intensive reading
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 285-293
Suwadi Suwadi

This study aims to describe and explain the value of education in literature and how relevant it is for teaching. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Descriptions and explanations lead to circumstances, phenomena and are not limited to data collection but analysis and interpretation of these data. The data collection technique used in this study is a non-interactive technique. Non-interactive data collection techniques by doing intensive reading of the novel and taking notes actively with the method of content analysis. The object of research is literature, namely the Novel Sang Nyai 1 by Budi Sardjono. The approach used by the researcher is an objective approach that emphasizes literature. With this approach, researchers will easily find data as a description related to the value of education and its relevance in teaching. The results showed that the value of education in the literature of Sang Nyai 1 by Budi Sardjono in the form of irrationality, tolerance, and discipline. The irrationality of the characters Kesi and Kang Petruk has a close relationship in instilling educational values through literature. The value of tolerance education shows tolerance for other people and the natural environment. Kang Petruk was assigned by Kiai Sapu Jagad to preserve nature. The value of education in the form of discipline, both personally and socially, is implicitly explained to be interpreted by the reader. The relevance of the value of education in literature for teaching is that literature is the right and good medium to transfer the value of education to students, both at the school and university levels. Through literature, in the novel Sang Nyai 1 by Budi Sardjono, there are educational values in the form of irrationality, tolerance, and discipline. These three educational values are expected to contribute to the teaching of Indonesian at both the school and university levels..

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 ◽  
pp. 69-78
Tuija Laine

Reading skills were part of Christian education in early modern Finland. According to the church law (1686), it was a task of parents to teach their children to read. If they were unable to do it, for example because they were illiterate themselves, they could receive help from their parish. It was important for a Christian to acquaint him/herself with the basics of Christianity by reading the Catechism. The ability to read was not sufficient. People were also supposed to understand the text they read. If they did not understand it, they were not motivated to read. Among the understanding strategies memorising was used most frequently. It was based on repetitive reading, which was a common reading strategy in early modern Finland – not least because the amount of books in vernacular was still small. The same texts were read again and again. The strategy is also called intensive reading. Better readers even used observation strategies. They estimated their knowledge and understanding during the reading process. According to Deci and Ryan (Motivation, Personality and Development within Embedded Social Contexts: An Overview of Self-Determination Theory, 2012), there are three fundamental psychological needs, which bring not only well-being but also motivation to people. They are competence, autonomy and relationship. In early modern Finland these needs were satisfied in various ways. In general, those who were more familiar with religious speech and reading, as a result of their family background or because of their friends, learnt quickly, made better progress and proved their competence and autonomy in reading. Others, who had less support from their family or community, had poorer religious vocabulary, more difficulties to understand what they read and less motivation to read. They were afraid of the examinations in the Catechism and of the social pressure in such circumstances. They also felt inadequacy in reading.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
Estika Satriani ◽  
M. Zaim ◽  
Ermanto Ermanto

The development of the Intensive Reading learning process with e-learning Moodle isa focus of attention in this study. The main purpose is to find out the effectiveness, practicality, and feasibility of e-learning Moodle that has been designed in the process of learning. The instructional model of ADDIE was the basis for this development research which involves Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Twenty-eight students who joined the intensive reading class and eight validators who were experts in their fields became trial participants in this study. The feasibility of e-learning Moodle was validated by an evaluation sheet that was completed by six validators, who were experts in their field such as learning- media, material, and process. Furthermore, the acquisition of data from students' questionnaires becomes the main data in determining of effectiveness and practicality of the e-learning Moodle. The study indicated that learning model produced can be acceptable and eligible categories, including layout, navigation, function, and pedagogical areas. Based on the students’ answers related to the use of e-learning Moodle of Intensive reading class, it depicts to be effective and practice in all aspects of the evaluation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Sijing Fu

This paper focuses on the appropriate methods for Chinese EFL university students to improve reading comprehension skills. The combination of intensive reading and extensive reading in the teaching environment is suggested in this study. Specifically, in-class reading should be composed of two parts: 1) intensive reading activities involving the explicit instruction of reading comprehension skills; 2) extensive reading activities to increase Chinese EFL university students’ background and vocabulary knowledge, which paves way for the comprehension of the text. After-class extensive reading should be composed of the reading of materials containing the repetition of new vocabulary appear in class, which could consolidate EFL learners’ reading comprehension skills they have already learnt in class.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-87
Harits Masduqi ◽  
Fatimah Fatimah ◽  
Arif Subiyanto

Reading is a multidimensional, intellectual activity, which requires specific skills and strategies. Indonesian researchers have conducted research addressing various issues in reading in the domain of English as a Foreign Language/EFL. This article reviews the current development of theories and models of EFL reading and qualitative research into EFL reading in Indonesia. Through discussion of theoretical and practical perspectives, it appears that EFL reading researchers and teachers in Indonesia are interested in promoting and conducting studies not only on the effectiveness of intensive reading, but also of extensive reading in their academic institutions. In this way, their students will have sufficient opportunities to gain competence in both types of reading, and will develop the capability of using their knowledge of English to capitalise on the advancement of science and technology in the global world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
pp. 1435
Muhammad Alfan ◽  
Moh. Khasairi ◽  
Nurhidayati Nurhidayati ◽  
Laily Maziyah

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This research was motivated by the decline in student motivation and achievement in Qiraah Tsanawiyah learning due to the monotonous appearance of the material and limited media innovation and learning time in the classroom. This study aims to develop interactive android learning media. This research method is research and development with the R2D2 model. This research produces interactive android media which contains four components, namely Al-Mufradat, Al-Qiraah Al-Jahriyah, Fahm Al-Maqru ', and Al-Tadrib, which help students improve five intensive reading skills in Arabic, namely understanding vocabulary, understanding sentence patterns, understanding sentence structure, determining main ideas, and mastering text content. The product of this development is suitable for use, both in terms of content, language, and graphics.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh menurunnya motivasi dan prestasi mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan Qiraah Tsanawiyah disebabkan monotonnya tampilan materi dan terbatasnya inovasi media dan waktu pembelajaran di kelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran android interaktif. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dengan model R2D2. Penelitian ini menghasilkan media android interaktif yang berisi empat komponen, yaitu Al-Mufradat, Al-Qiraah Al-Jahriyah, Fahm Al-Maqru’, dan Al-Tadrib yang membantu mahasiswa meningkatkan lima keterampilan membaca intensif bahasa Arab, yaitu memahami kosakata, memahami pola kalimat, memahami struktur kalimat, menentukan ide pokok, dan menguasai isi teks. Produk pengembangan ini layak digunakan, baik dari aspek isi, bahasa, maupun grafis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Sajidin ◽  
Dodi Mulyadi ◽  
Hasti Robiasih

Basal readers have been selected by the school to cope with students’ lack of vocabulary size. With some positively perceived learning outcomes, the readers continued to be used from year to year and were decided as a school program, in addition to ELT national curriculum.  The research is aimed at exploring the following aspects: (1) the teacher’s use of basal readers in the classrooms, (2) the classroom procedures developed by the teacher understudy, and (3) the students’ response to the implementation of the basal reading program.  A descriptive case study with classroom observation as a main data collection technique was employed to explore the phenomena. The research brings several points to consider. First, basal readers have been extensively used by the school for different purposes: 1) for vocabulary enrichment, (2) for intensive reading materials, (3) as resource making classroom tests, and (4) a basis for writing phonetic symbols, and (5) for promoting speaking skills.  Second, the school has developed its own strategies to use the readers with specific procedures.  Third, the use of basal readers was positively responded to by the students with some suggestions for better implementation. HIGHLIGHTS: Basal reading program was implemented with a specific procedure developed by the local school English teachers. Basal readers selected for the reading program were utilized to develop reading skills in which vocabulary memorization and pronunciation drills were used to support the skills. The program was positively responded by the students with some suggestions for a better implementation.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-31
Fanesia Debi ◽  
Latifah Riyaningrum ◽  
Luthfiana Yunita Dewi ◽  
Chafit Ulya

The purpose of this research is (1) to describe the speaking errors in terms in the syntax on a speech the President Jokowi of the UN general assembly contained in the portal news Edition 23 September 2020 (2) to provide improvements in the syntax to the speech of the President Jokowi of the UN general assembly contained in the portal news Edition of 23 December 2020. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data techniques used is the technique of intensive reading and technique of note. The results of the error in terms of the syntax show that the error in terms most found on the type of error the use of excessive or redundant. In addition, there is also a type of error in another language i.e. the use of prepositions that is not appropriate,  a double, the omission of conjunctions, the use of conjunctions excessive, and the use of foreign terms

NeuroImage ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 118453
Elizabeth Huber ◽  
Aviv Mezer ◽  
Jason D. Yeatman

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-103
Masyithah Maghfirah Rizam ◽  
Moh Hafid Effendy

Literary works are able to describe the reality outside of the human being exactly as it is. The novel of Seribu Wajah Cinta by Fredy S. is a form of popular literature. Popular literature restates records of life in hope that the reader will get to know his experiences again so that they feel comforted, because someone has told his experience. The research method uses a qualitative approach with the researcher acting as a key instrument.  Data collection was carried out by taking steps, carrying out intensive reading, recording data, coding the parts of the novel that were appointed as data, analyzing, and interpreting the data to find representations of broken relationship and criminality in the novel of Seribu Wajah Cinta by Fredy S. shows the broken relationship and criminality which is a reflection of daily life.

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