Elisabeth Health Jurnal
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Published By Elisabeth Health Jurnal Stikes Santa Elisabeth Medan

2541-4992, 2541-4992

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 80-88
Lilis Sumardiani

Introduction :antenatal care is an examination of pregnant women both physically and mentally as well as saving mothers and children in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, so that they post partum healthy and normal not only physically but also mentallyMethod : The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to pregnant women with emesis gravidarum. Data analysis using univariants for frequency distribution. Result : The results showed an overview of knowledge of pregnant women with good knowledge of 13 people (65%), sufficient knowledge of 5 people (25%) and lack of knowledge of 1 person (5%) while lacking knowledge of pregnant women who did not comply did 1 pregnancy check up (5) %). overall obedient pregnant women undergo pregnancy examinations aged <20 years 7 people (35%), 20-30 years there are 7 people (35%) and there are 4 people> 35 years (20%). while those aged <20 years who are not compliant pregnant women do pregnancy examinations 2 people (10%). pregnant women about compliance with antenatal care namely, support from the husband is very good there are 12 people (60%), good 4 people (20%) and enough 4 people (40%). 20%), the middle economy there are 13 people (65%), and the low economy 4 people (20%), while the economy is lacking in pregnant women who do not comply with one pregnancy checkup (5%). parity, shows that the total number of pregnant women regarding compliance with antenatal care is, that has children who live 1 times 4 people (20%), the number of children who live 2-5 times 11 people (55%), and the number of children who live> 5 times 5 people (25%) while parity, in pregnant women who do not comply with pregnancy examination 1 person (5%) Duscussion:From this study it can be concluded that knowledge, age, husband support, economy and parity in pregnant women regarding compliance with antenatal care in the Klinik Pratama Santa Elisabeth Medan is said to be a minority who are disobedient and more who are obedient do ANC visits

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 61-71
Ermawaty Arisandi Siallagan ◽  
Merlina Sinabariba ◽  
Sri Handayani Hia

Introduction: In Indonesia, in one hour, two mothers die from complications of pregnancy, childbirth and childbirth. Postpartum care is needed during this period because it is a critical period for both mother and baby. With close monitoring and care for mothers and babies during the postpartum period, it can prevent several deaths. This research aims to describe the knowledge of postpartum mothers about the danger signs during childbirth at the Mariana Sukadono clinic in 2019.Method: The method used in the study was a descriptive design and the sample in this study was 30 postpartum mothers who gave birth in this clinic with total sampling technique. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire.Result: The results showed that the level of knowledge of mothers about danger signs during childbirth was more lacking (70.0%).Duscussion: Postpartum mothers are expected to know or seek information about danger signs during the puerperium during their spare time so that they are able to recognize danger signs during the postpartum period that might occur.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 29-42
Samfriati S ◽  
Friska G ◽  
Lia Mayang S S

Background: In the Covid-19 Pandemic era 2020, Covid-19 with its increasing spread rate even death in each individual can occur, this greatly affects the condition of students universally by experiencing annoyance, worry, fear, anxiety so that it can cause excessive anxiety. One of the techniques to reduce this level of anxiety is the Benson Relaxation, which can provide comfort and a sense of relaxation so that it can adapt well to the current environment. This Benson relaxation is a combination of deep breaths and elements of faith that give a feeling of calm, comfort and even confidence.Goals: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Benson Relaxation on the Anxiety Levels of Corona virus disease 2019 on nursing students level III of STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan 2020.Method: This study used a pre-experimental study with one group pre test and post test design. The instrument used was an anxiety level questionnaire, with 30 nursing students level III STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan. The research sample were 30 students, where the sample was used by using purposive sampling.Result: The results of the study p-value = 0.000 (P <0.05) indicate that Benson relaxation has an effect on the anxiety level of the third level of Nursing student STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan.Conclusion: This Benson relaxation technique is a good and appropriate relaxation to do at this time to reduce the level of anxiety in the respondent so that the respondent experiences a sense of calm and comfort. Respondents are expected to always apply this Benson relaxation to overcome the increasing increase in anxiety and can overcome the level of anxiety they are experiencing

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 72-79
Paska Ramawati Situmorang

ntroduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious infectious disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. Indonesia is a country with the third largest case of pulmonary tuberculosis in the world. The purpose of this study is to determine the description of hemoglobin levels in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who are undergoing anti-tuberculosis therapy in Pancur Batu Health Center, Deli Serdang Regency.Method:The research method is descriptive with the study population being all patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who are undergoing anti-tuberculosis therapy, and a sample of 21 respondents. Result: Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that there is an effect of green color therapy on changes in the level of student anxiety in facing exams.Discussion: The results of the study based on age obtained that most respondents aged between 60-72 years were 8 respondents (38.1%), most respondents were male as many as 14 respondents (66.7%) with abnormal hemoglobin levels 12 respondents (87,1%). The conclusion of this study is the results of research based on age there are the most respondents aged 60-72 years, male sex with more hemoglobin levels that are not normal (anemia).

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 9-17
Karo M ◽  
Sihite RE

Knowledge is the result of knowing, and this happens after people sensing a certain object. caring behavior is a basic form of nursing practice with patience, honesty, confidence, presence, touch, affection. In general Caring behavior is an action that is based on care, compassion, skills, empathy, responsibility, and support. The purpose of this research is to find out the description of the knowledge of third-level nurses about caring behaviour at STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan in 2020. This study uses a qualitative method where the data collection is done by interviewing as many as 5 questions so as to be able to dig deeper about behaviour caring knowledge. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling of 5 participants. The data analysis technique used is thematic analysis. The results obtained: Caring is a form of caring, caring, actions towards others and others. Caring behavior is a behavior or habit of caring for others and others. Caring behavior is a way for someone to meet the needs of patients during treatment, both physical needs and emotional needs of patients. How to provide caring behavior in nursing practice by giving attention, affection, security and comfort both with touch, presence and action. Concerns when giving caring behavior in nursing practice in approaching patients, when speaking often feel less confident. The problems faced in nursing practice are ego, emotional attitude and lack of respeck from the patient which makes attitudes and actions more uncaring and less confident in taking action.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 18-28
Lindawati Simorangkir ◽  
Lilis Novitarum ◽  
Titin Dwijayanti Situmorang

Background : Nurses who are spiritually intelligent are able to positionbehavior, assess health measures given, be able to place feelings andface busy work and try to be responsible at work. Reducing workdensity, nurses take advantage of technology that can providechanges in terms of helping work, communication and so on so thatthe nurse's time to patients is moreMethods: The study design used an analytic survey design with cross sectionalmethod. Sampling using probability sampling with a Systematicsampling technique with a sample size of 58 people. The instrumentused in this study was a questionnaireResults: The results showed that the use of nurse technology was good(94.8%), the spiritual intelligence of nurses was high (58.6%).Elisabteh Health Journal : Jurnal Kesehatan, Vol. V No. 02 (Desember, 2020) : V-02 E-ISSN 2541-4992Discussion: In hospital services nurses must be able to utilize existingtechnology as reformers and be competitive in the world of healthand be able to place spirituality: their feelings and emotions inproviding nursing care to ensure an increase in the quality ofhospital services

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 1-8
David Sumanto Napitupulu ◽  
Paska Ramawati Situmorang

Introduction: Mycology is one of subject Medical Laboratoty Tecnology Study Program..Some of students especially Medical Laboratory TechnologyStudy Program are not familiar with macroscopic fungi. So far, they know about macroscopic fungi from several sources such as:the internet and reserach journals. Add more, mushroom habitat in North Sumatera is very good for its growth, it is worth doing research to determine the types of macroscopic fungi that live and grow in it. Method:The researchmethod used isCruise method.There are two observation stations with 4 point route cruises. The fungal samples found were analyzed by descriptive method (Mueller et al., 2004). Fungal specimens are collected and identified in the field and laboratory. Basidiomycetes identification using several macroscopic fungal identification books like David Arora (1986) dan Simon & Schuster’s (1979)and thesis and journals on macroscopic fungi. Data analysis was done descriptively, the data from the identification results are tabulated and presented in tabular form. Result: Based on the results of research that has been done, obtained 49 types of macroscopic fungi that are included in the Basidiomycetes.Discussion: Macroscopic fungi usually found in hygrophyte habitats are the Basidiomycetes group of fungi. Basidiomycetes found were 5 orders, 17 families and 49 spesies. The most common species of fungi are members of the Order of Agaricales which consists of 29 species and the Order of Aphyllophorales of 15 species. This is because the Agaricales and Aphyllophorales groups have the ability to adapt well compared to other orders. The families that had the highest percentage of species were the Tricholomataceae and Polyporaceae families. This fungus is easy to find because it can grow in various habitats.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 54-60
R. Oktaviance. S ◽  
Aprilita Br Sitepu

Introduction: The pregnancy period begins with the union of spermatozoa and ova and continues with nidation or implantation. If calculated from the time of fertilization until the birth of a baby, a normal pregnancy will take place within 40 weeks or 9 months according to international calendar. Hypertension in pregnancy is hypertension that occurs when pregnancy lasts at the womb minggu20 weeks of age. There are many risk factors for hypertension in pregnancy, which can be grouped, namely primigravida, primipaternity, hyperplacentosis, age 35 years, family history of having preeclampsia / eclampsia, large placental period (gameli, trophoblastic disease), obesity and kidney diseases and hypertension with hypertension. had existed before pregnancy (Sarwono, 2018). Method: The purpose of this study was to determine the description of factors of knowledge, age and physical activity in pregnant women about hypertension in pregnancy in ZR Romauli clinic. This type of research is descriptive conducted in the village of bawodobara. The population of all pregnant women check up in ZR Romauli clinic, a sample of 45 respondents. The sampling technique is total sampling. Data collection uses primary data with a questionnaire. Data analysis using univariate analysis for frequency distribution.. Result: The results of the study of the level of knowledge about pregnancy hypertension showed that the majority of respondents in Bawodobara village had sufficient knowledge (50%), when viewed from the age factor, it showed that most pregnant women in Bawodobara village were in productive age, 20 - 35 years old (75%) and from the activity factor Physical analysis performed by pregnant women is that ZR Romauli clinic shows that most of them have strenuous activities (40%). Discussion: From this study, the researchers concluded that health workers must increase the knowledge and insight of pregnant women who are hypertensive in pregnancy and those who are not hypertensive in pregnancy, namely by conducting counseling / extension signs of hypertension in pregnancy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 89-99
Merlina Sinabariba ◽  
Lindawati Simorangkir

Background: Long-lasting vitamin A deficiency for toddlers in the body can lead to health problems that lead to an increased risk of pain and death in toddlers. Vitamin A also prevents night vision,Xerophthalmia, corneal damage, and blindness. The purpose of this study was to get an overview of the mother's knowledge about the administration of vitamin A tablets for toddlers. Method: This research is a descriptive with cross-sectional approach. Structured interview involving 58 mothers of toddlers in Puskesmas Pancur Batu. Sampling by quarto sampling. This research was conducted at Puskesmas Pancur Batu Desa Perumnas Simalingkar in 2020. Descriptive data in bivariate analysis to look at sociodemographic relationships, problems in toddlers, and mother’s knowledge of vitamin A tablets for toddlers. Results: The results showed that the mother’s knowledge of toddlers about the administration of vitamin A tablets for toddlers, who are well knowledgeable as many as 44 people (75.9%), knowledgeable enough as many as 13 people (22.4%), and less knowledgeable as 1 person (1.7%) Discussion: It is concluded that there are significant differences in knowledge on the administration of vitamin A for toddlers. The conclusion of this study affects the mother's low-income so that it affects the administration of vitamin A for toddler.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 43-53
Desriati Sinaga ◽  
Susi Santi Lumban Gaol

Introduction: Knowledge forms one's actions or results from knowing and occurs after people sense a certain object. From experience, it is known that behavior based on knowledge will last longer than behavior that is not based on knowledge. The factors underlying the mother's knowledge are education, occupation and age. The negative impact of the use of social media on school-age children is reduced communication with parents, weak psychomotor abilities to draw, reduced singing and playing, difficulty adapting to subject matter and difficulties in socializing with the environment. This study aims to determine the description of mother's knowledge about the use of social media in school-age children at SD Santa Lusia Sei Rotan Medan in 2019Method: The method used in this research is descriptive design and the sample in this study is mothers who have as many as six grade school-age children at SD. 42 people with total sampling technique. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire.Result: The results showed that the knowledge of mothers about the use of social media in school-aged children at SD Santa Lusia Sei Rotan Medan in 2019 was more knowledgeable (53.1%).Duscussion: Mothers are expected to know new information and time limits on the use of social media that have a positive impact on children, such as providing educational videos, learning languages and opening social media for children's content.

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