Remote Sensing and Geospatial Support to Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Teams in Assessing Wildfire Effects to Hillslopes

2013 ◽  
pp. 211-215 ◽  
Jess Clark
Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (12) ◽  
pp. 3982
Giacomo Lazzeri ◽  
William Frodella ◽  
Guglielmo Rossi ◽  
Sandro Moretti

Wildfires have affected global forests and the Mediterranean area with increasing recurrency and intensity in the last years, with climate change resulting in reduced precipitations and higher temperatures. To assess the impact of wildfires on the environment, burned area mapping has become progressively more relevant. Initially carried out via field sketches, the advent of satellite remote sensing opened new possibilities, reducing the cost uncertainty and safety of the previous techniques. In the present study an experimental methodology was adopted to test the potential of advanced remote sensing techniques such as multispectral Sentinel-2, PRISMA hyperspectral satellite, and UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) remotely-sensed data for the multitemporal mapping of burned areas by soil–vegetation recovery analysis in two test sites in Portugal and Italy. In case study one, innovative multiplatform data classification was performed with the correlation between Sentinel-2 RBR (relativized burn ratio) fire severity classes and the scene hyperspectral signature, performed with a pixel-by-pixel comparison leading to a converging classification. In the adopted methodology, RBR burned area analysis and vegetation recovery was tested for accordance with biophysical vegetation parameters (LAI, fCover, and fAPAR). In case study two, a UAV-sensed NDVI index was adopted for high-resolution mapping data collection. At a large scale, the Sentinel-2 RBR index proved to be efficient for burned area analysis, from both fire severity and vegetation recovery phenomena perspectives. Despite the elapsed time between the event and the acquisition, PRISMA hyperspectral converging classification based on Sentinel-2 was able to detect and discriminate different spectral signatures corresponding to different fire severity classes. At a slope scale, the UAV platform proved to be an effective tool for mapping and characterizing the burned area, giving clear advantage with respect to filed GPS mapping. Results highlighted that UAV platforms, if equipped with a hyperspectral sensor and used in a synergistic approach with PRISMA, would create a useful tool for satellite acquired data scene classification, allowing for the acquisition of a ground truth.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1777 ◽  
Carmine Maffei ◽  
Silvia Alfieri ◽  
Massimo Menenti

Forest fires are a major source of ecosystem disturbance. Vegetation reacts to meteorological factors contributing to fire danger by reducing stomatal conductance, thus leading to an increase of canopy temperature. The latter can be detected by remote sensing measurements in the thermal infrared as a deviation of observed land surface temperature (LST) from climatological values, that is as an LST anomaly. A relationship is thus expected between LST anomalies and forest fires burned area and duration. These two characteristics are indeed controlled by a large variety of both static and dynamic factors related to topography, land cover, climate, weather (including those affecting LST) and anthropic activity. To investigate the predicting capability of remote sensing measurements, rather than constructing a comprehensive model, it would be relevant to determine whether anomalies of LST affect the probability distributions of burned area and fire duration. This research approached the outlined knowledge gap through the analysis of a dataset of forest fires in Campania (Italy) covering years 2003–2011 against estimates of LST anomaly. An LST climatology was first computed from time series of daily Aqua-MODIS LST data (product MYD11A1, collection 6) over the longest available sequence of complete annual datasets (2003–2017), through the Harmonic Analysis of Time Series (HANTS) algorithm. HANTS was also used to create individual annual models of LST data, to minimize the effect of varying observation geometry and cloud contamination on LST estimates while retaining its seasonal variation. LST anomalies where thus quantified as the difference between LST annual models and LST climatology. Fire data were intersected with LST anomaly maps to associate each fire with the LST anomaly value observed at its position on the day previous to the event. Further to this step, the closest probability distribution function describing burned area and fire duration were identified against a selection of parametric models through the maximization of the Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit. Parameters of the identified distributions conditional to LST anomaly where then determined along their confidence intervals. Results show that in the study area log-transformed burned area is described by a normal distribution, whereas log-transformed fire duration is closer to a generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution. The parameters of these distributions conditional to LST anomaly show clear trends with increasing LST anomaly; significance of this observation was verified through a likelihood ratio test. This confirmed that LST anomaly is a covariate of both burned area and fire duration. As a consequence, it was observed that conditional probabilities of extreme events appear to increase with increasing positive deviations of LST from its climatology values. This confirms the stated hypothesis that LST anomalies affect forest fires burned area and duration and highlights the informative content of time series of LST with respect to fire danger.

2021 ◽  
Meng Chen ◽  
Jianjun Wu ◽  
Feng Tian

<p>Automatically extracting buildings from remote sensing images (RSI) plays important roles in urban planning, population estimation, disaster emergency response, etc. With the development of deep learning technology, convolutional neural networks (CNN) with better performance than traditional methods have been widely used in extracting buildings from remote sensing imagery (RSI). But it still faces some problems. First of all, low-level features extracted by shallow layers and abstract features extracted by deep layers of the artificial neural network could not be fully fused. it makes building extraction is often inaccurate, especially for buildings with complex structures, irregular shapes and small sizes. Secondly, there are so many parameters that need to be trained in a network, which occupies a lot of computing resources and consumes a lot of time in the training process. By analyzing the structure of the CNN, we found that abstract features extracted by deep layers with low geospatial resolution contain more semantic information. These abstract features are conducive to determine the category of pixels while not sensitive to the boundaries of the buildings. We found the stride of the convolution kernel and pooling operation reduced the geospatial resolution of feature maps, so, this paper proposed a simple and effective strategy—reduce the stride of convolution kernel contains in one of the layers and reduced the number of convolutional kernels to alleviate the above two bottlenecks. This strategy was used to deeplabv3+net and the experimental results for both the WHU Building Dataset and Massachusetts Building Dataset. Compared with the original deeplabv3+net the result showed that this strategy has a better performance. In terms of WHU building data set, the Intersection over Union (IoU) increased by 1.4% and F1 score increased by 0.9%; in terms of Massachusetts Building Dataset, IoU increased by 3.31% and F1 score increased by 2.3%.</p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 453 ◽  
Joshua J. Picotte ◽  
Kevin M. Robertson

We assessed an existing method of remote sensing of wildland fire burn severity for its applicability in south-eastern USA vegetation types. This method uses Landsat satellite imagery to calculate the Normalised Burn Ratio (NBR) of reflectance bands sensitive to fire effects, and the change in NBR from pre- to post fire (dNBR) to estimate burn severity. To ground-truth ranges of NBR and dNBR that correspond to levels of burn severity, we measured severity using the Composite Burn Index at 731 locations stratified by plant community type, season of measurement, and time since fire. Best-fit curves relating Composite Burn Index to NBR or dNBR were used to determine reflectance value breakpoints that delimit levels of burn severity. Remotely estimated levels of burn severity within 3 months following fire had an average of 78% agreement with ground measurements using NBR and 75% agreement using dNBR. However, percentage agreement varied among habitat types and season of measurement, with either NBR or dNBR being advantageous under specific combinations of conditions. The results suggest this method will be useful for monitoring burned area and burn severity in south-eastern USA vegetation types if the provided recommendations and limitations are considered.

2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (8) ◽  
pp. 1680-1690 ◽  
Joshua J. Picotte ◽  
Kevin Robertson

D. Attaf ◽  
K. Djerriri ◽  
D. Mansour ◽  
D. Hamdadou

<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Mapping of burned areas caused by forest fires was always a main concern to researchers in the field of remote sensing. Thus, various spectral indices and classification techniques have been proposed in the literature. In such a problem, only one specific class is of real interest and could be referred to as a one-class classification problem. One-class classification methods are highly desirable for quick mapping of classes of interest. A common used solution to deal with One-Class classification problem is based on oneclass support vector machine (OC-SVM). This method has proved useful in classification of remote sensing images. However, overfitting problem and difficulty in tuning parameters have become the major obstacles for this method. The new Presence and Background Learning (PBL) framework does not require complicated model selection and can generate very high accuracy results. On the other hand the Google Earth Engine (GEE) portal provides access to satellite and other ancillary data, cloud computing, and algorithms for processing large amounts of data with relative ease. Therefore, this study mainly aims to investigate the possibility of using the PBL framework within the GEE platform to extract burned areas from freely available Landsat archive in the year 2015. The quality of the results obtained using PBL framework was assessed using ground truth digitized by qualified technicians and compared to other classification techniques: Thresholding burned area spectral Index (BAI) and OC-SVM classifiers. Experimental results demonstrate that PBL framework for mapping the burned areas shows the higher classification accuracy than the other classifiers, and it highlights the suitability for the cases with few positive labelled samples available, which facilitates the tedious work of manual digitizing.</p>

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