Geografija ir edukacija mokslo almanachas / Geography and Education Science Almanac
Latest Publications





Published By Lithuanian University Of Educational Sciences

2424-5194, 2351-6453

Marijus Pileckas ◽  
Tauras Alekna ◽  
Vaidotas Valskys

Bathymetric surveys of Gelionys and Žaliasis Lakes (located in the Baltic Uplands, Aukštadvaris Regional Park, Lithuania) were carried out on April 21, 2020, from a boat with attached Lowrance HDI SKIMMER XDCR transducer (200 kHz), Simrad GO5 chartplotter and Lowrance Point-1 GPS/Glonass receiver. At the same time, the shorelines of the lakes were revised. Average distance between profiles was ~10 m and depth measurement accuracy up to 2–5 cm. Accuracy of water surface elevation measurement using GNSS receiver Topcon Hiper SR up to 1–2 cm. Later, detailed (0.5 × 0.5 m) digital lake bottom models (DEM) were developed, bathymetric plans of the lakes were created, the main morphometric features were calculated, the boundaries and area of the lake catchments were defined, and the physical-geographical characteristics of the lakes were described based on field observations and various data. Gelionys and Žaliasis are small lakes of glaciokarst origin. Gelionys Lake is oval-shaped while shape of Žaliasis Lake is closer to the circle. Despite small surface area the lakes are quite deep. According to survey data, the surface area of Gelionys Lake is 4.79 ha, water surface elevation 216.1 m a.s.l., maximum depth 19.8 m, mean depth 6.0 m, volume 288.3 thousands m3, catchment area 71 ha. The surface area of Žaliasis Lake is 2.14 ha, water surface elevation 120.9 m a.s.l., maximum depth 15.84 m, mean depth 5.7 m, volume 122.2 thousands m3, catchment area 60 ha. During the observation period (from May of 2018 to September of 2020), the annual amplitude of water level fluctuations in Gelionys Lake reached up to 0.47 m, and in Žaliasis Lake up to 0.33 m. Keywords: Gelionys, Žaliasis, glaciokarst, lake, bathymetric chart, morphometry, Lithuania, Aukštadvaris Regional Park.

Gintarė Kugytė ◽  
Gintaras Valiuškevičius

Globally, hydrological droughts are most commonly identified based on various indices calculated from water flow values. However, the water flow rate is calculated from a flow rate curve that needs to be updated constantly, so it takes a long time to resolve its true value. For this reason, the possibility of identifying a hydrological drought on the basis of hourly and prompt treated water levels seems much more attractive. 8 water gauging stations (WGS) operating along 7 important rivers and covering the hydrological areas of visas in the Lithuanian region were selected for the study. In this study, a modified SPI function of the R programming language SPEI package (traditionally used to calculate the standardized precipitation index, SPI) was applied for the streamflow drought index (SDI) calculations. Given how it was applied to the SDI calculation, just like the baseline data, this was the ten-day mean water flow and then the water level. The suitability of water level data for SDI calculations was assessed by analyzing the relationships between SWLI (Standartized Water Level Index) calculated from water level data and SDI calculated from water flow information. SWLI and SDI in all 8 WGS are closely interconnected. It was found that the possibility of recurrence of droughts of different severity identified by both methods is significantly influenced by the profile of the river bed in a specific section. In areas where riverbanks have steeper slopes, the SWLI and SDI similarly describes the water situation and the recurrence of droughts. It is believed that a modified SDI methodology (SWLI), which is based on water level data, may become a good alternative in our country for identifying hydrological droughts. Keywords: Lithuanian rivers, hydrological drought, identification of droughts, water level, SDI, SWLI.

Irma Spiriajevienė ◽  
Erika Čepienė ◽  
Eduardas Spiriajevas

research alumni preparedness for the job market. The aim of the study was to analyze alumni competences of the Master`s study program in Human Geography and compare them to job market demands. The analysis of theoretical performance appraisal by competencies indicated the importance of employee competencies. Graduates must be competent in professional erudition, functional flexibility, innovation and knowledge management, human resource mobilization, international orientation etc. The Master study program of Human Geography at KU has been successfully operating since 1998, and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport included it in the list of the unique study programs in the Republic of Lithuania. In order to ensure that the competencies of the students could correspond to the labor market, the developers and renewers of the study program must regularly listen to the feedback of the graduates, who completed this program. A qualitative focus group study was conducted in order to reveal a reflection of graduates and their appraisal for better matching of the program to labor market needs. Empirical data were collected during the alumni round table discussion. The study involved 10 alumni and qualitative content analysis was performed to analyze the empirical data. After analyzing the data of the interview-discussion research, the following 7 categories were distinguished: Project preparation competence – one of the most important competencies of the master’s study program; GIS program management competence formation and application in work activities; International orientation, foreign language skills open more opportunities; Information, literature search and competences of literature analysis; Tendencies of adaptability of students competencies in practical and work activities; Unawareness of the profession of human geography in society; Suggestions for better compliance of alumni competencies with the labor market. The interview-discussion statements of the research participants were concentrated in the following main subcategories: Academic worldview formation (s); Strong alumni foreign language competence; Application of competencies shows wide multifunctionality of the study program; Importance of application of competencies is unquestionable; Project preparation competence is successfully applied or has a strong potential for application in work activities in the short and long term; Literature analysis; Information, literature search, etc. The content of all categories and subcategories is localized at a positive level of matching labor market to graduates’ competencies. Keywords: alumni, job market, human geography, master’s study program, content analysis.

Virginija Atkocevičienė ◽  
Jolanta Valčiukienė ◽  
Daiva Juknelienė ◽  
Laimutė Gasianec

Although the number of derelict and unused land in the country is declining every year, the problem of derelict land still remains. The reasons for the emergence of such land are various, usually the whole complex of circumstances that led to the abandonment of land in one area or another. Abandoned land is noticeable in both private and public land. The largest areas of derelict land are found in Vilnius district and north-eastern Lithuania. At the beginning of 2019, there were 4,783 abandoned land plots in Ignalina district. They occupied 2286,93 ha, which was 1.5 percent. district area. In the analyzed period of 2013–2019, the area of abandoned lands decreased by 1985.57 ha, i. y. 46 percent. After examining the reasons for the emergence of abandoned lands, it was established that they are complex – natural, economic, social, demographic, political, legal and human economic activities. The article examines land management measures that have influenced the reduction of brownfields - inspections of state control of land use, inspections of brownfields according to spatial data sets and application of RDP for afforestation on non-forest land. The maximum number of abandoned land inspections was determined during the state land control. There were 2239 inspections of derelict land, which is 79 percent. all land management measures applied. Keywords: land management, abandoned lands, Land Fund of the Republic of Lithuania, agricultural land, state control.

Daiva Verkulevičiūtė-Kriukienė ◽  
Modesta Vaitkutė

The geographical location of Klaipeda city determined that a suitable space for the formation of maritime culture was created here. There are a number of exceptional objects of small and large architecture in the public spaces of the city, some of which are related to the sea. However, it must be stated that the city still lacks objects that glorify famous personalities who have contributed to the fostering of maritime culture and the promotion of Lithuania as a maritime country. Methods used in the research: observation, object photography, cartographic, expert surveys. The study analyzes the diversity of maritime symbols and their territorial distribution in the public spaces of Klaipeda city. Trends in the renewal and further development of maritime elements are also presented in order to form the image of the city and foster maritime culture. This research should expand the boundaries of cognition of maritime culture and contribute to the strengthening of the maritime image of Klaipeda city. Keywords: Klaipeda city, maritime symbols, maritime themes, public spaces.

Erika Čepienė ◽  
Angelija Bučienė

The researchers from Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian economics confirmed that classification of Lithuanian regions by rurality into 5 groups is a more comprehensive method to reveal economic and social differences of the regions than the method used by the government at the present by classifying regions in to the problematic and non-problematic regions (Melnikienė et al., 2011). The object of the research – municipalities of different rurality degree. The objective of this paper – to analyze population density and demographic situation from 2011 to 2018 changes in municipalities of different rurality degree in Lithuania. Our research has revealed, that on average rural municipalities cover area 10 times larger than urban municipalities and 1,2 times larger than semi-urban municipalities. Taking into account population density, natural population change, net migration, old-age dependency ratio in 2011 and 2018, it was found that 10 municipalities are improving, 19 municipalities - unchanged and 16 municipalities - worsening. Keywords: population density, demographic situation, rurality, change.

Milda Radzevičiūtė ◽  
Jurgita Mačiulytė

This article analyzes the share of Lithuanian women in political decision-making. The article discusses the importance of gender balance in politics, the relevance of the topic, the stereotypes of women politicians prevailing in the society and analyzes the situation of Lithuanian politicians in the general context of the European Union states. This study focuses on the change in the proportion of women in the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania during the last three terms of office (2008–2019 period) and the change in the share of women in Lithuanian municipal councils (period 2011–2019). The survey is based on data from the Lithuanian Central Electoral Commission, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Institute for Gender Equality. One of the objectives of the European Union is the balance of gender equality in political power. Lithuania‘s situation on this issue in the European Union is rather moderate. In most of the areas of political decision-making that are important to the state, Lithuania is behind the EU average. Although progress in gender equality is generally observed in Europe, there are no more noticeable changes in Lithuania or improvement in the situation - women remain a critical mass (30 % below the threshold) among the heads of state, parliament and municipal councils. Keywords: gender inequality, women‘s political power, European Union, women in Lithuanian political institutions, women in local government.

Marijus Pileckas ◽  
Gražina Žiliūtė

Depth measurements of Lake Tapeliai (located in Vilnius, Lithuania) were taken in February 2019. At the same time, the shoreline of the lake was revised. Measurements were made from ice in 767 spots. Depth measurement accuracy up to 0,05 m, accuracy of spot coordinates and water surface elevation measurement using GNSS device Topcon Hiper SR up to 1–2 cm. Later, a detailed (1 x 1 m) digital lake bottom model (DEM) was developed, a bathymetric plan of the lake was created, the main morphometric features were calculated, the boundaries and area of the lake catchment were adjusted, and the physi cal-geographical characteristics of the lake and its catchment were examined based on various data. Morphometric features of Lake Tapeliai measured and calculated in 2019 are as follows: coordinates of mean center 54.774378, 25.4468 (WGS), water surface elevation 136.48 m (in Height System LAS07 of Lithuania), surface area 13.14 ha, shoreline length 1689 m, maximum length 687 m, maximum width 295 m, mean width 191 m, shoreline development 1.31, maximum depth 9.45, mean depth 4.36, volume 573.8 thousands m3, mean width of littoral zone 17,4 m, catchment area (including the lake itself) 2,93 km2. Lake Tapeliai catchment is located in the moraine and limnoglacial plains of Vilija, it is characterized by a rather diverse relief, which consists of a section of Tapeliai glacial tunnel valley, limnoglacial and fliuvioglacial plains, aeolian landforms and moraine hills. Average annual precipitation is ~686 mm. Significant portion (45 %) of the annual precipitation replenishes the lake, mostly through groundwater discharge. Water residence time in the Lake Tapeliai is 0.63 years. Lake Tapeliai covers 4.5 % of the catchment area. Forests cover as much as 79.4 % of the catchment area, pine forests predominate (82.3 %). Built-up areas occupy 11.3 % of the catchment area. The predominantly sandy soils in the catchment area result in abundant groundwater inseeping, which is reflected in the springs found at the bottom of the lake. Abundant groundwater inseeping also reduces lake water level fluctuations, whose estimated amplitude from June 2018 to May 2020 reached just 21 cm. Keywords: Tapeliai Landscape Reserve, Tapeliai, Lake, Vilnius, Lithuania, bathymetric chart, morphometry.

Zigmas Kairaitis

In the second half of the last century, the issue of canon became relevant, especially in the fields of culture and education. The society of the developed countries has become concerned with the deteriorating achievements of students. Education specialists have started talking about the growing generation which is going to be less educated as compared with their parents. A critical look has been taken at the liberal education programmes. The need for certain underlying values, humanistic ideas, fundamental research theories to be relied on by the education of the young generation has been resumed. The article analyses a discourse of the concept of canon in humanitarian and education sciences. A correlation between the concepts of tradition, classics and canon are discussed. Subject to the researches of musicologists, a didactic model of the structure of canon is composed. A spatial hierarchy of canon in teaching geography is presented. A critical look is taken at inter- and trans-disciplinary integration of subjects (trans-disciplinary axiology) which is facing serious ontological, gnoseological and social issues. Keywords: canon, tradition, classics, didactics, geography education, geography canon.

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