A study was initiated to investigate the possibility of significantly reducing the NOx emissions at a power plant utilizing, among other manufacturers, ALSTOM GT11 type gas turbines. This study is limited to one of the GT11 type gas turbines on the site. After the initial study phase, the project moved on to a mechanical implementation stage, followed by thorough testing and tuning. The NOx emissions were to be reduced at all ambient conditions, but particularly at cold conditions (below 0°C) where a NOx reduction of more than 70% was the goal. The geographical location of the power plant means cold ambient conditions for a large part of the year. The mechanical modifications included the addition of Helmholtz damper capacity with an approximately 30% increase in volume for passive thermo-acoustic instability control, significant piping changes to the fuel distribution system in order to change the burner configuration, and installation of manual valves for throttling of the fuel gas to individual burners. Subsequent to the mechanical modifications, significant time was spent on testing and tuning of the unit to achieve the wanted NOx emissions throughout a major part of the load range. The tuning was, in addition to the main focus of the NOx reduction, also focused on exhaust temperature spread, combustion stability, CO emissions, as well as other parameters. The measurement data was acquired through a combination of existing unit instrumentation and specific instrumentation added to aid in the tuning effort. The existing instrumentation readings were polled from the control system. The majority of the added instrumentation was acquired via the FieldPoint system from National Instruments. The ALSTOM AMODIS plant-monitoring system was used for acquisition and analysis of all the data from the various sources. The project was, in the end, a success with low NOx emissions at part load and full load. As a final stage of the project, the CO emissions were also optimized resulting in a nice compromise between the important parameters monitored, namely NOx emissions, CO emissions, combustion stability, and exhaust temperature distribution.