Spory o Rzeczpospolitą : przegląd wybranych dyskusji politycznych i ustrojowych w ostatnim stuleciu
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Published By Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II W Krakowie. Wydawnictwo Naukowe


Paweł Gofron

Selected grounds of strife over the self ‑government at the beginning of the Third Polish RepublicThis article presents the selected grounds of strife over the self-govern-ment in Poland during the political transformation – from the end of the Polish People’s Republic to the beginning of the Third Republic of Poland. In the introduction the importance of the self -government re-form was emphasized. In the main content the discourse over the self--government during the Round Table Talks was reconstructed in outli-ne. Moreover, the projects of the implementation scheme of the reform were discussed. The last part of the text concerns the dispute over the introduction of poviats as the second level of self -government.

Ewa Bałuszyńska

Issue of the minority Ukrainian in the thought of nationalists in the Second Polish RepublicArticle is regarding the approach of nationalist various organisations towards the issue of the Ukrainian. Along with regaining independence the Ukrainian minority determined about 15% of inhabitants of Poland. A national camp created the own vision of creating the state of the Ukrainian and the process of the assimilation. In the article a vision of the independent state of the Ukrainian was presented according to Roman Dmowski, as well as the concept of free Ukraine in taking the National -adical Movement away.

Adrian Matuła

Publicystyka wybranych czasopism konserwatywnych... 153StreszczeniePublicystyka wybranych czasopism konserwatywnych wobec zbliżenia Polski i ZSRR w latach 1932–1933W latach 1932–1933 doszło do dwóch przełomowych wydarzeń w sto-sunkach między Polską a Związkiem Sowieckim. Pierwszym było podpisanie paktu o nieagresji w roku 1932, a rok później doszło do zawarcia w Londynie konwencji o określeniu napaści. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie reakcji czasopism związanych z polskimi zachowawcami na zbliżenie pomiędzy wspomnianymi państwami. By dokonać rekonstrukcji dyskursu prowadzonego na łamach konserwa-tywnych czasopism, przeanalizowano najważniejsze tytuły związane z środowiskami polskich zachowawców: „Czas”, „Dziennik Poznański”, „Naszą Przyszłość”, „Politykę” oraz „Słowo”.SummaryJournalism of selected conservative journals regarding the rapprochement between Poland and the USSR in 1932–1933Between 1932 and 1933, two significant changes took place in the Poland--Soviet Union relations. In 1932, the Soviet–Polish Non -Aggression Pact was signed, and year later the Convention for the Definition of Aggression was ratified in London. This paper aims to present the re-action to the rapprochement between these countries. In order to recreate the discourse in the conservative press, the most important newspapers such as “Czas”, “Dziennik Poznański”, “Nasza Przyszłość”, “Polityka” and “Słowo” have been analyzed.

Dawid Dziurkowski

Evolution of Civil Control of the Armed Forced in Poland Throughout HistoryIn the history of Poland armed forced were already regulated in the Go-vernment Act of 3rd May, 1791, although their functioning considera-bly differed from the present status of the army. The army had then a national character, which meant that all citizens were obliged to defend the motherland if its safety was threatened. During the period of the Duchy of Warsaw, officially independent, but actually subordi-nated to Napoleon I, the Polish Army was regulated by the Basic Law, which provided that the number of the military should not exceed 300,000. Despite the legal regulations the actual authority over our army was with the Emperor of the French. Later, in the Kingdom of Poland the number of the army has not been specified, but each Tsar of Russia was ex officio also the King of Poland and therefore, he exercised the authority over the Armed Forces. During the inter -war period the formal control of the armed forces was more divided and did not rest with one individual only. As the Second Polish Republic did not last long, its political system did not have time to consolidate properly. It was not by chance that during the Polish People’s Republic the Armed Forced were called “an armed arm of the Party”. It was not until 1989 that the true and actual civilian and democratic control of the military was established. It is not an easy task, but indispensable for the proper functioning of the State, the fundamental function of which is to ensure safety of its citizens.

Paweł Fiktus

Democratic rule of law and the foundations of the democratic system in the discourse of the Sejm of the 10th termThe June elections in 1989, as a result of which representatives of the then contemporary opposition circles were introduced to the Po-lish parliament, radically changed the Sejm’s political and legal di-scourse. As a consequence of the December Novelization of Decem-ber 29, 1989, that is the amendment to the Constitution of the Polish People’s Republic of July 22, 1952, the principle of a democratic state ruled by law came into force rejecting the provisions on the leading role of the communist party as well as the alliance with the USSR. Undoubtedly, the changes of the second half of 1989 were a conti-nuation of the changes of the first half of 1989, which then resulted in the so -called April Novelization. Importantly, in the first half of 1989, the arrangements made during the Round Table negotiations initiated the transition, and draft amendments to the constitution were developed by the Council of State. In turn, in the second half of 1989 (i.e. after the so -called June elections), before the debate in the Sejm forum and later in the Senate forum took place, proposals for consti-tutional changes were presented in parliamentary texts, which were the subject of a parliamentary initiative. The aim of this thesis is to present the most important Sejm documents containing the then po-stulates relating to radical changes within the constitution. Particular attention should be paid to the issue of the principle of a democratic rule of law underpinning the new political and legal system.

Katarzyna Iwona Flaga

Roman Dmowski’s political realismThe scientific paper is on Roman Dmowski, his pieces of work and his political views, in particular his political realism. The first part presents the foundations of the political realism paradigm, then com-pared with Dmowski’s views arising from his works. The time frame of the scientific paper is the period of Dmoski’s work until Poland regains independence.

Paweł Magiera

Real or ostensible democratization? A few remarks on the evolution of the composition of the Senate in the constitutional debate of the Legislative Sejm The article is an attempt to answer the question if the process of democratization of the upper house of parliament in subsequent drafts of constitution prepared by the parliamentary Constitutional Commission (in years 1920–1921) was real or was it only an ostensible movement. In fact during the constitutional efforts initial concept of creating the Senate through nomination was changed in favor of the idea of the democratic elections to the upper house of parlia-ment. That regulation was also finally implemented in the March Constitution of Poland. In opinion of the adherents of bicameralism those changes were the results of a compromise with the political opponents that was made to implement the Senate to the constitution. On the other hand, the adherents of monocameralism were convinced that every upper house of parliament is reactionary and that the all new concepts of the Senate were only an ostensible democratization. The attempt to resolve the question that was given in the title based on the analysis of the most important speeches in the constitutional de-bate. The paper was prepared mainly using the parliamentary sources which are the documents and stenographic records of the Legislative Sejm. Also, basic literature was an important support.

Maciej Zakrzewski

Poland, but what?The article introduces to the most important political debates in Poland in the post -partition era. Experience of losing own state and long period of living under foregin goverment fundamantaly determined ways of political thinking in Poland. That’s why besieds disputes over the rules of political and social order, Poles were in debates over the ways of restitution of independet state. Lasted almost 200 years discution between insurectionists and political realism fallowers was one of the most significant character of intelectuall history of Poland. The presented sketch has shown that the polish political thinking today is still deeply determined by old divisions.

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