Study on Wheel-Side Drive System with a Single Trailing Arm

Bin Wang ◽  
Xinbo Chen ◽  
Hongming Lyu ◽  
Xinwei Niu
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Wen Lu ◽  
Wenbo Li ◽  
Xinbo Chen

Distributed-drive electric vehicles constitute an important research direction for the future development of electric vehicles. In this regard, the integrated suspension wheel-side drive system has considerable development potential because it can address the lack of driving smoothness and the grounding deterioration caused by the excessive unsprung mass of the distributed-drive system. However, a complete and systematic description of the design of such a system is not available in the literature. Therefore, this paper proposes a design process for an integrated E-type multilink suspension wheel-side drive system and a method to improve the vehicle ride comfort. Based on a configuration analysis of the E-type multilink suspension using the orientation feature set method, the ADAMS platform was used to optimize the hard point coordinates of the suspension with the integrated E-type multilink suspension wheel-side drive system as the object, and the spring stiffness and damper were designed considering the driving smoothness and the grounding of the vehicle. The bushing stiffnesses were determined through tests, and the feasibility of each bushing installation was determined via elastic kinematic simulation of the integrated E-type multilink wheel-side drive system; then, optimization design of bushing stiffness was carried out for ride smoothness. Then, a lightweight design of the gears’ reducer was performed. Finally, the specific structural design and strength verification of the key components of the designed system were conducted. The results indicated that the strength of each component of the wheel-side drive system met the requirements. Thus, the overall design process of the integrated suspension wheel-side drive system was improved. This study can therefore serve as a reference for the integrated design and vehicle ride comfort improvement of wheel-side drive systems and suspensions.

L. A. Bendersky ◽  
W. J. Boettinger

Rapid solidification produces a wide variety of sub-micron scale microstructure. Generally, the microstructure depends on the imposed melt undercooling and heat extraction rate. The microstructure can vary strongly not only due to processing parameters changes but also during the process itself, as a result of recalescence. Hence, careful examination of different locations in rapidly solidified products should be performed. Additionally, post-solidification solid-state reactions can alter the microstructure.The objective of the present work is to demonstrate the strong microstructural changes in different regions of melt-spun ribbon for three different alloys. The locations of the analyzed structures were near the wheel side (W) and near the center (C) of the ribbons. The TEM specimens were prepared by selective electropolishing or ion milling.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (101) ◽  
pp. 9-16
N., Ivanitskiy ◽  
Igor M., Kocur ◽  
Mihail I., Kotsur ◽  
D., Kravchenko ◽  

2009 ◽  
Vol 129 (6) ◽  
pp. 348-351
Takashi ABE ◽  
Tsuyoshi HIGUCHI

2013 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-265 ◽  
Piotr J. Serkies ◽  
Krzysztof Szabat

Abstract In the paper issues related to the design of a robust adaptive fuzzy estimator for a drive system with a flexible joint is presented. The proposed estimator ensures variable Kalman gain (based on the Mahalanobis distance) as well as the estimation of the system parameters (based on the fuzzy system). The obtained value of the time constant of the load machine is used to change the values in the system state matrix and to retune the parameters of the state controller. The proposed control structure (fuzzy Kalman filter and adaptive state controller) is investigated in simulation and experimental tests.

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