scholarly journals The salient features of personal data protection laws with special reference to cloud technologies. A comparative study between European countries and Russia

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15 ◽  
Zharova Anna
Agnese Reine-Vītiņa

Mūsdienās tiesības uz privāto dzīvi nepieciešamas ikvienā demokrātiskā sabiedrībā, un šo tiesību iekļaušana konstitūcijā juridiski garantē fiziskas personas rīcības brīvību un vienlaikus arī citu – valsts pamatlikumā noteikto – cilvēka tiesību īstenošanu [5]. Personas datu aizsardzības institūts tika izveidots, izpratnes par tiesību uz personas privātās dzīves neaizskaramību saturu paplašinot 20. gadsimta 70. gados, kad vairāku Eiropas valstu valdības uzsāka informācijas apstrādes projektus, piemēram, tautas skaitīšanu u. c. Informācijas tehnoloģiju attīstība ļāva arvien vairāk informācijas par personām glabāt un apstrādāt elektroniski. Viena no tiesību problēmām bija informācijas vākšana par fizisku personu un tiesību uz privātās dzīves neaizskaramību ievērošana. Lai nodrošinātu privātās dzīves aizsardzību, atsevišķas Eiropas valstis pēc savas iniciatīvas pieņēma likumus par datu aizsardzību. Pirmie likumi par personas datu aizsardzību Eiropā tika pieņemti Vācijas Federatīvajā Republikā, tad Zviedrijā (1973), Norvēģijā (1978) un citur [8, 10]. Ne visas valstis pieņēma likumus par datu aizsardzību vienlaikus, tāpēc Eiropas Padome nolēma izstrādāt konvenciju, lai unificētu datu aizsardzības noteikumus un principus. Nowadays, the right to privacy is indispensable in every democratic society and inclusion of such rights in the constitution, guarantees legally freedom of action of a natural person and, simultaneously, implementation of other human rights established in the fundamental law of the state. The institute of personal data protection was established by expanding the understanding of the content of the right to privacy in the 70’s of the 19th century, when the government of several European countries initiated information processing projects, such as population census etc. For the development of information technology, more and more information on persons was kept and processed in electronic form. One of the legal problems was gathering of information on natural persons and the right to privacy. In order to ensure the protection of privacy, separate European countries, on their own initiative, established a law on data protection. The first laws on the protection of personal data in Europe were established in the Federal Republic of Germany, then in Sweden (1973), Norway (1978) and elsewhere. Not all countries adopted laws on data protection at the same time, so the Council of Europe decided to elaborate a convention to unify data protection rules and principles.

Khazanah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Hidayatun Nafi'ah ◽  
athifah Nur Hasna ◽  

Background: Personal data is the most fundamental right for everyone including children. Children are the most vulnerable subjects when it comes to the processing of personal data, it is because they do not have awareness and understanding of the risks of misuse of personal data. Regulations regarding the protection of children's personal data in Indonesia are already contained in the draft of personal data protection law but with very limited guidance. Through this comparative study, researchers wanted to compare the United State's COPPA(Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) with the Children and GDPR by the United Kingdom. Both of these regulations are very detailed in regulating the protection of children's personal data. This study will provide a clearer picture of children’s privacy protection regulations so that it can be used as a reference for Indonesia's draft of personal data protection law in regard to the rights of children's privacy. Method: This comparative research uses qualitative descriptive methods with library research and approach. Result: There are fundamental differences regarding the form of guidance, the definition of child, the perpetrator processing of the child's personal data, and things that are included in the child's personal data. Conclusion: The application of children's personal data protection is adjusted to the values and cultures of the country.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-44
Dawid Zadura

Abstract In the review below the author presents a general overview of the selected contemporary legal issues related to the present growth of the aviation industry and the development of aviation technologies. The review is focused on the questions at the intersection of aviation law and personal data protection law. Massive processing of passenger data (Passenger Name Record, PNR) in IT systems is a daily activity for the contemporary aviation industry. Simultaneously, since the mid- 1990s we can observe the rapid growth of personal data protection law as a very new branch of the law. The importance of this new branch of the law for the aviation industry is however still questionable and unclear. This article includes the summary of the author’s own research conducted between 2011 and 2017, in particular his audits in LOT Polish Airlines (June 2011-April 2013) and Lublin Airport (July - September 2013) and the author’s analyses of public information shared by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), International Air Transport Association (IATA), Association of European Airlines (AEA), Civil Aviation Authority (ULC) and (GIODO). The purpose of the author’s research was to determine the applicability of the implementation of technical and organizational measures established by personal data protection law in aviation industry entities.

Yanis Arturovich Sekste ◽  
Anna Sergeevna Markevich

The subject of this research is the problems emerging in the process of establishment and development of the Institution of personal data protection in the Russian Federation. Special attention is turned to the comparison of Soviet and Western models of protection of private life and personal data. The authors used interdisciplinary approach, as comprehensive and coherent understanding of socio-legal institution of personal data protection in the Russian Federation is only possible in inseparable connection with examination of peculiarities of the key historical stages in legal regulation of private life of the citizen. After dissolution of the Soviet political and legal system, the primary task of Russian law consisted in development and legal formalization of the institution of protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, first and foremost by means of restricting invasion of privacy by the state and enjoyment of personal freedom. It is concluded that the peculiarities of development of the new Russian political and legal model significantly impacted the formation of the institution of personal data protection in the Russian Federation. The authors believe that the Russian legislator and competent government branches are not always capable to manage the entire information flow of personal data; therefore, one of the priority tasks in modern Russian society is the permanent analysis and constant monitoring of the development of information technologies.

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