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Published By University Of Zilina

2585-7878, 1335-4205

Oleksandr Stasiuk ◽  
Valeriy Kuznetsov ◽  
Vitalii Zubok ◽  
Lidiya Goncharova ◽  
Antonina Muntian

The paper is devoted to analysis of modern directions of innovation-investment formation of intelligent computer networks that control the fast-moving technological processes of electricity supply. It is based on the conclusion that the problem of increasing the productivity of information exchange between information resources and consumers is dominant. A method for increasing the efficiency of information exchange is proposed as a search for the rational location of a new node and the organization of such a set of its connections among the whole set of nodes of the computer network, which provides a minimum average topological distance. Mathematical models of effective topological organization of connections in computer network of power consumption control at the level of traction substations, electric power distances and the railway in general are proposed.

Ganna Samchuk ◽  
Denis Kopytkov ◽  
Alexander Rossolov

The article deals with the problem of estimating the rational number and utilization rate of the vehicles' fleet. According to the analysis results of the state-of-the-art literature it has been revealed that the issue of substantiating the rational fleet size and the rate of its utilization were not fully solved. The purpose of the study was to increase the efficiency of servicing transportation orders by determining the required number of vehicles. The goal of the research was the influence of the transportation process parameters on the truck utilization rate. Originating from the probabilistic nature of the transportation process, it has been proposed to use the AnyLogic software product to develop a simulation model for vehicle orders' servicing. From the processing of the experimental results by the regression analysis methods, it has been found that the dependence of changes in the vehicle utilization rate is of a linear form.

Piotr Gorzelańczyk ◽  
Bartlomiej Kelm

Every year, there are more and more cars on the roads that cause pollution. To reduce it, conventional vehicles have started to be replaced by electric and hybrid vehicles. Therefore, the average fuel/energy consumption of electric, hybrid, spark ignition and self-ignition vehicles over a test distance of 100 km was investigated. The test results were then compared to the manufacturer's data and the average difference between the manufacturer's data and the test data is shown. The largest average difference in fuel consumption between the manufacturer's data and the test data was observed for hybrid vehicles (over 230 %) and the smallest for electric vehicles (less than 10 %) and spark ignition vehicles (almost 18 %). Considering costs, the largest difference between manufacturer's data and test data is observed, as in the previous case, in electric vehicles (0.25 €) and the largest in hybrid vehicles (almost 6 € per 100 kilometers driven).

Isaac Oyeyemi Olayode ◽  
Alessandro Severino ◽  
Tiziana Campisi ◽  
Lagouge Kwanda Tartibu

In the last decades, the Italian road transport system has been characterized by severe and consistent traffic congestion and in particular Rome is one of the Italian cities most affected by this problem. In this study, a LevenbergMarquardt (LM) artificial neural network heuristic model was used to predict the traffic flow of non-autonomous vehicles. Traffic datasets were collected using both inductive loop detectors and video cameras as acquisition systems and selecting some parameters including vehicle speed, time of day, traffic volume and number of vehicles. The model showed a training, test and regression value (R2) of 0.99892, 0.99615 and 0.99714 respectively. The results of this research add to the growing body of literature on traffic flow modelling and help urban planners and traffic managers in terms of the traffic control and the provision of convenient travel routes for pedestrians and motorists.

Nelson Baza-Solares ◽  
Ruben Velasquez-Martínez ◽  
Cristian Torres-Bohórquez ◽  
Yerly Martínez-Estupiñán ◽  
Cristian Poliziani

The analysis of traffic problems in large urban centers often requires the use of computational tools, which give the possibility to make a more detailed analysis of the issue, suggest solutions, predict behaviors and, above all, support efficient decision-making. Transport microsimulation software programs are a handy set of tools for this type of analysis. This research paper shows a case study where functions and limitations of Aimsun version 8.2.0, a commercial-like European software and Sumo version 1.3.1, a European open-source software, are presented. The input and output data are similar in both software and the interpretation of results is quite intuitive for both, as well. However, Aimsun's graphical interface interprets results more user-friendly, because Sumo is an open-access software presented as an effective alternative tool for transport modeling.

Andrii Galkin ◽  
Velerii Levada ◽  
Volodymyr Kyselov ◽  
Oksana Hulchak ◽  
Dmytro Prunenko ◽  

Estimation of the optimal size of order is one of the key tasks in determining the parameters of the urban freight restocking system. The existing analytical models and methods are considering each technology separately and they do not compare the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and Justin-tme (JIT) restocking technologies. The purpose of this research was to evaluate efficiency of the JIT and EOQ restocking technologies. The research would help in selecting the delivery model, analyzing functioning of existing JIT and EOQ models. The article presents an approach to determining the comparison in organizing supplies to the retailer. For this, the two supply models were compared. The Just-in-Time model is characterised by costs that are spend on transportation. The Economic Order Quantity model includes costs of transportation and storage in a warehouse. After calculations, application of the Just-in-Time model in the given conditions was determined.

Jiří Jelínek ◽  
Jiří Čejka ◽  
Josef Šedivý

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are a today´s hot topic, especially in the context of the development of information technologies, which can be employed in transportation. Although the scope and the technical solution of these systems may vary, they are frequently based on VANET (Vehicular ad hoc network), i.e. a communication network, which is primarily generated among the moving subjects, which form ITS. Given the highly dynamic VANET, the questions are raised as to the data transmission. This paper is aimed to make a detail analysis of the communications within VANET using the simulation model, which includes the static infrastructure of ITS and to experimentally verify the impact of this infrastructure on the dynamics of information spreading in ITS. The authors present the results obtained from a few different scenarios, which have been tested.

Ladislav Jánošík ◽  
Ivana Jánošíková ◽  
Jiří Kuczaj ◽  
Pavel Poledňák ◽  
Izabela Šudrychová ◽  
The Real ◽  

The paper addresses the driving dynamics of emergency fire trucks. It focuses on the issues of braking, measuring real braking distances and calculating adhesion coefficients. It presents the results of measuring the real braking distances for firefighting vehicles - type water tenders. Measurements were taken on dry asphalt and depending on the vehicle's speed of travel. Experiments were conducted on five types of firefighting vehicles. The results of measurements are mainly used by fire protection units to the drivers’ self-education to improve safety when driving to intervene.

Suyambazhahan Sivalingam ◽  
Sunny Narayan ◽  
Sakthivel Rajamohan ◽  
Ivan Grujic ◽  
Nadica Stojanovic

The additive manufacturing (AM) of products involves various processes, such as raising the temperature of a work-piece (part) and substrate to the melting point and subsequent solidification, using a movable source of heat. The work piece is subjected to repeated cycles of heating and cooling. The main objective of this work was to present an overview of the various methods used for prediction of the residual stresses and how their contributions can be used to improve current additive manufacturing methods. These novel methods of manufacturing have several merits, compared to conventional methods. Some of these merits include the lower costs, higher precision and accuracy of manufacturing, faster processing time and more eco-friendly approaches to processes involved.

Ruzimov Sanjarbek ◽  
Jamshid Mavlonov ◽  
Akmal Mukhitdinov

The paper aims to present an analysis of the component sizes of commercially available vehicles with electrified powertrains. The paper provides insight into how the powertrain components (an internal combustion engine, an electric motor and a battery) of mass production electrified vehicles are sized. The data of wide range of mass production electrified vehicles are collected and analyzed. Firstly, the main requirements to performance of a vehicle are described. The power values to meet the main performance requirements are calculated and compared to the real vehicle data. Based on the calculated values of the power requirements the minimum sizes of the powertrain components are derived. The paper highlights how the sizing methodologies, described in the research literature, are implemented in sizing the powertrain of the commercially available electrified vehicles.

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