Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan Indonesia
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Published By Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia Maju - Stikim

2354-8177, 2252-4096

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (04) ◽  
Sri Endri Yani

Abstrak Background:. Exposure to cigarette smoke can affect low birth weight in mothers who are exposed to cigarette smoke. Low birth weight (LBW) babies are babies with a birth weight of less than 2500 grams. Objectives: To analyze the relationship between age, parity, gestational distance, education, occupation, exposure to cigarette smoke on the weight of newborns in mothers who gave birth. Methods: This research is analytic with a cross-sectional approach. The population and sample are 50 using total sampling technique. Results:  The results of the statistical test showed that the variables that were statistically significantly related to the birth weight of newborns were age, parity, education, and exposure to cigarette smoke with ap value <0.05, while the variable distance between pregnancy and occupation did not have a significant relationship. with p value> 0.05. Conclusion: there is a significant relationship between exposure to cigarette smoke and the weight of newborns at Bhayangkara Hospital Palembang in 2021. Keywords: low birth weight, pregnant, passive smoking

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (04) ◽  
pp. 173-180
Dadi Hamdani ◽  
Fida Husain

Background: Head injury is a serious problem that can lead to death and even death. Handling of head injuries starts from protecting the brain with blood flow to the brain so that hypoxia or brain ischemia does not occur. Hemodynamics is the result of measuring systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiratory rate. Objectives: This literature review aims to find out what interventions can be done when there is an increase in hemodynamic status in head injury patients Methods: This database search was conducted by searching on google scholars with the keywords head injury, hemodynamics. The inclusion criteria of this literature review are articles that were researched within the last 5 years with the year published 2015-2020, full text, using the Indonesian language, the article that used is the article. Results: Interventions that can be done when there is an increase in hemodynamic status in head injury patients are giving oxygen and increasing 30o, giving oxygen through a simple mask and head position 30o, giving head-up position 30o compared to 15o position, giving nasal prong oxygenation therapy and murotal therapy Al-Qur'an for 30 minutes 3 times/day. Conclusion: All interventions resulting from this literature review were in the form of giving oxygen and increasing the head 30o, giving oxygen through a simple mask and head position 30o, giving the head position 30o compared to 15o position, giving nasal branch oxygenation therapy, and murotal Al-Qur'an therapy for 30 minutes 3 times/day.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (04) ◽  
pp. 165-172
Radina Ratnasari ◽  
Dewi Umu Kulsum ◽  
Dwi Hastuti

Background: Adolescence is a period in which a child experiences a transition from childhood to adulthood both physically and psychologically. In 2018 the prevalence of smokers in the population aged >10 years in Indonesia, especially West Java, was ranked first at 32.0%, while the smoking prevalence in the population aged 10-18 years was 9.1% in 2018, this number increased from 2013 which was only 7.2%. Mental health is important in determining the quality of a nation. The phenomenon when the incidence of health problems in adolescents increases, the underlying cause comes from internal and external factors, this problem is still a threat if not treated immediately. Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between anxiety levels and smoking behavior in early adolescents. Methods: The research design used is a correlation study with a cross sectional design. The number of samples was 55 male students in grades 7 and 8 in Nias Ciranjang junior high school which were selected through purposive sampling technique. Data collection filled out the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 42 (DASS 42) questionnaire, rcount > rtable 0,514 and ralpha value = 0,952. Data analysis was carried out univariate (frequency distribution) and bivariate with chi square test. Result: The results showed that some respondents had moderate anxiety levels as much as 54.5%, most respondents had bad smoking behavior as much as 54.5%, and there was a relationship between anxiety levels and smoking behavior in early adolescents in Nias Ciranjang junior high school with p -value=0.001. Conclusion: It is hoped that nursing science and schools will continue to improve students' understanding of the dangers of smoking through counseling or other activities so that there are no more teenagers smoking.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (04) ◽  
pp. 221-228
Rizal Rizal

Background: The high number of natural disasters in the country requires the vigilance and preparedness of all parties. Landslide events still occur in several areas in Indonesia, presumably for all parties to make preparedness and prevention efforts to face the threat of disaster. Objectives: Preparedness is an important factor that is currently the focus of attention, considering that preparedness is a determining factor for disaster risk reduction that can be carried out and pursued from an early age. Methods: This type of research is a quantitative research with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were 207 respondents, using a random sampling technique using the Slovin formula, a sample of 68 respondents was obtained. Results: The research shows that there is an influence of disaster knowledge, community attitudes and socialization of landslides on preparedness for landslide disasters. Village Studies in Cemparam Pakat Jeroh Village, Mesidah District. Conclusion: the need for the government's role in providing business opportunities for people living in landslide-prone areas so that people can meet the needs of their family's life  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (04) ◽  
pp. 181-189
Maliha Amin ◽  
Intan Kumalasari

Background: Caring for a newborn is a challenge for parents, especially in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Concerns about transmission from parents, family and medical personnel as well as limited information and delays in various activities in basic community services can lead to low quality and ability of mothers to care for babies. Objectives: This study aims to describe the knowledge and attitudes of mothers in the care of newborns in the new normal. Methods: This research is descriptive analytic research using observational method. The population in this study were mothers aged 0-28 days who live in the work area of ​​Posyandu Jayalaksana RW 03 Village 3-4 Ulu Palembang with a sample of 44 people, data collection using questionnaires for assessment variables and attitudes using a Likert scale with a range of 1- 5 which consists of favorable and unfavorable statements. Univariate data analysis to assess the characteristics and frequency distribution of variables Results: Knowledge is strongly influenced by age, education and occupation. most of the respondents have a fairly good knowledge of 61.4% and have a good attitude that is 59.1% in caring for newborns during the new normal period. Conclusion: Good knowledge causes the right attitude and behavior in the care of newborns, it takes the cooperation of parents, families and health workers so that the success of caring for babies in the new normal is more optimal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (04) ◽  
pp. 207-213
Rischa Hamdanesti ◽  
Syalvia Oresti

Background: The issues of toddler boom and improvement that want for use as a reference withinside the detection encompass 10% of youngsters reaching early age abilities, 50% of youngsters will attain their abilities, 75% of youngsters will gain extra abilities, 90% of youngsters could have on the way to attain the age restriction on the present-day still. However, some time ago, they encountered several growth and development problems which were quite worrying for preschool children. Objectives: This study was to determine the accuracy of developmental outcomes for children aged 0 – 72 months between the Guide to the Kuesioner Pra Skrining Perkembangan (KPSP) and the Denver Developmental Screening Test II (Denver II). Questioner Pra Skrining Perkembangan (KPSP) and the Denver Developmental Screening Test II (Denver II) have a good result, valid and reliable to view developmental outcomes for children aged 0 – 72 months in Dadok Primary Health Center. Methods: The research method used is analytic with the design used being cross-sectional, then the Cohen's Kappa coefficient statistical test is carried out. The research sampling technique used purposive sampling as many as 56 children aged 0-72 months with exclusion criteria, namely children who were sick, had physical disabilities, and experienced other developmental disorders that could not be measured with the KPSP and Denver II instruments. The research into finished from December 2020 to December 2021. Results: The effects of this examination discovered that the improvement of youngsters elderly 0-72 months turned into nevertheless in the precise or everyday category. This may be visible from the effects of developmental tests on the usage of the KPSP and Denver II instruments, each of that has equal effectiveness for use in assessing improvement in youngsters. This is evidenced by the results of the Cohen's Kappa coefficient statistical test with a Kappa value of 0.638 which means it is good (0.61-0.80). Conclusion: It is expected for parents to implement an early detection program for child development by the child's ability at home. Parents are expected to attend seminars or training on growth and development according to the child's age level. invite the child to be more diligent in moving, provide stimulation to the leg muscles, or take the child to therapy so that it can be handled properly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (03) ◽  
pp. 122-134
Joice Cathryne ◽  
Lia Kartika

Background: Breast Milk (BM) is the primary nutrient that must be given to babies. Complete breast milk nutrients help the babies' growth, development, and boost immunity. Some data found that breastfeeding triggers infant allergies. Objectives: To critically appraise the evidence of the effectiveness of the breastfeeding mother's elimination diet (ED) in treating allergies of infants ages 0-12. Methods: A literature search was conducted for publication during 2016 – 2021 using the following databases: EBSCO, Google Scholar, and Proquest with the search keywords of "Elimination Diet" AND "Allergies" AND "Breastfeeding". Eight primary articles were selected and included in the review. Results: The study revealed five themes, namely the effectiveness of the elimination diet, the variation of the elimination diet, the effects of the elimination diet, the breast milk benefit, and the support from the family and healthcare while doing the elimination diet. Conclusion: Having babies with allergies can put mothers in a dilemma situation. Fortunately, a mother can still breastfeed their babies without worrying about their babies' growth. Support from health workers and families is needed by breastfeeding mothers in doing the elimination diet consistently.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (03) ◽  
pp. 153-158
Dwi Arini ◽  
Evin Novianti

Background: Adolescents face the problem of bullying, they need social support from those around them to have confidence in their abilities. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and social support with bullying in adolescents at Junior High School 2 Sepatan, Tangerang Regency. Methods: The research design is cross-sectional using the spearman correlation test to analyze the relationship between variables. The sampling technique was simple random sampling with 127 respondents. The instrument uses a self-efficacy questionnaire, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and The revised Olweus Bully or Victim Questionnaire. Results: There is a significant relationship between self-efficacy and bullying (p-value 0.031) and there is a significant relationship between social support and bullying (p-value 0.001). Conclusion: There is a relationship between self-efficacy and social support for victims of bullying in adolescents. This study is also useful for parents that teenagers need support in getting through the effects of bullying.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (03) ◽  
pp. 114-121
Marilin Diah Astuti ◽  
Sri Mintasih

Background: Postpartum mothers with COVID-19 isolation can experience feelings of anxiety about being infected and afraid of death, loneliness, loss and sadness so that it can have an impact on the mother's psychosocial condition which can increase to stress and trauma, confusion and anger due to having to undergo the delivery process and self-isolate without family support, Not allowed to be visited or meet anyone. If this condition is allowed to continue without proper treatment, it can result in a psychotic condition Objectives: To identify maternal psychosocial conditions in postpartum mothers in the COVID 19 isolation room Methods: 100 postpartum mothers who were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The instrument used was a questionnaire on the characteristics of the respondents; the social support questionnaire which is a modification in the Indonesian language of the postpartum support system questionnaire and the family coping questionnaire; and a questionnaire to measure maternal psychosocial conditions using the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS). Results: A total of 43% of mothers experienced psychosocial problems, namely major depression. Factors associated with postpartum maternal psychosocial conditions with COVID19 isolation were work, economic status, parity status and social support (p <0.05). The factor that most influenced maternal psychosocial conditions in postpartum mothers with COVID 19 isolation was social support (OR 4.024; 95% CI; 1.601-10.112) Conclusion: Social support is a dominant factor affecting postpartum maternal psychosocial conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (03) ◽  
pp. 102-109
Komang Urmila ◽  
Ni Putu Dita Wulandari

Background: Adolescents face the problem of bullying, they need social support from those around them to have confidence in their abilities. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and social support with bullying in adolescents at Junior High School 2 Sepatan, Tangerang Regency. Methods: The research design is cross-sectional using the spearman correlation test to analyze the relationship between variables. The sampling technique was simple random sampling with 127 respondents. The instrument uses a self-efficacy questionnaire, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and The revised Olweus Bully or Victim Questionnaire. Results: There is a significant relationship between self-efficacy and bullying (p-value 0.031) and there is a significant relationship between social support and bullying (p-value 0.001). Conclusion: There is a relationship between self-efficacy and social support for victims of bullying in adolescents. This study is also useful for parents that teenagers need support in getting through the effects of bullying.

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