Tropical Conservation Science
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Published By Sage Publications

1940-0829, 1940-0829

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 194008292199541
Xavier Haro-Carrión ◽  
Bette Loiselle ◽  
Francis E. Putz

Tropical dry forests (TDF) are highly threatened ecosystems that are often fragmented due to land-cover change. Using plot inventories, we analyzed tree species diversity, community composition and aboveground biomass patterns across mature (MF) and secondary forests of about 25 years since cattle ranching ceased (SF), 10–20-year-old plantations (PL), and pastures in a TDF landscape in Ecuador. Tree diversity was highest in MF followed by SF, pastures and PL, but many endemic and endangered species occurred in both MF and SF, which demonstrates the importance of SF for species conservation. Stem density was higher in PL, followed by SF, MF and pastures. Community composition differed between MF and SF due to the presence of different specialist species. Some SF specialists also occurred in pastures, and all species found in pastures were also recorded in SF indicating a resemblance between these two land-cover types even after 25 years of succession. Aboveground biomass was highest in MF, but SF and Tectona grandis PL exhibited similar numbers followed by Schizolobium parahyba PL, Ochroma pyramidale PL and pastures. These findings indicate that although species-poor, some PL equal or surpass SF in aboveground biomass, which highlights the critical importance of incorporating biodiversity, among other ecosystem services, to carbon sequestration initiatives. This research contributes to understanding biodiversity conservation across a mosaic of land-cover types in a TDF landscape.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 194008292110103
Patrick Jules Atagana ◽  
Eric Moïse Bakwo Fils ◽  
Sevilor Kekeunou

We aimed to assess how bats are affected by habitat transformation by comparing bat assemblages in four habitat types: primary forest, secondary forest, cocoa plantations and human habitations in the Dja Biosphere Reserve of southern Cameroon. Bats were sampled in the four habitat types using mist nets. During 126 nights, a total of 413 bats were captured, belonging to four families, 16 genera and 24 species. Ninety three individuals (17 species) were captured in the primary forest, followed by plantations (105 individuals, 14 species), human habitations (159 individuals, 10 species), and secondary forest (55 individuals, eight species). Megaloglossus woermanni was recorded in all the four habitats, and was the most abundant species (105 individuals). The analysis of bat assemblage between habitat types showed a statistically significant difference in species composition. The distribution of the six most abundant species ( Epomops franqueti, Megaloglossus woermanni, Rousettus aegyptiacus, Dohyrina cyclops, Hipposideros cf. caffer and Hipposideros cf. ruber) was influenced by habitat types. Our results suggest that the decrease in species richness observed in disturbed habitats may be due to habitat perturbations of primary forest habitats. Therefore, it is important to examine the effects of habitat conversion at species level, as responses are often species-specific.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 194008292110281
Elène Haave-Audet ◽  
Doris Audet ◽  
Michelle Monge-Velazquez ◽  
Eleanor Flatt ◽  
Andrew Whitworth

Introduction: Background and Research Aims: Assessing biodiversity recovery is key to determine whether the objectives of habitat restoration for conservation are met. Many restoration initiatives use cross-sectional comparisons of wildlife communities to infer restoration impact instead of longitudinal assessments from a baseline state. Using an indicator of biodiversity in the neotropics— bats— we demonstrate how assessing community diversity and composition in an area targeted for restoration prior to implementation, and when compared to surrounding intact forest, provides the groundwork to track changes in the community post-restoration. Methods We assessed bat communities by 1) using mist-net surveys to identify species in the family Phyllostomidae (leaf-nosed bats), and 2) conducting acoustic surveys to identify non-phyllostomid species (aerial insectivores). Results For both groups, we found that areas targeted for restoration had similar diversity as the surrounding forest, but the two habitat types differed in community composition. Phyllostomids were captured at higher rates in forest, but aerial insectivores were detected at higher rates in restoration habitat. Conclusion Our baseline assessment revealed unexpected diversity in areas targeted for restoration. The presence of all trophic groups in restoration habitat suggests that bats provide key ecosystem services in the restoration process, such as through seed dispersal, pollination and insect pest control. Implications for Conservation: Conducting a baseline survey of bats in areas targeted for restoration demonstrated that the community was not species poor at the baseline and was different from the surrounding forest, allowing us to better track restoration success and the effects of different restoration treatments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 194008292110147
Dipto Sarkar ◽  
Colin A. Chapman

The term ‘smart forest’ is not yet common, but the proliferation of sensors, algorithms, and technocentric thinking in conservation, as in most other aspects of our lives, suggests we are at the brink of this evolution. While there has been some critical discussion about the value of using smart technology in conservation, a holistic discussion about the broader technological, social, and economic interactions involved with using big data, sensors, artificial intelligence, and global corporations is largely missing. Here, we explore the pitfalls that are useful to consider as forests are gradually converted to technological sites of data production for optimized biodiversity conservation and are consequently incorporated in the digital economy. We consider who are the enablers of the technologically enhanced forests and how the gradual operationalization of smart forests will impact the traditional stakeholders of conservation. We also look at the implications of carpeting forests with sensors and the type of questions that will be encouraged. To contextualize our arguments, we provide examples from our work in Kibale National Park, Uganda which hosts the one of the longest continuously running research field station in Africa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 194008292110365
Thomas E. Marler ◽  
Anders J. Lindström

Background and Aims Research required to clarify leaf nutrient relations of cycad species has been inadequate. Common garden studies are useful for determining the influence of genetics on leaf traits because of the homogeneous environment among experimental units. To date, there have been no common garden studies which included all ten genera of cycads. The full phylogenetic breadth has, therefore, not been included in this important area of study. Methods We examined macronutrient and micronutrient content of leaves from one representative species from each of the ten cycad genera at Nong Nooch Tropical Botanical Garden in Thailand. Nitrogen content was determined by dry combustion, and the remaining nutrients were quantified by spectrometry. Results The least variable elements were nitrogen and phosphorus, and the most variable elements were boron and sodium. Nutrient content based on leaflet area was more variable than based on leaflet mass, reflecting species differences in specific leaf area. There were no universal macronutrient or micronutrient signals indicating clear phylogenetic distinctions. Implications for Conservation: Active management of threatened cycad taxa requires research to develop the knowledge to enable evidence-based decisions. This common garden study inclusive of all 10 cycad genera creates a foundation to determine leaf nutrient sufficiency ranges to inform management decisions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 194008292110281
Faith Thomas Mpondo ◽  
Patrick A. Ndakidemi ◽  
Anna C. Treydte

Insect pollinators provide numerous ecosystem services that support other living organisms. While pollinators play a large role in cropping systems, little is known about their presence and function in rangeland ecosystems, which have recently become fragmented and overexploited at an extraordinary rate. We assessed local Maasai knowledge on insect pollinators and how pollinators affect livelihood diversification in Simanjiro rangelands, Tanzania. Through questionnaires, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and field observations, we found varied insect knowledge among Maasai herders. Lasioglossum of sub genus Ipomalictus and Syriphidae were the least commonly recognized pollinators as only 24%, and 7% of participants could identify them, respectively. Responses varied significantly between men and women (F = 7.397, p = .007). Commiphora africana, Acacia mellifera and Albizia anthelmintica were noted as most important bee forage plants while observations showed Aspilia mossambicensis, Justicia debile and Acacia tortilis. Most (77%) of Maasai herders showed limited ability to link pollinators and rangeland wellbeing. Beekeeping contributed to livelihood diversification for 61% of respondents, with women participating more frequently than men (χ2 = 46.962, p = .0001). Beekeeping was positively influenced by education level ( R = .421, p < .0001) and occupation ( R = .194, p = .009). Pollinator declines were attributed to climate change (47%), agriculture (37%), and habitat destruction (8%). We conclude that Maasai have limited knowledge of common pollinator groups and their roles. Community outreach and training should bridge the knowledge gap in pastoralist communities to fully realize pollinator benefits and highlight the importance of rangeland health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 194008292110573
Dipto Sarkar ◽  
Colin A. Chapman

Evidence suggests that a decline in people’s exposure to nature corresponds to decreasing support for nature—a phenomenon we call extinction of nature experience. Here, we evaluate three current trends in conservation research and consider if they contribute to a decrease in exposure to nature. We suggest that while using sensors, algorithms, technocentric thinking, conducting meta-analyses, and taking more lab-based approaches all have significant potential to advance conservation goals, they lead to researchers spending less time in the field and an extinction of nature experience. A reduction of researcher field time will mean fewer local field assistants are hired and trained; lower engagement of researchers with ground realities; and a rift in conservation research, planning, and implementation. We suggest that the field of conservation science should balance how it allocates time and rewards to field versus non-field components. If we are not careful, we will select researchers that are distant from the biodiversity itself and the communities that are affecting it locally. Since the pandemic began many researchers were unable to go to their field sites and if care is not taken, the pressures that promote the extinction of nature experience may be promoted by institutions in a post–COVID-19 world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 194008292110582
Cristian Pérez-Granados ◽  
Karl-L. Schuchmann

Chaco Chachalaca ( Ortalis canicollis) is a declining Neotropical bird, for which our current knowledge about its natural history is very limited. Here, we evaluated for first time the utility of passive acoustic monitoring, coupled with automated signal recognition software, to monitor the Chaco Chachalaca, described the vocal behavior of the species across the diel and seasonal cycle patterns, and proposed an acoustic monitoring protocol to minimize error in the estimation of the vocal activity rate. We recorded over a complete annual cycle at three sites in the Brazilian Pantanal. The species was detected on 99% of the monitoring days, proving that this technique is a reliable method for detecting the presence of the species. Chaco Chachalaca was vocally active throughout the day and night, but its diel activity pattern peaked between 0500 and 0900. The breeding season of Chaco Chachalaca in the Brazilian Pantanal, based on seasonal changes in vocal activity, seems to occur during the last months of the dry season, with a peak in vocal activity between August and October. Our results could guide future surveys aiming to detect the presence of the species, both using traditional or acoustic surveys, or to evaluate changes in population abundance using passive acoustic monitoring, for which recorders should be left in the field for a minimum period of nine days to obtain a low-error estimate of the vocal activity of the species. Our results suggest that passive acoustic monitoring might be useful, as a complementary tool to field studies, for monitoring other cracids, a family with several threatened species that are reluctant to human presence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 194008292110499
Marisela Martínez-Ruiz ◽  
Miguel A. De Labra-Hernández ◽  
Fernando César Gonçalves Bonfim ◽  
Eliana Cazetta

Background and Research Aims: Habitat amount plays an important role in determining the presence and abundance of bird species in modified landscapes, whereas habitat fragmentation has shown little effects. Toucans (Ramphastidae) and parrots (Psittacidae) are large-bodied primary consumers and among the most representative birds in Neotropical forests. They are highly sensitive to habitat loss; nevertheless, their response to fragmentation has been poorly assessed leading to contradictory results. Here, we evaluate the influence of landscape structure on toucans and parrots in the tropical forest of Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. Methods: We censused birds in 12 landscapes of Los Tuxtlas and used a multi-scale landscape approach to assess the influence of landscape composition and configuration on the number of individuals of toucans and parrots. Results: We found that the most important and positive predictor of toucans and parrots was the amount of primary forest cover in the landscape. Forest fragmentation had positive effects on the number of toucan individuals, whereas parrots had negative responses to patch density but positive responses to edge density in the landscape. Conclusion: Our results suggest that primary forest loss is the main threat for toucans and parrots in Los Tuxtlas. Implications for conservation: Future conservation and land management must consider the protection of large and small remnants of primary forest and avoid additional forest loss in order to preserve toucan and parrots and their functional roles in human-modified Neotropical landscapes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 194008292199266
Yingjie Liu ◽  
Bingwei Cui ◽  
William D. Batchelor ◽  
Chenyi Zhang

This study takes the meteorological service of super typhoon Rammasun as an example, and proposes a multi-dimensional quantitative assessment method for meteorological service. Rammasun was the strongest typhoon that landed in China from 1949 to 2019. It hit the coastal areas of China three times, with a rare landing intensity in history. Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan and other provinces have suffered disasters of varying degrees, with a total affected population of 12.084 million and a direct economic loss of 44.89 billion CNY. During this period, the total investment in meteorological services was approximately 1.213 billion CNY, and the economic benefits of disaster prevention and mitigation in the four disaster-stricken provinces were worth 16.1 billion CNY. According to the cost-benefit analysis of economics, the input-output ratio for disaster prevention and mitigation in Typhoon Rammasun was 1:13.

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