Preservatives: Extending Shelf Life and Shelf Stability

Tortillas ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 195-200
Cassandra M. McDonough ◽  
Juma Novie Alviola ◽  
Ralph D. Waniska
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Melaku Tafese Awulachew ◽  

This paper aims to Provide an overview of food preservation related to the shelf-life and stability of food products including sourdough-risen flatbread (injera). Understanding the properties and composition of injera products enables one for a better option for maintaining food quality at desirable level of properties or nature for their maximum benefits. Food quality loss can be described in terms of as environmental factors which include temperature, relative humidity, light, mechanical stress and total pressure such as compositional factors, concentration of reactive species, microorganism levels, catalysts, reaction inhibitors, pH and water activity, as well. There are a range of points in the food chain where manufacturers can influence the mix of intrinsic and extrinsic factors which affect shelf-life. Advances in processing and packaging materials and techniques have increased the options available for maintaining quality and for improving the shelf-life of foods.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Rafidah A. Ramli ◽  
Azila Azmi ◽  
Noorsa R. Johari ◽  
Syuhirdy M. Noor

Jackfruit is found in abundance in Malaysia. However the use of jackfruit as fresh dessert or in fruit platter has not been fully utilized in the foodservice industry due to the short shelf life of fresh jackfruit. The aim of this paper is to compare two simple calcium-infusion methods in ripe jackfruit pulps. Calcium is infused into the jackfruit pulps through immersion and vacuum-infusion techniques. The addition of calcium into the jackfruit enhanced the firmness and textural integrity of the fruit, thus prolonging the shelf life to 10 days. The minimally processed jackfruit exhibit fresh-like quality and longer shelf stability. It provides a variation in the fruits offered in foodservice establishment. 

1992 ◽  
Vol 55 (10) ◽  
pp. 808-814 ◽  

Quality and safety of fresh produce depend on their microbiological flora. Every step from production through consumption will influence the microbiology of fresh produce. Improper handling and unsanitary equipment lead to increased populations of microorganisms on fresh fruits and vegetables and can compromise quality and safety. Processing steps such as cutting and peeling usually increase the population of microorganisms and shorten shelf life. Using techniques to extend shelf life can increase the risk of safety problems developing and therefore need to be carefully evaluated. Proper use of disinfectants can complement an effective sanitation program but should not be relied upon to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms from contaminated produce.

2007 ◽  
Darren Braun

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-183 ◽  
Arpit V. Joshi ◽  
Nilanjana S. Baraiya ◽  
Pinal B. Vyas ◽  
T. V. Ramana Rao ◽  

2020 ◽  
pp. 140-153

To investigate the effectiveness of adding lemon peels and pulp extracts on some quality properties and shelf-life of the sheep longisimussdorsi muscle during refrigerated storage at 4±1°C for 0, 4, and 8 days for this purpose am meat trim of visible fat and connective tissue, they cut in small cubes. The meat samples divide into four equal proportions and mix with different concentrations of lemon peel and pulp extract according to the following formulations: Control; T1 1%; T2 2% and T3 3% of lemon peel and pulp extract, by applied immersion method. The results showed acceptable results of moisture content, Water-holding capacity cooking loss, thiobarbituric acid, met-myoglobin, myoglobin, and sensory traits of the samples treated with lemon peel in comparison to the control group. The phiso-chemical traits changed during the storage periods but the meat sample treated with lemon extract was more stable than control groups. These results suggested that using lemon peels and pulp extracts to maintain physio-chemical properties of ram meat and extend shelf-life during refrigerated storage, which may have implications of meat processors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Aulia Alfi

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) adalah bahan alami yang memiliki sifat antimikroba (antivirus, antibakteri, dan antijamur). Sehingga VCO dapat memberikan efek pengawet pada bahan makanan, salah satunya adalah roti manis. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh VCO terhadap karakteristik (fisik dan kimia) dan umur simpan roti manis. Roti manis dianalisis secara fisik (tekstur dan porositas) dan kimia (kadar air, kadar abu, kadar lemak, kadar protein, dan kandungan karbohidrat), dan analisis umur simpan dengan FFA, uji organoleptik dan jamur setiap dua hari selama delapan hari penyimpanan di suhu ruang. Variasi perlakuan roti manis adalah dari rasio konsentrasi VCO: margarin: mentega, K (0%: 8%: 8%); A (4%: 6%: 6%); B (8%: 4%: 4%), C (12%: 2%: 2%); D (16%: 0%: 0%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa VCO tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap karakteristik fisik dan karakteristik kimia roti manis. Namun, VCO berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kadar air roti manis yang dihasilkan, roti manis K memiliki kadar air tertinggi (22,36%) dan berbeda dengan sampel roti manis lainnya. VCO secara efektif menghambat pertumbuhan jamur di roti manis pada konsentrasi 8%, 12%, dan 16%. Roti manis K dan A memiliki masa simpan 4 hari, sedangkan roti manis B, C, dan D memiliki masa simpan 6 hari.Kata kunci: VCO, roti manis, karakteristik, umur simpanABSTRACTVirgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is a natural ingredient that has antimicrobial (antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal) properties. So that VCO can provide a preservative effect on food ingredients, one of which is sweet bread. This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of VCO on characteristics (physical and chemical) and shelf life of sweet bread. Sweet bread was analyzed physically (texture and porosity) and chemistry (moisture content, ash content, fat content, protein content, and carbohydrate content), and shelf life analysis with FFA, organoleptic and mold tests every two days for eight days of storage at ambient temperature. Treatment variations of sweet breads is from the ratio of the concentration of VCO: margarine: butter, K (0%: 8%: 8%); A (4%: 6%: 6%); B (8%: 4%: 4%), C (12%: 2%: 2%); D (16%: 0%: 0%). The results showed that VCO did not have a significant effect on the physical characteristics and chemical characteristics of sweet bread. However, the VCO has a significant effect on the water content of the sweet bread produced, sweet bread K has the highest moisture content (22,36%) and it is different from other sweet bread samples. VCO effectively inhibits the growth of sweet bread mold at concentrations of 8%, 12%, and 16%. K and A sweet bread has a shelf life of 4 days, while sweet breads B, C, and D have a shelf life of 6 days.Keywords: VCO, sweet bread, characteristics, shelf life

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  

Pasta was prepared by incorporation of Ocimum sanctum (Basil) for better textural and sensory properties. The pasta was incorporated with the leaf extract of Ocimum sanctum at different concentrations of control, 5, 10, and 15.The natural antioxidants present in the O. sanctum leaf powder that was incorporated in the fruit leather showed extended shelf-life over three months when compared with control, without any added preservative at ambient temperature. Also the nutritional stability of the product was studied under two flexible packages of polypropylene and polyester out of that the products packed in polypropylene showed better storage stability .

David Kilcast ◽  
Persis Subramaniam

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