Children & Schools
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Published By Oxford University Press

1545-682x, 1532-8759

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 246-250

2021 ◽  
Aidyn L Iachini ◽  
Tasha M Childs

AbstractThe novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has disrupted the educational system not only in regard to teaching and learning, but also in relation to the other services and supports (mental health services, meal and nutrition programs, and so on) provided to students and families. School district Web sites are critical access points for families during this crisis to learn information about key resources being provided during school closure. This study used content analysis to examine whether school district Web sites in one southeastern state provided information about COVID-19 and 11 other resources. Findings indicate that about half of the Web sites provided both COVID-19 information and additional resources. Few districts provided information on resources for students with disabilities, a subgroup of students at heightened vulnerability during this time of virtual learning. Approximately a third of school district Web sites provided no information on COVID-19 or any of the other resources. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications for school social workers related to crisis response and leadership around contributing to efforts that aim to address educational disparities and inequities and maximize student success during this time of crisis.

2021 ◽  
Ashley-Marie H Daftary ◽  
Erin P Sugrue ◽  
Brian D Gustman ◽  
Stephanie Lechuga-Peña

Abstract The COVID-19 global pandemic led to the unprecedented shuttering of nearly all K–12 public education settings across the United States from March through June 2020. This article explores how school social workers’ roles, responsibilities, and work tasks shifted during spring 2020 distance learning to address the continuing and changing needs of families and the larger school community. Interviews were conducted with 20 school social workers in K–12 public schools, across three states, to understand the primary needs of children and families during the pandemic and to learn how school social workers can be most effective in responding to these needs. The data were analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Study findings revealed that during spring 2020, school social workers consistently had increased contact and interaction with students’ parents that centered around two major activities: (1) food assistance and referrals for families and (2) parent check-ins and coaching. The article discusses implications for the field of school social work during crises and beyond. Considerations include increased funding for schools that serve communities disproportionately affected by the pandemic and the reprioritization of school social workers’ roles and responsibilities to include increased contact with parents.

2021 ◽  
Sara Schjølberg Marques ◽  
Ruth Braidwood

Abstract The mental health effects of the coronavirus pandemic are likely to be significant and sustained, especially for those who experience adversity or preexisting mental health difficulties. This article examines the experiences of older adolescents during the United Kingdom government’s “lockdown” period (April 2020 to June 2020) on mental health, social support, sleep, and routines using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Participants were enrolled in DISCOVER, a school-based stress management program, in London (N = 107; 72 percent Black, Asian, or minority ethnicity). The Coping with COVID-19 questionnaire was developed and administered online. Changes in mental health, sleep, and routines were reported during the lockdown period as well as increased worry about family members’ physical and mental health. Positive experiences of the lockdown period included improvements in quality of relationships and increased time to spend on hobbies. Participants reported the use of cognitive–behavioral therapy techniques for coping. Results have implications for supporting older adolescents during the pandemic, including on their return to school.

2021 ◽  
Kevin Tan ◽  
Kate Wegmann ◽  
Roxanne Patino ◽  
Beth Hand ◽  
Janice Mitchell ◽  

2021 ◽  
Faye Mishna ◽  
Debra Pepler ◽  
Jeremy Doucet ◽  
Melanie Lameiro

  This study explored youths’ perceptions of the nature and dilemmas of being a bystander in cyberbullying. Although there are many benefits of peer interactions through social media, there are risks, including cyberbullying. Bystanders are integral in the dynamics and harm in both face-to-face and cyberbullying. Using a qualitative approach, authors share youth voices on the experience of witnessing cyberbullying and the dilemmas they face in deciding whether and how to respond to support a peer. Authors conducted thematic analysis of qualitative interviews with 16 adolescents. Youths described a range of feelings experienced by witnesses, from discomfort and anger to moral disengagement and justification for cyberbullying. Youths reported three forms of bystander roles: outsider, assistant, and defender, consistent with traditional bullying. The dilemmas they faced in witnessing and intervening that emerged were consistent with the five stages of bystander decision making. Youths indicated that the solutions for cyberbullying rest on the shoulders of adults.

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