female principals
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2022 ◽  
Vol 04 (01) ◽  
pp. 503-527
Mohammed Saleh ALAJMI ◽  
Naima Salim Said AL RISI

The study aimed to identify the leadership patterns practiced by the female principals of the first circle schools as seen by the teachers of the first field in the province of North Al Batina, and to identify the level of job satisfaction of the teachers of the first field, and to reveal the correlation between the leadership patterns of the female principals of the first circle and the job satisfaction of the teachers of the first field. The researcher used the descriptive correlation method, and designed two questionnaires: the questionnaire measuring the leadership patterns of the female school principals of the first episode in North Al-Batina, and the other the questionnaire of the measurement of job satisfaction in the teachers of the first field in The North Al-Batina, each questionnaire contained 30 paragraphs, and included three axes. The results of the study showed that the democratic leadership style came first, with a mathematical average of 4.45,which is the most practiced pattern among the principals of the first circle schools in the province of North Al-Batina, followed by the autocratic leadership pattern, the leadership pattern, asindicated by the results of the study to the high level of job satisfaction in all axes with a mathematical average of 4.52, and came first the center of job satisfaction related to satisfaction with the nature of work, with a mathematical average of 4.62, followed by the axis of satisfaction of school mates, and came in third place the focus of satisfaction for the school principal, and also indicated the results of the study indicated the existence of a positive medium statistically function between the practice of the female principals of the first circle schools in the province of North Al-Batina of the democratic leadership style and the job satisfaction of the teachers of the first field, where the correlation reached the coefficient r =0.61. Based on the results of the current study, the researcher recommends: maintaining the level of active practice of the democratic leadership style of the female teachers of the first circle schools in North Al-Batina, because of its importance in achieving a good level of job satisfaction, and maintaining the level of high job satisfaction among the teachers of the first field in North Al-Batina, because of its role in achieving.

Jennie Weiner ◽  
Daron Cyr ◽  
Laura Burton

In 2020, the United States experienced twin pandemics disproportionately impacting BIPOC communities and their schools and school systems—one new, COVID-19, and one longstanding, that of white supremacy and anti-Black racism. This phenomenological study of 20 Black female principals in two states provides insights into how these leaders, who so often center racial justice and caring for BIPOC children and communities in their leadership practice, grappled with these pandemics and how doing so impacted their leadership and work. Findings suggest that leading through these twin pandemics further cemented these women’s commitments to engage in advocacy and justice work on behalf of their communities and students. They also reported, regarding racial inequity and white supremacy, feeling both a cautious optimism stemming from seeing the work they had long engaged in being taken up at scale, and by white colleagues in particular, and frustration, experiencing this engagement often as “performative” and thus unlikely to lead to real change. And yet they also spoke of their deep commitment to advocacy and social justice moving forward and their role in ensuring that all their students receive the education, opportunities, and outcomes they deserve.

Ghada Hasan M. Abu Qaoud Ghada Hasan M. Abu Qaoud

This study aimed to identify the degree to which school principals in the Directorate of Education of the Kasbah of Amman in Jordan, practice administrative creativity from their point of view. The study used the descriptive survey approach, and the tool was a questionnaire, and it was distributed to an intended stratified sample of (151) male and female school principals in the Directorate of Education of the Kasbah of Amman in Jordan for the academic year 2020/2021. The results of the study showed that the degree of school principals' practice of administrative creativity in the Kasbah of Amman, Jordan, from their point of view, got an average (3.53 out of 5) which means it got a grade of (medium). At the level of the domains, the sensitivity to problem solving domain got the highest average (3.67), then flexibility in thinking with an average of (3.51). Third; The domain of intellectual fluency with an average of (3.48) and finally the domain of originality with an average of (3.47). All of them are (medium). The results also showed that there are statistically significant differences at the level of (α ≤ 0.05) between the sample views due to the sex variable, in favor of females, and the experience variable in All fields, in favor of the category of experience of more than 20 years. Also, there are no significant differences attributable to scientific qualification. In light of the results of the study, the researcher presented a set of recommendations to the Ministry of Education to select principals from among the conscious leaders who bear the pressures of work and believe in the importance of creative male and female principals in schools and who have flexibility in thinking and openness to new experiences, and this is done through holding courses, tests and spreading awareness to increase the degree to which school principals practice creativity and innovation in their schools.

Livhalani Bridget Sinyosi ◽  
Onoriode Collins Potokri

Gender predisposition towards female leaders within the South African context remains a problem and compelling issue, particularly in rural settings, which are often marginalised and overlooked. Guided by the transformational leadership theory, this article explored the experiences of South African female principals in managing secondary schools in the Vhembe District of Limpopo. A profoundly traditional and patriarchal society characterises this rural setting. Hence, a qualitative research approach and a case study design were used. Ten female principals from ten (10) randomly selected secondary schools in the Vhembe District were purposively selected to serve as participants. Through semi-structured interviews, data were gathered from the sampled participants. Findings from the article reveal that patriarchy still plays a role in disadvantaging women from effectively assuming their duties as leaders. Most of the participants–female principals are subjected to gender bias and thus, unproductive, impact the cooperation from learners, parents, teachers, the community, and the Department of Education officials. Despite unpleasant experiences, female leaders in this article demonstrate selflessness in their daily leadership tasks and routines. Furthermore, they are inspirational and serve as role models to all they had relationships with for the transformation and change they desire in their schools. To the sampled principals, being selfless and inspirational is their leadership strength. One way of the few mentioned becoming a leader one aspires to.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 1045
Bintara Bintara ◽  
Widyamike Gede Mulawarman ◽  
Azainil Azainil

<p>This study aims to determine the effect of the leadership style of female principals and organizational culture on the work ethic of junior high school teachers in Samarinda. This research is a quantitative study using a correlational method. The total population was 126 teachers and the research sample was 96 teachers consisting of three different schools, namely SMPN 5, 10 and 38 Samarinda. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis technique used descriptive and inferential statistics, with simple linear regression, multiple regression, and correlation analysis. The results showed that the leadership style of female<br />school principals (X1) had a significant effect on 79.4%. This shows that the better the leadership style of the female school principal, the better the work ethic of the teacher will be. It is also known that organizational learning (X2) has a significant effect of 39.4%. This shows that the better the school organizational culture, the better the work ethic of the teacher will be. Simultaneously the competence of school principals (X1) and organizational culture (X2) has a significant effect on teacher work ethics (Y) by 81.8%. This indicates that the better the leadership style of female principals and organizational learning, the more teachers work ethic will be good.</p>

Aziah Ismail ◽  
Nor Shafrin Ahmad ◽  
Rahimi Che Aman

The purpose of this paper is to examine the different levels of transformational leadership between male and female principals and their relationships with teachers' Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) in Malaysian secondary schools. In total, 477 teachers from various secondary schools were randomly selected as respondents (218 are working under female principals, while 259 of them are under male principals). This study revealed that the respondents agree that male principals practice transformational leadership higher than female principals. However, the female principals were highly influential on the teachers’ IWB compared to their male counterparts. This study provides a glimpse of the teachers' innovative behavior improvement resulted from transformational leadership by male and female school principals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 591-606
Aziah Ismail ◽  
Nor Shafrin Ahmad ◽  
Fadzilah Amzah ◽  
Rahimi Che Aman

Gender has been identified as one of the key factors that influences the degree of transformational leadership practiced by the leaders and has an effect on job outcome. This study investigates the characteristics and level of female principals’ transformational leadership and interrelationship between the leadership with Perceived Organizational Politics (POPs) and teachers’ commitment in Malaysian secondary schools. Further, the mediating effect of POPs on the relationship between transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment are also investigated. In total, 208 teachers from secondary schools in Penang led by female principals were selected as respondents. The results found that the level of transformational leadership practiced by female principals was moderately high. The female principals tended to inspire and motivate teachers but displayed their idealized influence characteristics in leadership less. The results also revealed that the level of POPs and organizational commitment of teachers led by female principals were moderate. In addition, the hierarchical linear regression results indicated that POPs partially mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment. This study indicates that teachers’ organizational commitment can be improved by transformational leadership that is practiced by their leaders as well as the POPs at their schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Suryawahyuni Latief ◽  
Santi Hendrayani ◽  
Puji Lestari

Abstract: This research aims to describe the utilization of a network of partnership between organizations in achieving school goals in the view of female principals at the public and private senior high schools in Jambi City. This research uses a qualitative approach designed with qualitative descriptive approached. The data in this study collected through observations, interviews, and documentation. Data analyzed by using qualitative research data analysis techniques. The study found that the utilization of a network of partnership between organizations in the view of female leaders based on three judged, namely the availability of school resources, the needs of students, and the need for information. Meanwhile, a network of partnership carried out between equal or non-equal school organizations and other institutions that care about education in the form of the use of facilities and sit in students.Keywords: Utilization; networking; partnership; leader’s women.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemanfaatan jaringan kerjasama antar organisasi dalam pencapaian tujuan sekolah dalam pandangan kepala sekolah perempuan di tingkat sekolah menengah atas negeri dan swasta di Kota Jambi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang didesain dengan rancangan deskriptif kualitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis data penelitian kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemanfaatan jaringan kerjasama antar organisasi dalam pandangan pemimpin perempuan berdasarkan atas tiga pertimbanagan yaitu ketersediaan sumberdaya sekolah, kebutuhan peserta didik, dan kebutuhan informasi. Sedangkan bentuk jaringan kerjasama dilakukan antar organisasi sekolah yang sederajat maupun tidak sederajat dan lembaga lain yang peduli dengan pendidikan berupa penggunaan fasilitas dan sit in peserta didik.Kata Kunci: Pemanfaatan; jaringan kerja; kerjasama; pemimpin perempuan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (37) ◽  
pp. 139-156
張惠思 張惠思

<p>教育一直是南洋華人念茲在茲的民族事業,早在一九零八年即有女子學校。除了近現代南洋書籍與報刊的新聞或文化記述,上海出版的畫報雜誌亦偶見南洋知識女性圖像。這些照片提供我們回溯近現代南洋微觀卻具體的小歷史。本文因而嘗試通過近現代刊物中的南洋女子圖像,勾勒南洋知識女性的面貌以及圖像所凸顯出來的南洋知識女性教育與校園生活。這些畫報與雜誌中刊出的多為女教員與女學生身影。知識身份成為她們姿容重要的添加物,展現了知識女性新氣度、時代精神及積極展現自我的自覺。一些畫報也突出女運動員的英姿風貌,強調女性得以步入現代化的教育方式,注重女性身體健康與自我超越。此外,通過女學集體照,我們可以看見隨著時間逐漸增長的人數以及女學生大型集體活動如運動會、演劇、西式體操等,拓展女性身體的公共空間。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>Prior to the formation of the Federation of Malaya, the Chinese community which has settled in Nanyang sees education as a very important issue. Hence in 1908, the girls&rsquo; schools were established. There are images and accounts which depict the condition of women’s education in Nanyang, either in the local news report or cultural narrative. Occasionally, there are also some photos of Nanyang female intellectuals published in Shanghai&rsquo;s pictorials and magazines. This paper examines the graphics of Nanyang female in pictorials and magazines, and tries to highlight their educational environment and life in schools. These visual materials mostly feature female principals, teachers and students, which exhibit the lively character of female intellectuals. Besides that, the print media also drew attention to the heroic appearance of sportswomen, emphasized the women&rsquo;s ability to integrate themselves well in the modern education system and responded with a consciousness on physical health and self-transcendence. Furthermore, group photos of their participation in gymnastics, sports competition and drama performance were also published on the pictorials and magazines. The increase of female participants in large-scale group activities as presented in this paper shows the expansion of the female public sphere in that era.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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