EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology
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Published By STIE Mahardika


2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 294-305
Veronika Nugraheni Sri Lestari ◽  
Dwi Cahyono ◽  
Sri Susilowati

In human life, it cannot be separated from the environment in which we live. Human negligence in building industry without caring the impact on environment can damage the physical and biological environment slowly and indirectly. Therefore an effort to preserve the quality of environment, especially for the environment adjacent to the settlement, is necessary and can be performed in various ways including technology utilization. The development of technology-based microcontrollers gains more popularity. Technology develops rapidly and electronic devices have become one compulsory device to be owned. Wastewater is industrial waste should be controlled prior to passing surrounding environment to avoid pollution. The concluded of this research are 1 implementation of management and monitoring carried out by industry should be led to the awareness for environmental sustainability, 2 Industrial business actor has not benefited directly from the activities of management and monitoring that have been carried out, and still considers that the obligation is a heavy burden in terms of cost, 3 Inter-institution coordination mechanism is still not clear so that each institution has not been performed their duties and functions well, 4 involvement and community awareness around the industry is relatively low.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 285-293
Suwadi Suwadi

This study aims to describe and explain the value of education in literature and how relevant it is for teaching. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Descriptions and explanations lead to circumstances, phenomena and are not limited to data collection but analysis and interpretation of these data. The data collection technique used in this study is a non-interactive technique. Non-interactive data collection techniques by doing intensive reading of the novel and taking notes actively with the method of content analysis. The object of research is literature, namely the Novel Sang Nyai 1 by Budi Sardjono. The approach used by the researcher is an objective approach that emphasizes literature. With this approach, researchers will easily find data as a description related to the value of education and its relevance in teaching. The results showed that the value of education in the literature of Sang Nyai 1 by Budi Sardjono in the form of irrationality, tolerance, and discipline. The irrationality of the characters Kesi and Kang Petruk has a close relationship in instilling educational values through literature. The value of tolerance education shows tolerance for other people and the natural environment. Kang Petruk was assigned by Kiai Sapu Jagad to preserve nature. The value of education in the form of discipline, both personally and socially, is implicitly explained to be interpreted by the reader. The relevance of the value of education in literature for teaching is that literature is the right and good medium to transfer the value of education to students, both at the school and university levels. Through literature, in the novel Sang Nyai 1 by Budi Sardjono, there are educational values in the form of irrationality, tolerance, and discipline. These three educational values are expected to contribute to the teaching of Indonesian at both the school and university levels..

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-77
Monika Karolina Sianturi ◽  
Arwansyah Arwansyah ◽  
Muhammad Yusuf

The curriculum in Indonesia is currently curriculum 2013, especially  on the basic framework and structure of the vocational curriculum that states that the 2013 curriculum was developed with the improvement of mindset, among others:  educationthat focuses on teachers so focused on students, as well as passive learning so active learning. Therefore, as a teacher can develop the learning process, especially learning resources that are able to explore the ideas of students into an innovative and critical so that they can produce and solve theirown problems,through problem-based LKPD  learning. This method and type of research is a development study with a 4-Dmodelby Thiagarajan and Semmel. The findings in this study are the use of problem-based learning-based LKPD   and the response of students who were found to be positive or good

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-25
Alby Aruna ◽  
Nadiya Faydinda Putri Ishlah ◽  
Laila Inayah ◽  
Abdul Rahman Prasetyo

The process of digitizing historical learning in Indonesia in times of emergency, the learning media used today is predominantly  conventional. With regard to conventional learning media, the contribution of digitalization of learning media to provide direction for modernization of historical  learning  media in solving the lack of exploration, elaboration, critical thinking skills, the flow of  historicallearning concepts, and the lack of  touch to local wisdom  is needed. Using ADDIE Model,  the design of the educational game of Panji Asmorobangun in the story of puppets beber Pacita nfocus is implemented in Vocational HighSchool  (SMK) State 1 Pacitan   gained 87.5% in the validation of media experts, 91.1% in validation of material experts. With regards to  expert validation, this media also  scored    87.22% in a group trial of 50 students  andsaid it is very feasible to implementunder the name of superpanji media branding. The historical learning media  of Panji Asmorobangun figures in puppet stories beber Pacitan Regency  supports the game flow process with (High Order Thinking Skils) HOTS  through  the 5M tifical  design approach(enjoy,menanya, collect information, socialize,  and   communicate).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 171-179
Elda Permata Sari ◽  
Muldi Yuhendri

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using E-learning as a learning medium during the COVID-19 pandemic in the January-June 2021 semester of the Technology and Vocational Education study program, Padang State University. This research is descriptive research with quantitative method. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire given via google form, where the data analysis technique is to see the achievement of the existing indicators. The subjects of this study were postgraduate students of technology and vocational education in the 2020 entry year of the Faculty of Engineering, Padang State University. Based on data analysis, it was found that quantitative data, indicators of learning objectives were seen that the respondent's achievement level (TCR) reached 77.20% with sufficient category. The indicator of learning infrastructure shows that the TCR reaches 82.07% with a good category. The indicator of the ability to use technology is seen that the TCR reaches 81.18% in the good category. The time efficiency indicator shows that the TCR reaches 81.93% with a good category. Indicators of learning outcomes seen that the TCR reached 86.70%. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of E-learning as a learning medium during the COVID-19 pandemic is categorized as effective, it can be seen from the results of research on 5 indicators, there are 4 indicators which are in good category and 1 is in sufficient category.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 154-160
Tutut Nani Prihatmi ◽  
Rini Anjarwati ◽  
Puji Rahayu

Along with Instagram's growing popularity as the primary medium for sharing photos and videos, the world of photography is also expanding at a rapid pace. The Instagram caption is always dropped every time people upload on social media. Photo captions often act as a result of critical thinking and a way to communicate ideas. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach to collect and describe information about using English caption on Instagram photos from the perspectives of Camera Indonesia photography community members: frequency, the purpose for dropping captions in English, its effect on their photo works, and how they view English captions on others people’ photo captions. Using 10 members as the respondents, the study found that writing caption in English acts mostly as self-expression and has not yet been done on a daily basis as the respondents do not habituate reading English materials. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-133
Sandi Kurniawan

Higher-order thinking skills is an ability that all vocational high school students should have because vocational high school graduates are required to have the good soft skill and hard skill. The reality was their HOTS ability was low, as stated by several explanations from researchers and strengthened by the observation in vocational high school. This research aimed to find the students' learning activity through blended learning of Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) model and jigsaw model, and their influence on the HOTS. This research was quantitative research using the quasi-experiment method of nonequivalent control group design with research subjects of 50 students that were chosen using simple random sampling. The data was collected using test instruments in multiple choices and descriptions and non-test tool in the form of observation sheets. The data then were analyzed with t-test sample independent test. The results showed that the usage of STAD and jigsaw blended learning made students more active and energized in following the learning activities. The direct learning model made students inactive and not excited during learning activities. Also, the blended learning of STAD and jigsaw had significant influence compared to the direct learning model on higher-order thinking skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-103
Agus Eko Sujianto

This research is intended to implement the lecturer's professional competence, especially in assessing the performance of Puskesmas from the aspect of current ratio, efficiency ratio, and ROA. The research approach chosen is quantitative with descriptive research. The data collection technique uses documentation, namely financial reports published by Puskesmas "X" in 2016 and 2017. The results of the study explain that as a government institution managed using the BLUD mechanism, Puskesmas always pays attention to the management process for accounts as stipulated in public sector accounting that becomes an important part of assessing financial performance. Based on the current ratio, the ratio of total current assets and total current liabilities increased from 2016 to 2017 so that the performance of the Puskesmas was good. In the aspect of efficiency ratio, the comparison of expenditure realization and revenue realization of Puskesmas shows that puskesmas are efficient, especially in 2017. Puskesmas are also Quite Effective or Good Enough in generating ROA, so that in general this puskesmas works well, efficiently, and quite well in 2017.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 134-144
Eges Triwahyuni ◽  
I Kadek Suartama

This research aims to design and make learning that is packed with Intractif CD to facilitate applying teachers to learning activities with the theme III caring for living creatures of animal and plant subtema in my home environment for grade IV elementary school odd semester. research place in Seskolah Dasar Negara 1 Kandang Kapongan Situbondo Regency with a total of 15 learners. With this research using the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Desagn, Develop, Implement,and  Evaluate)bysourced on the results of research, it can be concluded that educational media packaged by Intractif CD with the theme of caring for living things meet the eligibility criteria with the field of media experts obtaining a value of 89.91% listed among the qualifications is very feasible and validation of the field of media experts obtained a value of 86.95%  listed qualifications are very feasible, and the renponden in the feasibility and effectiveness of obtaining a value of 86.69% and vice versa effectiveness while effectiveness obtained a value of 85.90%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-88
Madya Giri Aditama ◽  
Prasetyawan Aji Sugiharto

English Language Teaching (ELT) in Indonesia faced crucial time during Covid-19 pandemic period. In the distance learning process of ELT, teachers face difficulties in doing teaching learning process. 5M strategy helped teachers to maximize their relationship with students and parents in order to create an essential teaching learning activity, the objectives of this study are “Classifying the 5M strategy applied by the teacher in Distance Learning of ELT” and “Describing the example method of each strategy used by teacher in Distance Learning of ELT process”. The study employed qualitative approach in which the researchers used questionnaire and interview to collect the data. The participants were 20 high school English teachers in Batang region. From the study, it was found that the teachers applied 5M strategy in their learning process. The resuls shown that there are 16 teachers (80%) applied Memanusiakan Hubungan (Humanize Relationships) strategy, only 8 teachers (40%) applied Memahami Konsep (Understanding Concepts) strategy, 16 teachers (80%) considered Membangun Keberlanjutan (Building Sustainability) strategy in their teaching, 17 teachers (85%) presented Memilih Tantangan (Choosing Challenges strategy, and all 20 teachers (100%) were able to apply Memberdayakan Konteks (Empowering Context) strategy. This study also reveals some unique and new teaching methods applied in each strategy by the teachers. 

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