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Published By State University Of Management


E-Management ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 50-60
M. V. Samosudov

The formation and formation of the Industry 4.0 concept stimulated the discussion of the use of computer technology in various areas of economic activity and, in particular, in the automation of social systems management. The basis of the concept is the inclusion of a virtual image of the social system in the form of a mathematical model or a digital twin of the enterprise in the production and management system. At the same time, it should be noted that today digital twin are created mainly only for technical objects used in the activities of enterprises. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the possibility of fixing organizational documents as one of the system-forming factors in the digital twin of an enterprise. This circumstance makes it possible, firstly, to more accurately calculate the managerial effects of managers by taking into account the impact of organizational documents on the activities of employees of the enterprise; secondly, to identify conflicts of documents developed by various departments of the company; thirdly, to calculate the content of documents during their development (design), based on the requirements of the situation or a given control effect. This possibility arises due to the use of a comprehensive mathematical model of the social system operating in an active environment. The model is a simulation agent-based model and allows you to calculate the dynamics of the social system in the socio-economic space, which allows its use in decision support systems by managers of any scale and activities to calculate the expected effect of management decisions – the specifics of a particular social system are taken into account by combining the values of the phase variables describing the state of the enterprise. The novelty of the research paper lies in the fact that it shows: the possibility to calculate the influence of organizational documents on the behavior of participants and, consequently, on the result of the social system, as well as the mechanism for converting messages, which are invariants of socio-economic space into information that affects the behavior of participants of relations.

E-Management ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 43-49
A. V. Malkova

The process of evolution of such phenomenon as customer focus and its impact on the formation of trade relations has been considered. In order to study the phenomenon as a whole and the factors that influenced the changes in particular, a retrospective analysis from the era of craftsmanship to the present day has been made. Special attention has been paid to industrial revolutions as stimulators of change, and to the peculiar boundaries of the periods of using different approaches to trade and business interaction. The article also touches on the topic of direct marketing, as a prototype of today’s business relations. In addition to the history of marketing and the impact of industrial revolutions on the development of the relationship between seller and buyer, the paper considered and analysed such a phenomenon as the automation of production in order to create a fullfledged picture, reflecting the reasons for the creation, the essence and relevance of CRM-systems in the modern world. CRM-systems in this article have been considered as one of the tools of customer focus methodology, which facilitates the interaction between participants in business relationships, as well as serving as a centralized directory of information about the customers. The initial and, consequently, the ultimate goal of the study was to create an interconnected scheme for the formation of a modern system of customer focus and definition of the role of CRM-systems in the whole process.

E-Management ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 4-10
R. I. Andrianova ◽  
M. V. Lenshina

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused enormous economic losses and social upheaval around the world. However, despite the huge financial and human losses, it is physical culture and sports that can help mankind in many ways to combat the epidemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly had an impact on professional and mass sports. The economic slowdown in the sports industry has affected the profit margins of the global sports advertising market. In the current situation, it is necessary to search new directions for sports management and marketing policy to overcome the crisis. Of particular interest is the direction of online commerce and online advertising in the sports industry. Those sports brands that are able to adapt to the new reality and reconfigure their business will remain on the market and continue to make a profit, in some cases even multiply it. Those companies that fail to cope with the transformation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may become uncompetitive and lose their consumers. The advantages of online commerce and marketing tools are that they are not likely to lose their relevance and effectiveness even after the pandemic is over, when all areas of human life will return to their usual course. One way or another, it is advisable for companies involved in the sports industry to implement and develop modern areas of management and marketing development.

E-Management ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 34-42
S. S. Vopilovskii

The study is based on the decrees of the President and state programs for the strategic development of the Russian Federation. Modern trends in the economic development of the maritime transport system, its ports and infrastructure projects of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation have been considered. It has been presented that under the conditions of the world economy regression caused by economic, political and other factors, increasing the economic potential of the Arctic territories is a priority goal, and the fulfillment of tasks to develop the Arctic and ensure national security corresponds to the fulfillment of the principles of the state policy of the Russian Federation. It has been determined that the development of the Arctic transport corridor and the Far North regions in modern conditions is impossible without a high-tech economy, and scientific and technological progress predetermines the themes of communicability of interests of the state, business and society. Key infrastructure projects in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation for the development of oil and gas complex, construction of icebreaker fleet, auxiliary Arctic-class fleet, construction of new ports to meet the challenges of increasing the flow of goods along the Northern Sea Route have been considered. The measures for sustainable, reliable energy supply to consumers in order to strengthen the life of the community, expanding the human environment using the latest technological solutions have been analysed. The readiness of industrial enterprises to solve the goals of building land, water and air transport that meets Arctic requirements has been confirmed. The purpose of the study is to assess the ongoing and planned infrastructure projects carried out by the state and business to increase the economic reserve of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation, to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation.

E-Management ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 20-33
E. I. Andrianova ◽  
T. A. Gubacheva ◽  
A. V. Sapronenko ◽  
E. A. Khalimon

The relevance of the study is determined by the identified shortage of the urban environment in Russia, namely those types of buildings that meet modern requirements. In large cities, the only way to change this situation is redevelopment. This article considers options for stimulating the development of urban areas and optimization of their use through redevelopment. The definitions of the concepts of redevelopment, renovation, gentrification, revitalization are delimited. The classification of types of programs according to the level of management is performed. The advantages and disadvantages of the redevelopment process are presented. Based on the analysis of the regulatory and legal framework, the authors revealed that the concept of “redevelopment” is not defined in any way in it. The practical experience of implementing redevelopment projects and programs in Russia, including development projects of the main industrial zones of the city of Moscow, which are inextricably linked with the strategic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the implementation of national projects, is analysed. Special attention is paid to the redevelopment project management issues, proposals are presented to increase the efficiency of program management based on the Japanese P2M project management standard. At the end of the study, the authors revealed the results achieved in the implementation of redevelopment projects and evaluated their effectiveness in terms of various indicators.

E-Management ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 11-19
Yu. A. Arens ◽  
N. A. Katkova ◽  
E. A. Khalimon ◽  
I. S. Brikoshina

A comprehensive study of the phenomenon of the fifth industrial revolution is carried out. This topic is relevant due to the rapid development of biotechnologies and neural networks, transforming the environment of industries and society as a whole. Various interpretations of the term “fifth industrial revolution” are considered, and the key characteristics of previous industrial revolutions are identified and analysed. The main content of the research paper is an analysis of the scientific literature, consideration of visions of the fifth industrial revolution, as well as the identification of the main opportunities and threats that manufacturing enterprises, industries and society as a whole will face. The impact of Industry 5.0 on the economic performance of industries while meeting the needs and interests of employees, as well as ensuring environmental sustainability and resource conservation is described. The importance of the readiness of future industries to adapt to changing conditions in key value chains is emphasized. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, the authors have revealed that the fifth industrial revolution will be determined by a new and expanded purposefulness, consisting of three basic elements: human orientation, stability and sustainability. Finally, the importance of balancing production through the development of sustainable strategic value chains, adaptable production capacities and flexible business processes was emphasized.

E-Management ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-43
S. U. Soboleva ◽  
V. V. Golikov ◽  
A. A. Tazhibov

The article investigates the features of the industrial application of information technologies in healthcare. Information technologies have become not only an integral part of economic and social life, but also in some sectors the leading basis for the implementation of activities. At the same time, there are both basic formats of their application that do not depend on a specific sphere, and specific ones that are characteristic of each specific industry. The ratio of ordinary and unique programs varies depending on the application area. Healthcare is characterized by a large number of unique technological products that directly help in the treatment of patients, and at the same time, there is a shortage of basic, including managerial digital technologies, which are either completely absent or are implemented to a small extent.Currently, several digital projects are in the process of development and implementation, aimed at optimizing interaction not only at the doctor–doctor level, but also at the doctor–patient level. The main tasks of these projects, in addition to automating an appointment with a doctor, medical examination, preferential medicines, regardless of the region where the patient is located, are to achieve solutions to issues related to the problems of early diagnosis of diseases remotely and in a short time. The need for this was clearly demonstrated by the coronavirus pandemic.

E-Management ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-27
L. V. Narkevich

The article proposes an effective mechanism for managing the renewal of fixed assets of textile industry enterprises, taking into account the industry features of the production of digital textiles on the basis of an information and analytical platform.The theoretical and methodological foundations of the system approach have been tested on the processes of managing the renewal of fixed assets and their financing in Public Joint Stock Company “Mogotex”. The innovation and investment project for the renovation of finishing production is based on the results of an analytical study, reasonable parameters and criteria, which makes it possible to create the framework of Industry 4.0 and the basis for industrial scientific and technological integration within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union.

E-Management ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-36
A. A. Dashkov ◽  
Yu. O. Nesterova

In the XXI century, “trust” becomes a category that manifests itself in a variety of ways and affects many areas of human activity, including the economy and business. With the development of information and communication technologies and end-to-end technologies, this influence is becoming more and more noticeable. A special place in digital technologies is occupied by human trust when interacting with artificial intelligence and machine learning systems. In this case, trust becomes a potential stumbling block in the field of further development of interaction between artificial intelligence and humans. Trust plays a key role in ensuring recognition in society, continuous progress and development of artificial intelligence.The article considers human trust in artificial intelligence and machine learning systems from different sides. The main objectives of the research paper are to structure existing research on this subject and identify the most important ways to create trust among potential consumers of artificial intelligence products. The article investigates the attitude to artificial intelligence in different countries, as well as the need for trust among users of artificial intelligence systems and analyses the impact of distrust on business. The authors identified the factors that are crucial in the formation of the initial level of trust and the development of continuous trust in artificial intelligence.

E-Management ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 4-10
V. I. Aleshnikova ◽  
A. N. Mishchenko

For a long time, the point of view on compliance as a set of initiatives aimed at preventing illegal actions dominated. Currently, an extended interpretation of compliance is becoming widespread, which should also cover the ethical aspects of doing business.During the analysis, it was found that ethical standards in consulting were formed simultaneously with the formation of the consultant profession. This allows us to draw a conclusion about the successful century-old practice of implementing ethical codes into the corporate culture of consulting firms. This article is a continuation of the authors’ research in the field of management consulting.The purpose of the study is to analyse the Russian and foreign experience of implementing ethical standards and compliance control in the field of management consulting. The methodological basis of the research is the methods of logical, comparative, expert analysis, marketing research. The informational basis of the research is regulatory legal acts, official websites and documents of consulting companies and professional associations of consultants, expert assessments and ratings of consulting firms.The article reveals an interconnected three-level system of international, national and intra-company standards of business ethics and professional practice; gives examples of reputational risks of well-known international consulting companies; justifies the role of consulting firms in the formation of the ethical structure of business. The practical significance of the study is to focus the attention of client companies on the need to familiarize themselves with the standards of ethics and business practices before concluding a contract with a consulting firm.

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