Algerian Journal of Signals and Systems
Latest Publications





Published By Signals And Systems Laboratory, University Mhamed Bougara Of Boumerdes

2676-1548, 2543-3792

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-128
Ayache MATI ◽  
Baadji BOUSAADIA ◽  

In conventional transmission line protection, a distance relay is used to provide the primary as well as backup protection. The voltage and current phasors measurement needed by the distance relay for determining the impedance may be affected by the power disturbances such as power swing. Consequently, this power swing may cause mal-operation of Zone three distance relays which in turn may affect on the reliability of the whole protective scheme. Many power swing blocking functions (PSB) have been developed to mitigate these effects. In this paper, a new model of Mho distance relay with dual-quadrilateral power swing detection characteristic has been developed and implemented first in PC using LabVIEW, then tested using Power System Simulink Model under different faults and power swing conditions. Finally, the relay prototype has been realized using acquisition card NI USB-6009, which acquires real-time signals of the currents and the voltages, processes them digitally and outputs tripping or blocking signal to the circuit breaker. The obtained results show that the relay provides good discrimination between a fault and power swing condition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-91
BENAROUS Leila ◽  
DJOUDI Mohamed ◽  

Digital steganography is the art of hiding secret messages and data in innocent cover, most likely in images and videos. Images and videos offer the best cover files for steganography with their high capacity, by being innocent and for being easily exchanged without raising the suspicions of a third party. A lot are the free tools that embeds data in images and videos, among which is OurSecret. In this paper we aim to detect the stego images and videos created by OurSecret by developing a steganalysis tool BBD15.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-95

One of the most frequent faults in PMSM stator is the turn-to-turn short-circuit fault. So, the aim of this paper is to present a dynamic model for PMSM with turn-to-turn short-circuit fault based on equivalent electric circuit model. Two simple and useful diagnostic techniques ESA an EPVA based on frequency analysis are applied to detect this kind of fault. The accuracy of diagnosis is based on adding the real waveform of back-EMF.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-98
BENAROUS Leila ◽  
DJOUDI Mohamed ◽  

Steganography is one of the oldest methods of secure communication. It was an art at the beginning, now became a science. It aims to conceal secret messages or data inside an innocent cover. Steganalysis is the science that can detect and extract hidden data. Many steganography and steganalysis tools exist, a lot of them are free which makes it easy for anyone to use these tools. In this paper, a comparative study will be done between two widely used steganography tools (StegHide and OurSecret) and between three steganalysis tools StegSpy, StegSecret and Hidden data detector.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-78
Abdelkader ABDELMOUMENE ◽  

The problem of mal operation of differential protection of power transformer due to the inrush magnetizing current has long considered as a challenging problem. Several types of protection relays have been used to solve the issue (basic relay, percentage relay, multi slop ….). Each of them has its advantage and its limits. In this paper, a Digital differential relay has been developed and simulated. The logic used to distinguish between the inrush current and the internal fault is based on the theory of harmonic analysis. The behavior of the presented relay has been simulated versus various situations (inrush current, internal fault and external fault). The obtained results show that the proposed algorithm provides a good discrimination and a fast action.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-68
Lazhari NEZLI ◽  
Omar Zouaid

In this work, we study vector control and sliding mode control of series-connected five-phase two asynchronous machines supplied with a three levels inverter. After presentation of multiphase machines, we worked out the mathematical model of five phase asynchronous machine supplied with voltage inverter. Application of Park transformation reduces considerably the mathematical model of machine. After, we applied vector control and sliding mode control to the five-phase induction machine. After that, we study a multi-machine system which comport five-phase two asynchronous machines supplied with a single voltage inverter. In the last, we had the independent vector control and the sliding mode control of series-connected five-phase two asynchronous machines. We observe that an appropriate transposition of phase’s order permits an independent control of two machines.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-120
Abdelmadjid Recioui ◽  
Mondher Benabid ◽  
Nabil Djilani

Antenna arrays are considered as important type used today for long distance communication with a very high gain. The design of such antenna depends on parameters and desired behavior performing the task, this project handle the application of a new type of nature-inspired global optimization methodology in the design of an optimized planar antenna array which ensures minimum side lobes and high directivity, this new optimization method is based on the atmospheric motion and it is known as Wind Driven Optimization (WDO) a population based iterative heuristic global optimization algorithm technique for multi-dimensional and multi-modal problems with the potential to implement constraints on the search domain. The optimal values obtained results in a good suppression of the side lobe level for the different antenna configurations with several sorts of excitation: Amplitude only, phase only, both amplitude and phase. Besides, the directivity is not worse than that of the uniform one.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-86

Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is a powerful algorithm proposed to analysis of nonlinear and non-stationary signals. The phenomenon of mode mixing is one of the major disadvantages of the EMD. The Ensemble EMD (EEMD) was introduced to eliminate the mode-mixing effect. The principle of EEMD is to add additional white noise into the signal with many trials. The noise in each trial is different; and the added noise can be completely cancelled out on average, if the number of trials is very high. The number of trials is a high computational load. The improvement on computational efficiency of EEMD is therefore required. In this paper, an improvement on the computing time of the EEMD was proposed by replacing white noise with white noise filtered using Savitzky-Golay (SG) filter. Numerical simulations were performed to demonstrate that such replacement has effectively reduced the number of trials to obtain a noise-free reconstructed signal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-108
Hocine Chebi ◽  
Dalila Acheli ◽  
Mohamed Kesraoui

The analysis of the human behavior from video is a wide field of the vision by computer. In this work, we are presenting mainly a new approach and method of detects behavior or abnormal events continuous of crowd in the case of the dangerous situations. These scenes are characterized by the presence of a great number of people in the camera’s field of vision. A major problem is the development of an autonomous approach for the management of a great number of anomalies which is almost impossible to carry out by operators. We present in this paper an approach for the anomalies detection, the visual sequences of the video are detected like behavior normal or abnormal based on the measurement and the extraction of the points by the optical flow, then calculations of the distance between the matrices of covariance of the distributions of the vectors of movement calculated on the consecutive reinforcements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-58
S. Benzegane ◽  
S. Sadoudi ◽  
M. Djeddou

In this paper, we present a software development of multimedia streaming encryption using Hyperchaos-based Random Number Generator (HRNG) implemented in C#. The software implements and uses the proposed HRNG to generate keystream for encrypting and decrypting real-time multimedia data. The used HRNG consists of Hyperchaos Lorenz system which produces four signal outputs taken as encryption keys. The generated keys are characterized by high quality randomness which is confirmed by passing standard NIST statistical tests. Security analysis of the proposed encryption scheme through image and audio security analysis confirms its robustness against different kind of attacks.

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