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Published By Boletim Do Museu De Geociencias Da Amazonia


2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2021) (2) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Marcondes Costa ◽  
Marcus Brito ◽  
Mário Chaves ◽  
Herbert Pöllmann ◽  

The diamond alluvium gravels from the Painin garimpos, on the right bank of the Tapajós River, in Itaituba, Pará, stand out for the marked presence of pebbles from <1 cm to about 10 cm in diameter consisting of aluminum phosphate-sulfates (APS minerals) from the alunite supergroup: goyazite-florencite-gorceixite-crandallite-esvanbergite/woodhouseite. They are light gray pebbles, still containing small amounts of pyrite, kaolinite, goethite and anatase. The total chemical and trace element analyzes confirm the indicated mineralogical constitution alongside the XRD. The florencite member is mainly dominated by Ce, La, Nd and Sm, the light rare earth elements, and also contains anomalous concentrations of Nb, Y, Pb, U and Th. This chemical nature of these pebbles, in part, makes it possible to compare them with the diamond satellite beans (favas) in secondary deposits in Brazil, but chemically only with the phosphates from Malawi and Sayan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2021) (2) ◽  
pp. 1-41
Marcus Brito ◽  
Marcondes Costa ◽  
Herbert Pöllmann ◽  
Mário Chaves ◽  

The diamonds from the Painin garimpo, on the Tapajós River, in Itaituba, state of Pará, were mined in alluvial gravel in geological terrains dominated by the Barreirinha, Itaituba and Monte Alegre Paleozoic formations. 30 diamonds extracted from the concentrates of this garimpo were analyzed by stereomicroscopy, optical microscopy, x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with EDS and luminescence. The average weight of these specimens is 0.42 ct and the predominant forms are dodecahedral and octahedral, in addition to others such as ballas and bort. Surface figures, microstructures, luminescence, and various inclusions are recognized. The inclusions can be classified as syngenetic (periclase, diopside, among others) and epigenetic (eg minerals of crandallite group). Green covers were also observed. This study, however, was not able to solve the problem of the genesis of the diamond in the studied region, as happens to date with most secondary diamond deposits in the Amazon region (Tapajós, Tocantins and Tepequém-Maú), except for those related to kimberlite pipes of Mato Grosso Rondônia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2021) (2) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Marcus Brito ◽  
Marcondes Costa ◽  
Herbert Pöllmann ◽  
Helmut Hohn ◽  

The present work describes the heavy minerals identified in the sand fraction of the diamond-rich alluvium of the Painin garimpo, located on the right bank of the Tapajós River, in Itaituba, Pará. In general, secondary diamond deposits, such as those found in several regions of Brazil (Minas Gerais, Bahia, Goiás, etc.) have a very characteristic assemblage of heavy minerals, in which their minerals are known as diamond satellites. In Painin these minerals were extracted from the concentration of gravel obtained with the aid of a pan, after the extraction of pebbles, silt and clay fractions. The sand fraction was sieved in several fractions and from the fractions 0.25-0125 and 0.125-0.062 mm, the non-opaque heavy minerals were separated using bromoform as a heavy liquid. Minerals were identified by optical microscopy and x-ray diffraction. They stand out in descending order and according to the fraction sand, staurolite, tourmaline, corundum, rutile, diaspore, gold, topaz, zircon, anatase and kyanite. Of these, only corundum and diaspore are not classic heavy minerals from sedimentary rocks of the great Amazon region. These two minerals are together with the phosphates of the alunite supergroup, often found in the satellites of the secondary Painin diamond deposits, but not mentioned in those mentioned above, and likely to have an affinity with the primary nature of the diamond. Rutile, anatase and iron oxides are most frequently cited in these satellites. Probably corundum, diaspore and the alunite supergroup phosphates are characteristic for Painin.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2021) (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
José REGO ◽  
Jorddy CRUZ ◽  
Marcondes COSTA ◽  
Fabrine ALVES ◽  

Theophylline, theobromine and caffeine, are purine-based alkaloids in which the main differentiation in the molecular structure is the presence of methyls, one, two and three, respectively in these substances. This study presents an analysis by XRD and molecular modeling methods of the alkaloid’s caffeine and theobromine. The crystalline structure of caffeine was characterized as a monoclinic system, and the diffractogram of the caffeine crystals showed peaks with regions of greater intensity at 2θ = 11.7616 ° (d = 7.51 Å; I% = 80.13) and 2θ = 11.9416 ° (d = 7.40 Å; I% = 98.14). In the diffractogram of the theobromine crystal sample, peaks of greater intensity occurred in the regions 2θ = 13.4616 ° (d = 6.57 Å; I% = 98.92) and 2θ = 27.0816 ° (d = 3, 28 Å; I% = 67.23). Results obtained by XRD for caffeine and theobromine were compatible with standard cards of the X’Pert High Score Plus® program. The presence of an extra methyl in the structure of the caffeine purine base, suggests, a shift in the values ​​of the angle 2 θ for the main peaks of theobromine, as well as an increase in intensity, mainly in 27.016, theobromine also presents a peak in the region 10.6 which does not occur in caffeine. Statistical results reveal that the linear models for data of peaks of specific angles in 2θ of the samples, presented good linear correlation (R2> 98%) and satisfactory results after the procedure of cross validation. caffeine and theobromine also showed important differences in interactions with adenosine A2AR, particularly in hydrophobic and hydrogen interactions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2021) (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Vânia VIANA ◽  
Marcondes COSTA ◽  
Darilena PORFÍRIO ◽  
Glayce VALENTE ◽  

The municipality of Belém is installed on low ground under a rich and immense system of surface waters that converge for the most part directly into the Pará River system, Marajó Bay, northern fathom of the Amazon River and then the Atlantic Ocean. The Guamá river (estuary) and Guajará bay stand out, bathing its western, north and northeast portions, and numerous tidal channels, as well as several streams converge on the former, as well as several swamps and temporary wetlands. The main urban nucleus, the city of Belém, was installed and continues to do so, along the tidal and igarapé channels, modifying its courses, and polluting them brutally, either by solid waste or by domestic effluents of all kinds without any treatment, in addition to industrial contributions, becoming more serious as the city moves forward in horizontal and vertical buildings. The tides partially assist in this cleaning, by carrying a large part of these pollutants daily to the Guamá River, from this one to the Guajará Bay and then Marajó and Atlantic. Beautiful beaches in the north and northeast of the municipality (Outeiro, Mosqueiro, Farol, Ariramba, Carananduba, Paraíso and Baía do Sol) attract thousands of visitors, which further contribute to general pollution. Although several surveys have already been carried out to assess these impacts and its dilution, it was decided to try a new attack, emphasizing the Tucunduba stream and its drainage in the Guamá river, the Guajará bay on its margin of strong industrial-port impact and then the beaches of the Baía do Sol. Water and solid sediment in suspension (suspended) were collected in three different periods, considering the two tidal cycles, in eight seasons. Measurements of the main physical parameters were made in loco. Next, cations and anions in the waters analyzed, mineralogical identification and chemistry of the suspensates, in addition to micromorphological analyzes were carried out. The results show that the Guamá river and Guajará bay can be still classified as unpolluted natural waters, similar to the white waters of the Amazon region. Tucunduba and the waters of the Baía do Sol, mainly those restricted (swamps and manholes) are strongly altered by human occupation. Cations and anions, as well as microplankton from the suspension sediments, also allow identify the seasonal interference of oceanic interference during the dry season. The suspension materials of these rivers are dominated by quartz, kaolinite, partly muscovite / illite, demonstrating a strong relationship with the sediments of the margins, gullies and flood plains, and also of the Barreiras Formation, Neogene in age, the geological unit that serves as a substrate for the lands of Belém municipality. However, for a more informed assessment, a systematic and much more comprehensive study is recommended from the chemical, biological, mineralogical point of view and still under strong seasonal and tidal cycle controls, preferably for a continuous decade.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2021) (1) ◽  
pp. 1-34
Josiane SANTOS ◽  
Marcondes COSTA ◽  
José Francisco SILVA ◽  

The techniques of investigation of heavy minerals using new analytical instruments were used to evaluate the contribution of the Barreiras Formation sediments as source material of the sediments of the Marapanim River estuary, in the northeast of Pará: bottom sediments and muddy plains (mangroves, mainly). The most suitable granulometric fraction is very fine sand, where they stood out in decreasing order of abundance: zircon, tourmaline, staurolite, kyanite and rutile, besides sillimanite, andalusite and amphibole. The frequency of these minerals, morphological aspects, inclusions, cavities, fractures indicate that the Barreiras Formation is the main source of these minerals. However, the semi-quantitative chemical data show that there seems to be an external contribution, perhaps from the sediments of the continental platform.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2021) (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Milson XAVIER ◽  

The role of Mineralogy in society has an extraordinary and unique importance, to the point of verifying its presence both on the wall of the environment where the individual is, in times of pandemic, or on the unoccupied asphalt of the external environment. In the study of Mineralogy, the determination of the relative density of minerals is a constant assignment of professionals in the mineral industry, either for the purpose of identifying mineral substances or for solving storage and transportation issues. Therefore, knowing the equipment and which procedures for determining it are fundamental issues for solving these problems. In this way, descriptions of operational procedures of some equipment are presented, built with the purpose of determining the relative density of minerals, as a way to contribute to undergraduate students in Geology or similar sciences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2020) (2) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Milson Xavier ◽  

he Coronavirus pandemic that spread around the world in the first half of 2020 brought impacts to society that will be registered for an extended period. In this paper, the effects showed an impossibility to maintain the progress of mineral research made by professionals in the academic and scientific areas. In an attempt to find justifications in the legal order of the mineral industry, to continue the work, it was faced with imposing environmental legislation that made a claim even more difficult. It was found that the Mining Code in place no longer regulates the activities of extraction of mineral specimens for museums, educational establishments and other scientific purposes. This left the legal security tied only to the interpretation of legal provisions in articles of the code and its regulation, as well as procedure manuals for environmental inspection bodies, and therefore, subject to the consequences of legal disputes with final decisions in higher courts, given the claim of superiority of the environmental issue over mining. Keywords: Coronavirus, pandemic, environmental legislation, mining code

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2020) (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Rosemery Nascimento ◽  
Gabriela Sarges ◽  

This article is a remote teaching activity within de PET-Geology Group (UFPA) and presents a summary of Carlotta Joaquina Maury’s academic professional career and their scientific contribution to the pioneering studies of the Pirabas Formation. Carlotta Joaquina Maury (1874-1938), who was recognized as the first woman to work with paleontology in Brazil. Despite all adversities she was a consulting paleontologist and stratigrapher to Royal Dutch Shell’s Venezuela Division and one of the official paleontologists the Geological and Mineralogical Service of Brazil. In 1925, she published “Tertiary Fossils from Brazil with Description News Cretacean Forms” where she described numerous species of mollusks from the northeastern coast of Brazil, performing the stratigraphic correlation of these faunas with similar faunas of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. Carlotta Joaquina Maury was fellow of the Geological Society of America, American Geographical Society and of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. An admirable woman ahead of her time. Keywords: Paleontologist, Scientific women, Pirabas Formation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2020) (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Amanda Silva ◽  
Adilson Dalmora ◽  
Beatriz Firpo ◽  
Rubens Kautzmann ◽  

The present study focuses on the agronomic efficacy evaluation of volcanic rock mining waste and the sewage sludge from a dairy industry as a fertilizer for an acid soil, and to evaluate its nutrients and toxic potentially elements. The waste samples were collected from a volcanic rock mining and a dairy industry located in the southern region of Brazil. X-ray diffraction technique was employed to identify the mineralogical phases present in the rock dust. Rock and sludge major elements composition were analyzed after fusion along with LiBO2 followed by X-Ray Fluorescence. Toxic potentially elements content was measured according to United States Environmental Protection Agency 3050b method. The sludge and rock were applied to small-scale field experiment in which black oats was then sown. Four treatments were compared: (T1) 3,240 kg ha-1 of sewage sludge, (T2) 1,620 kg ha-1 of sewage sludge with 6,000 kg ha-1 of rock, (T3) 12,000 kg ha-1 of rock and control, which did not receive any type of input. Changes in soil properties and the nutritional status of the black oats were monitored after ninety days. The addition of the sludge combined with rock dust led to substantial increases in black oats leaves nutrient concentrations (mainly Ca, K, P and Zn) and in soil available K and P. In addition, the potentially toxic elements levels of both wastes are low and therefore the risks of environmental contamination are considerably reduced. Keywords: dairy industry sewage sludge; volcanic rock mining waste; natural soil fertilization.

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