Some Remarks on the German School of Mechanisms- Practical Applications

Kurt Luck
L. J. Chen ◽  
L. S. Hung ◽  
J. W. Mayer

When an energetic ion penetrates through an interface between a thin film (of species A) and a substrate (of species B), ion induced atomic mixing may result in an intermixed region (which contains A and B) near the interface. Most ion beam mixing experiments have been directed toward metal-silicon systems, silicide phases are generally obtained, and they are the same as those formed by thermal treatment.Recent emergence of silicide compound as contact material in silicon microelectronic devices is mainly due to the superiority of the silicide-silicon interface in terms of uniformity and thermal stability. It is of great interest to understand the kinetics of the interfacial reactions to provide insights into the nature of ion beam-solid interactions as well as to explore its practical applications in device technology.About 500 Å thick molybdenum was chemical vapor deposited in hydrogen ambient on (001) n-type silicon wafer with substrate temperature maintained at 650-700°C. Samples were supplied by D. M. Brown of General Electric Research & Development Laboratory, Schenectady, NY.

T. Imura ◽  
S. Maruse ◽  
K. Mihama ◽  
M. Iseki ◽  
M. Hibino ◽  

Ultra high voltage STEM has many inherent technical advantages over CTEM. These advantages include better signal detectability and signal processing capability. It is hoped that it will explore some new applications which were previously not possible. Conventional STEM (including CTEM with STEM attachment), however, has been unable to provide these inherent advantages due to insufficient performance and engineering problems. Recently we have developed a new 1250 kV STEM and completed installation at Nagoya University in Japan. It has been designed to break through conventional engineering limitations and bring about theoretical advantage in practical applications.In the design of this instrument, we exercised maximum care in providing a stable electron probe. A high voltage generator and an accelerator are housed in two separate pressure vessels and they are connected with a high voltage resistor cable.(Fig. 1) This design minimized induction generated from the high voltage generator, which is a high frequency Cockcroft-Walton type, being transmitted to the electron probe.

Bradley L. Thiel ◽  
Chan Han R. P. ◽  
Kurosky L. C. Hutter ◽  
I. A. Aksay ◽  
Mehmet Sarikaya

The identification of extraneous phases is important in understanding of high Tc superconducting oxides. The spectroscopic techniques commonly used in determining the origin of superconductivity (such as RAMAN, XPS, AES, and EXAFS) are surface-sensitive. Hence a grain boundary phase several nanometers thick could produce irrelevant spectroscopic results and cause erroneous conclusions. The intergranular phases present a major technological consideration for practical applications. In this communication we report the identification of a Cu2O grain boundary phase which forms during the sintering of YBa2Cu3O7-x (1:2:3 compound).Samples are prepared using a mixture of Y2O3. CuO, and BaO2 powders dispersed in ethanol for complete mixing. The pellets pressed at 20,000 psi are heated to 950°C at a rate of 5°C per min, held for 1 hr, and cooled at 1°C per min to room temperature. The samples show a Tc of 91K with a transition width of 2K. In order to prevent damage, a low temperature stage is used in milling to prepare thin foils which are then observed, using a liquid nitrogen holder, in a Philips 430T at 300 kV.

Michael T. Postek

The term ultimate resolution or resolving power is the very best performance that can be obtained from a scanning electron microscope (SEM) given the optimum instrumental conditions and sample. However, as it relates to SEM users, the conventional definitions of this figure are ambiguous. The numbers quoted for the resolution of an instrument are not only theoretically derived, but are also verified through the direct measurement of images on micrographs. However, the samples commonly used for this purpose are specifically optimized for the measurement of instrument resolution and are most often not typical of the sample used in practical applications.SEM RESOLUTION. Some instruments resolve better than others either due to engineering design or other reasons. There is no definitively accurate definition of how to quantify instrument resolution and its measurement in the SEM.

Tai D. Nguyen ◽  
Ronald Gronsky ◽  
Jeffrey B. Kortright

Nanometer period Ru/C multilayers are one of the prime candidates for normal incident reflecting mirrors at wavelengths < 10 nm. Superior performance, which requires uniform layers and smooth interfaces, and high stability of the layered structure under thermal loadings are some of the demands in practical applications. Previous studies however show that the Ru layers in the 2 nm period Ru/C multilayer agglomerate upon moderate annealing, and the layered structure is no longer retained. This agglomeration and crystallization of the Ru layers upon annealing to form almost spherical crystallites is a result of the reduction of surface or interfacial energy from die amorphous high energy non-equilibrium state of the as-prepared sample dirough diffusive arrangements of the atoms. Proposed models for mechanism of thin film agglomeration include one analogous to Rayleigh instability, and grain boundary grooving in polycrystalline films. These models however are not necessarily appropriate to explain for the agglomeration in the sub-nanometer amorphous Ru layers in Ru/C multilayers. The Ru-C phase diagram shows a wide miscible gap, which indicates the preference of phase separation between these two materials and provides an additional driving force for agglomeration. In this paper, we study the evolution of the microstructures and layered structure via in-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and attempt to determine the order of occurence of agglomeration and crystallization in the Ru layers by observing the diffraction patterns.

J.M. Cowley

The HB5 STEM instrument at ASU has been modified previously to include an efficient two-dimensional detector incorporating an optical analyser device and also a digital system for the recording of multiple images. The detector system was built to explore a wide range of possibilities including in-line electron holography, the observation and recording of diffraction patterns from very small specimen regions (having diameters as small as 3Å) and the formation of both bright field and dark field images by detection of various portions of the diffraction pattern. Experience in the use of this system has shown that sane of its capabilities are unique and valuable. For other purposes it appears that, while the principles of the operational modes may be verified, the practical applications are limited by the details of the initial design.

D. R. Denley

Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has recently been introduced as a promising tool for analyzing surface atomic structure. We have used STM for its extremely high resolution (especially the direction normal to surfaces) and its ability for imaging in ambient atmosphere. We have examined surfaces of metals, semiconductors, and molecules deposited on these materials to achieve atomic resolution in favorable cases.When the high resolution capability is coupled with digital data acquisition, it is simple to get quantitative information on surface texture. This is illustrated for the measurement of surface roughness of evaporated gold films as a function of deposition temperature and annealing time in Figure 1. These results show a clear trend for which the roughness, as well as the experimental deviance of the roughness is found to be minimal for evaporation at 300°C. It is also possible to contrast different measures of roughness.

Ian M. Anderson

B2-ordered iron aluminide intermetallic alloys exhibit a combination of attractive properties such as low density and good corrosion resistance. However, the practical applications of these alloys are limited by their poor fracture toughness and low room temperature ductility. One current strategy for overcoming these undesirable properties is to attempt to modify the basic chemistry of the materials with alloying additions. These changes in the chemistry of the material cannot be fully understood without a knowledge of the site-distribution of the alloying elements. In this paper, the site-distributions of a series of 3d-transition metal alloying additions in B2-ordered iron aluminides are studied with ALCHEMI.A series of seven alloys of stoichiometry Fe50AL45Me5, with Me = {Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu}, were prepared with identical heating cycles. Microalloying additions of 0.2% B and 0.1% Zr were also incorporated to strengthen the grain boundaries, but these alloying additions have little influence on the matrix chemistry and are incidental to this study.

Jafar Javadpour ◽  
Bradley L. Thiel ◽  
Sarikaya Mehmet ◽  
Ilhan A. Aksay

Practical applications of bulk YBa2Cu3O7−x materials have been limited because of their inadequate critical current density (jc) and poor mechanical properties. Several recent reports have indicated that the addition of Ag to the YBa2Cu3O7−x system is beneficial in improving both mechanical and superconducting properties. However, detailed studies concerning the effect of Ag on the microstructural development of the cermet system have been lacking. Here, we present some observations on the microstructural evolution in the YBa2Cu3O7−x/Ag composite system.The composite samples were prepared by mixing various amounts (2.5 - 50 wt%) AgNO3 in the YBa2Cu3O7−x nitrate precursor solution. These solutions were then spray dried and the resulting powders were either cold pressed or tape cast. The microstructures of the sintered samples were analyzed using SEM (Philips 515) and an analytical TEM (Philips 430T).The SEM micrographs of the compacts with 2.5 and 50 wt% Ag addition sintered at 915°C (below the melting point of Ag) for 1 h in air are displayed in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively.

Elena Dukhovny ◽  
E. Betsy Kelly

According to the 2010 U.S. Census, over 20% of Americans speak a language other than English in the home, with Spanish, Chinese, and French being the languages most commonly spoken, aside from English. However, few augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems offer multilingual support for individuals with limited functional speech. There has been much discussion in the AAC community about best practices in AAC system design and intervention strategies, but limited resources exist to help us provide robust, flexible systems for users who speak languages other than English. We must provide services that take into consideration the unique needs of culturally and linguistically diverse users of AAC and help them reach their full communication potential. This article outlines basic guidelines for best practices in AAC design and selection, and presents practical applications of these best practices to multilingual/multicultural clients.

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