Biological Systems: Theory and Innovation
Latest Publications





Published By National University Of Life And Environmental Sciences Of Ukraine

2706-8382, 2706-8390

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
O Klyachenko ◽  
I Shliakhtun ◽  

National Nature Park “Pyryatynsky” is a valuable reserve of flora and vegetation of the Left-Bank Dnipro. The extensive hydrological network of the Udai River and the wide representation within this nature reserve of floodplain reservoirs are the reason for the high diversity of plant communities of higher aquatic vegetation. In this article we classified the communities of order Callitricho-Batrachietalia in National nature park "Pyryatynskyi" and identify the features of their syntaxonomic and ecological differentiation. Fragmentary and non-comlete information about this type of vegetation are existed in literature, however, without geobotanical releves and detailed characteristics of the structure of phytoceonoses, synecology and synchorology. All obtained results based on original field data. In total, 22 geobotanical releves were performed during the period 2010–2017. The description of communities was carried out within their natural boundaries. Treatment of fitosociological data was performed with the JUICE software package. The nomenclature of syntaxons was consistent with the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (ICFN).The order of Callitricho-Batrachietalia on the territory of NPP "Pyriatynsky" is represented by alliance Batrachion aquatilis Gehu 1961 and 4 associations (Batrachietum aquatilis Gehu 1961, Potameto perfoliati–Batrachietum circinati Sauer 1937, Hottonietum palustris Sauer 1947, Veronico beccabungae–Callitrichetum stagnalis (Oberdorfer 1957) Th. Müller 1962). This is first prodrome of order Callitricho-Batrachietalia for territory of National Nature Park “Pyryatynskyi”. The communities of this syntaxon occupy small areas and have a limited distribution in the region. Most of them are rare and vulnerable to changes in environmental conditions. Monitoring of their structure, chorology and dynamics is an important task to maintain and preserve the species and coenotic diversity of NPP "Pyryatynsky".

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
Y Kolomiiets ◽  
A Skuba ◽  

The study presents the results of obtaining regenerated plants of asparagus from seeds. Surface sterilizing the seeds by 0,75% sodium hypochlorite for 30 min is effective, during this obtained 83% viable sterile plants. The Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 6‑benzylaminopurine (2 mg/L), inositol (100 mg/L) and thiamine (0,4 mg/L) was found to be the best for seed germination. The expediency of using kinetin (1 mg/L) as a growth regulator to obtain a homogeneous plant material was established. The reproduction coefficient was 6,0. Only 11% of the explants formed callus. For the selection needs and production of somaclonal variants, the use of the culture medium with indole-3-acetic acid (0,2 mg/L) and 6‑benzylaminopurine (1 mg/L) is justified. In this condition reproduction coefficient was 3,7, and the level of different intensity callusogenesis was 59%. The rooting of obtained plants was performed in Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with a half dose of macro- and micronutrients and growth regulators. Rooting frequency was up to 63%. The knowledge of hormonal requirements helps to promote isolated tissue and cells technologies of asparagus with purpose of rapid propagation and obtaining healthy, high-quality planting material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
M Savchuk ◽  
O Sorochinska ◽  
A Tsiko ◽  
O Pilipchuk ◽  

The paper presents results of the study phytotoxicity level of soil that are contaminated due to the operation of the railway. The urgency of the work is determined by the growth of man-made load on the environment by rail. The aim of the presented work was to assess the phytotoxicity of soils near railway tracks using a bioassay for watercress to determine the level of their anthropogenic pollution. The object of the study were soil samples taken in the area adjacent to the tracks on the section of the railway Bakhmach-Hrebinka near the station of the city Pyriatyn. Soil sampling was carried out in accordance with DSTU ISO 10381-1: 2004. Assessment of soil contamination was assessed by bioindication using watercress test. According to the results of the research, it was found that the germination energy, seed germination and growth rates of watercress plants decreased on soil samples taken closer to the railway tracks. Weak levels of contamination were observed on soils selected at a distance of 5 meters from the railway, germination energy and seed germination were - 58 and 77%, respectively, the remaining samples did not show a significant effect on the sowing quality of watercress seeds. It was found that in plants grown on sample 4 (100 meters from the railway tracks) the length of the root system was 46 mm, while in samples 1, 2, 3 the indicator decreased respectively by 50, 32 and 9%, . The aerial part of watercress plants grown on 4 samples was 42 mm, while in samples 1,2,3, the figure decreased respectively by 43, 9 and 2%, . Therefore, it can be argued that the soil samples taken in the area adjacent to the tracks on the railway line Bakhmach-Grebinka, at a distance of 5 meters from the tracks, are low-contaminated, while the rest of the samples according to research are unpolluted and meet sanitary requirements on planning and development of settlements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
T Stefanovska ◽  
P Chumak ◽  

The results of long-term survey of аrumored scales (Sternorrhyncha: Diaspididae) that was provided in urban landscapes in Forest- Steppe and Steppeе zones of Ukraine are presented. The species composition of alien armored scales consists of 24 species from 19 genera. 10 species were found in open field whereas 14 species were registered in green house. The most distributed were A. nerii, D. boisduvalii та D. bromeliae. The vast majority of species found in survey belong to polyphagous and represent alien species. Due to climate change, in summer there has been a shift of sub tropically originated armor scales( Aspidiotus nerii, Diaspis boisduvalii and D. bromeliae) from greenhouses to open field host plants. The coconut scale Pinnaspis buxi Bouch was recorder for the first time in this study. The features of the invasive armored scales adaptation in light of the of their development is discussed. Analysis of some important aspects of the development of morphological features of armored scales and other soft scales species of under the influence of abiotic factors indicated that the evolution of this group of insects occurred not only by adaptation but also by avoiding environmental influences. The evolution of environmental avoidance has taken place in all families of Coccoidea. The formation of the shield is seen not only as a way to avoid the influence of the environment, but as the transition of these insects to another level of evolution − the transformation of the environment to their needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
V Bogolyubov ◽  
S Pustova ◽  

An important direction in the development of regional policy is the realization of the active role of regions as subjects of transition to sustainable development of society. Scientific support of regional management requires additional social and ecological-economic system researches taking into account indicators and factors of sustainable development. On the way to the implementation of the concept of sustainable development of the regions, the main problem is the need to develop an effective system for assessing the progress made in this direction with the help of qualitative and quantitative indicators. After all, these indicators should cover three important components of sustainable development of the regions, provide reliable information for further evaluation and forecasting, be understandable to all stakeholders. Today, there is no single approach to determining both the number of indicators to effectively assess the sustainability of regional development and the issues they should cover. Without effective indicators of sustainable development it is impossible to ensure high quality and efficiency of the management decision-making process in all spheres of society. The article identifies and substantiates a set of environmental indicators and indicators that are used to develop projects for the development of settlements and regions. The authors identify the main problems associated with the assessment of sustainable development in the regions and outline the prospects for further research in this area. A brief analysis of indicator systems for forecasting the state of the environment on the example of the settlement of Velyka Snitynka is given. The following research methods are used in the work: theoretical (study and analysis of scientific literature in the fields of ecology, philosophy, pedagogy, methodology; statistical (descriptive and mathematical); sociological; field, expeditionary (population survey, observation and analysis of socio-ecological factors in the village of Velyka Snitinka). The analysis of the main ecological problems of the studied village is made and the main sources of pollution are defined. Indicators and approaches to forecasting the main indicators of the region's development with the use of statistical data are presented, on the basis of which priority tasks and priority measures are developed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
O Kravets ◽  
T Stefanovska ◽  

The Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine is characterized by the most favorable soil and climatic conditions for industrial cultivation of black currant (Ribes Nigrum L.), but pests can cause considerable damage to plantations. Among the dominant phytophages of black currant, the most common and dangerous are intrastem pests: jewel beetle (Agrilus ribesi Schaefer) and currant clearwing (Synanthedon tipuliformis Cl.). By monitoring black currant plantations by these pests for 2-3 years and understanding the factors influencing their development, it is possible to build a phenological calendar of pests, which will allow to carry out the necessary protection measures in a timely manner. As these pests are intrastem, this means that the damage is caused mainly by larvae. Controlling their numbers is not an easy task, because the use of pesticides can’t achieve high efficiency. That is why the development of biological protection is important, namely the use of entomophages and entomopathogenic nematodes to control the number of these pests.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
O Kovalenko ◽  

National Nature Park “Pyryatynsky” is a valuable reserve of flora and vegetation of the Left-Bank Dnipro. The extensive hydrological network of the Udai River and the wide representation within this nature reserve of floodplain reservoirs are the reason for the high diversity of plant communities of higher aquatic vegetation. In this article we classified the communities of order Callitricho-Batrachietalia in National nature park "Pyryatynskyi" and identify the features of their syntaxonomic and ecological differentiation. Fragmentary and non-comlete information about this type of vegetation are existed in literature, however, without geobotanical releves and detailed characteristics of the structure of phytoceonoses, synecology and synchorology. All obtained results based on original field data. In total, 22 geobotanical releves were performed during the period 2010–2017. The description of communities was carried out within their natural boundaries. Treatment of fitosociological data was performed with the JUICE software package. The nomenclature of syntaxons was consistent with the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (ICFN).The order of Callitricho-Batrachietalia on the territory of NPP "Pyriatynsky" is represented by alliance Batrachion aquatilis Gehu 1961 and 4 associations (Batrachietum aquatilis Gehu 1961, Potameto perfoliati–Batrachietum circinati Sauer 1937, Hottonietum palustris Sauer 1947, Veronico beccabungae–Callitrichetum stagnalis (Oberdorfer 1957) Th. Müller 1962). This is first prodrome of order Callitricho-Batrachietalia for territory of National Nature Park “Pyryatynskyi”. The communities of this syntaxon occupy small areas and have a limited distribution in the region. Most of them are rare and vulnerable to changes in environmental conditions. Monitoring of their structure, chorology and dynamics is an important task to maintain and preserve the species and coenotic diversity of NPP "Pyryatynsky".

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
V Strokal ◽  
A Kovpak ◽  

Novelties of this study include a synthesis of water quality parameters for the upstream sub-basin of the Dnieper River. This upstream sub-basin includes the Desna River. The synthesis revels new insights on the sources of the water pollution and the status of the water quality for different purposes such as drinking, aquaculture and recreation. The main research objective was to identify the main sources of water pollution and how those sources could decrease the water quality. As a result of our analysis, we conclude the following. The levels of ammonium-nitrogen and nitrite-nitrogen in the Desna River (upstream sub-basin) are by 2-43 times and up to 53 times higher than the water quality thresholds, respectively. This poses a risk for recreational activities since too much nutrients often lead to blooms of harmful algae. We also find an increased level of biological oxygen demand in the river for drinking purposes. For aquaculture, decreased levels of dissolved oxygen are found. Climate change has an impact on water quality. For example, extreme floods caused by too much precipitation can bring pollutants to nearby waters. Monthly average temperature has increased by +2.7 degrees contributing to increased microbiological processes that could stimulate blooms of harmful algae. Main sources of water pollution are sewage discharges in cities, agricultural runoff and erosion activities after floods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
L Bondareva ◽  

On the territory of the Academician A.V. Fomin Botanical garden three species of mites of the superfamily Eriophyoidea were found in pear orchards. It has been found that Eriophyes pyri Pgst and Epitrimerus pyri Nal. dominate. For the first time, individuals of Epitrimerus marginemtorguens Nal., have been found on pear 12 leaves. Eriophyes pyri is a widespread and dangerous pest of pears in all localities of cultivating this plant species in Ukraine. Epitrimerus pyri is less harmful in pear plantations of the botanical garden. Epitrimerus marginemtorguens appeared mainly in the second half of the growing season. The phenology of four-legged mites has been clarified and the sequence of Eriophyes pyri leaf population on a growing pear shoot has been determined. The period of formation of 7–9 ordinal leaves on the growing shoot is the key moment when the first generation of mites leaves the old galls and colonizes the newly formed leaves. During this period, the phytophagy moves from a hidden to an open way of life and is available for methods and means used in plant protection. A similar moment is also observed during the migration of the second generation to the apical leaves and the third generation – to the buds for wintering, but this process is greatly extended over time and is not so suitable for applying the acaricides.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
L Vagaliuk ◽  

Biodiversity ensures the functioning of ecosystems that provides oxygen, clean air and water, plant pollination, pest control, wastewater treatment and many ecosystem services. Recreational resources rely on our unique biodiversity, such as bird watching, hiking, camping, fishing etc. But it is known that anthropogenic load leads to degradation or destruction of natural landscapes. One of the manifestations of degradation is the fragmentation and division of solid forests or steppes into separate territories. As a result, they are transformed into small islands of nature surrounded by arable land, settlements, roads and railways. The leading ecologists think that a significant influence on the level of biodiversity has been identified (According to National report on the state of the environment in Ukraine in 2020). It was a result of anthropogenic pressure on the environment. Therefore, determining the level of entomofauna biodiversity in different stations is relevant. During the research, the condition of entomofauna on the natural, semi- natural stations and sanitary protection zone (SPZ) of the Poultry Farm Kyivska was assessed. As a result of analytical and faunal studies, constant-dominant orders were 2 revealed in research areas: Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera. These orders include more than 80% of species and others only about 20% of insect species. The low number of species of entomofauna of dendrobionts is established due to excessive anthropogenic load and the depleted species diversity of trees and shrubs. Preservation of the ecological stability of landscapes by reproduction and maintenance of biodiversity requires the additional creation of protective forest plantations with high species richness of plants.

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