Econometrics Journal
Latest Publications





Published By Oxford University Press

1368-423x, 1368-4221

2022 ◽  
Ignacio N Lobato ◽  
Carlos Velasco

Abstract We propose a single step estimator for the autoregressive and moving-average roots (without imposing causality or invertibility restrictions) of a nonstationary Fractional ARMA process. These estimators employ an efficient tapering procedure, which allows for a long memory component in the process, but avoid estimating the nonstationarity component, which can be stochastic and/or deterministic. After selecting automatically the order of the model, we robustly estimate the AR and MA roots for trading volume for the thirty stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index in the last decade. Two empirical results are found. First, there is strong evidence that stock market trading volume exhibits non-fundamentalness. Second, non-causality is more common than non-invertibility.

2021 ◽  
Chiara Casoli ◽  
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti

Abstract We propose a cointegration-based Permanent-Transitory decomposition for non-stationary Dynamic Factor Models. Our methodology exploits the cointegration relations among the observable variables and assumes they are driven by a common and an idiosyncratic component. The common component is further split into a long-term non-stationary and a short-term stationary part. A Monte Carlo experiment shows that incorporating the cointegration structure into the DFM leads to a better reconstruction of the space spanned by the factors, compared to the most standard technique of applying a factor model in differenced systems. We apply our procedure to a set of commodity prices to analyse the comovement among different markets and find that commodity prices move together mostly due to long-term common forces; while the trend for the prices of most primary goods is declining, metals and energy exhibit an upward or at least stable pattern since the 2000s.

2021 ◽  
Kyunghoon Ban ◽  
Désiré Kédagni

Abstract This paper extends the identification results in Nevo and Rosen (2012) to nonparametric models. We derive nonparametric bounds on the average treatment effect when an imperfect instrument is available. As in Nevo and Rosen (2012), we assume that the correlation between the imperfect instrument and the unobserved latent variables has the same sign as the correlation between the endogenous variable and the latent variables. We show that the monotone treatment selection and monotone instrumental variable restrictions, introduced by Manski and Pepper (2000, 2009), jointly imply this assumption. Moreover, we show how the monotone treatment response assumption can help tighten the bounds. The identified set can be written in the form of intersection bounds, which is more conducive to inference. We illustrate our methodology using the National Longitudinal Survey of Young Men data to estimate returns to schooling.

2021 ◽  
Yves G Berger

Abstract An empirical likelihood test is proposed for parameters of models defined by conditional moment restrictions, such as models with non-linear endogenous covariates, with or without heteroscedastic errors or non-separable transformation models. The number of empirical likelihood constraints is given by the size of the parameter, unlike alternative semi-parametric approaches. We show that the empirical likelihood ratio test is asymptotically pivotal, without explicit studentisation. A simulation study shows that the observed size is close to the nominal level, unlike alternative empirical likelihood approaches. It also offers a major advantages over two-stage least-squares, because the relationship between the endogenous and instrumental variables does not need to be known. An empirical likelihood model specification test is also proposed.

2021 ◽  
Kohtaro Hitomi ◽  
Masamune Iwasawa ◽  
Yoshihiko Nishiyama

Abstract This study investigates optimal minimax rates for specification testing when the alternative hypothesis is built on a set of non-smooth functions. The set consists of bounded functions that are not necessarily differentiable with no smoothness constraints imposed on their derivatives. In the instrumental variable regression set up with an unknown error variance structure, we find that the optimal minimax rate is n−1/4, where n is the sample size. The rate is achieved by a simple test based on the difference between non-parametric and parametric variance estimators. Simulation studies illustrate that the test has reasonable power against various non-smooth alternatives. The empirical application to Engel curves specification emphasizes the good applicability of the test.

2021 ◽  
Martin Emil Jakobsen ◽  
Jonas Peters

Abstract While causal models are robust in that they are prediction optimal under arbitrarily strong interventions, they may not be optimal when the interventions are bounded. We prove that the classical K-class estimator satisfies such optimality by establishing a connection between K-class estimators and anchor regression. This connection further motivates a novel estimator in instrumental variable settings that minimizes the mean squared prediction error subject to the constraint that the estimator lies in an asymptotically valid confidence region of the causal coefficient. We call this estimator PULSE (p-uncorrelated least squares estimator), relate it to work on invariance, show that it can be computed efficiently as a data-driven K-class estimator, even though the underlying optimization problem is non-convex, and prove consistency. We evaluate the estimators on real data and perform simulation experiments illustrating that PULSE suffers from less variability. There are several settings including weak instrument settings, where it outperforms other estimators.

2021 ◽  
Lajos Horváth ◽  
Zhenya Liu ◽  
Gregory Rice ◽  
Yuqian Zhao

Abstract The problem of detecting change points in the mean of high dimensional panel data with potentially strong cross–sectional dependence is considered. Under the assumption that the cross–sectional dependence is captured by an unknown number of common factors, a new CUSUM type statistic is proposed. We derive its asymptotic properties under three scenarios depending on to what extent the common factors are asymptotically dominant. With panel data consisting of N cross sectional time series of length T, the asymptotic results hold under the mild assumption that min {N, T} → ∞, with an otherwise arbitrary relationship between N and T, allowing the results to apply to most panel data examples. Bootstrap procedures are proposed to approximate the sampling distribution of the test statistics. A Monte Carlo simulation study showed that our test outperforms several other existing tests in finite samples in a number of cases, particularly when N is much larger than T. The practical application of the proposed results are demonstrated with real data applications to detecting and estimating change points in the high dimensional FRED-MD macroeconomic data set.

2021 ◽  
Roy Cerqueti ◽  
Raffaella Coppier ◽  
Alessandro Girardi ◽  
Marco Ventura

Summary This paper estimates the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions – mainly, the lockdown – on the COVID-19 mortality rate for the case of Italy, the first Western country to impose a national shelter-in-place order. We use a new estimator, the augmented synthetic control method (ASCM), that overcomes some limits of the standard synthetic control method (SCM). The results are twofold. From a methodological point of view, the ASCM outperforms the SCM in that the latter cannot select a valid donor set, assigning all the weights to only one country (Spain) while placing zero weights to all the remaining. From an empirical point of view, we find strong evidence of the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions in avoiding losses of human lives in Italy: conservative estimates indicate that the policy saved in total more than 21,000 human lives.

2021 ◽  
Hang Liu ◽  
Kanchan Mukherjee

Abstract The quasi-maximum likelihood estimation is a commonly-used method for estimating the GARCH parameters. However, such estimators are sensitive to outliers and their asymptotic normality is proved under the finite fourth moment assumption on the underlying error distribution. In this paper, we propose a novel class of estimators of the GARCH parameters based on ranks of the residuals, called R-estimators, with the property that they are asymptotically normal under the existence of a finite 2 + δ moment of the errors and are highly efficient. We propose fast algorithm for computing the R-estimators. Both real data analysis and simulations show the superior performance of the proposed estimators under the heavy-tailed and asymmetric distributions.

2021 ◽  
Nekipelov Denis ◽  
Semenova Vira ◽  
Syrgkanis Vasilis

Abstract This paper proposes a Lasso-type estimator for a high-dimensional sparse parameter identified by a single index conditional moment restriction (CMR). In addition to this parameter, the moment function can also depend on a nuisance function, such as the propensity score or the conditional choice probability, which we estimate by modern machine learning tools. We first adjust the moment function so that the gradient of the future loss function is insensitive (formally, Neyman-orthogonal) with respect to the first-stage regularization bias, preserving the single index property. We then take the loss function to be an indefinite integral of the adjusted moment function with respect to the single index. The proposed Lasso estimator converges at the oracle rate, where the oracle knows the nuisance function and solves only the parametric problem. We demonstrate our method by estimating the short-term heterogeneous impact of Connecticut’s Jobs First welfare reform experiment on women’s welfare participation decision.

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