The Journal of English Literacy Education: The Teaching and Learning of English as a Foreign Language
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Published By Universitas Sriwijaya - Pusat Inovasi Pembelajaran Unsri

2621-4512, 2355-7486

Reni Rosianna Lumbangaol ◽  
Muhammad Rizki Mazali

The study is aim to find out how to improve students' speaking ability in making questions, giving explanations, and answers based on the debate topic. The methodology of this research is a classroom action research which consisted of 3 cycles. The subject of this research was the students of Semester II Sistem Informatika of Informatica Technical Faculty 2019/2020, Potensi Utama University, which consists of 60 students. To collect the data, the researcher applied the observation checklist and fieldnotes. Through the observation checklist, the researchers observed students' activity in the classroom, and by using fieldnotes the researchers summarized the problem during debating process. Based on the research findings, the debate technique which was applied to the subjects of research reflected the improvement of students' speaking ability. Based on the result of the researchers’ observation using the observation checklist and fieldnotes, it can be seen that students' speaking ability in making questions and giving explanations have been improved. The percentage of students' activity in the classroom when debate, in the first cycle, was 42.83%, in the second cycle was 59.17%, and the third cycle was 85.17%. It indicated that debate technique had improved students' speaking ability in making questions and giving explanations.Keywords: Classroom Action Research, College Student, Debate Technique, Speaking Skill

Ummu Hani ◽  
Leli Lismay

This research was conducted based on some problems found related to the learning style of milenial students in the classroom interaction. Most of the students did not follow the instructions given by the lecturer when working on assignment. So that, analysing milenial learning style is needed in order to found out some appropiate styles and strategies in teaching. This research was qualitative research. The instrument used in this research was observation and interview. The result showed that there were three categories of millenial learning styles namely; team learning, experiencing, and uses technologies in learning. Especially for students in the 2nd year at English Education Department of State Islamic Institute of Bukittinggi, Most of the students applied  team learning and uses technologies as learning styles during classroom interaction. They did not like the style of experiencing, while in the language classroom, experincing, should be the crucial factor to help the students mastering the target language. In coclusion, millenial learning styles at English Education Department of State Islamic Institute of Bukittinggi need to be improved in order to achieve the learning objectives.Keywords: Learning Style, Millenial, classroom interaction.

Zaitun . ◽  
Ananda Esa Fitri

The purpose of this research is to convey Big Cube Game  is effective in teaching vocabulary mastery. This research conducted in SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan. The population of this research is seventh grade students, and the sample is 8.5 consists of 40 students. The method of this research is quantitative method and using pre ? experimental design. To collect the data, the researcher used pre ? test and post ? test that given to the students. The result score of the data indicated that, the total score of students in pre ? test were 2425 with the mean score was 60,62. The lowest score of pre ? test were 45 and the highest score were 90. The total score of students in post ? test were 3150 with the average were 78,75. The lowest score of post ? test were 65 and the highest score were 100. There is significance different from the result of pre ? test and post ? test score. The results of the pre-test and post-test were calculated using the manual statistically. And by using the t-test the results of t0 (4,47) are higher than the t-table at the significance level (p) = 0.05 (1,684). Thus it can be concluded that the Big Cube game has a significant strategy on the vocabulary mastery of students in class 8.5 at SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan.

Santi Mayasari ◽  
Marleni Marleni ◽  
Masagus Firdaus

The purpose of this study was to improve the writing skills of XI grade high school students in Palembang. Researchers used a quasi method involving two groups of high school students in Palembang (experimental group and control group). The results of the study were (1) the experimental group pretest and the control group found that the experimental group got the lowest score of 21 and the highest was 63, while the control group got the lowest score of 23 and the highest score was 70, (2) the posttest of the experimental group and the Control Group, the results obtained were that the experimental group was able to obtain a mean value greater than the mean value of the control group. (3) Paired t-test; The results of the Pretest-Posttest Experimental Group showed that there was a very significant increase that occurred in the experimental group as a result of the implementation of LMS in the experimental group students' writing learning, the results of the Independent t-Test were obtained that the mean value of the experimental group was greater than the mean value of the control group, based on the results independent test analysis, it was found that the sig. (two-tailed) which is 0.000 with t-obtained 14,433. This can be interpreted that there is a positive influence on the application of LMS-based learning methods for the writing ability of high school students. Then, it can be seen that the F test value is 0.379 with sig. 0.539.

Gea Carnando ◽  
Nurlaily Nurlaily

Many teaching approaches have been developed all the time to meet the learners' needs and to achieve the objective of learning successfully. One of the most popular and effective approaches that has been developed is Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). Many researchers have found implementing CLT is challenging since it needs certain criteria of learners to engage with the whole process. This research investigated whether the CLT approach fits perfectly in one of International schools in Batam, namely SMA Kallista. There were 19 participants in this research. The researchers used two cycles of a Class Action Research (CAR) method to collect the data. The result showed that CLT was a suitable method for the students. It was evaluated by the classroom engagement that improved gradually. Cycle I and I result were compared using the motivational conceptualization of engagement instruments. The researchers also found out challenging ways that influence the learners' behavior to finally gain knowledge through CLT.

Aditya Sahrul Akbar ◽  
Elysa Hartati

Learning achievement is the result of learning achieved by a student. However, students often experience difficulties in achieving good academic achievement. This study aims to analyze the relationship between introjected regulation and academic achievement. Thirty two (32) student samples were used in this study to respond to the research instruments compiled based on the theory of Ryan and Deci (2002). The results of this study indicate that r = 0.408 (p <0.05), which means there is a significant relationship between introjected regulation and learning achievement.   The results of this study could be a reference for lecturers to form introjected regulation by generating positive feelings, such as happy and enjoy, in order to support the existence of student motivation.

Mutiara Ayu

In the 'Information Age' where the demand of knowledge raises, the students are expected to retrieve more information to support and develop their learning process. Some universities have progressively opened up to the opportunity of e-learning concept, and they are currently integrating e-learning in their teaching to accommodate the diverse need in learning and providing more interactive materials that allow easy access to information.  E-learning has the potential to transform the way of teaching and studying across the board. It can develop standards, and improve involvement in learning. This cannot substitute teachers or lecturers role, but in addition to existing methods it can develop the quality and decrease the time spent. This paper aims at presenting an overview of the extent to which e-learning is used at higher education and explores e-learning from the perspective of students and teachers. It also briefly explains the current condition of e-learning that utilizes interactive technology to enhance the learning experience.Keywords: e-learning, higher education, technology

Herland Franley Manalu ◽  
Diana Anggraeni ◽  
Asrul Munazar

The increment of concern in the use of online learning tools into English Language Teaching to adopt the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has inspired this study to examine students’ thoughts on Edmodo, as one of the online learning tools, at the English Literature department within the University of Bangka Belitung. Edmodo is used by the researchers to discuss the students’ attitude in improving their English skills. Data were collected by means of questionnaires and interview. A Likert scale questionnaire was administered and open-ended interviews were conducted to get more information from the students. Data were qualitatively and quantitatively analysed by using SPSS v.22 Software. The results reveal that the Edmodo usage is aiding students’ cooperation in small group discussions, reflecting that teaching and learning activities established on the ground of communicative teaching method were able to improve cooperation and communication, raising students’ motivation to take part and involve in various learning and also empowering them to be self-determining and be more responsible for their own learning. This study is an endeavor to attract more researchers to do further investigations on this area within the Indonesian English learners at the university level.

Maya Anjela ◽  
Eryansyah Eryansyah ◽  
Lingga Agustina Suganda

The objectives of this study were (1) to find out if there was a significant correlation between students’ self-esteem and their reading comprehension achievement, and (2) to find out whether or not there was a significant contribution of self-esteem to the achievement of students’ reading comprehension. The sample of this study was 118eleventh-grade students of SMA Negeri 5 Palembang. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. In collecting the data, the researcher used two kinds of instruments, a self-esteem questionnaire and reading comprehension tests in a form of multiple-choice questions. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Simple Linear Regression in SPSS version 21 were used to analyze the data. The result of Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient showed that (1) there was a significant correlation between self-esteem and students’ reading comprehension achievement because p-value (0.000) was higher than (0.05), and (2) there was 47% contribution of self-esteem to students’ reading comprehension achievement.

Chasna Tsuroyya

 Peer correction has taken an important role in language teaching and learning as in contribution to motivate the performance of L2 learners in writing classroom. Peer correction encourages the development of autonomous learning due to teachers' review that took over-dependence thus lowered the students' initiative. However, the previous studies show that many teachers are still doubting the effectiveness of peer correction because of students' lack of knowledge and unable to assist other students. The current study investigated the writing performance of English L2 learners who either provided or received written peer correction in the context of academic writing tasks. Fifteen participants enrolled in English Education Department in Universitas Sebelas Maret who are attending writing class were given a rubric to both reviews other students' writing tasks and receive peer feedback. Besides, we investigated whether students' peer correction perceptions influenced their writing performance. Results expect the use of peer correction to increase their writing motivation, self-regulated reflection, bidirectional communication, and deeper critical thinking. This study expects to provide a clear finding of the efficiency of peer correction in improving students' academic writing and can be useful to be implemented in writing class for English L2 learners.

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