Journal of Applied and Computational Topology
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Published By Springer-Verlag

2367-1734, 2367-1726

Michael Robinson

AbstractThe Dowker complex is an abstract simplicial complex that is constructed from a binary relation in a straightforward way. Although there are two ways to perform this construction—vertices for the complex are either the rows or the columns of the matrix representing the relation—the two constructions are homotopy equivalent. This article shows that the construction of a Dowker complex from a relation is a non-faithful covariant functor. Furthermore, we show that this functor can be made faithful by enriching the construction into a cosheaf on the Dowker complex. The cosheaf can be summarized by an integer weight function on the Dowker complex that is a complete isomorphism invariant for the relation. The cosheaf representation of a relation actually embodies both Dowker complexes, and we construct a duality functor that exchanges the two complexes.

Min-Chun Wu ◽  
Vladimir Itskov

AbstractWe consider a common measurement paradigm, where an unknown subset of an affine space is measured by unknown continuous quasi-convex functions. Given the measurement data, can one determine the dimension of this space? In this paper, we develop a method for inferring the intrinsic dimension of the data from measurements by quasi-convex functions, under natural assumptions. The dimension inference problem depends only on discrete data of the ordering of the measured points of space, induced by the sensor functions. We construct a filtration of Dowker complexes, associated to measurements by quasi-convex functions. Topological features of these complexes are then used to infer the intrinsic dimension. We prove convergence theorems that guarantee obtaining the correct intrinsic dimension in the limit of large data, under natural assumptions. We also illustrate the usability of this method in simulations.

Shreya Arya ◽  
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat ◽  
Kunal Dutta ◽  
Martin Lotz

AbstractGiven a set P of n points and a constant k, we are interested in computing the persistent homology of the Čech filtration of P for the k-distance, and investigate the effectiveness of dimensionality reduction for this problem, answering an open question of Sheehy (The persistent homology of distance functions under random projection. In Cheng, Devillers (eds), 30th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, SOCG’14, Kyoto, Japan, June 08–11, p 328, ACM, 2014). We show that any linear transformation that preserves pairwise distances up to a $$(1\pm {\varepsilon })$$ ( 1 ± ε ) multiplicative factor, must preserve the persistent homology of the Čech filtration up to a factor of $$(1-{\varepsilon })^{-1}$$ ( 1 - ε ) - 1 . Our results also show that the Vietoris-Rips and Delaunay filtrations for the k-distance, as well as the Čech filtration for the approximate k-distance of Buchet et al. [J Comput Geom, 58:70–96, 2016] are preserved up to a $$(1\pm {\varepsilon })$$ ( 1 ± ε ) factor. We also prove extensions of our main theorem, for point sets (i) lying in a region of bounded Gaussian width or (ii) on a low-dimensional submanifold, obtaining embeddings having the dimension bounds of Lotz (Proc R Soc A Math Phys Eng Sci, 475(2230):20190081, 2019) and Clarkson (Tighter bounds for random projections of manifolds. In Teillaud (ed) Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Computational Geom- etry, College Park, MD, USA, June 9–11, pp 39–48, ACM, 2008) respectively. Our results also work in the terminal dimensionality reduction setting, where the distance of any point in the original ambient space, to any point in P, needs to be approximately preserved.

Benjamin A. Burton ◽  
Alexander He

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