Khizanah al-Hikmah Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan Informasi dan Kearsipan
Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

2549-1334, 2354-9629

Ciwuk Musiana Yudhawasthi ◽  
Lydia Christiani

Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) was launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Research and Technology to support the readiness of students to face challenges in the world of work by applying active learning. Documentary institutions in universities, namely libraries, archives, and museums, should become strategic partners in supporting the MBKM program because the documentary institution has all the necessary conditions, facilities, and infrastructure to succeed MBKM program. This study aimed to determine the readiness of documentary institutions in the university environment to exploit the opportunities and challenges and what obstacles they encountered. This study used the qualitative method and in-depth interviews for data collection and a literature study. The researcher concludes that the biggest challenges facing documentary institutions are regulation and the readiness of human resources. Due to this, changes to regulations and educational curricula and the introduction of new documentation of pure science are priorities in improving professional education providers in library science, archives, and museology.

Walda Khoiriyah ◽  
Elya Riska Dwi Wahyuni ◽  
Nindya Indrasweri

Instagram is one of the social media that is used massively to disseminate information, particularly regarding cultural information. This paper describes a model for disseminating cultural information using social media Instagram. The research was conducted at the Paniradya Kaistimewan of DIY. The data were collected through three techniques, namely participatory observation, interviews, and literature study. Participation observations were carried out by the first author through internship program for three months in 2020 and actively participated in document management activities as well as disseminating management results in the form of information through Instagram. The result of this research is the cultural information dissemination model used by Paniradya Kaistimewan Yogyakarta of DIY with transmissional communication formula model. The conclusion of the research is that dissemination through Paniradya Kaistimewan of DIY's Instagram can increase the brand trust of Paniradya Kaistimewan DIY. This is proven by public opinion that Paniradya Kaistimewan of DIY is a source of public reference for the privileged values of DIY.

Vilianty Rizki Utami ◽  
Desni Sri Hastuti Sihite

Quality management in the library is related to quality control of the library's work to meet user expectations and contributes to the continued success of the organization. However, quality control is lacking and not be the main focus in many libraries. This paper aims to explain how quality management improves work results in libraries. The research method used in this paper is qualitative research using a case study method. We conduct research in Library X that already underwent quality control in book processing activities. The data were collected through observation, and interviews for book processing activities and its quality control data during 2018-2020. The data was then analyzed document analysis. The study found that Library X could perform better by improving the quality of book processing and fixing the error just before they put the book on its shelves. Quality control gives a comprehensive evaluation in Library X either for humans, processes, and systems of book processing activities that help Library X conduct its duty to provide their user needs and expectations. Quality control and quality management also help Library X describe the library working atmosphere and can be used for giving motivation to all librarians and staff to give better service and performance for the end-users.

Nur Sanny Rahmawati ◽  
Rahmi Rahmi

Library promotion through social media is an integral part of library services, especially for academic libraries. Social media can inform the end-users of what library’s resources and services and give librarians an impression of users’ views and needs. This study aimed to determine the use of social media to promote academic libraries in Indonesia. This research used a qualitative approach, specifically a systematic literature review, and includes details about identifying the research questions, the literature search process, data synthesis and search results. Based on the scientific papers identified and reviewed, the majority of research was published in 2019. The most frequent social media platforms for library promotions were Facebook and Instagram. Academic libraries located in Yogyakarta carried out the most social media promotions. Obstacles to promoting libraries through social media in Indonesia were primarily due to internal factors of libraries.

Dyah Paramaratri ◽  
Luki Wijayanti

Thoriq Tri Prabowo ◽  
Nur Riani ◽  
Fina Hanifa Hidayati ◽  
Heru Sulistya ◽  
Lalu Rudy Rustandi

This study aims to describe the proper online lecture practice during the pandemic Covid-19 in the Department of Library Science of UIN Sunan Kalijaga. This study uses a mixed-method approach (quantitative and qualitative). 92 students as the respondents filled out online questionnaires about their proper online learning. Not only filling in a quantitative questionnaire, these respondents were also given to provide reasons for each filled answer. Online learning in the Department of Library Science of UIN Sunan Kalijaga has been conducted since March 2020. The implementation uses different applications for each lecturer. Some of the most widely used applications are Whatsapp, Google Classroom, eLearning UIN Sunan Kalijaga, online meeting applications such as Zoom, Google Meet, and Webex, Youtube, and podcast applications such as Anchor and Spotify. Evaluation of online learning using the principle of inclusiveness is necessary.

Cahyo Trianggoro ◽  
Tupan Tupan

Research data sharing activities provide many benefits to the research ecosystem. However, in the Indonesian context, there is a lack of policy in regulating research data sharing mechanisms which makes researchers reluctant to undertake the practice of data sharing. Research funders and research institutions play a critical role in developing data-sharing policies. Research related to the policy of research data sharing is important in order to design policies to encourage the practice of research data sharing. A systematic literature review was conducted to see how data-sharing policies were formulated and implemented in various research institutions. The data were taken from Scopus and Dimension indexers using controlled vocabulary. The roles of research institutions and funders as well as policy instruments were analyzed to see patterns that occur between the parties. We examine 23 articles containing data sharing policies. it was found that the funders have the greatest role in determining the design of the data sharing policy. Funders view that research data is an asset in research funded by public funding so that the benefits must be returned to the community. Research institutes play a role as a provider of research infrastructure that contributes to data creation. Meanwhile, researchers as research actors need to provide input in developing data sharing mechanisms and regulating data sensitivity aspects and legal aspects in research data sharing.

Dhevi Enlivena Irene Restia Mahelingga

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