Grasas y Aceites
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Published By Departmento De Publicaciones Del Csic

1988-4214, 0017-3495

2022 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. e428
A. Goharian ◽  
A.H. Shirani Rad ◽  
P. Moaveni ◽  
H. Mozafari ◽  
B. Sani

The sowing date is an important factor for expanding the cultivated area of rapeseed and affects seed yield, oil content, and fatty acid compounds. Micronutrient elements play an important role in improving the vegetative and reproductive growth of the plant, especially under conditions of biological and environmental stresses. A two-year experiment (2014-2016) was performed to study the response of rapeseed genotypes to foliar application of micronutrients on different sowing dates. The treatments were arranged as a factorial-split plot in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Three sowing dates of 7 (well-timed sowing date), 17, and 27 (delayed sowing dates) October and two levels of foliar application with pure water (control), selenium (1.5%), zinc (1.5%), and selenium+zinc (1.5%) were factorial in the main plots and five genotypes of SW102, Ahmadi, GKH2624, GK-Gabriella, and Okapi were randomized in the subplots (a total of 30 treatments). Seed yield, oil yield and content, oleic acid, and linoleic acid were reduced when rapeseeds were cultivated on 17 and 27 October, while the contents in palmitic, linolenic, and erucic acids, and glucosinolate increased (p < 0.01). a selenium+zinc treatment improved seed yield, oil content and yield (p < 0.01). The oil quality increased due to increased contents of oleic and linoleic acids under the selenium+zinc treatment (p < 0.01). The GK-Gabriella and GKH2624 genotypes are recommended to be sown on well-timed (7 October) and delayed sowing dates (17 and 27 October) and treated with selenium+zinc due to the higher oil yield, linoleic and oleic acids.

2022 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. e427
S. Rubalya Valantina ◽  
K. Arockia Jayalatha

Oils are commonly used in cooking as a frying medium which has been constantly subjected to different levels of heating. In this work, we have considered the most commonly used oils namely peanut oil and corn oil. Quality analyses of corn and peanut oils were made by relating macroscopic properties (ultrasonic velocity, viscosity, and density) to microscopic parameters (intermolecular free length, adiabatic compressibility etc.,) by subjecting them to six cycles of heating (190 ˚C). Variation in the mentioned property indexes, the degree of degradation and reusability for the next heating cycle that could be used in the food industry and processing were monitored. Using Newton-Laplace and Wood’s equation, the adiabatic compressibility, acoustic impedance, and intermolecular free length of the oil were estimated from the experimental data. Ultrasonic velocity was observed linearly as related to viscosity with the dependency factor (R2 = 0.932). With the aid of experiential data, the physical thermodynamic parameters, particularly particle size, packing factor, chemical potential, and L-J potential were computed. A high correlation factor was observed by fitting ultrasonic velocity, viscosity, and density to Parthasarathy and Bakshi, and Rodenbush equations. In the study, ultrasonic velocity, a macroscopic parameter, could be decoded to determine the microscopic variations in oil subjected to different temperatures in an industrial application.

2022 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. e430
A. Bodaghzadeh ◽  
K. Alirezalu ◽  
S. Amini ◽  
A. Alirezalu ◽  
R. Domínguez ◽  

The present study evaluates the contents in bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity, oil content and fatty acid composition of Capparis spinosa seeds. Samples were collected from 5 different habitats (AH: Ahar; KU: Kurdistan; U1, U2 and U3: Urmia) in Iran. The oil content in the seeds ranged from 16 to 27%. The predominant fatty acid was linoleic acid (45-50%) followed by oleic acid (30-39%), palmitic acid (2-8%) and stearic acid (2-3%). Total phenolic content (TPC) varied from 16.3 to 24.2 mg GAE/ g DW; total flavonoid content (TFC) ranged from 1.48 to 3.05 mg QE/g DW; and the antioxidant activity (DPPH assay) of the seeds was between 35 and 63%. The compounds obtained from different genotypes of C. spinosa seeds had different compositions, great antioxidant capacity and unsaturated fatty acids, and therefore could be a prospective source of natural bioactive molecules for the food and health industry.

2022 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. e429
A.P. Banco ◽  
C.M. Puertas ◽  
E.R. Trentacoste ◽  
R.P. Monasterio

‘Arauco’ forms part of the over two thousand olives (Olea europaea L.) varieties identified worldwide with the peculiarity of being the only recognized variety from Argentina. In this work, the fruit and oil characteristics from the ‘Arauco’ variety cultivated in the three main olive growing zones of Mendoza province (Argentina) were evaluated over two harvests (2016 and 2017). The characteristics assessed were oil and water concentrations, pulp/pit ratio, industrial yield, oxidative stability, fatty acid profile, total phenols and total flavonoids, among others. The results showed relatively high oleic acid and phenolic contents, together with low acidity and extinction coefficients (K232 and K270), as well as a well-balanced fatty acid profile. In addition, three interesting relationships among oxidative stability and ratios of monounsaturated fatty acids/polyunsaturated fatty acids (R2=0.96), oleic/linoleic (R2=0.96) and stearic acid (R2=0.93) were observed. These results showed that the ‘Arauco’ variety cultivated in Mendoza provides excellent oil quality.

2022 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. e436
E. Plasquy ◽  
G. Blanco-Roldán ◽  
M.C. Florido ◽  
J.M. García

Small producers confront specific challenges when they opt to produce high-quality olive fruit. Limited resources for investing in harvest machinery and manpower are the main reasons for continuing a traditional harvest method that puts the final product and its economic value at risk. This paper discusses the efficiency of an integrated harvest system as a possible solution to these specific challenges. The system is formed by a newly designed manual harvesting device and the use of a cooling room near the olive grove. Both systems were evaluated to assess their feasibility for optimum conditions before processing. The combined effect of the harvesting method and cold storage on the fruit characteristics (incidence of decay, skin color, weight loss, firmness, respiration, and ethylene production) was evaluated on three different varieties (‘Arbequina’, ‘Picual’ and ‘Verdial’) and four different storage times (0, 4, 8, and 14 days). The results indicate that the proposed harvesting method in combination with an appropriate cooling system offers an affordable alternative for obtaining fruit with the best physiological characteristics.

2022 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. e433
B. Agame-Lagunes ◽  
M. Alegria-Rivadeneyra ◽  
A. Alexander-Aguilera ◽  
R. Quintana-Castro ◽  
C. Torres-Palacios ◽  

Alternative therapies for cancer treatment have been developed using bioactive compounds such as betulinic acid (BA). The objective of this study was to investigate the bioactivity of BA in its free form and compare it with its nano-encapsulated form under a skin carcinogenesis protocol in a genetically modified murine model. K14E6 and FVB mice were divided into four groups to be treated with free BA and with betulinic acid nanoemulsion (BANE). Lecithin enriched with medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) was employed as an emulsifier to prepare the nanoemulsions with a mean droplet size of 40 nm. Skin tumors were induced by exposure to DMBA and TPA directly to the transgenic mice. Tumor development was completely inhibited by BANE and by 70% with free BA. This was validated by histological sections and the gene expression of the Cdk4 and Casp8 genes.

2022 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. e438
G. Medina ◽  
C. Sanz ◽  
L. León ◽  
A.G. Pérez ◽  
R. De la Rosa

In the present work, we compared the phenol content and composition of fruit from the ‘Arbequina’ cultivar in four Mediterranean (in Andalucía, Southern Iberian Peninsula) and two Sub-Tropical (Canary Islands) locations throughout the harvest period. Two Mediterranean and two Sub-Tropical locations were maintained with drip irrigation, while the remaining two Mediterranean locations were in dry farming. Water availability and harvest date seemed to play more important roles than air temperature on the phenolic content and most of the studied components. The variability associated with location was a result of the high values observed in the two Mediterranean locations in dry farming, with respect to the other four maintained with drip irrigation. Few differences were found among the four drip-irrigated locations, despite the fact that two were Mediterranean and the other two Sub-Tropical. In addition, a sharp decrease was observed during the harvest period for phenolic content and most of the phenolic compounds.

2022 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. e434
M. Tociu ◽  
A. Hirtopeanu ◽  
M.D. Stanescu

The paper investigates the effect of the enzymatic pre-treatment of grape seeds from six Romanian cultivars on the oil extracted. The grape seeds of some white and red Romanian grape varieties were separated from winery waste, washed, dried and ground, with the oil then obtained by extraction with petroleum ether. The extraction was performed directly or after a preliminary treatment with a commercial pectin lyase. The enzymatic procedure applied was more cost effective compared to other treatments previously described in which a cocktail of enzymes was used. The quantity of the extracted oil was measured in both types of processing, with an increase being observed for pre-treated samples. The fatty acid profiles (FAPs) of the oils resulted for the treated and untreated seeds were determined. No change in the composition was noticed. The reductive power of these oils was also investigated. Compared to the untreated samples for the same variety, the enzyme pre-treatment resulted in a superior antioxidant capacity.

2022 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. e439
D.A. Cerro ◽  
A.P. Maldonado ◽  
S.B Matiacevich

The food industry has developed a vegan dressing-type mayonnaise due to new consumer demands. The aim of this study was to compare three commercial mayonnaise types with a vegan dressing, measuring their physicochemical properties. Four dressing samples were analyzed: vegan, homemade recipe, creamy, and light. The following properties were measured: water activity, color, droplet size, rheological properties, structural analysis, and oxidative stability. A high color difference was observed between vegan and the other samples due to the presence of chickpea protein. The size and distribution of droplets of the vegan sample were greater than the others. The rheological properties indicated that all samples are non-Newtonian pseudoplastic fluids. The FT-IR results indicated that the highest peak for vegan corresponded to its content in mono-unsaturated fat. Therefore, it showed the lowest oxidative stability. In conclusion, the mayonaise formulations were affected by physicochemical properties such as the content and composition of the oil, thickener and protein contents, along with processing technology.

2022 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. e431
A.E. Edris

Different emulsifiable concentrates containing spearmint essential oil (SEO) were made and evaluated for their potential for giving ethanol-free nanoemulsion spontaneously upon dilution into water. Each one of these formulas had its specific composition regarding the type of excipients, surfactants, surfactant/SEO ratio and surfactant concentration. The results of this evaluation indicated that the chemical composition of SEO has a profound effect on the formation and physical stability of the nanoemulsion. The incorporation of excipients such as long chain triglyceride and propylene glycol into the emulsifiable concentrates at only 1.0% can lead to a stable nanoemulsion that resists Ostwald ripening. A particle size measurement showed that the diameter of SEO in the nanoemulsion was 28.2 nm and its nanostructure was maintained for 3 months. The application of a mixture of binary nonionic food-permitted surfactants enhanced the thermal stability of the nanoemulsion at up to 50 ᵒC. The developed ethanol-free SEO nanoemulsion has promising industrial applications in food and beverage flavoring.

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