Fuel cells with hydrogen fuel have now been demonstrated in public transportation for over 15 years worldwide. During this time Ballard-powered fuel cell buses have clocked more than 300,000 hours while accumulating over 5 million kilometers. These public transport buses have been certified and homologated in the USA, Europe, Australia and China. While certification agencies such as TUV, CHP, NHTSA, and other local governing bodies have been involved with the approval process for ensuring safety of personnel and equipment, the components themselves have met stringent requirements of NFPA, NGV, SAE, ASME, ANSI and other governing organizations.
This paper highlights the various standards and safety concepts used in the approval process of public transportation using fuel cell buses. Since marine ferries involve movement of personnel, it is recommended that many of the requirements used for public buses can be easily adapted for marine applications of fuel cells.
Paper published with permission.