Konfrontasi: Jurnal Kultural, Ekonomi dan Perubahan Sosial
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Published By Budapest International Research And Critics Institute


Akbar Aldi Kautsar ◽  
Mailin ◽  
Ade Soraya ◽  
Mas Khairani

This research is entitled "Facebook Social Media in Rural Communities (case study of Bandar Klippa Village Community against Changes in Communication Psychology)". This study aims to determine the psychological effect of rural community communication on social media Facebook and to find out what are the research criteria for rural communities in choosing social media. The time of the research was carried out from December 2, 2021 – December 10, 2021. The theories that support this research include: Media, Social Media, Facebook, and Village Community. This study uses a qualitative research method (Case Study). The population in this study is the Bandar Klippa Village Community.

Luki Bakti Kusuma ◽  
Sirojuzilam ◽  

This research aims to find out the role of community and village empowerment agencies in the development of BUMDes in North Labuhanbatu Regency. As an office that handles about villages, community and village empowerment agencies have the task of carrying out training, coaching, and mentoring to the development of BUMDes. The formulation of this research problem is "whether the role of training, coaching and mentoring affects bumdes development in North Labuhanbatu Regency. In this study, data was collected through questionnaire methods of 74 BUMDes administrators to find out respondents' responses to each variable. Then an analysis of the data obtained in the form of validity and rehabilitation tests, classical assumption tests, multiple regression analysis, simultaneous hypothesis tests, partial hypothesis tests and coefficients of determination. The results of this study are: partial test that the variables of training, coaching and mentoring have a positive and significant effect on the development of BUMDes, while simultaneous tests that the variables of training, coaching and mentoring together have a significant effect on the development of BUMDes in North Labuhanbatu Regency.

Sori Monang ◽  
Bambang Saputra ◽  
Abdurrohim Harahap

In religious life that occurs in this millennial era, there are many misunderstandings regarding the issue of aqidah and other faith issues. Thoughts, ideologies, and activities that are contrary to aqidah and sharia, of course, cannot just develop in the community because they will cause people's unrest and cause people to become victims of misguidance. Without the right aqidah one will fall prey to suspicion or accusations and also doubts so that gradually it will hinder people from the right view. People's behavior like this will inevitably lead to deviations in the implementation of religious teachings. Therefore, serious efforts must be made to stop and awaken them to return to the right path.

Saputra Adiwijaya ◽  
Purnama Julia Utami ◽  
Herlina Eka Shinta ◽  

This study aims to analyze the empowerment of people who live and settle on the banks of the river in Petuk Katimpun Village, Jekan Raya District, Palangka Raya City, especially in stunting prevention efforts. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 10 key informants who were considered to have distinctive characters. The data collected were analyzed by qualitative methods. The results of this study illustrate that there is a model in empowering riverbank communities because the character of the people who live on the banks of the river has its own characteristics and plus generally are Dayak ethnicities, people who live on the banks of the river are very dependent on all the potential of the river and its surroundings, especially in the field of fisheries with the karamba method. and the fish produced are partly a source of nutrition, then also by utilizing purun plants as their alternative livelihood. Then the position of the house on stilts occupied also affects the fisheries sector they manage. On the other hand, the flood impact caused losses to the fish seeds that were developed because they came from fertilizer residue from oil palm plantations upstream.

Purnama Julia Utami ◽  
Sri Musrifah

This study aims to see how pertinent the Dayak elites believe in the transition of relocating their capital to Central Kalimantan. This study uses a historical-dialectical approach to address the Dayak that strengthen their identity. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the importance of the Dayak in strengthening their identity and reputation. With a newfound identity, Dayak farmers would gain recognition from both the provincial governments and the entire state of Indonesia. From now on, the Dayak would be recognized as a legitimate and valuable population.

Ma Samuel Rt Simanjuntak ◽  
Flansius Tampubolon ◽  
Jamorlan Siahaan

The scientific title is "Marhata Sinamot at the Toba Ethnic Wedding Ceremony: Anthropology Studies". This study aims to describe the performance, indexicality and participation of Marhata Sinamot at the Toba Ethnic Wedding Ceremony. The theory used to analyze the research data is the anthropolinguistic theory proposed by Duranti. By using descriptive method. The results obtained from this study are the performance in the Marhata Sinamot traditional ceremony in the Toba Ethnic community in general, namely Marhata Sinamot. In the Toba Batak community there are signs that are used as indexicality in the Marhata Sinamot traditional ceremony, namely, (1) traditional clothes, (2) ulos. And participants in the Marhata Sinamot ceremony have Dalihan Na Tolu, namely (1) Hula-hula, (2) Bone paranak, (3) Bone parboru, (4) Boru, (5) Dongan tubu, (6) Bere paranak, (7) Bere perboru and (8) Dongan Sahuta.

Syahrul Abidin

The aims of this study is to find out the Effectiveness of Teacher Communication in Improving Student Achievement in MTs. Al-Wasliyah Pulo Brayan Medan, Indonesia. This study use qualitative research. The result of this study shows that Based on the reality of teacher communication strategies in improving student achievement in MTs. Al-Wasliyah Pulo Brayan Medan can be put forward several conclusions, as follows: 1. The communication strategy that is widely used by teachers is in the form of reward and punishment. In this case the teacher always gives sanctions to students if they make mistakes. The sanctions can be in the form of a pinch, a punch, or also advice. On the other hand, with regard to giving rewards, most teachers rarely give gifts to their students if they excel. 2.The communication strategy carried out by teachers in educating to improve student achievement will work well, if the school, teachers and parents work together in creating harmony. Harmony between teachers, students and parents is realized first. With the harmony between the school and parents, children will feel calm in the teaching and learning process which will later achieve brilliant achievements.

Helmi Satria ◽  
Efi Safira

Development using a centralized approach without developing community self-reliance today is unable to solve various social problems due to the lack of developing community presence in development activities. Community development will be effective when local wisdom is used as capital by utilizing existing organizations or habits at the local level. In this case, the government as the party that provides encouragement and assistance in implementing development is enough to act as a facilitator and motivator. Let the community formulate and implement the types of development activities and how to implement them. Based on this description, the objectives of this research are as follows: (1) To describe local wisdom as development capital in the study of social reality in Aceh Besar Regency. (2) To analyze the forms of local wisdom used in development in Aceh Besar Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach in describing local wisdom as development capital with data collection techniques that the researchers did through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The research informants were determined by purposive sampling with consideration of their experiences in social life and their personalities. The results of the study indicate that the high level of local wisdom possessed by the people of Aceh Besar Regency is caused by a strong social base, as well as the historical orientation and dimension of the formation of social values ​​and norms in social life due to the similarity of religion and kinship relations, so that it has an impact on implementation. development. Local wisdom that supports development in the form of agreements, cooperation, participation that is used as a habit can produce high cohesiveness in the people of Aceh Besar, and there is a passion for charity in carrying out development as well as a sense of volunteerism that evokes self-reliance as well as a strong sense of social solidarity in society. Local wisdom possessed by members of the Aceh Besar Regency community is used as capital in development in the form of trust, social networks and social norms that are still strong enough to support the realization of development in accordance with community expectations.

Fernando Raja Partogi Sibagariang ◽  
Agus Purwoko

The purpose of this research is: (1) know the carrying capacity of infrastructure for the recovery and development of natural attractions on the pandan beach of Central Tapanuli Regency, (2) analyze the suitability of spatial arrangements in the Regency towards the recovery and development of natural attractions on pandan beaches of Central Tapanuli Regency, (3) analyze the priority of handling infrastructure and spatial arrangement policies for the acceleration of recovery and development of natural attractions on pandan beaches.  Central Tapanuli. The research method used is to use descriptive qualitative methods with case study models. Data collection techniques with interviews and documentation. The results of this study, that is (1) The carrying capacity of central Tapanuli Regency infrastructure to the recovery and development of natural attractions on pandan beach, already has infrastructure such as transportation, economy, health and social. (2) The suitability of spatial arrangements in the Regency to the recovery and development of natural attractions on pandan beach, namely when viewed from the distribution of facilities and infrastructure and the distribution of tourism attractions the most influential space functions due to the covid-19 pandemic are restaurants or restaurants and lodgings or hotels. (3) Priority of handling infrastructure and spatial arrangement policy for the acceleration of recovery and development of natural attractions on pandan beaches of Central Tapanuli Regency, namely the economy. Whether it's a small or medium-sized business or a large scale.

Salahuddin ◽  
Muhammad Hasan

Marriage is part of the teachings of the Islamic religion that must be obeyed and carried out by everyone if they already have the ability to be physically and mentally. Marriage is considered imperfect by some people in Gampong Meunasah Baro, Seulimeum District, Aceh Besar Regency if the implementation is not accompanied by a celebration, even though the marriage is legal according to Islamic law. Therefore, after marriage, walimah wil be carried out, which is a celebration that accompanies the marriage to make it official so that it is known in general by the public. The implementation of walimatul 'ursy in Islam is more emphasized on simplicity, convenience, happiness and pleasure or cheapness according to needs, not based on desire. The purpose of this research is to describe redundant in a wedding reception, as well as to describe the impact of waste on the party. In this study, the researchers used qualitative method. The results of the study related to the wedding party in Gampong Meunasah Baro, Seulimeum District, Aceh Besar Regency showed that the celebration of the wedding party was already a tradition that was carried out after the wedding. This tradition is carried out to honor guests, but in the implementation of the reception based on Islamic law, it is detected that there is a redundancy that is often carried out both by the wedding party organizer and by the invited guests. The results of the study show that the waste carried out by the host as the implementation of the intent of the wedding party in the form of providing too much food so that it cannot be finished. After the wedding, a lot of food is wasted. Meanwhile, the waste done by the invited guests either intentionally or unintentionally by not finishing the food or leaving a lot of food that has been placed on the plate. However, in the view of customary law, this is considered normal, even though they know that redundant is a friend of the devil. The results of the study also show that the wedding party has had a good cultural impact, but has no impact on social, religious or economic terms.

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