Jurnal JOEPALLT (Journal of English Pedagogy, Linguistics, Literature, and Teaching)
Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Suryakancana

2614-8099, 2338-3739

Iitha Priyastiti

Discussions of the second language (L2) pedagogy have been studied not only in the language and education fields. Experts working in the psychology field also propose theories on applied linguistics because L2 acquisitions involve external and internal processes. However, despite numerous studies on the field, it appears that an issue regarding the use of first language (L1) still creates continuous debates. Although arguments opposing the use of first L1 present compelling theories as to their rationale, they appear to overlook the context in which teaching and learning process takes place. The studies were either conducted in English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL), where teachers are native speakers who do not share the same L1 with students. Considering the uniqueness in classroom contexts, this paper is not going to argue or take sides on the conflicting views on the use of L1. Instead, it attempts to acknowledge the gap of the context in language teaching used in previous studies. Using a sociocultural theory, this article will describe the beneficial use of L1 with a focus on its use by teachers in an EFL context where teachers share the same L1 with students. Keywords: first language, English as a Foreign Language, sociocultural theory

Clara Ivana

This research investigated the power relation which exists in Rizieq’s homecoming case in The Jakarta Post by doing Foucauldian genealogical discourse analysis proposed by Carabine (2001). The research was also supported by evidence gained using linguistics theory, Systemic Functional Grammar, focusing on transitivity. An article entitled ‘If he wants to come home, just come home’: Jokowi Aide Says about Rizieq written in the Jakarta Post is the main discourse analyzed supported by other discourses to show an inter-relationship between discourses and counter-discourses. The findings indicate that the absence of Habib Rizieq in Indonesia is the effect of power existing around him. There are some Actors mentioned in the discourse: the government, leader of FPI, presidential chief of staff, deputy secretary-general of NU, spokesman of the 212 Alumni Association, and Prabowo. The use of transitivity evokes the position possessed by them in which they have a connection around Rizieq’s case.

Jauhar Helmie ◽  
Arsyi Fadilah Al Khoeri ◽  
Euis Nursifa Laila Nugraha ◽  
Tassya Salsabila Ramadhiani

This research describes the advertisement of Sasa Gourmet Powder which clarify issues that develop in Indonesian society about the use of MSG that is harmful for health. The source data used in this research is a “Sasa Gourmet Powder Advertisement #NikmatiHidupSepenuhnya (2021)” which has 29 seconds in long. The advertisement selected is available on Youtube. The aims of this research to reveal the purpose about why this advertisement is made and the social conditions underlying the making of the advertisement. This research applies descriptive qualitative method, which describes and explains the social world phenomenon or events. One of types in qualitative research is text analysis. This research utilizes text analysis in Sasa Gourmet Powder using Discourse analysis approach. The theory that used in this research is about Three-Dimensional Approach by Fairclough (1995). This theory explain about the relationship exists between social structures and discourse, because discourse influences social conventions, while social structures influence discourse. It focuses on analysis of language text, discourse practice (texts production and interpretations of text), and sociocultural practice. This research found that Sasa Gourmet Powder advertisements are designed to bring a new packaging from the company and to clarify its problems about MSG that have spread in society. With this advertisement, Sasa wants to show the fact that the MSG product does not cause stupidity. Sasa explained that its MSG products are safe to consume provided the limits of use are appropriate. Its products were also safely and halalled certified.Keywords: Discourse analysis, Advertising discourse, Fairclough’s Three-Dimensional theory, Sasa Gourmet Powder.

Nurmahyuni Asrul ◽  
Dwi Suci Amaniarsih ◽  
Juliana Juliana

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Group Investigation method had a significant effect on student achievement in writing descriptive texts. This research is quantitative by conducting an experimental design. The population used in this study was students of X SMK Shandy Putra 2 Medan. The sample of this study was randomly selected by taking 25 students for the experimental and control classes. Advertisement Pre-test Post-test is given to determine student scores. The score was calculated using the t-test formula. The results showed that the value of t-observation (2.44)> t-table (2.01) with df (48), meaning that the Group Investigation Method can improve student achievement in writing descriptive texts. So, the researcher concludes that there is a significant effect of the Group Investigation Method on student achievement in writing descriptive texts. And finally, the researcher gives suggestions to apply the method, especially the Group Investigation Method because it will have a significant influence on student achievement in writing descriptive texts.  Keywords: Descriptive Text, Group Investigation. 

Marsya Aprila Tayibnapis ◽  
Lina Meilinda ◽  
Yessy Purnamasari

Collocations are one of the problems faced by EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners when learning English language. This study is intended to help the EFL Learners and non-native English speakers to add knowledge about collocations. Therefore, this study is aimed to find the use of lexical collocations and their meaning. This study used a descriptive qualitative research technique. The source of the data is eleven articles from eight sections in seventeen.com. om the research, there were 79 lexical collocations and they were classified as six out of seven types that Benson et al. (2010) proposed. The data showed that the most used type is L3 (adjective + noun) and the least used is L4 (noun + verb). The meaning of the lexical collocations was defined from the contexts. 

Christina Atika Yulina

This paper outlines a procedure for language textbook analysis from the perspective of second language acquisition (SLA) principles using a minimally modified version of Littlejohn’s three-level framework by Guilloteaux as a preliminary procedure to textbook evaluation for selection. The aim is to analyze to what extent does Indonesian ELT textbook for grade XI reflects the universal SLA principles. The universal SLA principles used as material analysis criteria in this paper were drawn from the literature selected by Guilloteaux. This analysis revealed that the Indonesian ELT textbook by the Ministry of Education and Culture reflected SLA principles closely. Although only in-use evaluation can determine the extent to which this textbook actually supports language acquisition, the evidence suggests that the textbook is potentially supportive to English language learning.

Rahmad Risan

The purpose of this study is to identify the use of quizzes for students during online learning. This research is descriptive qualitative research. Data will be collected through questionnaires and interviews on research subjects. The data collected will be analyzed qualitatively to describe the phenomena that occur in the field. Based on data from the research results, there are 47 students (29%) who chose E-learning quiz as a quiz that they often use.; 34 students (22%) who chose Quizizz; 30 students (18%) who chose Google Form Quiz; 23 students (14%) who chose quiz on the website as a quiz that they often get / use in learning; 19 students (11%) who choose Kahoot as a quiz that they often get / use in learning; and five students (3%) who choose Wondershare Quiz Creator as a quiz they often get / use in learning. This study proves that all types of quizzes are very helpful for students to review previous learning materials. In addition, this quiz can attract students to increase the duration of study at home.Keywords:  Identification,  Quiz, Online Learning

Patricia Natasya Rhea Sudarna ◽  
Christina Atika Yulina

In the discussion about social injustice, inequality becomes a core issue. It is proven by inequality themed short stories which are still relevant nowadays although they were written decades ago. In this paper we analyse the 1928’s short story Magic written by Katherine Anne Porter under Fairclough's (1922) critical discourse analysis. It aims at finding social wrong—especially inequality issues in the short story and finding possible ways to solve the social wrong.The analysis will be done in the framework of Fairclough’s critical discourse methods which divides the discourse into three dimensions, i.e. linguistic description of the language text, interpretation of the relationship between the discursive processes and the text, and explanation of the relationship between the discursive processes and social processes (Fairclough, 1995). To describe the linguistic aspect of the text, appraisal theory is used as the approach to support the process of analyzing the linguistic elements that create the discourse. Thus, the analysis will link the linguistic and social contexts of the discourse. The results show that there are some social wrongs happen in the story. It is also shown through judgement, affect, and appreciation.

Rita Fitri ◽  
Ibnu Hajar ◽  
Nurjannah Nurjannah

The study is intended to determine how the form of commodification variety of Kerawang Gayo decorative motifs in the Kebayakan District of Central Aceh Regency. This research is carried out through research qualitative with descriptive approach. The informant of the research is determined by purposive sampling technique to involve leaders of indigenous, artisans of Kerawang Gayo and designers. Data collection techniques were carried out through in-depth interviews, participatory observation and documentation. The result of the research shows that commodification is a process that is not only related to how products are becoming the product of mass, but it also relates to how a product that can be distributed to the market to meet the needs of consumers. The form of commodification variety of decorative motifs filigree Gayo is not only poured on the walls of the house indigenous Gayo, but it has been modified in some form of products such as upuh ulen-ulen, fashion custom wedding, bags, caps and other souvenirs. The motifs that are used in the form of commodification filigree Gayo consist of five motif bases that is emun berangkat, pucuk rebung, puter tali, tapak seleman, dan peger. Thus, the commodification is becoming very important in preserving the art of culture, both for the benefit of sustainability as well as the increase in business that motif used still maintained its continuity and become the identity of the tribe Gayo that in the call with Kerawang Gayo.

Tri Rahma Dana ◽  
Usman Pelly ◽  
Ichwan Azhari

This study aims to determine the function of the Pa Kua mirror, namely a mirror with an octagonal shape, made of aluminum and silver which is believed to capture good things and ward off bad things that are usually placed outside the building above the entrance by the ethnic Chinese to live their lives, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, a situation where all economic activities of many people have become paralyzed and even difficult to survive, such as in Kotapinang, South Labuhanbatu Regency. As the purpose of using this Pa Kua mirror is a tradition passed down from generation to generation to be able to protect the buildings they inhabit. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. With the technique of collecting interview data, observation, and study documentation. The results of the analysis found that this mirror has been used for a long time by ethnic Chinese in their home country of China and has become a tradition they believe in banishing bad energies that enter their residence, and are brought by migrating Chinese ethnicities, especially in this Kotapinang sub-district. and used by those who still believe and still preserve the traditions of their ancestors today.

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