International Journal of Science and Engineering Invention
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Shiv Prakash Mishra

The octacalcium phosphate (OCP) crystals are apatite bases with hydrated layers in producing of needle or plate-shaped hydroxyapatite (HAP) nanocrystals, which prepared by a dissolution precipitation reaction. The reaction led to a hexagonal HAP nanocrystals formation under hydrothermal condition via OCP at 180? for 3h with pH of solution adjusted to 5.5 with incorporating dicarboxylate or succinate ions having Ca/P molar ratio is expected to be 1.56±0.02, where the morphology of OCP are retained. During incorporating of succinate ions in OCP crystals, the hydrogen phosphate (HPO42-) ions in the hydrated layers of OCP are being substituted by succinate ions. These organically modified OCP which generated to HAP with unique nanostructures have been characterized by using of SEM, FTIR and X-ray diffraction analysis. Since the crystal system of HAP is hexagonally and its crystalline size in the direction of various (a,b,c) axes depending on the thickness of the plate-shaped HAP crystals where their size as perpendicular to the (100) plane is calculated by using of Scherrer equation D100 = K?/(? cos?). The formed hexagonal HAP are used in soft and hard tissue engineering system for biomedical application.

Janos Vincze ◽  
Gabriella Vincze Tiszay

We wanted to investigate nephrogenesis in its ontogenetic development (in the perinatal periods). This perinatal time interval was divided into five periods. Intrauterine are the early fetal (3–5 months) and late fetal periods, neonates (0–1 months), infants (1–12 months) and young children (1–3 years). We only conducted the analysis until the age of three, because the one million nephron number characteristic of the kidney in adulthood is already developed by the age of three. We found that the structural and functional unit of the kidney is the nephron, which undergoes three initial stages: pro-, meso- and metanephros. There are two periods of accumulation: late fetal and infant age. After birth, the number of incomplete renal corpuscles is negligible. In further periods of ontogenesis, the nephron count remains unchanged, only the volume of the nephrons increases. When modeling kidney function, we found that the body is “resting” some of the nephrons, because it is during this time that the cell walls resulting from cavitation are regenerated

Xu Peng ◽  
Wang Yingying ◽  
Tian Jianxin ◽  
Fan Dongdong ◽  
Gao Shuai

In the process of extracting alumina from high-alumina fly ash of power plant, the amorphous silica in fly ash is extracted by alkali solution and precipitated with lime milk to synthesis hydrated calcium silicate powder, which has the characteristics of high oil absorption, high value, low abrasion value, large specific surface area and low bulk density, show that the addition of hydrated calcium silicate filler to the printing ink helps to improve the viscosity, fineness, color density, color and other indicators. The filler filling ratio is higher than traditional ink fillers such as calcium carbonate. It is expected that the hydrated calcium silicate filler has wide potential application value in ink reduction, VOCs control and functionality.

Stella Baindu Fortune

The study investigated the effect of single parenthood on girl child education. A total of one hundred (100) single parents were randomly selected by an impartial ballot drawn from all the sections in Kenema city. Five areas were then selected including kpetema, Nyawama, kissy town, Samai Town and Lambayama sections. 20% of single parents in each section were used as sample for the topic under review. (The Effect of Single Parenthood on Girl Child Education). The findings of the study revealed that: There were more single parents who have never been married. This ranked up to the highest percentage than those who have cohabited, divorced and widowed. Among the many reasons for the breakdown of marital relationships, failure to meet expectations and outside influences were the most paramount reasons. The other reasons, though may be important, but cannot stand as serious reasons for the breakdown of marital relationship. The number of school going girls were more than the number of school going boys and there were less number of girls than boys that were not attending school. Only few girls of single parents were performing excellently and few of them had completed tertiary level, some had completed senior secondary school level while a good number are yet to attain junior secondary school level.The highest percentage of the constraints that affected the academic performance of girls of single parents was peer-group influence and second highest being inadequate financial support. Among the coping mechanisms of single parents, were civil servants, petty traders and a reasonable number of single parents were barely managing to cope with their children’s schooling. Some parents suggested adequate sensitization for their school going girls, adequate job facilities for single parents, boarding home facilities and the establishment of single parenthood Association.

Hussein Murad Reda

The objective of this paper is to provide a data base to assist in task allocation between humans and robots and to analyze some common manufacturing activities. To accomplish this, the capabilities and limitations of humans, as well as the characteristics of robots, are discussed. General guidelines are offered for the process of task allocation between humans and robots. A definition of task analysis is given and several common manufacturing processes are described. In the task analysis, a determination of those traits required by a human or robot to perform the given task are described. Also given are the results of an investigation into the type of robot capable of performing a given manufacturing activity.

Oluyemi-Ayibiowu B. D. ◽  
Fadugba O. G.

Stabilization of soil using fibers is one of the effective techniques to improve the strength of soils for engineering se. This paper aims to evaluate the effect of coir fiber as natural reinforcement in the stabilization of lateritic soil, which is classified as clayey silt. The performance of Coir fibers is separately analyzed for its impact on the strength of the soil. Tests were conducted on various fiber-soil ratios in six percentage levels such as 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 to determine the optimum fiber content. The index properties tests carried out on the natural soil samples (A and B) showed that the samples belong to A-6 and A-7-6 in the AASHTO classification system respectively and CL according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Compaction characteristics of the natural and treated soil samples were determined using the Standard Proctor method. Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) value of 58.59kpa and 87.89kpa obtained for the natural soil, increased to a maximum of 359.31kpa and 261.16kpa at 0.4% fiber content for samples A and B respectively. The California bearing ratio (CBR) values on the other hand increased with increase in fiber content from 14.52% to 23.28% and from 12.47% to 18.92% for soaked samples A and B respectively, and from 17.26% to 27.18% and 15.22% to 21.89% for unsoaked samples A and B respectively. The results indicate that, 0.4% coir fiber content are more optimal and efficient stabilizer for the laterite soil. This study also contributes to effective soil waste management as a befitting sustainable technique to solve current environmental crisis as well.

Ali Hassan Sayed Morsy, Ph.D.

The aim of this paper is to provide a review of the problem of finding a proper temporal equivalent while conveying the SL (the Qur'an) into the TL (English) suggesting applicable solutions to the problems in question. Arabic and English share the general characteristics of time, tense and aspect, but often formally disagree in the methods of expressing them. This makes the problem of finding proper temporal equivalent arise to the surface during the process of translation. The linguistic concepts of time, tense and aspect are problematic in Arabic in general, and in applying them to the analysis of the Glorious Qur'an in particular. This paper attempts to approach this problematic area and suggests solutions to many temporal problems that translators are likely to face during their translation process e.g. the disagreement between form and function, translating the different categories (variations) of /kaan-a/ 'be', translating the verbs and forms expressing the attributes of Allah and the contextual tenses. This paper adopts Dr. Ali's model used in his thesis by which a translator could identify which tense is much more appropriate to be used in each case. The suggested model differentiates between two types of temporal structures: the surface or form and the deep or function. Comparing the different translations using the given model tables makes the disagreement idea between form and function clear to the reader. The paper concludes, after analyzing the selected verses, that Ghali's and Ali's translations is the most accurate in handling the problems of tenses, followed by Pickthall's comes last. The used model analyzes the given verb to help a translator identify and select the most appropriate temporal equivalent in each analyzed case.

Georgeta Buica ◽  
Anca Elena Antonov ◽  
Constantin Beiu ◽  
Dobra Remus ◽  
Dragos Pasculescu ◽  

In the present research article, a modest attempt has been made to find some important features non-safety costs in maintenance of work equipments. The preventive maintenance is essential in maintaining the safety and reliability of work equipment, which is ensuring the safety and health of workers and also it, give an optimal and safe working environment. Here, we analyze the influence of the failure of the work equipment, as a result of non-preventive maintenance, on the managerial performance of a company. From the analysis of the effects of the costs of work-related events, it was found that the failure and deterioration of work equipment accounted a significant share from the cost of non-safety. These factors are an argument for the cost - benefit analysis of occupational safety and health. Final, we emphasized some important role of preventive maintenance, namely the necessity to carry out periodic safety tests, starting from the conception of many employers that they have the economic criterion regarding the safety and health of the workers in the work process.

Stanisław Naprawa

The results of author’s method for evaluation of water levels (and discharges) instability as the function of time are described and new Environmental Classification of water headworks is proposed, based on water flow velocity criterium and application the “instability factors” for determination save water levels elevations (and outlet works discharge conveyance capacity), accepted for design and valid for the whole project life period. The classification is based on the assumption, that local channel processes and risks (biological, erosion, sedimentation, ice control and other”s) within the environment of hydraulic works will be eliminated or negative impacts limited. The main aim of applied classification is to protect the hydrauulic water-head structures from degradation, aggradation and deterioration. The general specification for design of discharge capacity of spillways and outlet works determination are given, as well as the main principle of the investments management. The general and particular technical requirements are specified for mitigation the negative impacts on the hydraulic headwater structures, as well as structures influences on the environment.. The scope of required changes in regulations and specifications are given to include in the present polish regulations and standards, including European EC7 Standard.

Ali Hassan Sayed Morsy, Ph.D.

According to Ryding (2005), "conditional propositions are ones in which hypothetical conditions are specified in order for something else to take place." He adds "there are two clauses, one that specifies the condition…" and "one that specifies the consequences or result of those conditions" (p.671).  On the other hand, "the equivalent terms in Arabic are شرط /ʃartˤ/ (for the condition clause) and جواب /jawaab/ (for the consequence clause)"(p.671).  The writer divides conditions into "reasonably realizable" (if you study hard, you will pass) and "simply expressions of impossible or “contrary to fact” conditions"(p.671) (If he were rich, he would buy your car).  In brief, conditional sentences in both English and Arabic can be grouped into two categories, namely, real conditionals and unreal ones.  Real conditionals are indicated by a speaker who believes positively about the achievement of the condition, while the speaker of the unreal ones believes negatively about this achievement.   Moreover, the use of different conditional particles appoints the type of the condition in Arabic, but it is identified by the cluster of verb forms in English.  In English, the conditional sentence may precede or follow the main sentence, but it generally precedes the main sentence in Arabic. The tense of the verbs used in English conditional sentences differ in most cases from their Arabic counterparts. Furthermore, the most common type of conditionals in English involves ‘if’ and ‘unless’ but there are three common conditional particles and about ten conditional nouns in Arabic.  Ryding (2005) states that, "Arabic uses different particles to express possible conditions and impossible conditions"(p.671). The English conditional article ' if ' has three equivalents in Arabic: /?in/, /?iðaa/ and /law/.  The verbs of the two English conditional clauses in each of the four cases are in a sort of harmony in tense, but in Arabic such tense agreement is not a must.  Hence, we conclude that there is a general tense harmony between the English conditional clauses, but in Arabic, this is not commonly the case.  This dissonance leads to some extent of confusion while translating the source language(SL) into the target language(TL) in general and from the Quran ( as SL) into English (as TL) in particular.

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