Transbaikal State University Journal
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Published By Transbaikal State University

2500-1728, 2227-9245

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-14
V. Zaslonovsky ◽  
N. Sharapov ◽  
M. Bosov ◽  

The paper is devoted to the development of proposals concerning the improvement of surface water bodies and the appointment of target indicators of the natural waters’ quality. The paper considers a variety of problems of preserving, restoring and improving the quality of natural surface waters: from regional features of the formation of natural water composition, to differences in the requirements for the quality of water consumed. The object of the study is the qualitative indicators of the waters of natural water bodies, and the subject of the study is the methodological approaches to the normalization of these indicators. The purpose of the work is to identify the main shortcomings in the domestic system of rationing the quality of natural waters, and to form appropriate proposals. For this purpose, the following tasks were set and solved: to review the methodological approaches to assessing and rationing the quality of natural waters used in some foreign countries and in the Russian Federation, to identify the main causes and shortcomings; to make proposals for improving the current system of water quality rationing. The result of this work is the conclusions about the lack of impact of the strategy operating in Russia in the development of schemes of complex use and protection of water objects, standards of permissible impact on water bodies, the appointment of permissible discharge limits in terms of maintaining and improving the water quality of natural water bodies. The reasons that led to this are indicated. The necessity of taking into account, in addition to the physical and chemical composition, also hydrobiological parameters is shown. It is concluded that instead of fisheries management standards, environmental standards should serve as the basis for target indicators of water quality of natural water bodies, which determine the well-being of humans and the stable functioning of aquatic ecosystems, taking into account regional factors. Proposals were made to adjust the methodological approaches to the implementation of this strategy. According to the authors, these proposals will speed up the solution of the main objectives of the strategy – the ecological improvement of water bodies, the preservation of unique aquatic ecosystems and the environmentally safe development of territories that previously experienced relatively small anthropogenic impacts (Eastern Siberia and the Far East)

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (5) ◽  
pp. 126-133
E. Rasoulinezhad ◽  

The outbreak of Covid-19 disease since late 2019 has led to fundamental changes in the process of globalization and liberalization of the world economy. In order to prevent the spread of this disease and control its negative consequences, many countries have implemented policies such as urban quarantine, cutting off passenger communication with neighboring countries and the world, closing tourist and tourist places, and implementing policies to protect domestic industries. In general, it led to the phenomenon of reverse globalization. According to the development of new economic convergence, which is based on the role of the market in economic relations between countries can play an important role in improving the productive capacity of countries in a region and create economic integration in different parts of the world. Such a state of integration in different parts of the world could be the solution to the process of globalization and in the post-Corona era, the concept of “one for all, all for one” was created at the regional and global level. As policy implications, the paper recommended some points to make a greater integration between Iran and Russia in the region

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (5) ◽  
pp. 63-67
T. Beydina ◽  
N. Zimina ◽  
A. Novikova ◽  

Political parties today are important elements of the regional political process. Parties, along with other political institutions, participate in the implementation of state policy within the region. The practice of recent years shows a negative trend in the creation of political parties, but those parties that are already registered and are actively fighting for political power at all stages of the Russian elections. Political parties participate in the regional political process to embrace the advantages of the political party space. These advantages are due to both objective factors (territorial potential, the economy of the region) and subjective reasons (personal factors associated with the rating of the leader, both the governor and the party coordinator, the nature of his acquaintance with the central financial department, and more). The study of the organization of power in the regions allows us to talk about its various modifications due to these factors. Political parties are a political institution, they represent an ideological, conceptual, personnel and electoral resource of any government. Regional branches of political parties in today’s political situation fully personify the needs of the regions and represent them at elections. They reflect regional interests, as well as the degree of democracy of the regional government

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (5) ◽  
pp. 99-106
А. Badmaev ◽  
В. Sharaldaev ◽  

The article analyzes the processes of suburbanization and transformation of the spatial structure of the city of Ulan-Ude. Modern trends in the growth of Western and historical factors of development, due to socio-economic and historical factors of development. In the 1990s-2000s, because of the decline in agriculture and, as a result, the lack of jobs, the rural population began to migrate massively to the Buryat Republic’s capital. However, the prices for houses and apartments in the city center were unbearable for many migrants, so the purchase of land plots and the construction of houses were affordable for many. The estrangement of agricultural lands and their inclusion in residential areas allowed the city of Ulan-Ude and suburban areas to somewhat expand the territory of settlements and create a huge number of GNPP (gardeners non-profit partnership) and DNPP (dacha non-profit partnership). The city and suburban areas were not ready for such a flow and were not able to provide the newly arrived migrants with social, road transport and communal infrastructure. As a result, the city was surrounded by a suburbia almost devoid of any infrastructure. There are some elements of false urbanization or squatter area, which is a type of urbanization in which the urban population rapid growth is not accompanied by a commensurate increase in urban functions. In recent years, the growth rate of suburban settlements has decreased, mainly due to mortgages, which have become more affordable for the population and the growth of multi-storey construction. In addition, the village is slowly depleting the human resources that feed the city and the suburbs. In other words, those who wanted to move to the city have already moved

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (5) ◽  
pp. 117-125
I. Krasovskaya ◽  
T. Malysheva ◽  

The relevance of the publication topic is argued by the need for an in-depth study of the globalization process, which is global financial, political and cultural integration, unification, the global division of labour, the planetary migration of capital, human and productive resources, standardization of legislation, and interference of cultures of the world community. The theoretical and practical goals of the publication are to study causal algorithms for the formation of a negative scientific and production balance of the Russian Federation and an increase in disproportions between the import and export of high-tech products, as well as a comparative description of global development as a symbiosis of contradictory trends in the subordination of the world economy to the interests of transnational capital. The theoretical and methodological basis of the publication was the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists studying the globalization of the industrial economy due to the intensification of international scientific and technological competition and the expansion of the innovation market, deepening of specialization and division of labour, and the increase in the risks of producing high-tech products at the national and world levels. Scientific novelty lies in the authors’ interpretation of such socio-economic advantages of globalization as economies of scale, stimulation of labour productivity, rationalization of production at the interstate level and the spread of innovative technologies, cost reduction, price regression, achieving sustainable growth in the well-being of society, on the basis of which the development is confirmed global industrial economy on a research basis characterized by such attributes interdependence, asymmetry, regionalization and diversification, regression efficiency, inclusiveness, resource and raw material demarcation, a high degree of uncertainty and of the economic risk. The practical significance of the results obtained is determined by an in-depth analysis of the American (based on differentiation of labor and specialization of personnel, demarcation of labor duties, concentration of scientific and production efforts on a purely economic result) and Eurasian (characterized by mobility and compactness of production processes, saving transaction costs, adaptability to market conditions and availability of labour-tolerant staff) strategies for innovative development of industrial economics. Based on a critical rethinking of the American and Eurasian strategies, proposals and recommendations are formulated on the formation of the scientific and technical policy of the Russian Federation

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (6) ◽  
pp. 101-106
М. Falaleev ◽  
N. Sitdikova ◽  
Е. Nechay ◽  

The development of digital technologies, coupled with progress in the development of self-learning programs based on AI (Artificial Intelligence), has obvious advantages in improving the effectiveness of information impact on people around the world. During the 2010s, researchers have documented trends in the use of artificial intelligence for the construction and distribution of media content to indirectly manipulate political discourse at the national and global levels. Special interest in the context of this issue is how the rapid development of AI technologies affects political communication. The object of consideration within the framework of this article is the deepfake technology. Based on this, as a subject, the authors define deepfake as a phenomenon of modern political communication. Accordingly, the purpose of the study is to describe and predict the impact of deepfake technology on political communication at the global and national levels. The paper presents the definition of deepfake, assesses its characteristics depending on the methods and purposes of its distribution, and analyzes the prospects for using this tool to influence political discourse in modern Russia. To study the subject field of the research, methods of systematizing theoretical data, classification, analysis of a set of factors and forecasting have been applied. The practical significance of the work is presented by the authors’ definition and typology of the phenomenon of deepfake and describes its significance as a factor of political communication on the example of a particular country. The results of the work will be useful for researchers studying the problems of digitalization of the media space and modern means of disinformation in politics, both at the local and global levels

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-82
А. Belekova ◽  

The article focuses on promoting intercultural cooperation and strengthening international community on the example of UNESCO World Heritage sites, inscribed into the World Heritage List that is being formed on the basis of the World Heritage Convention of 1972. UNESCO is a universal intergovernmental UN structure responsible for international cooperation in the sphere of education, science, culture and communication. One of the main activities of the Organization is the world heritage conservation and intercultural dialogue. The article analyzes the UNESCO role in the geopolitical architectonics of Eurasia in which the World Heritage gains a qualitatively new meaning. In the context of a sustainable development the integration of promoting intercultural interaction and heritage safeguarding becomes particularly urgent. The article deals with several initiatives aimed at enhancing the cultural component of the Eurasian integration, including the goals and perspectives of discussion platforms set up for experience exchange in the sphere of World Heritage sites’ conservation and their management. The article seeks to identify the most important challenges and goals of the cooperation strategy between UNESCO and the institutions concerned in the field of the intercultural dialogue promotion in the Eurasian area that seems to be very important both for Russia and the CIS countries, and for the perspectives of the emerging global civilization of the future

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-138
E. Prokofieva ◽  

The article is devoted to the problem of the banks’ participation in improving the efficiency of the organization of cash circulation, which does not lose its relevance in the modern economy. In the current situation, despite the growth in the volume and share of non-cash payments, the demand for cash is characterized by stability. The article focuses on the features, advantages and disadvantages of the reducing cash circulation process. It is noted that the primary impact on cash circulation is made by settlements made by individuals. In this regard, the study focuses on the fundamental changes in this direction that are taking place in the banking sector. This is, first of all, the reduction of cash withdrawals from plastic cards and the growth of non-cash payments with their use, the lack of growth of the card market; increase in electronic terminals and reduce the number of ATMs installed. At the same time, it is emphasized that one of the main areas that determine both the liquidity and profitability of the bank is the regulation of cash balances. With the number of banks operating in the economy shrinking, the struggle for customers is becoming more acute. The satisfaction of the latter with the quality of the bank’s services, including in terms of settlement liquidity, should be considered as one of the primary factors that ensure the effectiveness of a significant number of banking operations. In this context, special attention is paid to the specifics of the bank’s actions to optimize cash flows, which requires the use of specialized automatic systems that allow processing data on cash balances and turnover to form forecasts that optimize the collection schedule and reduce ATM downtime due to lack of funds

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-33
D. Shesternev ◽  
A. Verkhoturov ◽  

he study of flooding of engineering structures as a dangerous engineering and geological process and the prevention of emergencies and environmentally adverse consequences is an important task of national economic importance. The purpose of this work was to study the natural conditions of the area of the Kadala airport in Chita to identify the main causes of flooding of the artificial runway (IVPP). The object of research was the near-surface part of the geological environment, the subject-the factors of formation of hydrogeological, engineering-geological and geocryological conditions. In the course of the research, the following tasks were solved: 1) identification of factors that affect flooding; 2) assessment and proposal of acceptable protective measures. The research methodology included: collection and analysis of materials from previous engineering and geological studies; interpretation of satellite images; field survey of the artificial runway and adjacent territory; analysis of hydrometeorological conditions. As a result of the research, the factors that lead to flooding of the south-eastern section of the airport, and in winter to the formation of ice and deformations on this section of the airport’s artificial surfaces are determined. The identified factors are divided into regional and local. The hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions of the territory and their dynamics over time are considered. It is determined that the main factors of flooding are the creation of barrages in the path of the movement of underground water and the intensive freezing of the soil on the section of the artificial runway. Recommendations for the stabilization of the ground base on this site and measures for the engineering protection of the airport territory are given. The implementation of the recommendations will ensure the accident-free operation of the artificial runway and improve the environmental condition of the settlement adjacent to the airport from the south-east

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-51
K. Demberel ◽  

The relevance is primarily due to the fact that the development of trans-border territories is becoming an important tool for successful regional cooperation between Mongolia and its neighbouring countries. In these circumstances, it is necessary to study and understand the functions and mechanisms of cross-border cooperation, which will reveal the difficulties that exist there today. Within the framework of trilateral cooperation, including in the field of economic relations, our states attention to the development of border areas naturally increases. The object of the study is the cross-border tourism cooperation between Mongolia, the Russian Federation, and the People’s Republic of China. The article is devoted to the analysis of mongolian-russian-chinese relations at the present time. The subject is about the ways, forms and mechanisms of regional tourism cooperation between the three countries, as well as the factors that hinder this process. The purpose and objectives of the article is to analyze the main directions of cross-border cooperation between Mongolia, Russia and China in the trade, economic and tourism sector on the example of the border areas of our countries; to show what opportunities we have that we are losing and the challenges that border regions to interact in a more effective and mutually beneficial. There have been used general scientific empirical and theoretical research methods. The usage of a comparative-functional, systematic approach, modeling and a logical method encourages to identify the essential and substantive elements of the regional cooperation of the Mongolia, Russian Federation and China. The Chinese side is more business like about this problem, the Mongolian side is only in the study stage, and the Russian side has not yet shown any initiative. Research shows that Chinese tourists are interested in visiting the Mongolian steppe and to Russia. This research shows that Chinese tourists are interested in exploring/seeing Russia and Mongolian steppe. Therefore, Khalkhgol somon is a region that can develop cross-border tourism within the framework of the “One Region-One Road” project of the People’s Republic of China. This study shows that there is an opportunity to turn this region into a cross-border tourism region involving certain entities from the three countries

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