Journal of Global Innovations in Agricultural and Social Sciences
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Published By Journal Of Global Innovations In Agricultural And Social Sciences (Jgiass)

2311-3839, 2312-5225

Ahmad Nawaz Sipra

The tomato, Solanum lycopersicum L., is the 2nd major crop which is widely grown on the large area of Pakistan. This crop is affected by the fruit borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). Although some predators and parasitoids have been recorded in the field for their natural control, their manipulation to a successful crop management is still awaited. The present study was planned to evaluate the toxic effects of four insecticides, i.e. Coragen 20SI (Chlorantraniliprole), Steward (indoxicarb), Belt 39.4 (Flubendiamide), Proclaim (emamectin benzoate) against tomato fruit borer (H. armigera) under field conditions. The research trial was laid out under randomized complete block design (RCBD) together with control. Findings of the bioassays displayed that Coragen 20SI exhibited noteworthy mortality (75.23%) of H. armigera after exposure of 6 days, among the four tested insecticides. Whilst Proclaim and Chlorantraniliprole exhibited relatively lower mortalities of 70.90% and 65.41%, respectively. While relatively lower mortality values i.e. 61.10, 55.41, 52.76 and 48.19% were recorded after 4 days and 57.80, 50.12, 46.09 and 39.24% after 2 days. Overall, results disclosed that all four tested insecticides gave enhanced control under controlled experimental conditions. Hence, Coragen 20SI and Steward can be used in integrated pest management (IPM) of H. armigera.

Hasan Gokhan Dogan

Dry beans are an agricultural product within the legume family. It is a product included in irrigated farming systems and has a higher profit margin compared to other products. It is an important resource in meeting the protein needs of people with low income. In this study, dry bean projections with the ARIMA model have been made for the provinces of Central Anatolia Region and Turkey in general. The ARIMA model projected that there was an important volatility in the dry bean production areas over the years. As a result of the estimations, although a rising trend in the period up to 2023, especially after the estimate was made in 2021 will again switch to a down trend. In the light of the information obtained, it is recommended to eliminate the factors that will adversely affect the producer's production decisions. It is recommended to further support cost factors to provide price stability and to examine the actors in the supply chain.

Asma Shaukat ◽  
M. Shahid Mahmood

Foodborne pathogens not only spoil food commodity but also cause health issues. Microbes contaminated food and water causes gastroenteritis and inflammation of the stomach and intestinal lining. Allopathic medicines have been used to treat various diseases caused by food borne pathogens, although these medicines are beneficial, but have their own side effects. To overcome these side effects, Moringa oleifera leaves are used worldwide since ancient times. It is used for various medicinal purposes and look for remedies and health approaches for the side effects caused by synthetic chemicals In this study, the antimicrobial components of M. oleifera was quantified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and their antibacterial effects were investigated against food borne pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Shigella dysenteriae, Bacillus cereus and Psedomonase aeruginosa by disc diffusion method. Methanolic extract showed zone of inhibition against S. aureus and P. aeruginosa of 9 mm and 8 mm ZOI, respectively. The ethanol extract showed results against S. aureus and P. aeruginosa 12 mm and 9 mm ZOI, respectively. The aqueous extract of plant showed zone of inhibition was E. coli 12mm while S. dysenteriae 9mm. High performance liquid chromatography was used to quantify the antimicrobial components of M. oleifera and the results showed that it contain flavonoids and phenolic compounds

Arsène Boka ◽  
Odette Dogbo Denezon

Rice brown spot caused by the fungus Bipolaris oryzae is one of the constraints affecting the productivity of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Côte d'Ivoire. As an effort to find ways of controlling this disease, the efficacy of the fungicide NATIVO 300 SC (trifloxystrobin 100 g l-1 + tebuconazole 200 g l-1) was tested in field conditions at Gbombélo in western Côte d'Ivoire. Five fungicide treatments were studied (water, 2 kg ha-1 of COGA 80 WP (800 g/kg mancozeb), 250 ml ha-1 of NATIVO 300 SC, 300 ml ha-1 of NATIVO 300 SC and 350 ml ha-1 of NATIVO 300 SC), in a Fischer experimental design with four replicates. Results showed a significant effect of fungicides on the severity of brown spot disease, with scores 2 to 3 times lower than in the control plot (water-treated). NATIVO 300 SC at the 350 ml ha-1 dose showed the same severity score as COGA 80 WP, the reference fungicide. Regarding the effect on the yield, NATIVO (300 SC, 350 ml ha-1) performed 9 times better (1.2825 tons ha-1) than the control plot (0.1392 ton ha-1), compared to 6 times for COGA 80 WP (0.9626 ton.ha-1). These results show that NATIVO (300 SC) is as effective, against rice brown spot (Bipolaris oryzae), as COGA 80 WP, the reference fungicide. However, at the dose of 350 ml ha-1, NATIVO 300 SC was the most efficient both from crop protection and agronomic perspective.

Arzu KAN ◽  
Mustafa KAN

Chickpea is an indispensable part of agriculture in Turkey besides being an important part of sustainable farming systems and also being an important food of Turkey. However, due to various reasons such as climate, disease and price policies, there are important decreases in cultivation areas. For this reason, it is one of the products aimed to increase reproduction in Turkish agriculture with the project "Bringing Fallow Lands to Production" initiated in 2018. With the Covid-19 pandemic, it has increased its importance because it is an important source of protein in a balanced diet today, where food security is again important for all countries. This study was prepared with the data obtained as a result of the survey conducted with 633 chickpea producers in 6 provinces (Çorum, Karaman, Kırşehir, Konya, Nevşehir and Yozgat) during the 2019 production season. The number of questionnaires was determined according to the Purposive Sampling Method. The aim of the study is to reveal the general characteristics and production behavior of producers in chickpea production. For this purpose, the producer was divided into 3 clusters by Cluster Analysis. These clusters are Innovative (INV), Traditional-Neutral (T-N) and Traditional-Agriculture (T-A). As a result of the study, it was determined that the producers in the INV cluster experienced less productivity loss, and the producers in the T-A group were the producers with the highest yield loss. It can be said that while economic factors are more effective in production decisions in all three clusters, agricultural knowledge is also effective in IN cluster besides economic factors. Consequently, when it is thought that the number of producers in T-N and T-A cluster are more than the other cluster (INV) in Turkey, the production market measures are the most important factors impressing to take decisions of producers in chickpea production. However, as in the INV cluster, the participation of producers in more production will pave the way for a conscious production. This situation will contribute to the development of circular economy in agriculture as well as for sustainable agriculture systems

Abdul Haseeb ◽  
Kaleem Ullah Sarfraz

Zoonotic diseases are those diseases that are transferred from animals to humans. Several equine zoonotic diseases affected humans from mild to severe such as vesicular stomatitis, brucellosis, methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, equine Hendra virus, dermatophytosis, leptospirosis, anthrax, giardiasis, rabies, arboviral encephalitis, acute diarrhea, salmonellosis, clostridium difficile, and cryptosporidiosis. These serious diseases did not eliminate due to many reasons. Personal hygiene, protective clothing, recognition of zoonotic agents and identification of potential fomites can reduce zoonotic diseases or prevent the transfer of zoonotic diseases.

Sufian Ikram ◽  
Muhammad Nafees

Pomegranate is an ancient fruit and is under cultivation through prehistoric times. Ancient and modern medical sciences have acknowledged and utilized the medicinal capabilities of pomegranate. One of the major factors limiting yield in pomegranate production is fruit splitting/cracking, losses due to fruit cracking could be as high as 40-60 percent in a given production year. Appearance of splits/cracks on fruit skin greatly reduce the yield and quality of produce. Cracked skin exposes arils to severity of environment, inset/pests, birds, microorganisms and bacterial/fungal pathogens. Stage of cracking is also an important factor as premature cracking greatly reduces yield and cracking at harvest stage reduces fruit quality, post-harvest life. This review highlights causes of fruit cracking in pomegranate and attempt is made for suggesting the best possible control for fruit cracking. In pomegranate environmental, genetic, diseases, physiological, and nutritional factors influence cracking. Varieties show variant intensity of cracking in same environmental and cultural conditions, genes responsible for cracking are reported in many fruit crops. Improper cultural practices and severity in environmental conditions, increased air temperature, moisture imbalance, hot dry winds, heavy rainfall following a dry spell and difference in day and night temperature also influence cracking. It can be reduced by selecting best suitable plants, using good orchard management and advanced production technology. This review addresses both researchers and growers as it provides necessary information about recent studies and points out the areas that need to be explored. For growers it suggests the best possible control and awareness about selection of right cultivars.

Muhammad Ammun Bashir ◽  
Muhammad Rafi Qamar

This study describes the clinical signs, postmortem lesions and histopathological findings in chinkara deer died during an outbreak of enterotoxaemia. The study included 7 chinkara deer. During the outbreak, 5 chinkara deer died without clinical signs while 2 chinkara deer showed clinical signs before death. Clinical signs including greenish watery diarrhea, chocolate colored urine, herding in a corner with head down, fever, anorexia and opisthotonos. After death of these 7 deer, necropsy performed and observed soft and swollen kidneys, straw color fluid in abdominal cavity, edematous and congested lungs, hydrothorax, hydropericardium, hemorrhages and ballooning of small and large intestine and watery contents in the small intestine. In per-acute cases multifocal petechial hemorrhages on jejunal mucosa and myocardium were frequently observed. The histologic changes were perivascular cuffing in lungs and proteinaceous fluid in alveoli, pulmonary edema and hemorrhagic enteritis. Disruption of renal tubular epithelial cells, necrosis and congestion observed in histopathological section of kidneys. Affected deer was treated with different drugs and supplements but unfortunately prognosis was death. Enterotoxaemia is more fatal in young deer than adult. On the basis of this study we found that enterotoxaemia clinical signs, postmortem lesions and histopathological changes in deer are same as other animals such as sheep and goats.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 125-133
H. Ozcan Ozdemır

The aim of the study has been to record the effect of the organisational behaviour of the heads of agricultural holdings on their agricultural behaviours in Kırşehir province of Turkey. It was attempted to represent the organizational behaviours of producers by three different scales that were developed by different researchers and adapted to the present study. These scales are “Intrinsic Motivation Scale (IMS)”, “Leadership Qualities Scale (LQS)” and “Physiological Empowerment Instrument (PEI)”. The study was conducted in Mucur district of the Kırsehir Province with 98 heads of the agricultural holding between February-March, 2020. As a result, it was determined that the 3 scales had separate effects on different variables. Upon examining the economic variables particularly from (SGDPV) point of view, producers with high PEI and LQS values were found to have more earnings and producers with high IMS value worked mainly in plant production (embraced agricultural production) and tended to have more risks. Individuals with high IMS and PEI were inclined towards formal sources of information and private sector while individuals with high LQS see themselves as the central source of information. Therefore, written and visual sources as well as private sector remain at the top of information source. The sociological changes in rural areas of Turkey produce significant results in agricultural production. Changes in the behaviours of producers lead to the emergence of different roles with the society. There is an important change in the perception of the society with regards to leader farmer and individual with producers having a tendency toward individual action. Therefore, organization behaviour ways of producers do not fit in the theoretical structure or do not affect their agricultural production behaviours. Therefore, more sociological researches are required and new scales should be developed for rural communities and even for agricultural communities. Keywords: Physiological Empowerment Instrument, Intrinsic Motivation Scores, Leadership Qualities

Umer Javed ◽  

The requirement of animal protein is increasing with the population growth of the world. To fulfil this requirement, poultry meat is the cheapest and major source of animal protein. However, growth of broiler birds is being maximized by supplementing various nutrients from both artificial and natural source. One of the major nutrient for optimizing broiler growth performance are amino acids. Amino acids play a major role in meat type bird’s growth as they are the building blocks of protein synthesis and regulate different metabolic pathways. These metabolic pathways increases the digestion and absorption of nutrients. The purpose of this review is to insight the effect of tryptophan on production parameters and metabolic pathways involved in the synthesis of serotonin. On the basis of this review, we can conclude that tryptophan level of 0.20% during the starter phase and 0.15% during the finisher phase is mandatory to maintain optimum growth performance. However, tryptophan level of 0.20% is sole precursor for the synthesis of serotonin that is a neuromediator. Serotonin is involved in the dietary choice of broiler bird, improving gastrointestinal motility and intestinal secretion. Therefore, it is concluded that optimum level of tryptophan should be maintained in diet either by natural or synthetic source to optimize the growth performance and metabolic activities.

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