scholarly journals Stress perception and sensation seeking in portuguese police officers involved in peace keeping mission in East-Timor

2011 ◽  
Vol 26 (S2) ◽  
pp. 1600-1600 ◽  
C. Queiros ◽  
A.P. Melo ◽  
A. Marques

IntroductionPolicing is a stressful activity. Police officers must deal with aggressive people, delinquents, and danger, or with victims and citizens asking for help. Often they don’t have enough material or human resources and they must decide under stressful conditions. In international peacekeeping missions stressful situations are even more frequent, increased also by hostile reactions of the inhabitants of the country, who sometimes refuse the presence of foreign police forces. Despite those situations, some police officers don’t feel stress and show higher sensation seeking, suggesting that personality traits protect from stress.AimsIdentify levels of stress perception and sensation seeking personality traits in a sample of police officers involved in peace keeping mission in East-Timor, included in United Nations police forces.MethodsData were collected using a translation of Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen et al, 1983) and Sensation Seeking Scale (Zuckerman, 1994), applied to 70 male police officers from portuguese “Guarda Nacional Republicana”, after comeback from a peace keeping mission (mean age 31.3 years).ResultsThe results reveal that sensation seeking” exists in our sample, confirming that the police officers had a tendency to search for new experiences and adventure. Low levels of emotional exhaustion and low stress perception were identified, and the sample has a high tolerance for boredom.ConclusionsPersonality traits can protect from stress and sensation seeking is typical of some activities, including policing. The knowledge of personality traits can be useful to choose individuals who must deal with stressful situations, such us peace keeping missions.

Е.В. Богданенко ◽  
А.В. Власов ◽  
М.К. Нурбеков

Актуальность. Гены DRD2 и BDNF находятся на одной и той же 11-й хромосоме и могут участвовать в регуляции ряда психических проявлений поведения человека. Полиморфизм гена DRD2 Taq1A так же, как полиморфизм гена BDNF Val66Met, ассоциируют с агрессивностью, психическими расстройствами и высоким уровнем показателя «Поиск новизны». Вероятно, что существует эпистатическое или плейотропное влияние этих вариантов генов на проявление некоторых психологических черт личности человека, что, в свою очередь, может влиять на выбор его рода деятельности. Цель работы - поиск связи частот встречаемости полиморфизмов Taq1A и Val66Met и соответствующих генотипов с определенными личностными характеристиками людей и выбором рода их деятельности. Материалы и методы. 94 человека, успешно занимающихся бизнесом, были опрошены с помощью психологического теста «Мини-Мульт» (MMPI), шкалы Цукермана (SSS, sensation seeking scale) и шкалы черт личности Большой пятерки TIPI. После этого в образцах их ДНК с помощью ПЦР идентифицировали аллели А1 и А2 гена DRD2 и аллели Val и Met гена BDNF. С помощью статистических методов определяли, имелись ли значимые связи между уровнями проявления черт личности этих людей и носительством определенных генотипов. Результаты. Гомозиготы А2/А2Val/Val и дигетерозиготы А1/А2Val/Met показали наибольшую потребность в поиске новых ощущений по шкале Цукермана (SSS, sensation seeking scale), а также максимальную «Открытость опыту» и минимальную «Экстравертность» по шкале черт личности Большой пятерки TIPI. Вопросы из теста «Мини-Мульт» (MMPI) выявили больший уровень конфликтности носителей комбинации А2/А2/MetВыводы. Наличие выраженных связей между генотипом и уровнем проявления личностных черт позволяет нам предположить существование отбора по генотипам для этого рода деятельности. Background. The DRD2 и BDNF genes are localized on the same 11th chromosome and may be involved in a number of psychic manifestations of human behavior. Both the Taq1A polymorphism of the DRD2 gene and the Val66Met polymorphism of the BDNF gene are associated with aggressiveness, mental disorders, and high «novelty-seeking» scores. These gene variants likely exert epistatic or pleiotropic effect on manifestation of some psychological traits of an individual personality, which, in turn, may influence the choice of his/her type of activity. The aim of this study was to find associations of the Taq1A and Val66Met polymorphisms and frequencies of corresponding genotypes with definite personal traits and the choice of the type of activity. Methods. 94 people successfully engaged in business were interviewed with the Mini-Mult Psychological Inventory (MMPI), Zuckerman’s scale (SSS, sensation seeking scale) and scale of personality traits of the Big Five (TIPI). After that, alleles A1 and A2 of the DRD2 gene and alleles Val and Met of the BDNF gene were identified in their DNA samples using the PCR technique. Statistical methods were used to find significant associations between levels of personality trait manifestations and carriage of definite genotypes. Results. А2А2Val/Val homozygotes and А1/А2Val/Met diheterozygotes demonstrated the greatest need for sensation-seeking according to the Zuckerman’s SSS scale and also the maximal «Openness to experience» and the minimal «Extraversion» according to personality traits of the Big Five TIPI scale. The questions of the Mini-Mult test (MMPI) showed increased predisposition to conflict for the A2/A2/Met

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
Bhadkamkar M. ◽  
Rejani T.G. ◽  
Arvind A.

Introduction: The relation between criminal behavior and different dimensions of personality features were studied extensively and available literature on offenders has described different personality traits observed in them. However very few literature is available on Indian population. Aim: To find the prominent personality traits, attribution styles used and level of sensation seeking among prisoners. Method: the study design used was cross-sectional design. 30 offenders from Sabarmati Central Jail were selected using purposive sampling. Tools: To assess attribution style, personality traits and sensation seeking behavior, following tool were used. Attribution Style Questionnaire, Eysenck‘s Personality Questionnaire, Brief Sensation Seeking Scale Result:43% prisoners scored high on neuroticism trait. 55% prisoners showed extraversion and 60 % females showed neuroticism as a predominant personality trait. 66.67 % prisoners had internal locus of control. 76.67 % prisoners had low level of sensation seeking. Implication: this study will throw light upon the criminal behavior and personality of prisoners which will be beneficial for future therapy work.

2008 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-91 ◽  
Solange Carton ◽  
Sophie Bayard ◽  
Céline Jouanne ◽  
Gilbert Lagrue

AbstractThe construct of emotional awareness refers to attending to, identifying, differentiating, and labelling emotions in oneself and in others. Forty-two smokers were evaluated before they stopped smoking and also filled out the Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS), the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), and the Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS). Subjects had low levels of emotional awareness and their scores on the emotional components of the TAS-20 were high in comparison to the general French population. No relationship was found between TAS-20 and LEAS, which confirms that these scales measure complementary dimensions of emotional processing that are only partially linked. Whereas sensation seeking was lower in self-rated alexithymic subjects, high scores on Boredom Susceptibility and total SSS among women were related to low LEAS scores. The results highlighted impairment of emotion processing in these subjects. Their state versus trait status is discussed, as well as their defensive functions. Treatment targeting emotional abilities enhancement for these subjects, as in other addictions, may help improve treatment of tobacco dependence.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (S1) ◽  
pp. s797-s797
J.F. Dourado ◽  
C. Marques ◽  
A.T. Pereira ◽  
V. Nogueira ◽  
A. Macedo ◽  

IntroductionPersonality traits such as Impulsivity and Sensation seeking are associated with aggressive and/or risky driving behaviour. Understanding the influence of these traits in the driving task is important to perform a more comprehensive study of road trauma, which is an increasing public health and economic concern.ObjectiveTo study the reliability and the construct validity of the Portuguese version of impulsive sensation seeking scale (ImpSS) using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (EFA and CFA).Methods747 participants [417 (55.8%) women; mean age = 42.13 ± 12.349 years; mean driving license years = 21.30 ± 11.338; mean years of regular driving = 20.33 ± 11.328] answered an online survey which included this scale, and other socio-demographic information. Inclusion criteria were: driving license and regular driving for at least three years and age lower than 75 years old. The total sample was randomly divided in two sub-samples, with sample A (n = 373) being used to perform EFA, and sample B to perform CFA.ResultsThe most acceptable factor model for ImpSS scale was the two-factor model found with EFA, excluding items 4, 6, 7 and 10 (χ2/df = 2.13; TLI = .90; CFI = .92; RMSEA = .05, P = .211). The internal consistency analysis resulted in: Sensation seeking, α = .79; Impulsivity, α = .76; total ImpSS score, α = .82.ConclusionsThese findings suggest that the ImpSS Scale is a valid and reliable measure to assess those personality traits in the Portuguese drivers.Disclosure of interestThe authors have not supplied their declaration of competing interest.

André Beauducel ◽  
Burkhard Brocke ◽  
Alexander Strobel ◽  
Anja Strobel

Abstract: Zuckerman postulated a biopsychological multilevel theory of Sensation Seeking, which is part of a more complex multi-trait theory, the Alternative Five. The Sensation Seeking Scale Form V (SSS V) was developed for the measurement of Sensation Seeking. The process of validation of Sensation Seeking as part of a multilevel theory includes analyses of relations within and between several levels of measurement. The present study investigates validity and basic psychometric properties of a German version of the SSS V in a broader context of psychometric traits. - The 120 participants were mainly students. They completed the SSS V, the Venturesomeness- and Impulsiveness-Scales of the IVE, the BIS/BAS-Scales, the ZKPQ and the NEO-FFI. - The results reveal acceptable psychometric properties for the SSS V but with limitations with regard to factor structure. Indications for criterion validity were obtained by prediction of substance use by the subscales Dis and BS. The results of a MTMM analysis, especially the convergent validities of the SSS V were quite satisfying. On the whole, the results yielded sufficient support for the validity of the Sensation Seeking construct or the instrument respectively. They also point to desirable modifications.

2012 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18 ◽  
Marcus Roth ◽  
Philipp Hammelstein

Based on the conception of sensation seeking as a need rather than a temperamental trait ( Hammelstein, 2004 ), we present a new assessment method, the Need Inventory of Sensation Seeking (NISS), which is considered to assess a motivational disposition. Three studies are presented: The first examined the factorial structure and the reliability of the German versions of the NISS; the second study compared the German and the English versions of the NISS; and finally, the validity of the NISS was examined in a nonclinical study and compared to the validity of conventional methods of assessing sensation seeking (Sensation Seeking Scale – Form V; SSS-V). Compared to the SSS-V, the NISS shows better reliability and validity in addition to providing new research possibilities including application in experimental areas.

2010 ◽  
James D. Sargent ◽  
Susanne Tanski ◽  
Mike Stoolmiller ◽  
Reiner Hanewinkel

State police forces in Africa are a curiously neglected subject of study, even within the framework of security issues and African states. This book brings together criminologists, anthropologists, sociologists, historians, political scientists and others who have engaged with police forces across the continent and the publics with whom they interact to provide street-level perspectives from below and inside Africa’s police forces. The contributors consider historical trajectories and particular configurations of police power within wider political systems, then examine the ‘inside view’ of police forces as state institutions – the challenges, preoccupations, professional ethics and self-perceptions of police officers – and finally look at how African police officers go about their work in terms of everyday practices and engagements with the public.The studies span the continent, from South Africa to Sierra Leone, and illustrate similarities and differences in Anglophone, Francophone and Lusophone states, post-socialist, post-military and post-conflict contexts, and amid both centralizsation and devolution of policing powers, democratic transitions and new illiberal regimes, all the while keeping a strong ethnographic focus on police officers and their work.

Yubing Zheng ◽  
Yang Ma ◽  
Nan Li ◽  
Jianchuan Cheng

In recent years, the increasing rate of road crashes involving cyclists with a disproportionate overrepresentation in injury statistics has become a major concern in road safety and public health. However, much remains unknown about factors contributing to cyclists’ high crash rates, especially those related to personal characteristics. This study aims to explore the influence of cyclist personality traits and cycling behaviors on their road safety outcomes using a mediated model combining these constructs. A total of 628 cyclists completed an online questionnaire consisting of questions related to cycling anger, impulsiveness, normlessness, sensation seeking, risky cycling behaviors, and involvement in crash-related conditions in the past year. After the psychometric properties of the employed scales were examined, the relationships among the tested constructs were investigated using structural equation modeling. The results showed that cyclists’ crash risks were directly predicted by risky cycling behaviors and cycling anger, and the effects of cycling anger, impulsiveness, as well as normlessness on crash risks, were mediated by cycling behaviors. The current findings provide insight into the importance of personality traits in impacting cycling safety and could facilitate the development of evidence-based prevention and promotion strategies targeting cyclists in China.

Leon Hirvelä ◽  
Pyry N. Sipilä ◽  
Anna Keski-Rahkonen

Abstract Purpose The association of bulimic symptoms with sensation seeking is uncertain; however, both behaviors have been linked to alcohol problems. We assessed in a longitudinal, community-based setting whether sensation seeking in adolescence is associated with bulimic symptoms in early adulthood, also accounting for alcohol problems. Methods Finnish men (N = 2000) and women (N = 2467) born between 1974–1979 completed Zuckerman’s sensation seeking scale (SSS) at age 18. Alcohol problems (Malmö-modified Michigan alcoholism screening test (Mm-MAST) and bulimic symptoms [eating disorder inventory-2, bulimia subscale (EDI-Bulimia), population and clinical scoring systems] were defined at age 22–27. We examined relationships between SSS, Mm-MAST, and EDI-Bulimia using Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) and linear regression. Results Alcohol problems were moderately correlated with sensation seeking and bulimic symptoms (population scoring) among women and men (r = 0.21–0.31). The correlation between sensation seeking and bulimic symptoms (population scoring) was weak among men (r = 0.06, p = 0.006) and even weaker and non-significant among women (r = 0.03, p = 0.214). Adjustment for alcohol problems removed the association between sensation seeking and bulimic symptoms among men. Furthermore, there were no significant correlations between sensation seeking and bulimic symptoms when assessing EDI-Bulimia clinical scoring. Conclusion Sensation seeking and bulimic symptoms were not associated among women. The association between sensation seeking and bulimic symptoms among men was entirely attributable to increased alcohol problems among those with higher sensation seeking. While this association may be important on the population level, its clinical significance may be minor. Level of evidence Level III, well-designed cohort study.

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