damper which is used to link the CAE tools and the optimization software, thus enabling fitness evaluations during the dynamic optimization process. By selecting the physical characteristics of the damper as design variables instead of the typical stiffness and damping coefficients, it is possible to consider important design constrains as the damper size, movement limitations and anchor points. As result of the proposed methodology a set of blueprints of non dominated Pareto configurations of the damper are provided to the decision maker.

LianShui Guo ◽  
Xuan Zhou ◽  
Lian Zhao ◽  
Qingming Liu

Product conceptual design derives from the functional requirement initially, and the overall structure control for product design is one of the most difficult problems being addressed in CAD modeling. The objective of this investigation is to present a framework on rapid modeling using rules and mechanism library for mapping between functions and mechanism structures. In this paper, it is shown that the overall structure can be achieved largely by using multi-level parametric skeleton model. In order to drive the conceptual design into a more detailed design, the intelligent master model is presented to realize the parametric feature modeling and design knowledge reuse. The main contribution of this paper is that an integrated framework has been developed to design assembling tools of satellite by using a necessary auxiliary wizard. The case studies presented demonstrate the potential significance of this work for a wide range of engineering design problems.

Steffen Vagts ◽  
Josef Schlattmann

Biomimetic product development builds a bridge between the scientific disciplines engineering and biology and represents a cross-disciplinary knowledge circulation, which can produce highly innovative advancements in technology. The methodological support for such projects was initiated by the VDI guideline 6220 by 2012 [1] and still requires further research. The method presented in this abstract tries to provide a significant contribution to the successful transfer of knowledge across disciplines, to convey innovative solutions from biology to technology. The central idea of the method called Heli-Act (an acronym of Helix and Action) described here is based on the system-theoretical analysis of the action and the action carrier, the action circle and the action line under the relevant aspects of the socio-technical integration of methods and tools that will support the action carrier in the biomimetic development process. As a cross-common “language” general systems theory is used, which also includes the mathematical modeling system for both action as well as for object systems, which allows a computer-assisted method implementation. For the association of specialized terminology of the disciplines involved in the cross-disciplinary communication a semantic network is used to derive a translation tool in the Ontology World Language (OWL). Practical application experiences from a current project are presented, which describes the tribological optimization of a technical joint by awareness from the analysis of insects joints.

Shuichi Fukuda

As diversification is quickly increasing, industries are making tremendous efforts to cope with it. But this paper points out that these efforts are too much producer-centric. Our customers are not passive consumers as most industries assume. They are very active and would like to customize our products to their own needs and to their preferences. We should note that this act of customization is deeply associated with our basic need of self actualization. That is why their requirements are diversifying. We have to change our product development much more to customer-centric. New emerging technologies such as 3D printers enable them to get involved in product design and manufacturing. But if we consider the capabilities of the present states of these technologies and expertise of our customers, it is much easier to realize such customer-centric product development, if we extract the feature parts or feature points from a product that relate to personalization and let our customers develop them with the help of us, experts. The parts that do not substantially contribute to personalization may be developed as a common platform and these parts can be developed by experts without customer’s involvements. In this way, customers would feel they are actualizing themselves and would be more satisfied.

Francesco Ferrise ◽  
Monica Bordegoni ◽  
Umberto Cugini

For more than 40 years the development of Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools has been focused on the description of the geometry of products. More recently, CAD tools have evolved in tools to support the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), which are more oriented to support the management aspects of the product development process than the design process itself. Recently, it has been introduced a new design method that adopts a top-down approach, which starts from the definition of a Functional MockUp (FMU) allowing to simulate the overall behavior and the use of the concept level before the detailed design. This method is closer to the typical logical sequence of design, where the designer has at first an overall view of a system and of its sub-components, and then he takes care of the details. This method is supported by commercial tools, as the LMS-Amesim suite, or by open-source software tools based on the Modelica language. This is an open-source language allowing designers to integrate and describe at functional level several aspects of a system, including mechanical, electrical, thermal, hydraulic, control and others allowing to simulate all together. The paper analyses this methodological approach and presents some applications where some systems are designed using a functional modeling approach.

Wenqiang Yuan ◽  
Yusheng Liu

In this work, we present a new multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) characterized by the use of the geometrization analysis of the particles. The proposed method, called geometry analysis PSO (GAPSO), firstly parameterize the data points of the optimization model of mechatronic system to obtain their parameter values, then one curve or one surface is adopted to fit these points and the tangent value and normal value for each point are acquired, eventually the particles are guided by the use of its derivative value and tangent value to approximate the true Pareto front and get a uniform distribution. Our proposed method is compared with respect to two multi-objective metaheuristics representative of the state-of-the-art in this area. The experiments carried out indicate that GAPSO obtains remarkable results in terms of both accuracy and distribution.

Porakoch Sirisuwan ◽  
Tetsushi Koshino ◽  
Chieko Narita ◽  
Takashi Yoshikawa

The expert worker (85 years old) has worked for 70 years and the non expert (16 years old) has worked 1 year of experience for the lathe processing. The subjects were compared the difference in the waist, the shoulder and the fore arm movement between the two worker while they were chucking on the lathe machine. Determination used the same parts and the same type of lathe machine for investigated. There were 4 main categories that related three stances position alignment and two hands position on the key chuck. Using the 6 infrared cameras and 2 video cameras captured the position of each marker. All markers position data which synchronization was taken by a motion analysis system (sampling rate: 100Hz). As a results show the balance movement both the waist and the shoulder during the chucking that had significantly greater in the expert worker than the non expert worker.

Behrooz Fallahi ◽  
Seyyed Alireza Seyyed Mousavi ◽  
Arjun Kumar Perla ◽  
Ilia Mokhtarian

Many applications require design of a linkage that executes a rectilinear motion. In this study a synthesis procedure for six-bar mechanism for generation of rectilinear motion is presented. To achieve this goal, matrix algebra is used to describe translation, rotation, and inversion of motion of links. These concepts then are used to implement the classical three-precision point synthesize of a four-bar mechanism with a coupler point that traces a straight line. The motion of this four-bar mechanism is inverted and then is used to synthesize a second four-bar mechanism. The merging of these two four-bar mechanisms forms a six-bar mechanism such that the motion of one link is rectilinear motion. To implement this procedure, a graphical user interface is developed for the ease of exploring the design space. The utility of this approach is demonstrated by designing a linkage for a lift-truck.

Caroline C. Hayes ◽  
Mai Anh Nguyen ◽  
Caroline J. Cornelius ◽  
Ashley Clayson ◽  
Daniel Drew ◽  

The goal of this work is to measure the degree to which communication through gestures in virtual environments helps or hinders collaborative work on spatial tasks. People often gesture when they talk to each other about spatial concepts; in response to this behavior, many virtual collaboration tools have been created over the years to augment distance collaborations with gestures (see “Related Work”). However, relatively little work has been done do assess whether the addition of gestures actually improves collaboration, and in if so how does it help them? This work begins the exploration of these questions so as to better inform the design of future virtual collaboration tools. We explored these questions by performing controlled laboratory experiments. To do so, we developed an experimental test bed, Collabora-table, in which we could control the communication modes available to pairs of participants while they interacted in a 2D virtual space to complete shared tasks. Participants were asked to use three different interfaces, face-to-face, virtual sketching, and virtual sketching with hand images. The latter was found to reduce workload to levels indistinguishable from face-to-face interactions for conceptual product design tasks. However the effect appears to be sensitive to the task, and the implementation of the interfaces. Gestures may be an important communication channel to support in future tools to support virtual product design.

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