Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
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Published By Cambridge University Press

1475-3081, 1471-0684


Abstract A prominent problem in knowledge representation is how to answer queries taking into account also the implicit consequences of an ontology representing domain knowledge. While this problem has been widely studied within the realm of description logic ontologies, it has been surprisingly neglected within the context of vague or imprecise knowledge, particularly from the point of view of mathematical fuzzy logic. In this paper, we study the problem of answering conjunctive queries and threshold queries w.r.t. ontologies in fuzzy DL-Lite. Specifically, we show through a rewriting approach that threshold query answering w.r.t. consistent ontologies remains in ${AC}^{0}$ in data complexity, but that conjunctive query answering is highly dependent on the selected triangular norm, which has an impact on the underlying semantics. For the idempotent Gödel t-norm, we provide an effective method based on a reduction to the classical case.


Abstract Forgetting – or variable elimination – is an operation that allows the removal, from a knowledge base, of middle variables no longer deemed relevant. In recent years, many different approaches for forgetting in Answer Set Programming have been proposed, in the form of specific operators, or classes of such operators, commonly following different principles and obeying different properties. Each such approach was developed to address some particular view on forgetting, aimed at obeying a specific set of properties deemed desirable in such view, but a comprehensive and uniform overview of all the existing operators and properties is missing. In this article, we thoroughly examine existing properties and (classes of) operators for forgetting in Answer Set Programming, drawing a complete picture of the landscape of these classes of forgetting operators, which includes many novel results on relations between properties and operators, including considerations on concrete operators to compute results of forgetting and computational complexity. Our goal is to provide guidance to help users in choosing the operator most adequate for their application requirements.


Abstract In this survey, we present an overview on (Modal) Temporal Logic Programming in view of its application to Knowledge Representation and Declarative Problem Solving. The syntax of this extension of logic programs is the result of combining usual rules with temporal modal operators, as in Linear-time Temporal Logic (LTL). In the paper, we focus on the main recent results of the non-monotonic formalism called Temporal Equilibrium Logic (TEL) that is defined for the full syntax of LTL but involves a model selection criterion based on Equilibrium Logic, a well known logical characterization of Answer Set Programming (ASP). As a result, we obtain a proper extension of the stable models semantics for the general case of temporal formulas in the syntax of LTL. We recall the basic definitions for TEL and its monotonic basis, the temporal logic of Here-and-There (THT), and study the differences between finite and infinite trace length. We also provide further useful results, such as the translation into other formalisms like Quantified Equilibrium Logic and Second-order LTL, and some techniques for computing temporal stable models based on automata constructions. In the remainder of the paper, we focus on practical aspects, defining a syntactic fragment called (modal) temporal logic programs closer to ASP, and explaining how this has been exploited in the construction of the solver telingo, a temporal extension of the well-known ASP solver clingo that uses its incremental solving capabilities.


Abstract We propose answer-set programs that specify and compute counterfactual interventions on entities that are input on a classification model. In relation to the outcome of the model, the resulting counterfactual entities serve as a basis for the definition and computation of causality-based explanation scores for the feature values in the entity under classification, namely responsibility scores. The approach and the programs can be applied with black-box models, and also with models that can be specified as logic programs, such as rule-based classifiers. The main focus of this study is on the specification and computation of best counterfactual entities, that is, those that lead to maximum responsibility scores. From them one can read off the explanations as maximum responsibility feature values in the original entity. We also extend the programs to bring into the picture semantic or domain knowledge. We show how the approach could be extended by means of probabilistic methods, and how the underlying probability distributions could be modified through the use of constraints. Several examples of programs written in the syntax of the DLV ASP-solver, and run with it, are shown.


Abstract Answer Set Programming, or ASP for short, has become a popular and sophisticated approach to declarative problem solving. Its popularity is due to its attractive modeling-grounding-solving workflow that provides an easy approach to problem solving, even for laypersons outside computer science. However, in contrast to ASP’s ease of use, the high degree of sophistication of the underlying technology makes it even hard for ASP experts to put ideas into practice whenever this involves modifying ASP’s machinery. For addressing this issue, this tutorial aims at enabling users to build their own ASP-based systems. More precisely, we show how the ASP system clingo can be used for extending ASP and for implementing customized special-purpose systems. To this end, we propose two alternatives. We begin with a traditional AI technique and show how metaprogramming can be used for extending ASP. This is a rather light approach that relies on clingo’s reification feature to use ASP itself for expressing new functionalities. The second part of this tutorial uses traditional programming (in Python) for manipulating clingo via its application programming interface. This approach allows for changing and controlling the entire model-ground-solve workflow of ASP. Central to this is clingo’s new Application class that allows us to draw on clingo’s infrastructure by customizing processes similar to the one in clingo. For instance, we may apply manipulations to programs’ abstract syntax trees, control various forms of multi-shot solving, and set up theory propagators for foreign inferences. A cross-sectional structure, spanning meta as well as application programming, is clingo’s intermediate format, aspif, that specifies the interface among the underlying grounder and solver. We illustrate the aforementioned concepts and techniques throughout this tutorial by means of examples and several nontrivial case studies. In particular, we show how clingo can be extended by difference constraints and how guess-and-check programming can be implemented with both meta and application programming.



Abstract Assumption-based argumentation (ABA) is a central structured argumentation formalism. As shown recently, answer set programming (ASP) enables efficiently solving NP-hard reasoning tasks of ABA in practice, in particular in the commonly studied logic programming fragment of ABA. In this work, we harness recent advances in incremental ASP solving for developing effective algorithms for reasoning tasks in the logic programming fragment of ABA that are presumably hard for the second level of the polynomial hierarchy, including skeptical reasoning under preferred semantics as well as preferential reasoning. In particular, we develop non-trivial counterexample-guided abstraction refinement procedures based on incremental ASP solving for these tasks. We also show empirically that the procedures are significantly more effective than previously proposed algorithms for the tasks.


Abstract Technological progress in Answer Set Programming (ASP) has been stimulated by the use of common standards, such as the ASP-Core-2 language. While ASP has its roots in nonmonotonic reasoning, efforts have also been made to reconcile ASP with classical first-order (FO) logic. This has resulted in the development of FO(·), an expressive extension of FO, which allows ASP-like problem solving in a purely classical setting. This language may be more accessible to domain experts already familiar with FO and may be easier to combine with other formalisms that are based on classical logic. It is supported by the IDP inference system, which has successfully competed in a number of ASP competitions. Here, however, technological progress has been hampered by the limited number of systems that are available for FO(·). In this paper, we aim to address this gap by means of a translation tool that transforms an FO(·) specification into ASP-Core-2, thereby allowing ASP-Core-2 solvers to be used as solvers for FO(·) as well. We present experimental results to show that the resulting combination of our translation with an off-the-shelf ASP solver is competitive with the IDP system as a way of solving problems formulated in FO(·).


Abstract Several formal systems, such as resolution and minimal model semantics, provide a framework for logic programming. In this article, we will survey the use of structural proof theory as an alternative foundation. Researchers have been using this foundation for the past 35 years to elevate logic programming from its roots in first-order classical logic into higher-order versions of intuitionistic and linear logic. These more expressive logic programming languages allow for capturing stateful computations and rich forms of abstractions, including higher-order programming, modularity, and abstract data types. Term-level bindings are another kind of abstraction, and these are given an elegant and direct treatment within both proof theory and these extended logic programming languages. Logic programming has also inspired new results in proof theory, such as those involving polarity and focused proofs. These recent results provide a high-level means for presenting the differences between forward-chaining and backward-chaining style inferences. Anchoring logic programming in proof theory has also helped identify its connections and differences with functional programming, deductive databases, and model checking.


Abstract This paper surveys recent work on applying analysis and transformation techniques that originate in the field of constraint logic programming (CLP) to the problem of verifying software systems. We present specialization-based techniques for translating verification problems for different programming languages, and in general software systems, into satisfiability problems for constrained Horn clauses (CHCs), a term that has become popular in the verification field to refer to CLP programs. Then, we describe static analysis techniques for CHCs that may be used for inferring relevant program properties, such as loop invariants. We also give an overview of some transformation techniques based on specialization and fold/unfold rules, which are useful for improving the effectiveness of CHC satisfiability tools. Finally, we discuss future developments in applying these techniques.

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