On the Measurement Basis Choice for the Detection of Intercept-Resend Attack towards the Transmission of GHZ States

2019 ◽  
Vol 58 (12) ◽  
pp. 4064-4068
Ming-Kuai Zhou
2007 ◽  
Vol 05 (05) ◽  
pp. 673-683 ◽  

We explicitly present two schemes for quantum teleportation of an arbitrary N-qubit entangled state using, respectively, non-maximally entangled Bell states and GHZ states as the quantum channels, and generalized Bell states as the measurement basis. The scheme succeeds with unit fidelity but less than unit probability. By introducing additional qubit and unitary operations, the success probability of these two schemes can be increased.

2009 ◽  
Vol 07 (04) ◽  
pp. 755-770 ◽  

In the past decades, various schemes of teleportation of quantum states through different types of quantum channels (a prior shared entangled state between the sender and the receiver), e.g. EPR pairs, generalized Bell states, qubit GHZ states, standard W states and its variations, genuine multiqubit entanglement states, etc., have been developed. Recently, three-qutrit quantum states and two-qudit quantum states have also been considered as quantum channels for teleportation. In this paper, we investigate the teleportation of an unknown qudit using a d level GHZ state, i.e. a three-qudit maximally entangled state, as quantum channel. We design a general scheme of faithful teleportation of an unknown qudit using a d-level GHZ state shared between the sender and the receiver, or among the sender, the receiver and the controller; an unknown two-qudit of Schmidt form using a d level GHZ state shared between the sender and the receiver; as well as an unknown arbitrary two-qudit using two shared d level GHZ states between the sender, the receiver and the controller, or using one shared d level GHZ state and one shared generalized Bell state. We obtain the general formulas of Alice's measurement basis, Charlie's measurement basis and Bob's unitary operations to recover the input state of Alice. It is intuitionistic to generalize the protocols of teleporting an arbitrary two-qudit state to teleporting an arbitrary n-qudit state.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (11&12) ◽  
pp. 1041-1047
Kaushik Nandi ◽  
Goutam Paul

We describe a protocol for quantum information splitting (QIS) of a restricted class of three-qubit states among three parties Alice, Bob and Charlie, using a pair of GHZ states as the quantum channel. There are two different forms of this three-qubit state that is used for QIS depending on the distribution of the particles among the three parties. There is also a special type of four-qubit state that can be used for QIS using the above channel. We explicitly construct the quantum channel, Alice's measurement basis and the analytic form of the unitary operations required by the receiver for such a purpose.

2005 ◽  
Vol 43 (5) ◽  
pp. 799-802 ◽  
Dai Hong-Yi ◽  
Chen Ping-Xing ◽  
Li Cheng-Zu

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (9) ◽  
Xiaoqing Tan ◽  
Hong Tao ◽  
Xiaoqian Zhang ◽  
Xiaodan Zeng ◽  
Qingshan Xu

Geophysics ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 72 (5) ◽  
pp. SM77-SM93 ◽  
Tim T. Lin ◽  
Felix J. Herrmann

An explicit algorithm for the extrapolation of one-way wavefields is proposed that combines recent developments in information theory and theoretical signal processing with the physics of wave propagation. Because of excessive memory requirements, explicit formulations for wave propagation have proven to be a challenge in 3D. By using ideas from compressed sensing, we are able to formulate the (inverse) wavefield extrapolation problem on small subsets of the data volume, thereby reducing the size of the operators. Compressed sensing entails a new paradigm for signal recovery that provides conditions under which signals can be recovered from incomplete samplings by nonlinear recovery methods that promote sparsity of the to-be-recovered signal. According to this theory, signals can be successfully recovered when the measurement basis is incoherent with the representa-tion in which the wavefield is sparse. In this new approach, the eigenfunctions of the Helmholtz operator are recognized as a basis that is incoherent with curvelets that are known to compress seismic wavefields. By casting the wavefield extrapolation problem in this framework, wavefields can be successfully extrapolated in the modal domain, despite evanescent wave modes. The degree to which the wavefield can be recovered depends on the number of missing (evanescent) wavemodes and on the complexity of the wavefield. A proof of principle for the compressed sensing method is given for inverse wavefield extrapolation in 2D, together with a pathway to 3D during which the multiscale and multiangular properties of curvelets, in relation to the Helmholz operator, are exploited. The results show that our method is stable, has reduced dip limitations, and handles evanescent waves in inverse extrapolation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (16) ◽  
pp. 18581 ◽  
Li Dong ◽  
Yan-Fang Lin ◽  
Cen Cui ◽  
Hai-Kuan Dong ◽  
Xiao-Ming Xiu ◽  

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