International Journal of Innovative Science & Technology
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Published By Society Of Pharmaceutical Tecnocrats


Snehal Shah

The word "Ayurveda" meaning knowledge of life and longevity. Rather than frequent usage of Medicines in common disorders, Ayurvdic medicines are as good as food which serve role of the nutritional needs.  Because of the changing in life style and carelessness towards sickness with respect to time as well as money, people are growing modernization some traditional ways. Now a days, There has been increased global interest in traditional medicine. In this dissertation, attempted to brief history along with worldwide concepts of Ayurveda and availability of Ayurvedic medicines which play roles in medical emergency, surgical emergency and traditional one as nutrition supplement. Moreover, WHO contribution in global acceptance of Ayurveda reflected in this paper  reveals worldwide usage of Ayurveda medicines. Opportunity and challenges with global perspective of Ayurvedic medicine and gold time for modernization presented in this concept paper gives idea about market value for herbal medicines.

Drashti Joshi

In the world the cancer is a prevailing disease therefore some rational and effective therapy required. The breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in a woman and now a day’s patients are increase. Therefore, development and research are ongoing on the effective treatment on breast cancer. The breast cancer treatment is depending on the cancer stage disease and risk, based on this therapeutic agent should be employed in the patients to protect the breast cancer disease. Such treatments are reducing the mortality and morbidity but constant monitoring of drug adverse effect. Moreover, it has been seen that the survival rates in breast cancer is rising that is good news for science but on the other side the side effects of the treatments bring new challenges.  The early stage diagnosis of the breast cancer can survive the effective or healthy patient life because of long-term and various treatment can be employed on the cancer disease otherwise breast cancer is life threatening illness. Survivors of breast cancer have not only the side effects issues of the cancer therapy treatment but also, they have many other issues of previous treatments therefore it is challenging job for the researchers. Consequently, this review article is dealing with the breast cancer effective treatments and side effects of it. Moreover, it includes the other long-term medical issues after breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. This review will help to the researchers for better understanding of the long-term medical issues in the breast cancer.

Rajni Singh Khureja ◽  
Dinesh Kumar

Chromatography is a powerful analytical method suitable for the separation and quantitative determination of a considerable number of compounds, even from complicated matrix. Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) has some advantages such as rapidity, sensitivity, easiness, cheapness and this method does not require complex instrumental equipment. In present study, Quercetin 3 -O -α- d- glucuro pyranoside (miquelianin; QG), quercetin 3-O-α-d glucopyranoside (isoquercitrin), quercetin 3-O-α-d-galactopyranoside (hyperoside) and rutin in ethyl acetate fractions from aerial parts of selected Potentilla species on a HPTLC plates using a mixture consisting of ethyl acetate/methyl ethyl ketone/diisopropyl ether/formic acid (3:10:4:1, v/v/v/v). Rutinosides and quercetin were also eluted using methanol-water-acetic acid (50/44/6, v/v/v) and benzene: pyridine: formic acid (36:9:5). The spot visualization was evaluated under UV light at 254 nm and Ferric chloride reagent.

Rajni Singh Khureja ◽  
Dinesh Kumar

In present study, petroleum ether extracts of Cynanchum cutum L. isolated unknown active constituents and their structure elucidated by analytical technique. The extracts were analyzed by the GC/MS technique. The GC chromatogram showed nine peaks corresponding to four compounds. These four compounds were identified on the basis of a high percentage of matching with authentic spectrum using NIST library.

Naveen Garg ◽  
Prashant Mathur ◽  
Rohit Saraswat ◽  
Chandrachud Sharma

This study was designed to examine the effect of ethanolic fruits extract of Embelia ribes Burm on dexamethasone-(1mg/kg, intramuscular, 22 days) induced Insulin resistance in Mice. Twenty two  days of oral feeding the extract (100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg) to induced mice resulted in significant (P < .01) decrease in blood glucose, triglyeride, Insulin, HOMA-IR index and  increase in body weight  levels as compared to dexa control mice. Further, the extract also significantly (P < .01) decreased the MDA levels and significantly (P < .01) increased the superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione levels as compared to above levels in Hepatic tissue of dexa control  mice and also increased glucose uptake by skeletal muscle. The results of test drug were comparable to pioglitazone (2 mg/kg, i.m , 22 days), a standard antihyperglycemic agent. The study concludes that Embelia ribes enhances the antioxidant defense against reactive oxygen species produced under hyperglycemic condition and Embelia ribes may prove to be effective in the treatment of Type-II Diabetes mellitus owing to its ability to decrease insulin resistance.

Kuldeep Tiwari ◽  
Dinesh Kumar

The right classification for diabetes mellitus (DM) allows a more adequate treatment and comprises four categories: type 1 DM, type 2 DM, other types, and gestational diabetes. Assigning a type of diabetes to an individual often depends on the circumstances present at the time of diagnosis, and many diabetic individuals do not easily fit into a single class. Diabetes mellitus and lesser forms of glucose intolerance, particularly impaired glucose tolerance, can now be found in almost every population in the world and epidemiological evidence suggests that, without effective prevention and control programmes, diabetes will likely continue to increase globally. These findings were confirmed in a similar study in India, in which the FPG and 2-h PG were each strongly and equally associated with retinopathy. For both the FPG and the 2-h PG, the prevalence of retinopathy was markedly higher above the point of intersection of the two components of the bimodal frequency distribution (FPG = 129 mg/dl [7.2 mmol/l] and 2- h PG = 207 mg/dl [11.5 mmol/l]). In the NHANES III, 2,821 individuals aged 40-74 years received an OGTT, a measurement of HbAlc, and an assessment of retinopathy by fundus photography.

Syed Ata Ur Rahman ◽  
Neeraj Sharma

Glimepiride is a third generation oral antidiabetic sulphonylurea drug frequently prescribed to patients of type 2 diabetes. However, its oral therapy is encountered with bioavailability problems due to its poor solubility leading to irreproducible clinical response, in addition to adverse effects like dizziness and gastric disturbances. As a potential for convenient, safe and effective antidiabetic therapy, the rationale of this study was to develop a transdermal delivery system for glimepiride. Chitosan polymer was utilized in developing transdermal films for glimepiride. Chitosan has film forming ability, bioadhesive and absorption enhancing properties. Aiming at optimizing the drug delivery and circumventing the skin barrier function, inclusion complexation of glimepiride with beta-cyclodextrin (β-CyD) as well as the use of several conventional penetration enhancers were monitored for augmenting the drug flux. The physical and mechanical properties of the prepared films were investigated using tensile testing, IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry. Release studies revealed adequate release rates from chitosan films. Permeation studies through full thickness rat abdominal skin were conducted. High flux values were obtained from films comprising a combination of the drug with limonene and ethanol as well as from films containing glimepiride-β-CyD complex. In vivo studies on diabetic rats for selected formulae revealed a marked therapeutic efficacy sustained for about 48 hours. The above-mentioned results shed light on feasibility of utilizing chitosan as an effective, safe transdermal delivery system for glimepiride characterized by increased patient compliance and better control of the disease.

, Aashutosh ◽  
Dinesh Kumar

A complete urinalysis includes physical, chemical and microscopic examinations. Midstream clean catch collection is acceptable in most situations, but the specimen should be examined within two hours of collection. Cloudy urine often is a result of precipitated phosphate crystals in alkaline urine, but pyuria also can be the cause. A strong odour may be the result of a concentrated specimen rather than a urinary tract infection. Dipstick urinalysis is convenient, but false-positive and false-negative results can occur. Specific gravity provides a reliable assessment of the patient’s hydration status. Glomerular, renal and urologic causes of microhaematuria often can be differentiated by other elements of the urinalysis. Although transient proteinuria typically is a benign condition, persistent proteinuria requires further work-up.

Rahul Kumar Gupta ◽  
Pradeep Soni ◽  
Jitendra Shrivastava ◽  
Pawan Rajput ◽  
Shalini Parashar

Cosmeceuticals are cosmetic products intended to improve physical appearance, health, beauty and skin ailments. Drugs used to control acne, anti-wrinkle effects, protect from sun burn, improves complexation, delayed effect of ageing and improve skin textures, etc. are comes under category of cosmeceuticals. Cosmeceuticals may be synthetic, natural or hybrid depending upon their compositions. Herbal cosmeceuticals are gaining great attention now a day’s due to their wide range of availability and fewer side effects. There are enormous plants and natural ingredients available commercially as cosmeceuticals. Herbal cosmetics originated naturally from plants, sea, rock salt and soil, etc. Generally herbal cosmetics are free from harmful synthetic chemicals and considered safe to use. Many medicinal plants and herbs offers effect like cosmeceuticals and used extensively for same purpose globally. Natural herbs such as; Neem, Kapoor, Henna, Hirda, Behada, Amalaki, Bringaraj, Rosary Pea and Mandor, etc. are used in cosmetic industry for various purpose. This article presented a descriptive review on Herbal cosmeceuticals.

Vd. Shankar Lahuraj Mane ◽  
Amol S. Patil ◽  
Vd. Shital Shankar Mane ◽  
Jagdish P. Patil ◽  
Ajit U. Dahatonde

Pakshaghata (Hemiplegia) is one of the most common causes of death especially in elder age group. Pakshaghata mainly occurs due to the obstruction of cerebral blood vessels, ischemia, and lack of glucose metabolism and weakness of nerve cell. Loss of movement, sensory deficit, dysarthria, atrophy, stiffness and disturbed nerve impulses are the major symptoms of disease. Ayurveda offers various treatment modalities for the management of Pakshaghata such as; use of herbs & formulation, yoga and Shodhana Chikitsa. Present article described various approaches of ayurveda for the management of Pakshaghata including natural herbs and Shodhana Chikitsa.

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