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Published By European Scientific Platform

2663-4139, 2617-7064

Pavel Kandyba

As a result of experiments with the motion of asymmetrical vibrating bodies in a viscous medium, it was found that the generally accepted idea of such a principle of motion is not correct. In reality, the movement is in the opposite direction. A description of the experiments and the observed effect is given, as well as its interpretation.

M. Ilnitsky

The paper examines the issue of the grounds for the representation of state interests by the prosecutor in the field of land relations. Given the ambiguous law enforcement practice, the current decisions of the Court of Cassation are investigated in order to form a unified law enforcement approach to issues that are not specified in the legislation.

D. Leonov

The article considers the prospects and problems of development of alternative energy in Ukraine in terms of current legislation and approval of the necessary regulations. The problem of reimbursement of the "green tariff" is analyzed. An assessment of the state of development of the introduction of renewable energy sources in Ukraine has been made.

V. Chernushevych

The essence of the concept of mass assessment is considered. The peculiarities of real estate valuation with the support of taxation in Ukraine are analyzed. The model of mass assessment of real estate with the use of machine learning methods is investigated. The results of modeling of mass estimation on the basis of gradient amplification are demonstrated.

S. Zalievskiy

The article talks about the problem of establishing the legal personality of artificial intelligence, and about the rights and responsibility for which the subjects of the Internet of things should bear, as participants in the environment already form the surrounding reality. The article examines the current legislative framework and the experience of leading countries regarding the grounds for acquiring legal personality, in particular, the experience of establishing at the legislative level responsibility for actions or inaction of artificial intelligence.

O. Mizina ◽  
O. Amelnitskaya ◽  
L. Brezhnieva

The article analyzes the theoretical approaches to marketing management tools in the enterprise, analyzes the existing marketing management strategies in enterprises, identifies the features of marketing management in coal mining enterprises. The analysis of marketing activity of the coal mining enterprise is carried out, the directions of improvement of strategy of management of marketing at the coal mining enterprise are developed.

D. Leonov

The publication is devoted to alternative energy in the general system of electricity production, in particular, solar power plants. Prospects for the introduction of solar energy in households in Ukraine are studied. An assessment of the potential use of solar energy in Ukraine is given. The risks of investing in solar power plants are analyzed.

D. Susla

The aim of this work is to develop mobile sensors for acetone based on metal oxide for their subsequent use in the development of devices for monitoring health status. The following research methods were used in the work: measuring the sensitivity of sensor samples on the film thickness and annealing temperature; removal of dependences of sensitivity, selectivity and detection limits on operating temperature; studying the morphology of sensor samples using X-ray diffractometry and field emission scanning electron microscopy. An acetone sensor was developed on the basis of nanostructured thin zinc oxide films, its sensitivity was determined at various temperatures, as a result of which the optimal operating temperature of the sensor was about 400 ° C. The sensitivity value of the ZnO gas sensor was more than 26.5% at 1000 ppm, 65% at 500 ppm and 5% at 300 ppm acetone. Possible future directions of development are the development of multisensor VOC sensor systems for implementation in wireless intelligent systems for monitoring the health of the population.

V. Pekkoiev

The article analyzes the current state of the energy sector of Ukraine, identifies key issues that need urgent consideration. Trends in greenhouse gas emissions in Ukraine are analyzed. The urgency of the carbon tax for Ukraine is higher than ever, as we have made a number of climate commitments (the Paris Agreement) to the EU. We strive to follow European values and significantly reduce GHG emissions by 2050. At the same time, Ukraine is focused on low-carbon development, which is reflected in the Low-Carbon Development Strategy until 2050 and the Energy Strategy until 2035. The rational use of carbon taxation can accumulate funds to modernize the energy sector and increase energy efficiency. Using an instrument such as the general equilibrium model for Ukraine, the economic impact of implementing various low-carbon policies to curb global warming at 1.5 and 2 ° C was assessed. The results show that the carbon tax plays an important role in increasing Ukraine's GDP in 2050 by 12-15% in 2050.

V. Pekkoiev

Computable general equilibrium model for Ukraine was used to assess the economic impact of CO2 tax rates changes under different use of revenues from this tax in Ukraine. The initial assumptions and structure of the general equilibrium model for Ukraine were described. The simulation results show that the best option for using CO2 tax revenues is to invest in industry to improve energy efficiency. Using revenues to compensate households for raising prices for goods and services is only a short-term option, as is redistributing revenues to the government. As for the price of CO2 (tax rates), it is shown that at a tax rate of more than 75 euros per ton of CO2 equivalent, Ukraine's economy is experiencing a significant decline. The best thing for Ukraine is to gradually raise the tax rate to the European level in 2040-2050.

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