Journal of English for Academic and Specific Purposes
Latest Publications





Published By Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University

2622-2957, 2615-4358

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 152-164
M Nabris Raunaq ◽  
Mutmainnah Mustofa ◽  
Elvin Nur Habibah

The purpose of this research aimed to know the students’ perception on their online Extensive reading learning. Survey design was used to conduct this study, and therefore, the questioner was constructed as the instruments of the study besides the researcher himself. The participants of this research were 44 students of first semester in the Accounting Department at FLSP class of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (Class A). The researcher adopted the questionnaire from a previous study conducted by Yogurtcu (2013), Tseng (2015), and Torres (2017), and the questionnaire showed the students’ perceptions of their online learning. The questionnaire consists of 20 statements and each statement has five alternative responses from 1 to 5: Strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree. Google Form is the media to distribute the questionnaire due to the global pandemic of Covid 19. The results of the study indicate that students show positive response towards the use of Extensive reading in online learning. The students perceived that benefits of the activities had substantial effect on increasing their vocabularies, and students focused on educational evaluation they read during the semester. Based on the data, there are advantages, they are: we can complete to read the whole text, we can determine mind idea and supporting idea of the texts, The online reading activities helped me to get more interested in reading text, we can easily understand the text from online reading activities, and there is disadvantage, they are: distraction (Tools and Signal).

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-200
Nurus Syamsiyah Furotun ◽  
Mutmainnah Mustofa ◽  
Erfan Efendi ◽  
Nur Jamilah

The use of digital applications is very helpful in teaching and learning process, especially for language classes. The existence of technology is very helpful for teachers to increase student interest in learning about English language lesson. The development of the digital world is used by teachers to be used as a tool to facilitate student learning. This research focuses on the role of using a digital application called Wattpad which will make students diligently read English reading texts, so that they become more skilled in learning. In this research, the researchers defined the term digital application to explain the use of digital application in an effort to improve English as a foreign language learning skill. The related review of literature shows that the use of multi-media technology can improve students’ language learning skills because matches their interests. Therefore, their English skills can be better.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 128-141
Nissa Ilma Mukti ◽  
Rochmawati Rochmawati ◽  
Alfiah Nur Senta ◽  
Leo Candra Wahyu Utam ◽  
Zulvy Alivia Hanim

This research investigates on the use of online platform media learning, namely to facilitate students’ willingness to communicate and acquire their second language in an online classroom. This study is considered essential to be taken account to, as it correlates to the current situation, in which classes are conducted online. To gain the data, questionnaire were distributed to third semester students who are learning English as part of their course for a foreign and second language in Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. By applying a mixed-method research design, the result of the study presents that there were four main factors affecting students’ willingness to communicate when using This includes learners’ behavioral intention, interlocutors, motivations and their affective-cognitive skills. Moreover, it was also noted that was found to be quite beneficial in facilitating students to acquire their second language through the mentioned aspects. Hopefully, the result of the study may bring new insight and contribute to the online teaching learning process that takes place nowadays both for teachers and second language learners.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-188
Prima Purbasari ◽  
Iffatunnida Iffatunnida ◽  
Urwatus Silvia Rahmah Silvia Rahmah

2020 might be unforgettable for teachers since they need to face the challenging teaching situation in the ruinous Covid-19 pandemic. To deliver the lesson, teachers need varied online applications to reach their students. Furthermore, they need more online media to ensure the students grasp what they need to achieve as a learning outcome. Online games are used in this study as the supportive learning tool after lecturing session about Reading Strategies. Furthermore, it is the tool to engage students to practice the student-centered learning so that they will be autonomous learners. There are four games used in this study i.e. Main Idea Millionaire, Main Idea Storm, Context Clues, and Scanning Skimming games, which are provided in three different websites. This is a qualitative phenomenological study expecting to capture details and experience of students and then to describe the meaning of the findings based on the subjects’ individual experience. The study was conducted in Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, exactly at Architectural Engineering Department. Based on the findings, students thought that online reading games helped them to visualize the context of particular texts because of its good animation and sound effects. Students, in teacher’s evaluation, became more active in engaging themselves in the class discussion after having several activities of playing the online reading games. They said that they could easily play the games over and over anytime. This study proves that the employed online games can boost students’ confidence and encourage them to be active in the teaching and learning situation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 142-151
Imam Ghozali ◽  
Banun Havifah Cahyo Khosiyono ◽  
Muhammad Ulil Abror

Designing language syllabus is one of the important processes in the English language teaching contexts. Ensuring both teachers and students’ needs what and how their teaching and learning are applicable, negotiated syllabus can be proposed in teaching-learning processes. This study aims to find the teachers' and students' perspectives to determine whether aspects of the syllabus may be negotiable. Qualitative descriptive is used in this research. The participants involved were four English teachers and twenty students. Data were collected by using a questionnaire in the form of open-ended questions. The syllabus aspects that may be interested to negotiate according to Boon (2011) are course content, lesson aims, sequencing, material, homework, evaluation, methodology, groupings, and error correction. Both teachers and students believe the eleven areas could be negotiated. However, there are some debates in several areas. According to some teachers’ perspectives, the area of material, homework, evaluation, and error correction are not needed to be negotiated. Besides, according to some students, the area of course content, lesson aim, sequencing, material, grouping, and error correction are the teachers’ responsibilities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-81
Yogo Gandjarwati

Reading comprehension is crucial skill for both English as a Second Language (ELS) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. To develop the students’ reading  ability, the use of main idea of paragraphs in comprehending the passage  becomes an alternative solution to be used in teaching. This study is categorized as a Classroom Action Research (CAR). It was applied in use of main idea of paragraphs in comprehending the passage to improve the students’ reading skills. The population of the study is 36 students at the second year students of SMAN 1 Kauman. The instruments of the study consisted of reading test and questionnaries. Based on the research finding  that the students’ reading skill and their motivation were still low, as it was indicated in pre-study, the score result was under KKM or the average score is 65 ,55. Therefore, the researcher tried to apply  the use of reading based main ideas on coomprehending  passages to improve the reading skill. The writer found in the first cycle the average score is 77,00. The next cycle done by the writer repaired the strategy in teaching   reading through main idea of paragraphs. It was proved that the students’ score average is 80,22. They passed and got the better score than previous result.  It’s concluded that the use of main idea of paragraphs in comprehending the passage was able to improve the students’ reading skill. The students’ interest in reading comprehension through main idea of paragraphs is also good. It has shown  the result of questionnaire (83,33%).

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-91
Irham Irham ◽  
Septia Dwi Jayanti

To improve the students’ speaking proficiency is one of key focuses in EFL teaching. However, most students at intensive English (IE) program administered by the Language Center in the University of MI (pseudonym), one of state universities in Malang, still encounter several major problems in speaking English such as that they do not know what to say, they frequently get stuck, or they have such high levels of anxiety. These contribute much to the students’ limited speaking competence. Therefore, the current paper examines teaching and learning practice in IE program which focuses on speaking and listening skills and aims at formulating the appropriate implementation of inquiry-based learning to improve the students’ speaking skills. The data were collected through oral presentation test, questionnaire, field-notes, and interview. The criteria of success are that (1) every student gets a minimum score of 70, and (2) 75% of the class has positive attitude toward the strategy. The findings of the study revealed that the strategy could indeed improve the students’ speaking skill. In addition, it could increase their self-esteem as well as encouraged them to involve more in the learning processes. Such values might be gained when the strategy takes the steps which facilitate the students to: (1) respond several guiding questions which stimulate investigation; (2) investigate some texts, real objects, pictures, or persons to gather the required information; (3) create new ideas by discussing the information with peers; (4) present the ideas in front of the class; and (5) reflect on their own performance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-103
Bagus Putra Krisdiana

Speaking skill can be practiced in various ways. To master it, the researcher researched by using one of them by integrating it with word cards. The researcher used monologue integrated with word cards to investigate whether the integration was effective or not in increasing speaking skill. This study was restricted to the eleventh graders of the public upper level of secondary school. By using a one-group pre-test and post-test design, treatments were given to the 30 learners for six meetings. To achieve the aim of the study, two tests were constructed, in which a pre-test was given before while a post-test was given after the treatments. After the treatments finished, the scores of both tests were compared. The data analysis showed that the mean score of the pre-test was 42.3 while the post-test was 71.4 where tvalue = 31.753 with significance = .000 or ttabel of df = 29 with significance level .05 = 2.045, which means tvalue ttabel or significance .05. The result showed that the learners gained a significantly higher score in the post-test if it was compared to the one in the pre-test. It means that monologue integrated with word cards was effective in increasing speaking skill.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-114
Dian Arsitades Wiranegara ◽  
Sohibul Hairi

The use of telegram can be used to hold a meeting just like the regular class conducted. Teacher can still observe all members of the group—students—belong to the class once both parties start to chat or to keep online within the chat in telegram group. Therefore, every meeting within the group, teacher can share his or her teaching material into the group and discuss it along with the students. This also means that the use of social media group such as: whatsapp or telegram group can help learners to experience a different way of conducting teaching and learning process. However, the process may take a while compared to the face-to-face weekly regular class. This distance class, of course, can be a new experience by both teacher and students as it needs further investigation about how this can be conducted accordingly. Nonetheless, during these four meetings conducted individually at home, both teacher and students are still able to catch up all the material given within the social media group. As a result, in order to achieve the effective learning process of English language class during the Covid-19 pandemic, the distance class should not burden the students as long as the learning process can be conducted efficiently. Hence, by using telegram group, teacher and students can keep in touch or communicate intensively in discussing the teaching material. At the end of teaching and learning process, students can later be given a chance to improve their learning strategy to become a long life learner despite any condition experienced by them

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-127
Zainuddin Zainuddin

This paper discusses the nature of reading comprehension, types of comprehension, why questioning helps students comprehend texts better. It also correlates to the advantages of using Questions-Answer Relationship (QAR) to improve students’ reading comprehension skills and the application of QAR. the paper concludes with several suggestions for classroom in the university level. This research was planned for collaborative classroom activity where the writer (acted as the instructor) and his collaborator (acted as the observer) worked together on the methods of this research, specifically: preparatory, planning, actualizing the plan, observing the activity, and reflecting the result of the activity. The subjects of this research were 30 English students at English education department in the university. For the data collection, the writer employed the checklist, field notes, and test. All the data collection were analyzed descriptively, and the results were compared with the criteria of success in this article to see whether the criteria of success had been accomplished or not.

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