Advances in Military Technology
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Published By University Of Defence

2533-4123, 1802-2308

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Krzysztof Kosiuczenko ◽  
Robert Sosnowicz ◽  

The paper presents the results of simulation tests of the entry of a floating transporter to a water obstacle. The simulation tests were performed with the use of LS Dyna program, based on the finite element method (FEM). The computational model was developed and used in the simulation of the manoeuvre of entering the water obstacle for the extreme conditions, which are described by NATO standards. For a model, as an example vehicle, the floating transporter PTS-M was used. The results of the application of the elaborated model confirmed the possibility to utilise the method to verify the behaviour of a vehicle in a very important and difficult problem from the point of view of vehicle safety conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Vo Van Bien ◽  
Martin Macko ◽  
Nguyen Thai Dung ◽  
Nguyen Duy Phon ◽  

The paper presents a method of determining the dynamic parameters of multiple-rocket-launcher system mounted on the wheeled vehicle based on Newton's law of motion. The dynamic simulation was conducted and then the results were compared with the corre-sponding experimental data to verify the reliability of the model. The model was ap-plied in calculation and tested out on multiple-rocket-launcher system B?-21 (of Rus-sia). The theoretical model calculation results are relatively consistent with the meas-ured experimental data. The dependence of the launcher oscillation on the rate of fire was investigated, which determined the optimal rate of fire for each launcher. These results are used to evaluate the firing stability of the launcher when firing individual shots and firing bursts. This is an important theoretical basis which can be a reference for designers in the design process of improvement, manufacture, exploitation and use of a launcher mounted on the wheeled vehicle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Ondřej Zavila ◽  

The article deals with aviation disasters from 1948 to the present and it involves disasters of military jet fighter, fighter-trainer and trainer aircraft. It focuses on the role of human factors of the flight personnel. Based on the extensive analyses of circumstances and causes of individual aviation occurrences, root causes of factors that have endangered the lives of pilots in carrying out their work are determined. To conclude, recommendations are given to reduce or in many cases even to eliminate the effects of these factors on flight safety.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Pavlo Open’ko ◽  
V.I. Mirnenko ◽  
V.V. Tуurin ◽  
M.Yu. Myronіuk ◽  

The article proposes a methodical approach to calculating the number of spare parts for weapon systems (WS) combat damage elimination and operability restoration based on criteria of minimization of spare parts cost, meeting the requirements of the spare parts, tools, supplies and materials, as well as timeliness of damaged WSs repair. The main points of the methodological approach (mathematical formalization of the task, basic calculation ratios, stages and order of calculation of spare parts stocks) are represented with a simplified scheme of the calculation of spare parts to ensure WS combat damage elimination and operability restoration. Probability of sufficiency and developed mathematical model for its calculation are used as a sufficiency indicator of spare parts to ensure WS combat damage elimination and operability restoration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-17
Tomas Rozsypal ◽  
Radim Zahradnicek

Deployable chemical laboratories are considered a highly specific part of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, intended for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence in operations. Their professional activity is determined by a number of scientific and technical requirements, which are formulated by standards for sample identification. To achieve the required degree of credibility, it is particularly important to have specific technical capacities. This instrumentation is crucial for the implementation of laboratory analyzes. The article describes the state of chemical laboratories of the Chemical Corps in the context of standardized requirements and discusses some points of selected Alliance agreements which the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic have signed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-120
S. Pillai ◽  
T. Santhanakrishnan ◽  
R. Rajesh

A novel beamforming technique that resembles the principle of interference is proposed for sonar arrays to suppress the side lobes while the main lobe is kept intact. It uses two window functions. The first one is a rectangular function that produces a primary beam pattern. A secondary new window function is derived and its beam pattern is steered such that the null or trough of the main lobe of the new window coincides with the peak or crest of the first side lobe of the rectangular window and so on to other major side lobes. Pattern multiplication was used to get a final beam pattern. The approach is simulated and verified through a sonar array with 24 hydrophone sensors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Luděk Čičmanec ◽  
Ondřej Ulrich ◽  

The paper deals with the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer application which is intended to work as a vital means to support the bearing strength evaluation over the vast unpaved airport areas. Having identified fundamental drawbacks, the authors proposed some refinements in the original methodology. These predominantly respect the needs of airport operation services. Specifically, the model based on fuzzy logic and two tables, exceptionally suitable for day-to-day applications, are proposed and tested upon the extensive data set acquired at four airports over the last four years.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Solomon ◽  
Asrat ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-147
Sławomir Dygnatowski

Although it is widely believed that the space sector is one of the pillars of national security, in practice cosmic systems exist somewhat outside the area of critical infra-structures discussion. Cybersecurity of space systems does not differ significantly from industrial cybersecurity, however, the uniqueness of the sector and space technologies means that its vulnerability to digital incidents depends on a number of factors that does not occur anywhere else. The purpose of the article is to defend the thesis that space systems are the weakest link in critical infrastructure systems, because the level of their cybersecurity is still disproportionate to the level of their technological ad-vancement.

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