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Published By Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

2685-8878, 2655-9080

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 279-286
Irma Khoirot Daulay ◽  
Agnes Charismah Iman Putri Zendrato ◽  
Jeffry Jeffry ◽  
Neslita Elisabeth Manik ◽  
Priska Simamora

The research aims to determine the effectiveness of applying the Google Classroom Application on the students' Writing Skills from grade X1 of SMA Swasta Gajah Mada Medan. The research applied the quantitative method with experimental design. The data were analyzed using the mathematics system related to the methods applied in the research. According to the research findings, it is concluded that Applying Google Classroom Application potentially gives more effectiveness in teaching writing skills to the students. After the post-test is done, the mean score of applying Google Classroom Application is 85.65. The standard deviation is 7.353, and the number of students is 26. The mean by applying conventional strategy is  62.00, the standard deviation is 3.943, and the number of students is 24. From the research result, the researchers found that the mean score of the experimental group students was improved by 17.10. In the controlled group, the mean score of the students was improved by 9.75. After the post-test by applying Google Classroom Application to the students is undertaken,  the normality test result is 0.465. After a post-test to the students by applying the conventional teaching method in the controlled group is given, the normality test result is 0.243. The research finding explained that the Google Classroom Application successfully improved the students'  writing skills, especially at SMA Swasta Gajah Mada Medan during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 272-278
Irma Khoirot Daulay ◽  
Ekrina Lidwina Br Ginting ◽  
Febri Oktavia Manik ◽  
Wulan Siringo-ringo ◽  
Hotlina Sitohang

Akibat pandemi, alternatif terbaik untuk mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran formal adalah pembelajaran online, dan diyakini dapat mempengaruhi kreativitas siswa dalam menulis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran online terhadap kreativitas siswa dalam menulis teks deskripsi tentang pariwisata lokal. Setelah melakukan penelitian, peneliti menemukan perbedaan nilai yang signifikan antara kelas yang mendapat perlakuan pembelajaran online (kelas eksperimen) dan kelas yang tidak (kelas Kontrol), dimana nilai kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dari kelas kontrol. Jadi, kesimpulannya pembelajaran online berpengaruh baik terhadap kreativitas siswa dalam menulis teks deskriptif tentang pariwisata lokal. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 232-240
Yudi Kurniawan ◽  
Muhammad Fatih Suhadi

This study constitutes an identification of the protagonist’s struggle in H. G. Wells’ novel The Island of Doctor Moreau. This study discusses the story of an English shipwreck survivor named Edward Prendick who is rescued from an accident and taken to an unnamed island to be mended by Montgomery. He is a man of science who works for Doctor Moreau in the island. The story deals with Prendick’s struggle to maintain his sanity due to Doctor Moreau terrifyingly peculiar works of vivisection practices. This study focuses on Doctor Moreau through Prendick’s point of view. Prendick, as the protagonist, experiences both internal and external struggle. He has to choose between saving his life or to obey Dr. Moreau to do his evil bidding. Otherwise, he has to keep his composure to blend with the island people. This study adopts descriptive qualitative method to characterise the mental struggle experienced by the protagonist. The study concludes that the protagonist experiences significant amount of both internal and external struggle throughout the story. The recommendation of this story is a moral lesson. The lesson is to face struggle head-on so you can defeat it. Hopefully, this study can be of relevance in future studies regarding the topic discussed in this study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-134
Tuti Herawati ◽  
Purwarno Purwarno

This research was aimed at conducting analysis on self-confidence in Anthony McCarten’s movie script, Bohemian Rhapsody. The self-confidence was analysed by using the theory proposed by Lindenfield (1994) who states that self-confidence consists of self-confidence born and inner self-confidence. Self-confidence born allows someone to show confidence in what he will do. This confidence can make someone believe in himself to achieve what he wants. In confidence born, he claims that a person must develop skills such as communication, assertiveness and feeling control. Inner self-confidence is self-confidence that gives to the individual’s feelings and suppositions that the individual is in good condition. There are three main characteristics that are distinctive to people who have a healthy inner self-confidence. The three characteristics are self-love, self-understanding, and positive thinking. This research used descriptive qualitative method because the discussion was descriptively accomplished. The descriptive qualitative method was applied to explain the self-confidence to get success from the quotations in the movie script. The result result shows that self-confidence born and inner self-confidence vividly played important role to make the protagonist’s success come true.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-176
Rindiani Azzahra ◽  
Muhammad Fatih Suhadi

This study is conducted to analyze the context of toxic relationships and find out the characteristics and negative impacts of toxic relationships in a story, After, written by Anna Todd, published in 2013. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method because the process of the results and discussion are accomplished descriptively. One of the significant theories used in this research is proposed by Glass (1995) who claims that toxic relationship is any relationship between people who do not support each other, there is conflict and one seeks to undermine the other, a competition, and   disrespect and a lack of cohesiveness. The characteristics of toxic relationships which are analyzed are excessive romantic jealousy, egoism (selfishness) of the partner, and lack of honesty. The negative impacts which are analyzed are disrespect and abuse. The results of this study are that toxic relationships are dangerous and should be avoided by a couple to get a harmony.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 220-231
Alma Rizka Siregar ◽  
Susi Ekalestari

This research is conducted to analyze the internal and external factors of the protagonist’s repentance from Second Act movie written by Justin Zackham And Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas. The internal factors of repentance are self evaluation, self-motivation, self-control, knowledge, regret, hatred towards the sin, and returns to god’s power and will. The external factors of repentance are peer support, social support, intense guidance, and stimulus. It is in accordance to the theory proposed by Fachitiandi. This study uses qualitative descriptive method because the process and the result are accomplished descriptively and the focus goes to the analysis of social phenomena conducted and experienced the main character. Repenteance is not only found in a literary text but also in social reality, therefore this research is important enough for the readers to maintain a good life by avoiding things contrary to social norms. After the analyzing, it is found that internal factors of the Protagonist’s repentance in the movie script are self-evaluation, self-motivation, and knowledge, while, the external factors of the protagonist’s repentance are peer of support and social of support.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-165
Maisyarah Mitsla ◽  
Safitri Hariani

This study deals with a study of moral values in Jodi Picoult’s Novel My Sister’s Keeper, published in 2004. Moral values are human actions in carrying out their life activities. It is raised through the characters in the novel. The purpose of this study is to find out the elements of moral values contained in the novel. The elements are basic moral principles and moral personality attitudes. The theory used to analyze this topic was put forward by Suseno. The qualitative research method is used in this study. It is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the forms of written words. After doing the research, it is found that two elements of moral values are found in the novel, they are basic moral principles and moral personality attitudes. Basic moral principles cover good attitude and justice. These basic moral principles can be portrayed through the character, Anna. Furthermore, moral personality attitudes include willingness to take responsibility and moral courage. These personality attitudes are also presented when Anna wants to defend her rights.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-250
Amelia Balqis Siregar ◽  
Efendi Barus

This research  was conducted to examine speech act in the video script of Lampu Islam Youtube Channel. The edition of the video is entitled An Atheist Converting to Islam. This study aims to answer the problem about the classification of speech act found in the video script. This research applied the theory of speech act proposed by Austin and further developed by Searle. There are three types of speech act. The classification involves locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts. The result of the research shows that all the type of Speech Act can be found in the video script. The utterances which belong to locutionary act reach four (4) occurrences. For illocutionary, there are two (2) utterances. Then, the utterances of perlocutionary acts occur most dominantly with sixteen (16) occurrences. Perlocutionary act reaches 62.5% occurrences in the video script. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the script is intended to give an effect to the listeners of the channel and to offer ideas to other people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-113
Yuhandri Pane ◽  
M. Manugeren ◽  
Purwarno Purwarno

The research is focused on the styles of Javanese political leadership revealed in the novel Arok Dedes written by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The Javanese leadership style is a cultural heritage and deserves to be maintained and revitalized and to be adjusted to the changing of times. Javanese people live side by side in harmony with cultural norms and values  and lifestyle becomes an ethnic identity.  The objectives are to find styles and how the styles of Javanese political leadership are revealed in Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s novel Arok Dedes. A theory of Javanese leadership style, with its slogan of 5Ms is used a base and the whole research is conducted by means of descriptive qualitative method revealing the individual personality. The results show that the 5Ms of style are found in the novel: 1) melek/awas (awareness), 2) melik (sense of ownership), 3) muluk (poverty solution, 4) melok (aspiration realization), and 5) meluk (accomodation), all of which are performed by a leader of Tumapel district, named Ken Arok. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-102
Ediwarman Ediwarman ◽  
Syafrizal Syafrizal ◽  
John Pahamzah

This paper exmined the perception of speech using audio visual and replica for students of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Univesity. This research was aimed at discussing face-to-face conversation or speech felt by the ears and eyes.  The prerequisites for audio-visual perception of speech by using ambiguous perceptual sine wave replicas of natural speech as auditory stimuli are studied in details. When the subjects were unaware that auditory stimuli were speech, they only showed a negligible integration of auditory and visual stimuli. The same subjects learn to feel the same auditory stimuli as speech; they integrate auditory and visual stimuli in the same way as natural speech. These research result suggests a special mode of perception of multisensory speech.

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