germination energy
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
A. P. Pinchuk ◽  
I. V. Ivanyuk ◽  
M. O. Shevchuk ◽  
M. Yu. Dubchak ◽  
A. F. Likhanov

In the plant body, phenolic compounds nonspecifically affect the processes of morphogenesis and perform a wide range of regulatory and protective functions. Of particular interest are the processes involved in the complexation of flavonoids as a result of their interaction with ammonium forms of nitrogen. Polar compounds, which are formed in tissues as a result of chemical transformation, are quite mobile in soil solutions and show high biological activity. The properties of phenol-ammonium complexes are of considerable interest in terms of morphogenesis, physiology of stability, as well as in the system of interaction of plants with soil microorganisms. Studies of the effect of phenol-ammonium complex were performed on seeds and seedlings of Scots pine. Quantitative indicators of germination energy and germination were determined by seed germination. Biochemical profiling of seedling tissue extracts was performed by high-performance thin layer chromatography. It has been experimentally confirmed that rutin (quercetin-3-O-rutinoside) after interaction with 10% aqueous ammonia solution forms a complex of substances, among which the chromatography revealed polar products that potentially affect the regulation of growth. At a total concentration of 15 mg/l, these substances significantly increased germination energy and seed germination. In pine seedlings, they stimulated the growth of roots and shoots. The effect of the complex of organic compounds on seedlings depended on the concentration, duration of seed treatment and had a prolonged effect. The obtained phenol-ammonium complex at a concentration of 10-15 mg/l contributed to an increase in the amount of chlorophylls, carotenoids in the tissues of seedlings, and at 20-40 mg/l increased the content of phenolic synthesis products.

V. A. Doronin ◽  
Yu. A. Kravchenko ◽  
V. V. Dryha ◽  
V. V. Doronin ◽  
H. S. Honcharuk

Purpose. Developing a method for determination of the laboratory seed germination that could reduce the biological dormancy period and, accordingly, increase the intensity of germination. Methods. Laboratory, measuring and weighing, mathematical and statistical. Results. Cooling switchgrass seeds at a temperature of 10°C for 7 days on average for three years did not lead to a decrease in germination energy and germination compared to cooling for 14 days. These indexes were almost the same and amounted to 74 and 76%, 73 and 75%, respectively. There were no significant deviations in germination energy and seed germination over the years of research as affected by duration of the cool period. The production test of the developed method, carried out in the accredited control and measuring laboratory, confirmed the obtained in the laboratory results. Conclusions. Seed germination by an improved method, when pre-cooling is carried out for 7 instead of 14 days and counting of germinated seeds on 15th day instead of 20th, has reduced the time to determine germination by 13 days without reducing the quality of analysis. It is advisable to determine the 1000-seed weight in one of three ways, but the most accurate is the third way, i.e. counting the seeds in 10 repetitions.

Bioenergy ◽  
2021 ◽  
V. V. Dryha ◽  
V. A. Doronin ◽  
Yu. A. Kravchenko ◽  
V. V. Doronin

The article presents the research results on the effect of seed separation (by aerodynamic properties) regime on germination energy and germination in order to reduce the biological dormancy of seeds and significantly improve the quality. Methods. Laboratory, measuring and weighing, mathematical and statistical. Results. With speed increasing in the aspiration column channel from 2.5 to 5.2 m/sec there was a slight change in the 1000-seed weight. There was not dependency in increase in the 1000-seed weight along with increasing air velocity.  Thus, if in the control the 1000-seed weight was 1.65 g, then at the maximum 5.2 m/sec air velocity in the aspiration channel it was 1.68 g (SSD0.05 = 0.10 g).  Germination energy and seed germination significantly increased in all separation modes except for the mode with 2.50 m/sec air velocity in the aspiration channel. The 1000-seed weight that fell into the waste naturally increased with increasing air velocity in the aspiration channel from 0.15 g to 0.40 g, and germination energy and seed similarity were at the level of 0−1%. Increasing the air speed to 7.87 m/sec provided a significant increase in seed germination energy and germination compared to the control and sorting of seeds at an air speed of 5.6 m/sec and 7.49 m/sec, and waste losses in waste increased by 28.0%. Conclusions. Separation of switchgrass seeds of different years of vegetation, collected from panicles of different tiers and maturation dates provided a significant increase in its germination energy and germination and can be introduced into production but it does not completely solve the problem of reducing the biological dormancy of seeds.

2021 ◽  
pp. 13-17
Н.А. Жевнова ◽  
Е.А. Гырнец ◽  
А.А. Цыгичко ◽  
М.М. Астахов ◽  
Н.М. Сидоров

Цель работы: подбор регуляторов роста растений и биологических препаратов фунгицидного действия, оказывающих положительное влияние на энергию прорастания, всхожесть, рост и развитие растений томата сорта Транс Рио. Влияние регуляторов роста растений и микробиологических препаратов на энергию прорастания, всхожесть, рост и развитие растений было определено в лабораторных условиях на базе ФГБНУ ФНЦБЗР путем помещения обработанных семян во влажную камеру. Объектами исследования выступали регуляторы роста растений: Биодукс, Ж, ОберегЪ, Р, Иммуноцитофит, ТАБ; Рибав-Экстра, Р; биологические фунгициды на основе живых культур микроорганизмов: Гамаир, СП, Триходерма Вериде 471, СП, Псевдобактерин-2, Ж, Споробактерин, СП, а также штаммы В. velezensis BZR 517, В. velezensis BZR 336g. В работе был использован краситель Sapphire Seed Coat, разрешенный к применению в ЕС в органическом земледелии. Совместимость биопрепаратов была определена методом диффузии в агар. Исследование методом диффузии в арар показало, что краситель Sapphire Seed Coat не оказывает ингибирующего действия на микробиологические препараты Гамаир, СП; Триходерма 471, СП; Псевдобактерин-2, Ж; Споробактерин, СП и штаммы В. velezensis BZR 517, В. velezensis BZR 336g. Отмечено положительное влияние на рост и развитие томата препарата Гамаир, СП и штамма В. velezensis BZR 336g: увеличение массы корня на 23,5–52,9% и массы побега на 36,5–70,3%. Отмечено статистически значимое увеличение всех биометрических показателей при использовании смеси Иммуноцитофит, ТАБ и Sapphire Seed Coat: прибавка массы корня на 36,4%, длины и массы побега на 7,9 и 1,5% соответственно. Отобраны биопрепараты, которые будут задействованы в дальнейших этапах работы в качестве экологически безопасных средств для обработки семян томата с целью долгосрочного хранения (Гамаир, СП и штамм В. velezensisBZR 336g). Purpose of this work is to select plant growth regulators and biological preparations of fungicidal action that have a positive effect on the germination energy, germination, growth and development of tomato plants of the Trans Rio variety. The effect of plant growth regulators and microbiological preparations on germination energy, germination, growth and development of plants was determined in laboratory conditions at the base FSBSI FRCBPP by placing treated seeds in a humid chamber. The objects of the study were plant growth regulators: Biodux, F, Obereg, P, Immunocytophyte, TAB; Ribav-Extra, P; biological fungicides based on live cultures of microorganisms: Gamair, SP; Trichoderma Veride 471, SP, Pseudobacterin-2, F, Sporobacterin, SP, as well as strains of B. velezensisBZR 517, B. velezensis BZR 336g. The dye Sapphire Seed Coat, approved for use in the EU in organic farming, was used in the work. The compatibility of biological products was determined by the method of diffusion into agar. The method of diffusion into agar showed that the Sapphire Seed Coat does not have an inhibitory effect on the microbiological preparations Gamair, SP; Trichoderma 471, SP; Pseudobacterin-2, W; Sporobacterin, SP and the strains B. velezensis BZR 517, B. velezensis BZR 336g. A positive effect on the growth and development of tomato preparation Gamair, SP and strain B. velezensis BZR 336g was noted: an increase in root weight by 23.5–52.9% and shoot weight by 36.5–70.3%. There was a statistically significant increase in all biometric indicators when using a mixture of Immunocytophit, TAB and Sapphire Seed Coat: an increase in root weight by 36.4%, length and weight of the shoot by 7.9 and 1.5%, respectively. Biological products have been selected that will be used in the further stages of work as environmentally safe means for processing tomato seeds for long-term storage (Gamair, SP and B. velezensis strain BZR 336g).

2021 ◽  
pp. 24-28
Yu. G. Skvortsova ◽  
G. A. Filenko ◽  
T. I. Firsova ◽  
N. G. Chertkova ◽  
N. V. Kalinina

The production of winter wheat varieties, which are characterized by high productivity and sowing qualities of seeds, is one of the ways to improve productivity and gross grain harvest in the region. The current paper has presented data on the productivity, sowing qualities and biological properties of the original seeds of the winter bread wheat varieties ‘Stanichnaya’, ‘Lydia’ and ‘Asket’, grown in the laboratory for primary seed production of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “ARC “Donskoy”. The purpose of the research was to study the productivity and sowing qualities of the winter bread wheat varieties. Productivity is the main criterion for the value of a variety. It was found that with an average productivity (5.8 t/ha) of the variety ‘Stanichnaya’, the data by the years of 2018–2020 varied from 5.1 to 7.2 t/ha, and for the variety ‘Asket’, at a similar level of average value, the variation ranged from 5.2 to 6.8 t/ha. There was found that 1000-seed weight depended on the variety and climatic conditions, and not only on the cultivation technology. The leader in this indicator was the variety ‘Stanichnaya’, with an average value (44.5g) of 1000-seed weight. The maximum yield of conditioned seeds during the years of research was identified in the varieties ‘Stanichnaya’ (73.5%) and ‘Lydia’ (72.4%); the minimum was in the variety ‘Asket’ (71.7%). There was noted that the germination energy of the varieties ‘Stanichnaya’, ‘Lidiya’ and ‘Asket’ ranged from 88 to 92%. The difference between germination energy and laboratory germination ranged from 5 to 8%. When determining the intensity of the initial growth, it was found that the maximum values of the sprout length and weight of 100 dry sprouts were identified in the variety ‘Stanichnaya’ (11.0 cm and 0.63 g); the smallest values of these traits were identified in the varieties ‘Lydia’ and ‘Asket’. Field germination varied by the varieties from 73 to 82%, deviations of this trait from laboratory germination ranged from 14 to 23%. Over the years of study, for all studied varieties, the sowing qualities of seeds corresponded to GOST R 52325-2005.

2021 ◽  
pp. 86-90
Т. M. Morozova

There have been presented the study results on the effect of pre-sowing seed ozonation of narrowleaf lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) and common oat on their germination energy, germination capacity, productivity and product quality. The study was carried out in the period from 2018 to 2020 in laboratory and field conditions of the Kostroma RIA, the branch of the FSBSI “Russian Potato Research Center named after A.G. Lorkh”. The purpose of the current study was to find out the efficiency of pre-sowing seed treatment with an ozone-air flow and treatment with a biological product for their germination energy, germination capacity, productivity and product quality. The objects of the study were the common oats variety ‘Yakov’ and the narrowleaf lupin variety ‘Belozerny 110’. The seeds of the lupin-oat mixture were ozonized at a dose of 5.0 mg/m3 for 15 minutes and 30 minutes using an RIOS-10(20)-0.5 ozonizer. For comparison, the seeds were treated with the biological product ‘Fitosporin-M’. Ultimately, there were identified the best parameters of the pre-sowing seed treatment of the lupin-oat mixture. On average, over the years of study, pre-sowing seed ozonation greatly improves the germination energy of agricultural crops on 4.8–8.3%, laboratory germination was improved on 3.0–5.0%. The largest green mass productivity of lupin-oat mixture during pre-sowing seed treatment for three years was 26.1 t/ha in the variant with an ozone dose of 5.0 mg/m3 for 15 minutes, which was more than control on 29.2%. In the variant with ozonation time increase to 30 minutes, the average productivity was 23.2 t/ha, which was 14.8% more than in the control. Pre-sowing seed ozonation contributed to dry matter increase on 14.2–19.0%; crude protein yield increased on 32.8–53.2%; crude protein percentage in grain increased on 14.1–16.8%; metabolizable energy increased on 3.7–5,1%; fodder units increased on 4.3–6.5% compared to control. When treating seeds with a biological product ‘Fitosporin-M’, the average productivity was 22.8 t/ha, which was on 12.9% more than control, an increase in dry matter was on 16.6%, an increase in crude protein yield was on 19.6%, an increase in crude protein percentage in grain was on 0.8%, an increase in metabolizable energy was on 1.9%, an increase in fodder units was on 1.0%.

E. A. Skiba ◽  
M. A. Skiba ◽  
O. I. Pyatunina

Abstract: All over the world, miscanthus is positioned as an extremely promising and rapidly renewable cellulose- containing raw material for the production of a large number of substances of chemical and biotechnological synthesis. The Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies of the Siberian Branch оf the Russian Academy of Sciences has been developing its own methods of treating miscanthus using diluted solutions of nitric acid. While the amount of a waste solution (liquid phase) is 20 times greater than the target product — a solid phase -- intended for enzymatic hydrolysis and further microbiological synthesis of bioethanol, bacterial cellulose and other valuable products. The hypothesis states that a nitric acid solution after treatment with miscanthus, which was neutralized with ammonium hydrate (hereinafter referred to as the preparation), is a combined lignohumic fertilizer. Testing this hypothesis has required studying the growth-regulating activity of the preparation using the example of sowing pea seeds. The results show that, depending on the degree of dilution and the exposure time, the preparation acts in two ways: either as a stimulant or as a growth inhibitor. Thus, at a dilution rate of 1:10, the preparation acts as an inhibitor, and at a dilution rate of 1:1,000,000, its effect ceases. The working range includes the dilution rate between 1:100 and 1:10,000, when an increase in germination energy and rate is observed by 2–6% compared to the control and root growth is stimulated by 21–29%, i.e. an auxin-like growth-stimulating effect is observed. With prolonged endurance during the 4th day, the preparation showed a growth-inhibiting effect, indicated by the decrease in the germination energy and rate, the length of the stems and roots of the sowing pea. The new preparation showing growth-stimulating activity under certain conditions, supposedly confirms the hypothesis that it is a combined lignohumic fertilizer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (5) ◽  
pp. 444-454
K.P. Kukol ◽  
P.P. Pukhtaievych ◽  
L.I. Rybachenko ◽  
L.Yu Sobolenko ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 875 (1) ◽  
pp. 012003
L Bryndina ◽  
A Korchagina

Abstract The Voronezh Region is a highly developed agro-industrial complex that exerts a burden on the environment. The article deals with the disposal of wastewater pollution with the production of technological products. The aim of the study was to create a biostimulator of plant growth from the waste water of a meat processing plant by enzymatic hydrolysis with the addition of 5% of a consortium of microorganisms from the intestines of pigs and to study its properties on the seeds of Scots pine. The resulting hydrolysates have a high biological value with a complete amino acid composition. The biostimulator contains 92.52% amino acids. Identification of growth stimulation of seed sowing qualities was determined in the laboratory. The results of the experiment show that in the control sample, the seeds were soaked with distilled water, the germination energy was 71.3%, and the laboratory germination rate was 82%. When studying the prototype impregnated with a biostimulator, the germination indicators were: germination energy 85.3%, germination 93.3%. The resulting amino acid biostimulator increased the shelf life of seeds by 11.3%. The biostimulator helped to increase the quality class of seeds, which allows to reduce the seeding rate per unit area during sowing and reduce costs.

Nur Asmira Md Salleh ◽  
Furzani Pa’ee

The seeds of Clitoria ternatea and Momordica charantia were subjected to seven pre-sowing treatments, i.e., control (T0), peeled coat and soaked in 5 oC for 24 hours (T1), peeled coat and soaked in 37 oC for 24 hours (T2), peeled coat and soaked in 5 oC for 48 hours (T3), peeled coat and soaked in 37 oC for 48 hours (T4), peeled coat and soaked in 5 oC for 48 hours (T5), peeled coat and soaked in 37 oC for 72 hours (T6). The study revealed that peeling the coat and soaking seeds in water for various temperatures and periods improved seed germination. The highest germination and germination energy percentage of C. ternatea were observed in T2, namely 94.95% and 23.69%, respectively, while the lowest germination (0%) and germination energy (0%) was found in T6. The highest germination and germination energy percentage of M. charantia, namely 64.38%, and 16.10%, respectively, were found in T3, while the lowest germination (10.67%) and germination energy (2.17%) were observed in T0. The germination may vary for both seeds used in the study as C. ternatea and M. charantia are different in type. The pre-sowing treatments of seeds would prove its potential in the practical fields.

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