uniform distribution
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А.Д. Каксин

В статье рассматриваются особенности выражения категории эвиденциальности в тюркских языках. Выделены значения достоверности, неочевидности и неожиданного обнаружения. Равномерное рассредоточение средств выражения по всем языковым уровням признано основным формальным признаком эвиденциальной системы тюркских языков. В этом смысле тюркские языки контрастируют с языками, в которых большая функциональная нагрузка ложится на лексические средства (как, например, в русском языке). Приводятся краткие сведения еще об одном типе языков по исследуемому признаку: его представляют языки, имеющие парадигму особого наклонения - эвиденциалиса (некоторые уральские). С типологической точки зрения весь представленный в тюркских языках комплекс искомых значений и средств их выражения признан особым типом эвиденциальной системности. The article deals with the features of the expression of the category of evidentiality in the Turkic languages. The values of confidence, non - obviousness, and unexpected detection are highlighted. The uniform distribution of the means of expression across all language levels is recognized as the main formal feature of the evidential system of the Turkic languages. In this sense, the Turkic languages contrast with languages in which a large functional load falls on lexical means (as, for example, in Russian). Brief information is given about another type of language according to the studied feature: it is represented by languages that have a paradigm of a special mood - evidentialis (some Uralic). From the typological point of view, the whole complex of the desired meanings and means of their expression presented in the Turkic languages is recognized as a special type of the evidential system.

Eddy Keming Chen ◽  
Roderich Tumulka

AbstractLet $$\mathscr {H}$$ H be a finite-dimensional complex Hilbert space and $$\mathscr {D}$$ D the set of density matrices on $$\mathscr {H}$$ H , i.e., the positive operators with trace 1. Our goal in this note is to identify a probability measure u on $$\mathscr {D}$$ D that can be regarded as the uniform distribution over $$\mathscr {D}$$ D . We propose a measure on $$\mathscr {D}$$ D , argue that it can be so regarded, discuss its properties, and compute the joint distribution of the eigenvalues of a random density matrix distributed according to this measure.

2022 ◽  
Matthew Rix ◽  
Samuel Higgs ◽  
Eleanor Dodd ◽  
Simon Coles ◽  
Nathaniel Bingham ◽  

The thionolactone 3,3-dimethyl-2,3-dihydro-5H-benzo[e][1,4]dioxepine-5-thione (DBT) is shown to homopolymerize and, for the first time, copolymerize with styrene and methacrylates, introducing degradable thioester backbone functionality. The rapid copolymerization with styrene was exploited to produce copolymers through free-radical polymerization in a starve-fed semi-batch setup. The copolymerization of DBT with tert-butyl methacrylate under RAFT conditions was hypothesized to involve selective retardation of DBT-terminal chains that led to a more uniform distribution of degradable thioester linkages between chains. Surprisingly, the aminolysis of DBT homopolymers was accompanied by the intramolecular ether cleavage within the primary degradation product leading to the formation of 2,2-dimethylthiirane and salic-ylamides.

2022 ◽  
V.S. Konovalova

Abstract. The possibility of obtaining luminous phosphate coatings on steel by cold method has been studied. Modified cold phosphating solutions containing organic additives (glycerin, trilon B, OS-20 emulsifier) were selected as the basis to maintain the pH, stabilize the solution and improve the quality and structure of the deposited coatings. To obtain the glow effect, a green phosphor based on Zn2SiO4 containing manganese as a sensitizer was added to the phosphating solution. During deposition, phosphate coatings are obtained that glow with spots, but constant mixing of the solution during deposition contributes to the uniform distribution of phosphor in the phosphate film. Luminous phosphate coatings have good protective properties, they can be used as an independent protection of steel surfaces from corrosion.

Vijendra Pal Singh Rathore ◽  
Komal Tikariya ◽  
Jayanti Mukherjee

The aim of the study is to formulate and evaluate transdermal patches of Thiocholchicoside In the present study, matrix type were prepared by moulding techniques. This mode of drug delivery is more beneficial for chronic disorders such as Rheumatoid arthritis which require long term drug administration to maintain therapeutic drug concentration in plasma. Transport of drugs or compounds via skin is a complex phenomenon, which allows the passage of drugs or compounds into and across the skin. In the present work an attempt has been made to formulate and evaluate the transdermal patches of Thiocholchicoside using various blends of polymer. The polymeric combinations EC/PVP and EC/HPMC used for the formulation of transdermal patches showed good film forming property. The patches formed were thin, flexible, smooth and transparent. The weight variation tests showed less variation in weight and suggesting uniform distribution of drug and polymer over the mercury surface. The thicknesses of the transdermal patches were found to increase on increasing concentration of hydrophilic polymers like PVP and HPMC.All the patches showed good flexibility and folding endurance properties. The result suggests that the formulations with increased hydrophilic polymer concentration showed long folding endurance. The moisture content in the patches was found to be low and formulations with more hydrophilic polymer concentrations showed more percentage moisture content. The in-vitro drug release studies showed that formulations TDP2, TDP3, TDP4, and TDP5 with increased concentration of hydrophilic polymer showed rapid release. The drug content analysis showed minimum variations suggesting uniform distribution of drug.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-46
Aleksey Kupreenko ◽  
Yury Kuznetsov ◽  
Tatiana Bychkova ◽  
Igor Kravchenko ◽  
Nikolay Aldoshin ◽  

The construction of a solar dryer-grain storage facilities is described. The design of a auger conveyor-distributor of grain for its loading is offered. The dependence of the width of the discharge opening in the casing of the auger conveyor-distributor on its length is obtained. The results of laboratory tests of the auger conveyor-distributor of grain are presented. It is established that the minimum initial width of the drain opening for wheat grain should be not less than 9 mm. The conditions of uniform distribution of grain by the auger conveyor-distributor are justified: the filling factor of the auger interturn space in its loading zone – 0.35; the length of the discharge opening of the charging hopper should be equal to the doubled value of the auger pitch size. In this case, the uneven distribution of grain along the discharge opening will be no more than 5%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
Aleksandar Radonjić

The paper presents the basic idea of ​​the construction of an analog discrete uniform noise generator. The source of noise is a carbon resistor, the noise is linearly strongly amplified and limited to around zero. The probability density function (PDF) of the carbon resistor thermal noise in that region is square. By narrowing the symmetric allowable gap (interval) around zero, PDF of the noise approaches a uniform distribution. The factor of deviation from the uniform distribution is correctly and precisely defined. This quantity has been shown to be practically negligible. In addition, the paper discusses the application of the proposed ditheter noise, both in the two-bit and in the multi-bit stochastic digital measurement method (SDMM). It has been shown that noise is more suitable for application in multi-bit SDMM, because it is less sensitive to deviations from the uniform distribution. Commercially available track-and-hold circuits provide at least an order of magnitude wider bandwidth of the described generator compared to the standard solution that uses numerical random number generator and a corresponding D/A converter. However, the realization of such a generator requires hard engineering work, and therefore goes beyond the scope of this paper.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-117
Shiva Bikram Thapa ◽  
Suresh Basnet ◽  
Raju Khanal

The force experienced by the hamstring during the leg curl has been numerically investigated using the conservation theorem. The center of the meniscus is assumed to be the pivot point along with the uniform distribution of forces in the frictionless environment. The variation of force experienced by the hamstring during the concentric motion of the leg curl has been derived and graphically illustrated. It is found that the force experienced by the hamstring increases with the increase in length of the lower leg and its weight as well. The magnitude of force decreases with the increase in distance from the pivot to insertion. However, the magnitude of force increases from about 3.60 to 4.79 kN in the practically valid region 3 to 4 cm distance from the pivot to insertion with the increase in weight of lower leg from 5 to 15 kg. On the other hand, the magnitude of force increases from about 3.75 to 9.80 kN with the increase in weight suspended on the machine from 10 to 40 kg. In addition, the force decreases with the increase in upper leg dimension, but it linearly increases with the increase in the angle of suspension.

Korra Nagu ◽  
Adepu Kumar

In this study, friction stir welding (FSW) was performed on AA6061-T6 with and without brass interlayer. The FSW with interlayer was performed for various tool rotational speeds (600–1000 r/min) and at constant travel speed (25 mm/min). The defect-free joint with uniform distribution of brass particles in the stir zone (SZ) and formation of the uniform composite structure was observed at an intermediate optimized tool rotational speed of 800 r/min due to the proper material flow. A strong metallurgical bond between brass particles with aluminium alloy resulted in the formation of Al2Cu and Al4Cu9 strengthening intermetallic compounds (IMCs). The average grain size obtained for the weld with interlayer is smaller than weld without interlayer. The presence of the interlayer enhanced the hardness and the tensile strength compared to the weld without interlayer. This improvement in mechanical properties with interlayer is attributed to the formation and uniform distribution of strengthening IMCs. The corrosion analysis was carried out in 3.5% NaCl solution using immersion test and electrochemical polarization test. The weld with interlayer showed enhanced corrosion resistance than the weld without interlayer which is attributed to the formation of major Al2Cu IMC which has less activation energy for the corrosion process.

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