The Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department
Latest Publications





Published By V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


The article is devoted to strengthening the role and importance of online learning and digital competence of teachers and students in the context of globalization and accelerating scientific and technological progress. A comparative analysis of the development of ICT, relevant electronic devices and the introduction of open online courses in the world is done. The main difficulties, shortcomings and achievements in the process of accelerating the dynamics and scale of application of online and distance learning during the lockdown period caused by the coronavirus pandemic are defined. The examples of Ukraine and the European Union show a significant difference between the countries of the world in terms of the development of material and technical base of educational institutions, digital infrastructure, access to high-quality and high-speed Internet, readiness of teachers and students to study in new conditions. There is a significant gap between global scientific and technological development and digital competence of citizens. Based on the use of historical, logical, comparative methods, principles and laws of dialectics argues the need for a deeper and more systematic theoretical understanding of current trends in ICT, rapid improvement of digital competence, especially the teaching staff. The importance of introducing in-depth, systematic and systematic research in Ukraine to assess the available technical resources, quality and prospects of digital infrastructure, the level of digital competence of citizens, the dynamics of online training courses, the impact of the social environment on education. The subject of analysis and strategic decision-making in the field of national digital policy should be relevant social, political, economic and technological problems in the country, improving the legal framework, technical re-equipment of educational institutions of all levels, increasing motivation, especially teaching staff for self-improvement and digital competence.

The article analyzes the role of free choice disciplines in the formation of universal or functional competencies, which are also called soft skills. It has been proven that mastering soft skills ensures both personal success in life and professional implementation, as well as further career growth of a modern graduate of a higher educational institution. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, the main approaches to defining the essence and classification of soft skills in the works of both domestic and foreign scientists are determined and characterized. The publication analyzes and summarizes the ways of forming soft skills among students in the practice of higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Among them: the creation of a special educational environment, the restructuring of the educational process, which is dominated by such types of learning as project, problem-based, etc.; variety of forms and methods of teaching; extracurricular system, etc. It has been proven that a cycle of selective disciplines or author's courses plays an important role in ensuring the formation of soft skills. A significant place among them is occupied by the course "Pedagogy of Success", which in the 2020-2021 academic year was chosen by applicants for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education. The course is aimed at increasing the productivity of independent educational work and a positive attitude towards it among students of higher educational institutions, equipping them with strategies of self-esteem, the formation of a positive "I-concept"; effective distribution of time (time management); search, evaluation and information processing; active reading; improved memorization; submitting your own educational achievements; communication, ways to ensure personal work ability, etc.

Students’ scientific work is an integral element of the training of creative specialists, so the motivation for the implementation of this type of work is a necessary task at the modern stage of the development of education. The article presents approaches to students’ scientific work (an instructional technique with the help of which the teacher supports and manages educational activities to deepen and expand their knowledge and skills; active pedagogy, which contributes to the development of students’ research; active learning of students with an emphasis on the development of their intellectual and research skills; one of the most important means of improving the quality of training and education of future specialists, etc.). The main driving motivational factors of scientific work are identified (desire to obtain subjectively new knowledge, development of cognitive and creative abilities, desire to understand the essence of certain phenomena and reveal them to other participants of the educational process, desire for self-realization, etc.). Main types of scientific work when teaching the English language to students of the non-linguistic specialties are presented (summary and annotation in English, preparation and defence of abstracts on relevant topics, preparation of theses or articles with their subsequent publication, encouraging students to participate in scientific conferences in English). Our own experience in organizing the scientific work of students is described (defining the topic of the abstract according to the working programs of the faculties, holding conferences at the faculties and the All-Ukrainian scientific students’ conference). Scientific work of this format contributes to the formation of students' positive motivation for self-education and self-development; regular participation in scientific work develops the need for self-education, creative growth, and ability to solve problems independently.

The need to form the communicative skills of applicants for higher education is determined by the requirements of the modern labor market, increasing requirements for the quality of education. Higher education institutions have all the potential to meet this challenge and cover the entire range of development of students communication skills and abilities in the learning process. The role of higher education institutions in training personnel to meet the needs of the labor market is not only to provide graduates with professional knowledge, skills and abilities, but also in the cross-cutting development of general, soft skills required for higher education applicants to adequately meet the challenges of today’s competitive world. We consider the formation of students’ communicative skills and abilities from the standpoint of the conceptual provisions of the competence-based approach in the modern educational paradigm. Pedagogical conditions and prospects for the formation of students communicative skills are associated with the development and implementation of appropriate activities in the educational process, reflecting the patterns, content, logic and structure of the development and improvement of students communicative potential. The study of the formation of students communication skills was based on the selection of significant indicators, which were measured using diagnostic techniques. The article reveals the possibilities of developing students communicative skills in the process of studying the interfaculty discipline «Generation X, Y, Z and the challenges of our time», taking into account innovative trends in modern higher education and with an emphasis on modeling situations that may arise in future professional activities in the system interaction of four generations.

The article reveals and substantiates the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the competence of self-education and self-improvement of teachers in the educational space of postgraduate education institutions. The main research methods are theoretical and systemic analysis; systematization of information on the problem of the formation and development of the competence of self-education and self-improvement in the system of postgraduate education. The essence of the concept of "competence of self-education and self-improvement" of a teacher of higher education is revealed. It is proposed to consider the designated concept as the readiness and ability of an individual to carry out effective independently cognitive creative activity within a certain professional sphere due to the formation of self-learning knowledge and skills of self-educational activity. The article analyzes the experience of its formation among teachers during their training in the system of postgraduate education. An important pedagogical condition for the implementation of the process of formation and development of the competence of self-education and self-improvement of teachers is the willingness of scientific and pedagogical workers of the institution of postgraduate education to stimulate the applicant for education to self-education and self-improvement, which contributes to the development of his personality, the ability for independent personal and professional development in the future. It is stated that the second pedagogical condition is the provision of self-education and self-improvement of the teacher in the process of mastering the content of the advanced training course on the basis of the institution of postgraduate education. It was established by means of a survey of students of advanced training courses and interviews with scientific and pedagogical workers of IATPS NUPh that the specified pedagogical conditions for the formation and development of the competence of self-education and self-improvement of teachers provide for the creation of a stimulating educational environment, contributes to the inclusion of both teachers and applicants for the institution of postgraduate education in the process of creative activity and stimulates the development of their professional and personal qualities.

The article highlights main points of One Belt-One Road strategy, which is relevant in China today. Although this strategy is targeted, first of all, at the development of economic activities of the country it has a great effect on the system of education as well. The purpose of the article is to present the essence of the strategy “One Belt -One Road” in order to understand the changes, which are happening in the Chinese society and its system of higher education. During the work on the article, the methods of critical analysis of scientific literature, the method of systematizing and generalizing the information on the strategy “One Belt-One Road” were used. In the process of research it was found out that the “path of civilization” plays a crucial role in the implementation of this strategy. A new set of tasks which has an influence on the education is presented (creation of a multilevel mechanism for humanitarian cooperation and development of even more platforms for cooperation with strategic partners; promotion of educational cooperation, expansion of mass student exchange, increase of the level of joint newly created educational institutions; usage of the role of think tanks, creation of an alliance and network of think tank collaboration; creation of a new model of collaboration in the spheres of culture, sports, and health; usage of the historical cultural heritage). On the analysis of the main points of the strategy it was concluded that “One Belt-One Road” strategy in educational areas is reflected in three main directions (internalization of the educational system in the country; new approaches to the formation of the specialists to be; high requirements to academic staff of higher institutions of China). The analyses of each of the highlighted directions is given.

The article considers the analysis of the use of verbal and non-verbal methods in the process of learning foreign languages. The relevance of this research is connected to the fact that the learning of foreign languages in the modern world is becoming advanced and progressive, so there is an urgent need to study the effectiveness of methods of activation of students` cognitive activity. The article highlighted such concepts as "verbal methods", "non-verbal methods", "interactive technologies of learning foreign languages", "The Silent Way", "the 25th frame effect" and "Schechter`s method", and also considered the features of various technologies and their effectiveness. This article highlights the results of a survey among students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, in which they had to answer twelve questions about the relevance of using the methods presented in the article and their attitude to them. Students shared their own experience and expressed their view on the feasibility of their use in the future in their professional activity. Based on the results of the survey, the authors of the research highlighted the most important issues regarding the use of interactive technologies in the process of learning foreign languages.

The article based on the analysis of the literature, identifies the general patterns of development of lifelong learning. The need for lifelong learning is considered; basic competencies that help in this, as well as the relevance of the choice and use of these competencies in modern society. It is investigated that in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine and innovative management under the influence of social and economic transformations requirements to the quality of professional training of future experts grow. Balanced management of the modernization of higher education and the market of educational services it provides will provide a strong, high level of personal and professional competence with strong, innovative knowledge, personal and professional competence, strong human potential. The key problems of post-industrial production, the technologies of which are constantly updated, have been identified, and many specialists are forced to retrain, change qualifications or the profession in general. Therefore, lifelong learning becomes relevant, which is the basis for the self-realization of each individual, a factor in the formation of powerful human capital, a determinant of the economic prosperity of Ukraine. The fundamental principles of lifelong learning are studied. The study analyses the methodological aspects of lifelong learning, which reveal the spatial approach (which allows you to analyse the interdependent continuous, subordinate socio-political and cultural processes); multilevel approach (which analyses the relationships and interactions of the reproduction of human capital at the micro-, meso, and macro levels, taking into account global, global, regional and local factors influencing the political, economic, socio-cultural trends of intellectual society). The expediency of applying the experience of the European Union countries and, in particular, Slovakia in Ukraine to increase the efficiency of lifelong education administration is substantiated.

The article presents the results of theoretical and practical scientific research on the feasibility of using chatbots in the educational process. The main purpose of the study was to determine the importance of chatbots in the educational process of students of higher education institutions and to consider their current involvement and prospects in the educational process of HEIs. Achieving this purpose involves a number of tasks: to provide analysis of previous studies on the use of chatbots in various fields; to find out students' awareness of chatbots and their functionality; provide information about the capabilities of chatbots for the learning process; identify prospects for the development of this tool for participants in the educational process. The authors consider the theoretical provisions of the introduction of chatbot technology in the educational process of HEIs. The practical part of the study consisted of personal data obtained during the survey, which was conducted using Google services (Google Forms). 69 respondents (mostly senior students) from HEIs in the Kharkiv region took part in the survey. The questionnaire consists of 10 open and closed questions. Based on the obtained results and previous research, the authors proposed ways to use chatbots in the educational process of HEIs and highlighted the positive aspects of using chatbots in the educational process. Prospects for the development of learning through chatbots depend on the individual capabilities of students. Because the experience of working with modern technology among students is in most cases at a high level, so we see the involvement of chatbots as a simple and fast process that does not require large funds and resources.

Article considers the importance of professional training of students who will become managers in the future and will be the most important resource for the development of enterprises and organizations. It is also pointed out that the training of future managers should be carried out under any circumstances, regardless of economic crises or pandemics, as society in order to exist must produce material and intangible goods. It is noted that among the main reasons for the modern interpretation of the result of professional training in terms of competence / competencies should be noted: the presence of European and global tendency to integration, globalization of the world economy and harmonization of architecture of the European higher education system associated with the Bologna process; universalization of degrees, cycles of study, ensuring student and teacher mobility, international recognition of documents on education, the system of educational credits and their implementation; a certain terminological unification is also envisaged. However, we see that the basis of the manager's competence are professionally important qualities, which we interpret as special, specific to the individual subject of management activities properties, traits and psychologically determined characteristics that can harm the quality and effectiveness of this activity. Professionally important qualities have a direct impact on the effectiveness of professional activities. We add another parameter to the characteristics of professionally important qualities, namely – "quality of professional activity". A number of important professionally important qualities capable of properly forming the competence of the future manager are offered. In this case, these qualities can develop even with the use of distance learning. For their implementation it is envisaged to use certain forms of preparation and conduct of practical classes during the teaching of professional disciplines aimed at identifying already formed, or those that are just being formed professionally important qualities.

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