Recognition of Human Shapes from Video Images by Deformable Template Matching and Neural Network

1998 ◽  
Vol 31 (29) ◽  
pp. 48
Shunta Tate ◽  
Souichi Oka ◽  
Yoshiyasu Takefuji
Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 262
Chih-Yung Huang ◽  
Zaky Dzulfikri

Stamping is one of the most widely used processes in the sheet metalworking industry. Because of the increasing demand for a faster process, ensuring that the stamping process is conducted without compromising quality is crucial. The tool used in the stamping process is crucial to the efficiency of the process; therefore, effective monitoring of the tool health condition is essential for detecting stamping defects. In this study, vibration measurement was used to monitor the stamping process and tool health. A system was developed for capturing signals in the stamping process, and each stamping cycle was selected through template matching. A one-dimensional (1D) convolutional neural network (CNN) was developed to classify the tool wear condition. The results revealed that the 1D CNN architecture a yielded a high accuracy (>99%) and fast adaptability among different models.

1996 ◽  
Vol 07 (05) ◽  
pp. 559-568 ◽  
R. RALLO ◽  

An implementation of a Fuzzy Artmap neural network is used to detect and to identify (recognise) structures (patterns) embedded in the velocity field of a turbulent wake behind a circular cylinder. The net is trained to recognise both clockwise and anticlockwise eddies present in the u and v velocity fields at 420 diameters downstream of the cylinder that generates the wake, using a pre-processed part of the recorded velocity data. The phase relationship that exists between the angles of the velocity vectors of an eddy pattern is used to reduce the number of classes contained in the data, before the start of the training procedure. The net was made stricter by increasing the vigilance parameter within the interval [0.90, 0.95] and a set of net-weights were obtained for each value. Full data files were scanned with the net classifying patterns according to their phase characteristics. The net classifies about 27% of the recorded signals as eddy motions, with the strictest vigilance parameter and without the need to impose external initial templates. Spanwise distances (homogeneous direction of the flow) within the centres of the eddies identified suggest that they form pairs of counter-rotating vortices (double rollers). The number of patterns selected with Fuzzy Artmap is lower than that reported for template matching because the net classifies eddies according to the recirculating pattern present at the core or central region, while template matching extends the region over which correlation between data and template is performed. In both cases, the topology of educed patterns is in agreement.

Horacio M. González Velasco ◽  
Carlos J. García Orellana ◽  
Miguel Macías Macías ◽  
Ramón Gallardo Caballero ◽  
M. Isabel Acevedo Sotoca

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (12) ◽  
pp. 3331-3339
Xiaolei Yu ◽  
Yujun Zhou ◽  
Zhenlu Liu ◽  
Zhimin Zhao

In this paper, a multi-tag optimization method based on image analysis and particle swarm optimization (PSO) neural network is proposed to verify the effect of radio frequency identification (RFID) multi-tag distribution on the performance of the system. A RFID tag detection system is proposed with two charge coupled device (CCD). This system can automatically focus on the tag according to its position, so it can obtain the image information more accurately by template matching and edge detection method. Therefore, the spatial structure of multi-tag and the corresponding reading distance can be obtained for training. Because of its excellent performance in multi-objective optimization, the PSO neural network is used to train and predict multi-tag distribution at the maximum reading distance. Compared with other neural networks, PSO is more accurate and its uptime is shorter for RFID multi-tag analysis.

2012 ◽  
Rubita Sudirman ◽  
Sh. Hussain Salleh ◽  
Shaharuddin Salleh

Kertas kerja ini membentangkan pemprosesan semula ciri pertuturan pemalar Pengekodan Ramalan Linear (LPC) bagi menyediakan template rujukan yang boleh diharapkan untuk set perkataan yang hendak dicam menggunakan rangkaian neural buatan. Kertas kerja ini juga mencadangkan penggunaan cirian kenyaringan yang ditakrifkan dari data pertuturan sebagai satu lagi ciri input. Algoritma Warping Masa Dinamik (DTW) menjadi asas kepada algoritma baru yang dibangunkan, ia dipanggil sebagai DTW padanan bingkai (DTW–FF). Algoritma ini direka bentuk untuk melakukan padanan bingkai bagi pemprosesan semula input LPC. Ia bertujuan untuk menyamakan bilangan bingkai input dalam set ujian dengan set rujukan. Pernormalan bingkaian ini adalah diperlukan oleh rangkaian neural yang direka untuk membanding data yang harus mempunyai kepanjangan yang sama, sedangkan perkataan yang sama dituturkan dengan kepanjangan yang berbeza–beza. Dengan melakukan padanan bingkai, bingkai input dan rujukan boleh diubahsuai supaya bilangan bingkaian sama seperti bingkaian rujukan. Satu lagi misi kertas kerja ini ialah mentakrif dan menggunakan cirian kenyaringan menggunakan algoritma penapis harmonik. Selepas kenyaringan ditakrif dan pemalar LPC dinormalkan kepada bilangan bingkaian dikehendaki, pengecaman pertuturan menggunakan rangkaian neural dilakukan. Keputusan yang baik diperoleh sehingga mencapai ketepatan setinggi 98% menggunakan kombinasi cirian DTW–FF dan cirian kenyaringan. Di akhir kertas kerja ini, perbandingan kadar convergence antara Conjugate gradient descent (CGD), Quasi–Newton, dan Steepest Gradient Descent (SGD) dilakukan untuk mendapatkan arah carian titik global yang optimal. Keputusan menunjukkan CGD memberikan nilai titik global yang paling optimal dibandingkan dengan Quasi–Newton dan SGD. Kata kunci: Warping masa dinamik, pernormalan masa, rangkaian neural, pengecaman pertuturan, conjugate gradient descent A pre–processing of linear predictive coefficient (LPC) features for preparation of reliable reference templates for the set of words to be recognized using the artificial neural network is presented in this paper. The paper also proposes the use of pitch feature derived from the recorded speech data as another input feature. The Dynamic Time Warping algorithm (DTW) is the back–bone of the newly developed algorithm called DTW fixing frame algorithm (DTW–FF) which is designed to perform template matching for the input preprocessing. The purpose of the new algorithm is to align the input frames in the test set to the template frames in the reference set. This frame normalization is required since NN is designed to compare data of the same length, however same speech varies in their length most of the time. By doing frame fixing, the input frames and the reference frames are adjusted to the same number of frames according to the reference frames. Another task of the study is to extract pitch features using the Harmonic Filter algorithm. After pitch extraction and linear predictive coefficient (LPC) features fixed to a desired number of frames, speech recognition using neural network can be performed and results showed a very promising solution. Result showed that as high as 98% recognition can be achieved using combination of two features mentioned above. At the end of the paper, a convergence comparison between conjugate gradient descent (CGD), Quasi–Newton, and steepest gradient descent (SGD) search direction is performed and results show that the CGD outperformed the Newton and SGD. Key words: Dynamic time warping, time normalization, neural network, speech recognition, conjugate gradient descent

2007 ◽  
Vol 38 (5) ◽  
pp. 80-89 ◽  
Yujin Yokogawa ◽  
Nobuo Funabiki ◽  
Teruo Higashino ◽  
Masashi Oda ◽  
Yoshihide Mori

2012 ◽  
Vol 542-543 ◽  
pp. 741-744
Chang Zhong Hao ◽  
Feng Han

Acupoints positioning and tracking technology (APTT) is the key technology of Chinese massage robot (CMR) and the premise to ensure the efficacy of massage. Research status of APTT are introduced, with emphasis on APTT based on vision, based on template matching (TM), and based on Back-Propagation neural network (BPNN). Moreover, the shortcomings of existing techniques and the prospect of the techniques are discussed in this paper.

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