Mangifera Edu
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Published By Universitas Wiralodra

2622-3384, 2527-9939

Mangifera Edu ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-67
Teni Novianti

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap penyedap rasa alami non MSG yang dibuat dari daging ikan yang berbeda. Prosedur pada penelitian ini yaitu pembuatan penyedap rasa alami dari ikan kembung dan ikan layang, perhitungan rendemen ikan dan analisis tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap penyedap rasa alami non MSG dari daging ikan yang berbeda.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, tahapan pengolahan penyedap rasa alami non MSG berbahan baku ikan meliputi proses pemilihan bahan baku, pencucian I, pemfilletan, pencucian II, penghalusan I, penimbangan I, pengeringan, penghalusan II, pengayakan, penimbangan II dan pengemasan.  Jumlah rendemen ikan yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku utama pembuatan penyedap rasa alami non MSG yaitu sebesar 50-53 %.  Pengujian analisis tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap penyedap rasa alami non MSG dari daging ikan yang berbeda diperoleh hasil bahwa tingkat kesukaan rasa dan aroma penyedap rasa ikan layang lebih disukai di bandingkan dengan rasa dan aroma penyedap rasa ikan kembung.  Hal ini dikarenakan rasa dan aroma yang dihasilkan dari asam glutamate pada penyedap rasa ikan layang lebih kuat.  Tingkat kesukaan terhadap tekstur penyedap rasa ikan kembung dan ikan layang masing-masing sebesar 6,6 dan 6,2 (agak suka).  Sedangkan tingkat kesukaan terhadap warna penyedap rasa ikan kembung lebih disukai dari pada ikan layang dengan nilai tingkat kesukaan penyedap rasa ikan kembung 7,4 (suka).   Kata Kunci : Tingkat Kesukaan, Penyedap Rasa Alami, Ikan Kembung, Ikan Layang.

Mangifera Edu ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-43
Tri Handayani

ABSTRACT Woody  plant produce small to large seeds which can affect germination process. Cotyledons as an important food source for early growth of seedlings. The position, function, and type of cotyledons when seeds germinate varies. This research aimed to determine cotyledons characters of woody plant seedlings collection  in Bogor Botanic Gardens. The position, function and type  of cotyledons were observed for 65 species of seedlings.This research used an observative method and was analyzed descriptively.The position of cotyledons when the seeds germinate are epigeal (above the ground) and hypogeal (remain in the soil). The epigeal cotyledons type found in 44 species that is higher than hypogeal cotyledons type (21 species). The function of cotyledons for seedlings is to reserve food or photosynthesis. Species with cotyledon reserve type were more than foliar cotyledons type (43 species and 22 species, respectively). The proportion of seedling types CER (cryptocotylar-epigeal-reservoir), CHR (cryptocotylar-hypogeal-reservoir), PEF (phanerocotylar-epigeal-foliaceous), PER (phanerocotylar-epigeal-reservoir), PHR (phanerocotylar-hypogeal-reservoir) were 3.08%, 16.92%, 33,85%, 29,23%, 16,92%, respectively.

Mangifera Edu ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-97
Linda Aprianingsih ◽  
Sri Wardhani ◽  
Sulton Nawawi

The research background is that it can develop biological assessment based on science process skills because science process skills are important for logical thinking to train students' thinking skills. From the results of the initial needs analysis of class X questions, science process skills are still low, the teacher has not fully developed the science process skills-based assessment because it still uses questions from biology books. This study aims to determine the characteristics and feasibility of assessment based on science process skills developed in biology class X semester 2. This research is development research. Development is carried out using a procedural model by adapting Mcintire's research and development model, with 4 stages of test development including defining competencies, test participants and test objectives, developing test plans, compiling test items, writing administrative instructions. This research stage is limited because it only wants to know the characteristics and feasibility of the assessment. The research instrument used an interview sheet, a questionnaire sheet, and an observation sheet. Expert validation was carried out by 6 expert validators: (1) material experts; (2) linguists; and (3) evaluation experts; The data analysis technique uses qualitative descriptive that refers to the formula adapted by Sugiyono (2018) with a scale of 4. The results of this study are in the form of a biological assessment based on science process skills in the form of multiple-choice questions in which there is biology material for class X semester 2. Biological assessment characteristics are based on science process skills, namely using indicators consisting of observing, grouping, interpreting, predicting, asking questions, hypothesizing, planning experiments, applying concepts, and communicating. The feasibility of a biological assessment based on science process skills based on expert validators, the results are valid to very valid so that the biological assessment based on science process skills developed is feasible to be used to measure the science process skills of class X students.

Mangifera Edu ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-55
Pritha Nour Mustikawaty ◽  
Nurcahyo Widyodaru Saputro

Research on indirect organogenesis of apple cucumber (Cucumis sp.) Was conducted from June until August 2020. The aim of the study is to get the best results from IAA and Kinetin concentrations on the growth of buds organogenesis to apple cucumber plants (Cucumis sp.) in B5 Gamborg Medium. The method used was an experimental method with nonparametric statistics with 25 treatments that were repeated 5 times and analyzed descriptively by the Kruskal Wallis test. The results showed that growth of apple cucumber shoots at the best combination treatment of IAA and Kinetin that is at concentrations 2,5x10-7 IAA and 3,2x10-5 Kinetin (A3B1) which resulted in appear shoots time at 39 days after initiation (hsi), it can provide the best growth of shoot height of 0,4 cm and the highest number of a shoot is 3. However, treatment with concentration 2,0x10-7 M IAA and 4,4x 10-5 Kinetin (A2B2) resulted in appearing shoots time at 39 days after initiation (hsi) and shoot height of 0,35 cm.

Mangifera Edu ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-28
Intan Rizky Amalia ◽  
Muhammad Syaipul Hayat

Education is a need for every child to have insight and hope for goals because basics education is helpful until the end of life. The existence of life-long learning indicators is very relevant to be applied by students in learning biology. These indicators include complex thinking, information processing, effective communication, collaboration/cooperation, and thinking habits. This study aims to determine the urgency of providing life-long learning for students in biology learning. The research method uses qualitative methods, the research instrument used in this study is a questionnaire. The results showed that the student's response was in the high category with a percentage of 60%, which means that students already understand the concept of life-long learning but have not applied it in their daily lives. 60.9% of students responded that life-long learning had not been implemented in biology learning at school and agreed if it was applied in biology learning. Therefore, the provision of life-long learning for students in biology learning is considered very important to apply.

Mangifera Edu ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-81
Lutfia Fajriah ◽  
Endang Surahman ◽  
Romy Faisal Mustofa

            This research aims to find out the relationship between critical thinking skills and students' decision-making skills on viral material in MAN 1 Tasikmalaya Regency. The research method used is correlational. The population in this study was all students of class X MIPA consisting of 8 classes. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling with samples class X MIPA 3, X MIPA 4, and X MIPA 5 with 107 students. Data collection techniques using instruments in the form of tests. The research instrument used in this study consists of two instruments, namely critical thinking skills instruments in the form of a question in the form of a description, as many as ten questions with five indicators. For the instrument of decision-making skills in the form of a question in the form of a description, as many as 12 questions with five indicators. The data analysis technique used is a bivariate correlation test. Based on the results of research shows that critical thinking skills have a weak relationship with decision-making skills. This is evidenced by a correlation coefficient value of 0.208 with a determination coefficient value of 4.3%.  Keywords: Critical Thinking Skills, Decision Making Skills, Virus Material.

Mangifera Edu ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Inggriani Inggriani ◽  
Kurnia Ningsih ◽  
Andi Besse Tenriawaru

This research aims to determine the feasibility of a video powtoon learning media application based on guided inquiry submater application of the concept of substance pressure in organism as a learning media for students and to find responses by students to the powtoon video media. This research is Research and Development (R&D) research with the Borg and Gall development model which consists of ten stages, this research has only reached the seventh stage which includes potentials and problems, data collection, product design, product validation, design revisions, product trials, and product revisions. The instruments used were the media validation sheet and the student response questionnaire validation sheet which was validated by 5 validators and the student response questionnaire. The subjects were students of class XI SMP Negeri 3 Pontianak. The validation results obtained CVR and CVI values, namely 1 which has met the minimum limit of 0.99 so that it is declared valid. The product trial obtained an overall average score for aspects (cognition, affection, conation) which was 83,57% so it is categorized as very strong. It can be concluded that the powtoon video media based on guided inquiry sub material is suitable for use as a learning medium.

Mangifera Edu ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-149
Krisianti Ayu Monita ◽  
Erlia Narulita ◽  
Aris Singgih Budiarso

In 21st century learning, critical thinking skills are the main choice that must be mastered by students. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of local wisdom-based science teaching materials in improving junior high school students’ critical thinking skills. Most science teachers still apply teacher-centered learning, so students tend to be passive. This type of research is quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest control group design. The study was conducted in the even semester of the 2019/2020 school year. The subjects of the research were grade VII students. Data collection techniques and instruments in the form of tests that include indicators of critical thinking skills. Data analysis used homogeneity test, Kolmogorov Smirnov normality test, independent sample t-test, and n-gain score. The results of the independent sample t-test are sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000<sig. α = 0.05. Students’ critical thinking skills in the experimental class were higher (N-gain score = 39.09%) than in the control class (N-gain score = 12.03%). Based on the study results, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence on the application of local wisdom-based teaching materials in improving the critical thinking skills of middle school students in the moderate category.

Mangifera Edu ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-130
Hasan Basri ◽  
Meilinda Pahriana Sulastri

This study aims to determine the first egg's physical quality in Coturnix japonica L. after being given a liquid. The study is an experimental study with a Completely Randomized Design. In this study, the test animals were 24 Coturnix japonica L. randomly selected from 42 quail with 12 days old and average body weight of ± 37.67 g. They have been selected are divided into four treatment groups, i.e., P0: a control group with untreated drinking water, P1: 3 ml/liter water, P2: 6 ml/liter water, P3: 9 ml/liter water. Each treatment group consisted of 6 replications. Variables analyzed included egg weight, eggshell weight, yolk weight, albumen weight, egg yolk index, and egg quality index. The results showed that the addition of herbal concoction with the treatment of 3 ml, 6 ml, and 9 ml per 1 liter of drinking water on the physical quality of the first egg of Coturnix japonica L. including egg weight, yolk weight, albumen weight, shell weight, egg quality index, and yolk index statistically showed results were not significantly different (P>0.05 ), but the addition of herbal concoction did not have a negative effect on the physical quality of the first eggs of Coturnix japonica L.

Mangifera Edu ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-102
Sultan Mohideen Abdul Khader ◽  
Kareem Altaff

This investigation aimed to analyze the effects of different diets and determine the optimal feed on the growth performance of guppy Poecilia reticulata (Peters, 1859). In the present study, juvenile guppies were procured from commercial fish breeders, Kolathur, Chennai, and fed with four experimental diets, namely Diet I (Control-Pellet feed), Diet II (Formulated feed), Diet III (Dry Tubifex), and Diet IV (Live feed Brachionus plicatilis) to examine the effects on growth and survival rates. In the experiment, 12 glass circular tanks with a volume of 10 L were used, and ten juveniles having an average body length and weight of 0.8 cm and 0.01 g were randomly introduced into each aquarium (80 cm×30 cm×35 cm) in triplicates. During the experimental study, the fish were fed two times a day ad libitum for 90 days. The various growth parameters and proximate composition of the diets were calculated by following standard methods. The findings showed significant differences (p<0.05) in the fish's various growth parameters fed with different diets. The fish fed with Diet IV 52% crude protein performed better than those provided with lower levels. The increase in growth parameters could be attributed to increased levels of dietary crude protein. However, the diet does not have any significant impact on fish survival rates. Thus, it is concluded that the Live Feed B. plicatilis with 52% crude protein is suitable for theoptimum growth of Poecilia reticulata under the current experimental set-up and recommended for feeding juvenile guppies.

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