ESAIM Probability and Statistics
Latest Publications





Published By Edp Sciences

1262-3318, 1292-8100

Amarjit Budhiraja ◽  
Nicolas Fraiman ◽  
Adam Waterbury

We propose two numerical schemes for approximating quasi-stationary distributions (QSD) of finite state Markov chains with absorbing states. Both schemes are described in terms of interacting chains where the interaction is given in terms of the total time occupation measure of all particles in the system and has the impact of reinforcing transitions, in an appropriate fashion, to states where the collection of particles has spent more time. The schemes can be viewed as combining the key features of the two basic simulation-based methods for approximating QSD originating from the works of Fleming and Viot (1979) and  Aldous, Flannery and Palacios (1998), respectively. The key difference between the two schemes studied here is that in the first method one starts with $a(n)$ particles at time $0$ and number of particles stays constant over time whereas in the second method we start with one particle and at most one particle is added at each time instant in such a manner that there are $a(n)$ particles at time $n$. We prove almost sure convergence to the unique QSD and establish Central Limit Theorems for the two schemes under the key assumption that $a(n)=o(n)$. Exploratory numerical results are presented to illustrate the performance.

Hongshuai Dai ◽  
Donald A. Dawson ◽  
Yiqiang Q. Zhao

In this paper, we consider a three-dimensional Brownian-driven tandem queue with intermediate inputs, which corresponds to a three-dimensional semimartingale reflecting Brownian motion whose reflection matrix is triangular. For this three-node tandem queue, no closed form formula is known, not only for its stationary distribution but also for the corresponding transform. We are interested in exact tail asymptotics for stationary distributions. By generalizing the kernel method, and using extreme value theory and copula, we obtain exact tail asymptotics for the marginal stationary distribution of the buffer content in the third buffer and for the joint stationary distribution.

Pierre Monmarché ◽  
Lucas Journel

We establish the convergences (with respect to the simulation time $t$; the number of particles $N$; the timestep $\gamma$) of a Moran/Fleming-Viot type particle scheme toward the quasi-stationary distribution of a diffusion on the $d$-dimensional torus, killed at a smooth rate. In these conditions, quantitative bounds are obtained that, for each parameter ($t\rightarrow \infty$, $N\rightarrow \infty$ or $\gamma\rightarrow 0$) are independent from the two others. p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }

Vianney Debavelaere ◽  
Stéphanie Allassonnière

The Expectation-Maximization Algorithm (EM) is a widely used method allowing to estimate the maximum likelihood of  models involving latent variables. When the Expectation step cannot be computed easily, one can use stochastic versions of the EM such as the Stochastic Approximation EM. This algorithm, however, has the drawback to require the joint likelihood to belong to the curved exponential family. To overcome this problem, \cite{kuhn2005maximum} introduced a rewriting of the model which ``exponentializes'' it by considering the parameter as an additional latent variable following a Normal distribution centered on the newly defined parameters and with fixed variance. The likelihood of this new exponentialized model now belongs to the curved exponential family. Although often used, there is no guarantee that the estimated mean is close to the  maximum likelihood estimate of the initial model. In this paper, we quantify the error done in this estimation while considering the exponentialized model instead of the initial one. By verifying those results on an example, we see that a trade-off must be made between the speed of convergence and the tolerated error. Finally, we propose a new algorithm allowing a better estimation of the parameter in a reasonable computation time to reduce the bias.

Elvan Ceyhan ◽  
John Wierman ◽  
Pengfei Xiang

We prove a Law of Large Numbers (LLN) for the domination number of class cover catch digraphs (CCCD) generated by random points in two (or higher) dimensions. DeVinney and Wierman (2002) proved the Strong Law of Large Numbers (SLLN) for the uniform distribution in one dimension, and Wierman and Xiang (2008) extended the SLLN to the case of general distributions in one dimension. In this article, using subadditive processes, we prove a SLLN result for the domination number generated by Poisson points in R 2 . From this we obtain a Weak Law of Large Numbers (WLLN) for the domination number generated by random points in [0, 1] 2  from uniform distribution first, and then extend these result to the case of bounded continuous distributions. We also extend the results to higher dimensions. The domination number of CCCDs and related digraphs have applications in statistical pattern classification and spatial data analysis.

Juan Carlos Pardo ◽  
Vincent Bansaye ◽  
Charline Smadi

We study  the  speed  of extinction of continuous state branching processes in a Lévy environment, where the associated Lévy process oscillates.  Assuming that the  Lévy process satisfies  Spitzer's condition and the existence of some  exponential moments, we extend recent results where the associated branching mechanism is stable. The study  relies on the  path analysis of  the branching process  together with its Lévy environment, when the latter is conditioned to have a non negative running infimum. For that purpose,  we combine the  approach  developed in    Afanasyev et al. \cite{Afanasyev2005},  for the discrete setting and i.i.d. environments, with fluctuation theory of Lévy processes and a remarkable result on exponential functionals of Lévy processes under Spitzer's condition due to Patie and Savov \cite{patie2016bernstein}.

Robert Gaunt

We use Stein's method to obtain explicit bounds on the rate of convergence for the Laplace approximation of two different sums of independent random variables; one being a random sum of mean zero random variables and the other being a deterministic sum of mean zero random variables in which the normalisation sequence is random. We make technical advances to the framework of Pike and Ren \cite {pike} for Stein's method for Laplace approximation, which allows us to give bounds in the Kolmogorov and Wasserstein metrics. Under the additional assumption of vanishing third moments, we obtain faster convergence rates in smooth test function metrics. As part of the derivation of our bounds for the Laplace approximation for the deterministic sum, we obtain new bounds for the solution, and its first two derivatives, of the Rayleigh Stein equation.

Andreas Basse-O’Connor ◽  
Thorbjørn Grønbæk ◽  
Mark Podolskij

In this work we characterize the local asymptotic self-similarity of harmonizable fractional Levy motions in the heavy tailed case. The corresponding tangent process is shown to be the harmonizable fractional stable motion. In addition, we provide sufficient conditions for existence of harmonizable fractional Levy motions.

Eunice Okome Obiang ◽  
Pascal Jézéquel ◽  
Frédéric Proïa

This paper is devoted to the estimation of a partial graphical model with a structural Bayesian penalization. Precisely, we are interested in the linear regression setting where the estimation is made through the direct links between potentially high-dimensional predictors and multiple responses, since it is known that Gaussian graphical models enable to exhibit direct links only, whereas coefficients in linear regressions contain both direct and indirect relations (due \textit {e.g.} to strong correlations among the variables). A smooth penalty reflecting a generalized Gaussian Bayesian prior on the covariates is added, either enforcing patterns (like row structures) in the direct links or regulating the joint influence of predictors. We give a theoretical guarantee for our method, taking the form of an upper bound on the estimation error arising with high probability, provided that the model is suitably regularized. Empirical studies on synthetic data and a real dataset are conducted.

Benedetta Cavalli

The growth-fragmentation equation models systems of particles that grow and reproduce as time passes. An important question concerns the asymptotic behaviour of its solutions. Bertoin and Watson ( $2018$ ) developed a probabilistic approach relying on the Feynman-Kac formula, that enabled them to answer to this question for sublinear growth rates. This assumption on the growth ensures that microscopic particles remain microscopic. In this work, we go further in the analysis, assuming bounded fragmentations and allowing arbitrarily small particles to reach macroscopic mass in finite time. We establish necessary and sufficient conditions on the coefficients of the equation that ensure Malthusian behaviour with exponential speed of convergence to the asymptotic profile. Furthermore, we provide an explicit expression of the latter.

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