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Published By Center For Journal Management And Publication, Lambung Mangkurat University

2550-0155, 2580-1295

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Ali Charoenplien ◽  
Puguh Budi Prakoso

Qmall Banjarbaru is located at Jalan Ahmad Yani KM. 37. The existence of Qmall Banjarbaru caused the impact of increased traffic density and decreased speed in the surrounding road network. With the increasing movements that occur from Qmall Banjarbaru, it will potentially be the cause of congestion between vehicles that will enter the Qmall Banjarbaru with vehicles moving straight on Jalan Ahmad Yani KM. 37. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of delay entrance parking Qmall Banjarbaru against the performance of Jalan Ahmad Yani KM. 37.This research conducted a field survey that aims to find volume data on the road, the time of parking door service, the number of vehicles that enter the parking, the time delay the parking door, and the length of the delay that occurs on the parking door. From the results of data analysis using the Calculation of field survey (realistic) data obtained the distance of the parking door previously 16.5 meters to be redated to 25 meters and the parking door that originally had two doors of parking service made into three doors parking service. This change was made to delay enter parking Qmall Banjarbaru does not reach Jalan Ahmad Yani Km. 37.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Aldo Manggaranap Lumban Tobing

Sudimampir market is a complete shopping center in the city of Banjarmasin. Along with its running time, the market sudimampir into a crowded shopping mall visited by people of Banjarmasin and its surroundings for a complete and cost. Most visitors come the shop sudimampir market with a wholesale count.This research was conducted for analyzing the characteristics of the vehicle parked at the location of the study include: accumulation of parking, the average duration of parking, parking volume, the total number of its full vehicle parking ,and right parking  corner. Data collection was performed manually during holidays. Based on the survey results, in getting Parking Penatu is often not operating optimally by not using the appropriate SRP SNI and still perform manual calculations in the counter. Performance Laundry Parking can run optimally if SRP SNI and using the angle of 30 °. So it can produce 67 pieces SRP and able to accept 313 units wheeled vehicles 4. With so, parking can operate properly by its function, namely as a parking area in the city center.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Akhmad Fitriadi

Overpass project development Marabahan is a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) from PT. Talenta Bumi, namely making public care facilities for the security and facilitate road transport and to improve the welfare of society .This project Overpass consists of main bridge prestressed concrete girders with spans of 30 m and bridges using slab pile construction with a total length of 200 m. This study aims to determine the calculation method of the analysis of in situ casts gradually and to determine the method of implementation of the phased-situ cast on Marabahan Overpass project.Analysis of cast insitu method stages in the project completion Overpass PT. Marabahan Earth's talents will be obtained security calculations on the structure of the Overpass. Foundry work first is casting with cast in situ on the crown, after it's done casting method cast in situ stages at the slab to be divided into two stages, namely the first layer 20 cm (half slab) and the second layer 15 cm (top slab) using scaffolding as a scaffold and job formwork with main reinforcement ɸut 22-150 which gradually cast directly on the ground with the popularity chart Fc validation test cylinder '30 MPa and graphs coefficient of concrete strength PBI age 71. For loading on board, the work scaffolding (scaffolding) at the time of cast insitu gradually in the field wearing a scaffold with a heavy load capacity (heavy duty) has a maximum load of 675 kg/bay or 0.675 tons/m2, and using strong wooden scaffolding with wood class III based voltage PKKI 1961 timber permit.Based on the analysis results of calculations using the method of cast insitu gradually, by doing a test trial error with conditional on calculation of security moment of the plan should be greater than the moment of ultimate, then casting the first layer half slab in getting workable with the concrete less than one day the Fc '5 MPa and to stage a second layer using a comparison chart coefficient PBI age compressive strength, obtained Fc' 9.57 MPa to 1.5 days workmanship of the concrete casting. With the trial based on the test results of the concrete age, can accelerate and cut time jobs and can save the cost of the work, such as the cost of the use of formwork and scaffolding usage. suggestednecessary to test the concrete test cylinders for 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, etc,so that getting the maximum test.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Ainun Mawa'dah Noor

Different types of field conditions coupled with rapid technological developments gave birth to innovations in the construction of retaining walls. One type of landslide deterrence construction that began to be developed in Indonesia is the Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall or often called the MSE wall. The main components of the MSE wall are backfill material, lateral reinforcement and facing panel. In this final project, research will be conducted to observe the behavior of MSE wall systems on a laboratory scale.The study was conducted by planning the innovation of the facing panel form and the variation in the number of reinforcement layers. The variations of reinforcement are 1 layer, 2 layers, 3 layers, 4 layers and without reinforcement. The reinforcement used is sack as a substitute for geotextile woven with selected pile material is sand. In testing the prototype of the MSE wall, a dial gauge is used to find out the deformation, while for loading it uses a jack-push tool.From these tests, the data obtained in the form of shifts, lateral stresses, and the maximum load of the results of the study showed that the application of reinforcement can affect the amount of lateral stress, shifting, and load. The minimum lateral stress is 0.023 kg/cm2 and the maximum load that can be held by the MSE wall is 75 kg.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 151
Ahmad Anshori ◽  
Candra Yuliana

The effect of planning on construction projects will have an impact on income within the project itself. Usually, the realization of work plans in the field often experiences delays in the process, because the number of revenue was determined by the method of payment stipulated in the construction contract. Payment system aspects affect the working capital that needs to be provided by the contractor. Therefore, the role of planning the flow of cash flow is very substantial in the implementation of the project. The purpose of this study is to get a cash flow plan with a Monthly Payment system and Progress Payment system based on the project schedule of the Road Works-Road Widening On Kurnia Street North Landasan Ulin Banjarbaru. The method used to analyze the data is project scheduling by making the description and sequence each activity, determining the duration for each project work, and making a project network diagram using the PDM Method ( Precedence Diagram Method ). Then make a cash flow analysis with monthly payment system and progress payment with three payments, at cumulative progress 30.04%, 70.28%, and 100% on the conditions of EST ( Earliest Start Time ) and LST ( Latest Start Time ) schedule. The results of the data analysis show that the payment system that provides maximum benefits is the Monthly Payment system using a 20% down payment on the EST ( Earliest Start Time ) and LST ( Latest Start Time ) schedule conditions with a total loan of Rp. 653,000,000, the contractor gets a profit of Rp. 490,990,222 with a percentage of profits of 8,892%. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Adelina Melati Sukma

On the construction of green open space Jl. Kinibalu Banjarbaru There is a 6 meters tall slope beneath which the river is lined up during the rainy season and makes the slope exposed by water plus the absence of load or traffic on it make the pore figures on the land is large. Therefore, for protection reason, there is a soil alignment in the construction of soil retaining walls. The planned ground retaining wall type is cantilever and gabion. The stability analysis of the ground retaining walls is done manually and with the help of the Geoslope/W 2018 software. The value of the stability of the style against the bolsters, sliding, and carrying capacity of the soil using manual calculations for cantilever type and Netlon qualifies SNI 8460:2017. And for the overall stability calculation using Geoslope/W 2018 software obtained safety factor (SF) > 1.5. From the analysis, the design of planning can be used because it is safe against the dangers of avalanche.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Agung Rubian Dwi Putra ◽  
Yasruddin Yasruddin

East Barito is one district that has a variety of natural resources such as agriculture and mining, Sikui KM of National Highway 34 is one of the roads that used to be accessed by one party mobilization of existing mines in Central Kalimantan. But on the other hand, the national road Sikui KM 34 is also used for connecting roads between provinces or cities. Based on the above actual national roads not intended for large-laden vehicles.Path planning is aimed to obtain a rigid pavement thickness based on the Pavement Design Manual Nomor 02/M/BM/2017 which controlled by “Pedoman Perencanaan Perkerasan Jalan Beton Semen Pd T-14-2003” and calculating the budget plan on the intersection of a road segment of Sikui KM 34 national road, East Barito disctrict.On the planning of rigid pavement’s thickness by using “Manual Desain Perkerasan Jalan Nomor 02/M/BM/2017” it is found that the concrete plate layer = 28,5 cm; LMC base layer = 10 cm; drainage layer = 15 cm and by using  “Pedoman Perencanaan Perkerasan Jalan Beton Semen Pd T-14-2003” also found that the concrete plate layer = 21 cm; base layer = 15 cm. After that, on the existing condition obtained concrete plate layer = 30 cm; K-125 concrete layer = 10 cm. Then, it is found that the efficient pavement’s thickness which taken by using “Pedoman Perencanaan Perkerasan Jalan Beton Semen Pd T-14-2003” is more efficient rather than the existing condition. Moreover, this thesis also discusses the budget plan on the intersection of a road segment of Sikui Km. 34, East Barito district.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Ade Nafis Prawira

Muara Tabirai Bridge is on the border between Rantau and Kandangan District ,which is precisely is on the street of Kalumpang-Margasari, the village of Paci, Kalumpang subdistrict. Increasing economic growth has led to the economy of the population being affected by the development of the city, gradually increasing in economic sectors as a result of global economic growth. The increase in this economy is due to the growing industry in the area. This is accompanied by the increase and needs of the population in the area that resides in the region. Unfortunately, after one year of construction of Muara Tabirai Bridge, the approach slabs bridge in the direction Kandangan on the right side suffered a decrease in the soil to damage the asphalt, due to the possibility of a landslide on the side of the road, then the implementers make alternative repairs by using a bronjong which makes the load heavier than before so that the ground that supports the burden of the heap, bronjong and traffic load can not withstand and So in this final task is done repair on the ground soil and design a retaining wall that is more suitable for the condition of the landThe basic soil repair method used is by a phased heap (Preloading) combined with the Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) ,which serves as a water and air release on the soil, thus experiencing a consolidated degree of 90%. And for retaining wall against the side of the heap is used sheet pile with the type of free-standing ,which is suitable for the location of the pile located in the river. After that, the calculation of budget plan (RAB) on the Land, improvement Project,From the result of calculation obtained, a gradual heap (Preloading) carried out 0.2 m/week ,and ,a high critical heap (HCR) obtained on the high end of the plan (HR) 3.14 m obtained a security figure (SF) of 1.148 so that the heap used the soil reinforcement that is Mini pile erection so that the safety number (SF) reaches more than equal to 1.5 Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) is used specification of the product PT. Teknindo Superior System installed when before done the filling is on the ground ground, planning Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) using a triangular mounting pattern with a distance between PVD 1.25 m, depth 28 m and the time required is 21 weeks. Planning of soil retaining structure used is cantilever sheet pile type, obtained a total length of sheet pile of 20.938 m at STA 0 + 275 on the left and right side of the bridge. The budget plan for this basic land improvement project is Rp. 30,886,527,167

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Agung Wahyu Eka Prasetya ◽  
Hutagamissufardal Hutagamissufardal

Planning the Kuala Tanjung Ruas Port of Inderapura - Kuala Tanjung Toll Road is one of the efforts to support economic growth in North Sumatra. The toll road will be built on a pile with a height of 2 ms / 9 m at STA 0 + 000 to STA 3 + 500. Due to limited land, the toll road section must be built on the poor subgrade. Based on the N-SPT test results, it is known that the subsoil consists of a clay layer with a thickness reaching 36 meters and a layer of sand at the top and bottom with a low N-SPT value. If the soft subgrade is burdened with a high heap, it is estimated that the subgrade will experience landslides, so it is necessary to plan the improvement of the subgrade and reinforcement of the pile.The soil improvement method chosen is the pre-loading method with a combination of the prefabricated vertical drain (PVD). Pre-loading method aims to spend the compression that occurs on the subgrade so that there is no compression during the service life of the road. The combination with PVD is intended to speed up the compression time in thick clay layers. The stability of the embankment will be calculated using a computer-assisted program, and geotextile reinforcement planning will be carried out if the value of the safety factor does not meet the requirements.Based on the analysis of compression computation will be divided into five zones. The amount of compression obtained under various piles of 2 ms / d 9 m was 2.25 m, 1.49 m, 1.75 m, 2.57 m, 3.65 m, 4.3 m, 4.69 m, and 5.06 m with an initial heap height of 5.02 m, 5.26 m, 6.51 m, 8.34 m, 10.41 m, 12.07 m, 13.46 m, and 14.83 m. Compression time required for subgrade is relatively long with a period of more than five years so that the planned acceleration with PVD. To accelerate the compression time to 5-6 weeks, a triangular PVD installation pattern is used with a spacing between PVD of 1.5 m and a depth of PVD installation as thick as a soft soil layer. From the results of the pile stability control, it is predicted that the pile will experience slides so that the reinforcement is installed with geotextile.Rp1.598,213,522,582.08.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Ahdianoor Fahraini ◽  
Achmad Rusdiansyah

According to the World Meteorological Organization that 2014 was the hottest year in which the hot weather alternated with high rainfall and floods which destroyed the people's economy. Banjarbaru, as one of the central cities of the government of South Kalimantan Province, has a topographic condition that is at an altitude of 0-500 m above sea level, causing rainfall, which is enough frequent. Banjarbaru itself is one of the cities affected by climate change in 2014. Disasters that occurred in the form of flooding at several points of residents and also crippled traffic at that time. Thus, it is important to know the pattern of maximum rainfall changes that occur. By knowing the pattern of maximum rainfall changes, the impact of the high rainfall that can occur will be minimized and can even be anticipated as early as possible.            Data processing is performed with maximum daily rainfall data of 30 years and divided into a database before and after climate change that is 25 years old data and 5 years of new data. Each database calculates the planned rainfall for the return period of 2-1000 years with the distribution obtained from the analyzed database. Next, analyze the deviation of the two data. The purpose of analyzing the deviation of old data and new data is to determine changes in the planned rainfall from both data. Deviation analysis uses the Peak-Weight Root Mean Square Error function.            The conclusion of the analysis is that based on the Statistical Parameters test, the Chi-Square test, and the Smirnov-Kolmogorov test on the old database using the Gumbel distribution and the new data using the Pearson Log Type III distribution for the calculation of the planned rain. Based on the analysis of the rain plan to get new data 5 years has the results of the rain plan is greater than the old data of 25 years and the analysis of the deviation to get the results of the new data 5 years has a greater value of deviation each time when revisiting the old data of 25 years. So it can be suggested that rainfall data with the same characteristics, can use 5 years of new data for the analysis of water building planning.

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