LiNGUA Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra
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Published By Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University

2442-3823, 1693-4725

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-174
Ma'rifatul Munjiah ◽  
Hanna Izzah Syafina

The field of meaning and components is one of the bases for understanding the meaning of a language. And this theory helps researchers uncover the meaning of the verb 'to purify' in Arabic. The verb 'to purify' was chosen because it has an essential meaning for Muslims. Even the Qur'an uses various lexemes for this verb by looking at its context, subject, and function because different lexemes carry different meanings and legal implications. Therefore, this study aims to describe the meaning field, analyze the meaning component, and explain the verbum component of the verb 'to purify' in Arabic. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data were collected from the Qur'an, with selective reading and note-taking techniques. The data analysis technique uses an interactive model by Miles and Huberman, namely by collecting data from sources and sorting it then selecting it to produce findings of four purifying verbs, namely طَهَّرَ، قَدَّسَ، زَكَّى،, and سَبَّحَ. The following components of meaning are determined through the type of subject, object, characteristics of the object, and how it works and concluded that the verb 'to purify' is included in the category of state verb and process verb. The field of meaning and components is one of the bases for understanding the meaning of a language. And this theory helps researchers uncover the meaning of the verb 'to purify' in Arabic. The verb 'to purify' was chosen because it has an essential meaning for Muslims. Even the Qur'an uses various lexemes for this verb by looking at its context, subject, and function because different lexemes carry different meanings and legal implications. Therefore, this study aims to describe the meaning field, analyze the meaning component, and explain the verbum component of the verb 'to purify' in Arabic. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data were collected from the Qur'an, with selective reading and note-taking techniques. The data analysis technique uses an interactive model by Miles and Huberman, namely by collecting data from sources and sorting it then selecting it to produce findings of four purifying verbs, namely طَهَّرَ، قَدَّسَ، زَكَّى،, and سَبَّحَ. The following components of meaning are determined through the type of subject, object, characteristics of the object, and how it works and concluded that the verb 'to purify' is included in the category of state verb and process verb.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-214
Arti Prihatini ◽  
Fauzan Fauzan ◽  
Fida Pangesti

This study was intended to describe (1) the characteristics of the argument bar movement in relative clauses, (2) the characteristics of the relative clause structure, and (3) the suitability of the relative clause structure produced by BIPA students. This research was a qualitative descriptive case study. This research data were relative clauses sourced from BIPA students' speeches at the beginner and intermediate levels at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The data collection method used was the listening method with tapping, recording, note-taking, and hidden fishing techniques. Data analysis was carried out by identifying the predication-argument relationship with theta theory, identifying the deep structure and surface structure, analyzing movement objectives, movement traces, and movement consequences by utilizing the subjacency condition theory. The results showed that the characteristics of the argument bar movement in the relative clauses generated by 92% of BIPA students were in the form of short movements and did not exceed one bounding node. Based on the Indonesian language rules, most of the relative clauses produced by BIPA students were appropriate (75%). It shows that BIPA students have fully understood the relative clause structure.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-198
Muhammad Masqotul Imam Romadlani ◽  
I Dewa Putu Wijana

The primary purpose of this study is to reveal the function of humorous discourse identified in the Mind Your Language situation comedy series. The researcher adopted a descriptive qualitative approach to complete this humor research. The data were obtained from the script of that sitcom. The function of humorous discourse found in that sitcom was then classified based on Hay's framework, which divides the function of humor into three main functions: the function of solidarity, the function of power, and the function of psychology. The findings demonstrate that teasing and satire humor in Mind Your Language sitcom are utilized to express solidarity. Meanwhile, humorous discourses that trigger conflict, harm, threaten others or show disagreement are created to express the function of power. Furthermore, humorous discourse to gain an advantage, protect oneself, entertain, or boast is used to express the function of psychology. The context of the conversation given is highly significant in identifying the function of humor. The same humorous discourse provided in different contexts potentially implicates different functions of humor which indicates that determining the function of humor is heavily grounded by the context. 

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 237-248
Rizki Fathul Huda ◽  
Cahya Buana

This study aims to reveal the forms of language style used in "Nahw al-Qulub al-Kabir," the work of al-Qushayri with aesthetic values. It also intends to reveal the meaning effects implied in the language forms. This study uses a stylistic approach in analyzing text's language style, especially at the construction of the morphological level, syntax, and imagery. This research shows that the language style constructs the morphological level through word selection, word forms, and movement from one-word form to another. At the syntactic level, there are unusual sentence patterns and high intensity of using ma mausul as khobar. At the imagery level, al-Qushyari uses many patterns of isti'arah, tashbih, kinayah, saja', iqtibas, and tauriyyah. The extraction of meaning effect also carries a solid sufistic teachings dimension, including takhalli, tahalli, tajalli, ma’rifat, maqam jama’ and farq, and the teachings of Akhlaqi Sufism.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-186
Rika Astari ◽  
Abdul Mukhlis ◽  
Muhammad Irfan Faturrahman

The diction used in the news of corpse snatching of COVID-19  varies and has caused the public to panic. This study aims to show the structure of the media language used in The News of Corpse Snatching of COVID-19 patients in Pasuruan and the factors that caused the hundreds of people attempting to take the deceased's body forcefully. The primary data are the news of corpse snathing of COVID-19 patients in Pasuruan, uploaded on YouTube and the online news media i-News, and comments from netizens in the comments column. In addition, informant interviews were conducted to show the factors causing Corpse Snatching. Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is used for content analysis by describing three dimensions: text, discursive practice, and social practice. It was concluded that the media language used in the news text of the corpse Snatching in Pasuruan tends to use vocabulary that shows negative rather than positive actions. Moreover, the media emphasizes negative actions more than describing solution actions to become government policy steps. Based on informants and studies of the third dimension, hundreds of people who conducted the Corpse Snatching were caused because people hardly accept COVID-19 protocols since they hold Kejawen Islamic funeral traditions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-282
Nur Rosyidah Syahbaniyah ◽  
Totok Suhardijanto

This study discusses class and semantic shifts of adverbs of modality in the Korean short story and its Bahasa Indonesia translation in the short story anthology of ‘Langit dan Kupu-Kupu. This study aims to identify how the adverbs of modality original text change into a different word class in the target text. The sources of data in this study were six Korean short stories entitled ‘Dua Generasi yang Teraniaya’, ‘Seoul Musim Dingin 1964’, ‘Jalan ke Sampho’, ‘Bung Kim di Kampung Kami’, ‘Dinihari ke Garis Depan’, dan ‘Betulkah? Saya Jerapah’ and its Indonesian translation. This study was conducted using a descriptive qualitative method, and the design of a linguistic corpus was used to collect analytical data. The analysis results found that from 46 adverbs of modality, four translated adverbs remained classified as adverbs. At the same time, the other ten words change their class into pronouns, nouns, particles, adjectives, and verbs. Additionally, the other 32 words have a combination of adverbs and other word classes. Furthermore, of the 290 adverb words in the source text, 143 words were accurately translated, 100 were deleted, and 47 changed their meaning in the TT. In the translation of Korean-Indonesian short stories, the shifting technique is used to adjust differences between Korean and Indonesian grammar systems. Translators also make a shift in the word's meaning of short stories as long as they do not deviate from the context and message in the ST to produce a natural translation that TL readers can easily understand.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-260
Yashinta Farahsani ◽  
Margaretha Dharmayanti Harmanto

Several studies on translation have been carried out, namely on the problem of untranslation, translation of terms from various fields, and the formation of target language terms with spelling adjustments. One of them is the field of thermodynamics which is part of the field of Mechanical Engineering, which has many terms borrowed from Dutch and English. Therefore, the researchers are interested in investigating the morphological aspects of the translation of thermodynamic terms using the natural borrowing technique. This study used qualitative research methods. Researchers took terminology data from two books, namely The Fundamental of Engineering Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics. The results showed that the forms of borrowing that occurred were (1) borrowing by adjusting spelling and pronunciation adjustments; (2) borrowing with spelling adjustment without pronunciation adjustment; (3) borrowing without spelling adjustment, but with pronunciation adjustment; (4) adjustments to the spelling of prefixes and bound forms found 15 forms of adjustment; (5) suffix spelling adjustments found 20 forms of adjustment; and (6) a combination of translation and borrowing. In short, morphological aspects in translating thermodynamics terms are very important because they relate to the technique used.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 261-270
Nawang Asri Ayuningtyas ◽  
Sulis Triyono

The use of satire language style by a film creator aims to convey meaning to the public. This study aims at analyzing the use of satire language styles used by Bu Tejo in a short film entitled "Tilik." This research used a qualitative descriptive method. The object of this research is satire utterances spoken by Bu Tejo in the film "Tilik." The data collection techniques in this study used observation, listening, and note-taking techniques. The results demonstrate three types of satire languages used by Bu Tejo in the film “Tilik": cynicism, irony, and sarcasm. It is also found that cynicism is the most spoken language than sarcasm. The study highlights that the use of satire language uttered by Bu Tejo aims to convey ideas and perspectives related to problems occurring in society and express dissatisfaction.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-224
Abdullah Zainur Rauf ◽  
Nur Qomari

Nahwu is the key to understanding Arabic texts. Nahwu is growing rapidly so that many nahwu experts write about nahwu theories. And among the experts, there are different views related to the rules of nahwu. This research aims to know the methods of thinking of grammarians in the book Sharh Alfiyah Ibnu ‘Aqil. This research uses the qualitative approach to find out the differences between grammarians in controlling grammatical rulings. This research reveals five chapters in which scholars differ, including 1) presenting the subject over the subjunctive 2) abstracting the verb from a sign indicating the duality or plural 3) proving the t in the verb and its subject is an authentic feminine and with the separation of only 4) presenting the object on the subject 5) the return of the pronoun from The advanced subject is the delayed subject. 

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-236
I Gusti Agung Sri Rwa Jayantini ◽  
I Wayan Juniartha ◽  
I Kadek Arya Aditana ◽  
Ronald Umbas ◽  
Ni Komang Arie Suwastini

This study relates the discussion of discourse markers to their functions from a social context. It aims to identify discourse markers and analyze their function to construct a social situation in Steve Jobs’ speech delivered at Stanford Commencement Address. To analyze the data in this study, the researchers used a qualitative descriptive method. This study showed that the dominant discourse markers used were connective, followed by cause result, temporal adverb, and marker of response, respectively, in which the last marker was the least used. Furthermore, all discourse markers functioned to gain coherent message delivery in the speech by considering the “setting and scene," "participants," "ends,” “act sequence,” “key,” “instrumentalities,” “norms of interaction,” and “genre,” all of which were shortened in the acronym of “speaking.”  Finally, based on its social situation, the present study is expected to broaden the understanding of discourse markers in a particular text.

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